Inventario y monitoreo del Canal de Infiernillo para el comanejo de los recursos marinos en el territorio Seri, Golfo de California
Torre Cosío J, Comisión nacional para el conocimiento y uso de la biodiversidad C (2024). Inventario y monitoreo del Canal de Infiernillo para el comanejo de los recursos marinos en el territorio Seri, Golfo de California. Comisión nacional para el conocimiento y uso de la biodiversidad. Occurrence dataset accessed via on 2024-12-12.Description
El presente proyecto se llevará acabo en el Canal Infiernillo, Golfo de California durante 1998 y 1999. Los objetivos particulares de este estudio son: 1) Un inventario biológico de la diversidad marina y costera del canal, 2) Un protocolo base para el monitoreo a largo plazo de los recursos marinos clave en el Canal con participación de la comunidad Seri. En esta primera etapa del inventario, se incluirán únicamente pastos marinos, moluscos (bivalvos, caracoles, liebres de mar, quitones y pulpos), equinodermos (estrellas de mar, estrellas de mar frágiles, erizos, galletas de mar, y pepinos de mar), jaibas, peces, tortugas marinas, aves costeras y mamíferos marinos. Para llevar a cabo el inventario se usarán siete fuentes de información: 1) literatura; 2) notas de campo y reportes no publicados; 3) registros en colecciones en el extranjero y en México; 4) especímenes provenientes de las pesquerías en el área; 5) recolectas independientes mediante ictiocidas, redes y dragas; 6) identificación visual en el campo usando conteos de punto y transectos lineales; y 7) conocimiento tradicional Seri. El segundo objetivo se realizará mediante la identificación de fundamentos ecológicos (especies, clave, relaciones tróficas y sitios de importante ecología) y a partir de la identificación de bases metodológicas (tipo número de transectos y cuadrantes, esfuerzo de muestreo, forma y nivel de involucramiento de la tribu Seri y sus recursos financieros). En este protocolo se tendrá especial énfasis en el estudio de los pastos marinos (Zoostera marina y Ruppia maritima) con hábitat indicador de la salud y estado de conservación del ecosistema.
Reino: 2 Filo: 4 Clase: 13 Orden: 86 Familia: 210 Género: 387 Subgénero: 38 Especie: 564 Epitetoinfraespecifico: 26
Taxonomic Coverages
Animaliarank: kingdom
Plantaerank: kingdom
Chordatarank: phylum
Molluscarank: phylum
Echinodermatarank: phylum
Tracheophytarank: phylum
Avesrank: class
Bivalviarank: class
Asteroidearank: class
Osteichthyesrank: class
Gastropodarank: class
Chondrichthyesrank: class
Polyplacophorarank: class
Equisetopsidarank: class
Ophiuroidearank: class
Holothuroidearank: class
Echinoidearank: class
Mammaliarank: class
Cephalopodarank: class
Suliformesrank: order
Veneridarank: order
Valvatidarank: order
Gobiiformesrank: order
Pleuronectiformesrank: order
Perciformesrank: order
Blenniiformesrank: order
Charadriiformesrank: order
Myliobatiformesrank: order
Accipitriformesrank: order
Acanthuriformesrank: order
Carditidarank: order
Neogastropodarank: order
Chitonidarank: order
Alismatalesrank: order
Anseriformesrank: order
Carangiformesrank: order
Ophiuridarank: order
Tetraodontiformesrank: order
Pelecaniformesrank: order
Albuliformesrank: order
Trochidarank: order
Spinulosidarank: order
Aspidochirotidarank: order
Patellidarank: order
Carcharhiniformesrank: order
Podicipediformesrank: order
Spariformesrank: order
Siluriformesrank: order
Gaviiformesrank: order
Arcidarank: order
Pectinidarank: order
Gobiesociformesrank: order
Diadematoidarank: order
Arbacioidarank: order
Lucinidarank: order
Mugiliformesrank: order
Cidaroidarank: order
Torpediniformesrank: order
Mytilidarank: order
Cetacearank: order
Clupeiformesrank: order
Gruiformesrank: order
Scorpaeniformesrank: order
Incertae sedisrank: order
Elopiformesrank: order
Beloniformesrank: order
Pteriidarank: order
Anguilliformesrank: order
Aulopiformesrank: order
Atheriniformesrank: order
Spatangoidarank: order
Kurtiformesrank: order
Camarodontarank: order
Aplysiidarank: order
Lepetellidarank: order
Paxillosidarank: order
Coraciiformesrank: order
Euryalidarank: order
Procellariiformesrank: order
Clypeasteroidarank: order
Cycloneritidarank: order
Cephalaspidearank: order
Labriformesrank: order
Syngnathiformesrank: order
Forcipulatidarank: order
Pristiformesrank: order
Lophiiformesrank: order
Scombriformesrank: order
Carnivorarank: order
Ostreidarank: order
Squatiniformesrank: order
Phaethontiformesrank: order
Octopodarank: order
Systellommatophorarank: order
Moroniformesrank: order
Ophidiiformesrank: order
Apodidarank: order
Myidarank: order
Dendrochirotidarank: order
Batrachoidiformesrank: order
Myopsidarank: order
Gadiformesrank: order
Istiophoriformesrank: order
Heterodontiformesrank: order
Chimaeriformesrank: order
Phalacrocoracidaerank: family
Veneridaerank: family
