Please cite as (02 September 2016) GBIF Occurrence Download

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    And All must apply
  • Scientific name Geocalyx graveolens (Schrad.) Nees
  • Geometry POLYGON((-9.84375 33.137551,-18.28125 47.040182,-28.828124 63.548552,-24.609375 66.791909,2.8125 78.061989,14.0625 81.413933,40.078125 82.021378,60.46875 82.940326,75.234375 80.760614,72.421875 75.672197,63.28125 71.074056,56.953125 52.908902,49.921874 51.179342,47.8125 43.068887,33.046875 33.137551,12.65625 37.718590,-9.84375 33.137551))
To repeat the download on current data, you can use below query with the API. Read more
  "type": "and",
  "predicates": [
      "type": "equals",
      "key": "TAXON_KEY",
      "value": "2689018",
      "matchCase": false
      "type": "within",
      "geometry": "POLYGON((-9.84375 33.137551,-18.28125 47.040182,-28.828124 63.548552,-24.609375 66.791909,2.8125 78.061989,14.0625 81.413933,40.078125 82.021378,60.46875 82.940326,75.234375 80.760614,72.421875 75.672197,63.28125 71.074056,56.953125 52.908902,49.921874 51.179342,47.8125 43.068887,33.046875 33.137551,12.65625 37.718590,-9.84375 33.137551))"

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