Wintering wildfowl in Portugal – 1992-1993
Encarnação V, Costa L T, Guedes R, da Costa L (2022). Wintering wildfowl in Portugal – 1992-1993. ICNF - Instituto da Conservação da Natureza e das Florestas. Sampling event dataset accessed via on 2024-12-15.Description
This dataset is based on monthly wildfowl counts in Portugal, from October 1992 to March 1993. Up to 59 wetlands sites were included in the censuses and all species of ducks, geese and swans, grebes, coots and cormorants were counted regularly. The results of each species counts are presented in a report, Costa L.T. & Guedes R.S. (1994) Contagens de Anatídeos Invernantes em Portugal – 1992/93, with the distribution of Anatidae (15 species), Rallidae (1 species), Phalacrocoracidae (1 species), and Podicipedidae (2 species).Sampling Description
Study Extent
This report was covering from October 1992 to March 1993 of survey.Sampling
A total of 59 wetlands were considered during the survey, with 19 wetlands as priority areas (with at least 10% of the national total number for the considered species). The time schedule was created following: (1) the counting process with short time scale to avoid overcounting specimens moving between close wetlands; (2) the higher tidal variation to get more wildfowl species in estuaries; (3) the avoidance of hunting days to reduce impact on counting. In estuaries, the counting was performed by boat. In all other wetlands, birdwatchers were distributed to get the best area coverage.Quality Control
All initial data was inserted in a specific relational database built specifically for the project, which implemented several quality control methods. In the preparation of the dataset for the GBIF publication, data consistency was verified through cluster algorithms using OpenRefine.Method steps
- (1) Aggregation of original data from several sources (see above) into a purpose specific relational database built for the project. (2) Preparation of the dataset for GBIF publication used as source the geographic layer in shapefile format. The data layer was a vector layer containing points. The following steps were performed: - Used the WGS84 points to extract the locations from the CAOP2020; - Exported to csv and reinterpreted attributes matching to DwC standard terms.
Taxonomic Coverages
This dataset is composed by a total of 2484 records of 19 wildfowl species, 10 genera, 4 families:
15 species of Anatidae
1 species of Rallidae
1 species of Phalacrocoracidae
2 species of Podicipedidae
Anas creccarank: species
Mareca peneloperank: species
Anas platyrhynchosrank: species
Mareca streperarank: species
Fulica atrarank: species
Phalacrocorax carborank: species
Tachybaptus ruficollisrank: species
Anas acutarank: species
Spatula clypeatarank: species
Anser anserrank: species
Aythya fuligularank: species
Aythya ferinarank: species
Netta rufinarank: species
Podiceps cristatusrank: species
Spatula querquedularank: species
Aythya nyrocarank: species
Mergus serratorrank: species
Tadorna tadornarank: species
Aythya marilarank: species
Geographic Coverages
Mainland Portugal
Bibliographic Citations
- Costa L.T., Guedes R.S. 1994. Contagens de Anatídeos Invernantes em Portugal - 1992/93. Estudos de Biologia e Conservação da Natureza, 14. Instituto da Conservação da Natureza, Lisboa, 40 pp. -
Vitor Encarnaçãooriginator
position: Conservation and Monitoring Senior Officer
Luis T. Costa
R.S. Guedes
Luis da Costa
metadata author
position: Researcher
Instituto Superior de Agronomia
Teresa Pimenta
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position: Information System Senior Officer
Mário Reis
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position: Conservation and Monitoring Senior Officer