Ophidiasteridaerank: family
Gobiidaerank: family
Hipponicidaerank: family
Pleuronectidaerank: family
Gerreidaerank: family
Labrisomidaerank: family
Haematopodidaerank: family
Paralichthyidaerank: family
Urolophidaerank: family
Pandionidaerank: family
Sciaenidaerank: family
Carditidaerank: family
Laridaerank: family
Pisaniidaerank: family
Serranidaerank: family
Ischnochitonidaerank: family
Zosteraceaerank: family
Anatidaerank: family
Carangidaerank: family
Amphiuridaerank: family
Kyphosidaerank: family
Scolopacidaerank: family
Balistidaerank: family
Strombidaerank: family
Ardeidaerank: family
Albulidaerank: family
Tegulidaerank: family
Blenniidaerank: family
Ophiocomidaerank: family
Chaenopsidaerank: family
Cardiidaerank: family
Muricidaerank: family
Echinasteridaerank: family
Holothuriidaerank: family
Lottiidaerank: family
Triakidaerank: family
Podicipedidaerank: family
Sparidaerank: family
Myliobatidaerank: family
Cynoglossidaerank: family
Haemulidaerank: family
Ariidaerank: family
Gaviidaerank: family
Pelecanidaerank: family
Malacanthidaerank: family
Urotrygonidaerank: family
Arcidaerank: family
Solecurtidaerank: family
Pectinidaerank: family
Gobiesocidaerank: family
Diadematidaerank: family
Arbaciidaerank: family
Lucinidaerank: family
Mugilidaerank: family
Cidaridaerank: family
Ophiolepididaerank: family
Carcharhinidaerank: family
Stercorariidaerank: family
Narcinidaerank: family
Ungulinidaerank: family
Mytilidaerank: family
Columbellidaerank: family
Eschrichtiidaerank: family
Tetraodontidaerank: family
Nassariidaerank: family
Engraulidaerank: family
Calliostomatidaerank: family
Pomacanthidaerank: family
Rallidaerank: family
Charadriidaerank: family
Scorpaenidaerank: family
Turbinidaerank: family
Pomacentridaerank: family
Lutjanidaerank: family
Dasyatidaerank: family
Balaenopteridaerank: family
Elopidaerank: family
Hemiramphidaerank: family
Pteriidaerank: family
Ophiodermatidaerank: family
Ophichthidaerank: family
Chamidaerank: family
Synodontidaerank: family
Turritellidaerank: family
Atherinopsidaerank: family
Delphinidaerank: family
Schizasteridaerank: family
Mitridaerank: family
Apogonidaerank: family
Echinometridaerank: family
Anomiidaerank: family
Aplysiidaerank: family
Terebridaerank: family
Ophionereididaerank: family
Fissurellidaerank: family
Luidiidaerank: family
Potamididaerank: family
Alcedinidaerank: family
Clupeidaerank: family
Echeneidaerank: family
Conidaerank: family
Littorinidaerank: family
Stichopodidaerank: family
Asterinidaerank: family
Dactyloscopidaerank: family
Sulidaerank: family
Gorgonocephalidaerank: family
Turridaerank: family
Cerithiidaerank: family
Acanthochitonidaerank: family
Calyptraeidaerank: family
Fregatidaerank: family
Donacidaerank: family
Astropectinidaerank: family
Isognomonidaerank: family
Asterodiscididaerank: family
Personidaerank: family
Hydrobatidaerank: family
Opistognathidaerank: family
Ophiothricidaerank: family
Triviidaerank: family
Bothidaerank: family
Mellitidaerank: family
Oreasteridaerank: family
Neritidaerank: family
Exocoetidaerank: family
Recurvirostridaerank: family
Callistoplacidaerank: family
Bullidaerank: family
Labridaerank: family
Vermetidaerank: family
Syngnathidaerank: family
Glycymerididaerank: family
Mullidaerank: family
Belonidaerank: family
Areneidaerank: family
Pinnidaerank: family
Planaxidaerank: family
Ophiactidaerank: family
Heliasteridaerank: family
Anhingidaerank: family
Olividaerank: family
Naticidaerank: family
Ruppiaceaerank: family
Batillariidaerank: family
Rhinobatidaerank: family
Muraenidaerank: family
Cassidaerank: family
Antennariidaerank: family
Gymnuridaerank: family
Phasianellidaerank: family
Scombridaerank: family
Otariidaerank: family
Achiridaerank: family
Ostreidaerank: family
Toxopneustidaerank: family
Threskiornithidaerank: family
Tripterygiidaerank: family
Squatinidaerank: family
Priacanthidaerank: family
Alcidaerank: family
Ovulidaerank: family
Congridaerank: family
Chaetopleuridaerank: family
Phaethontidaerank: family
Plakobranchidaerank: family
Loveniidaerank: family
Triglidaerank: family
Cymatiidaerank: family
Asteriidaerank: family
Noetiidaerank: family
Diodontidaerank: family
Volutidaerank: family
Octopodidaerank: family
Chitonidaerank: family
Onchidiidaerank: family
Crassatellidaerank: family
Ephippidaerank: family
Ophidiidaerank: family
Cancellariidaerank: family
Tonicellidaerank: family
Scyliorhinidaerank: family
Chiridotidaerank: family
Pholadidaerank: family
Spondylidaerank: family
Cypraeidaerank: family
Cucumariidaerank: family
Brissidaerank: family
Corbulidaerank: family
Nematistiidaerank: family
Solariellidaerank: family
Batrachoididaerank: family
Loliginidaerank: family
Sclerodactylidaerank: family
Prenasteridaerank: family
Procellariidaerank: family
Macrouridaerank: family
Fasciolariidaerank: family
Sphyraenidaerank: family
Semelidaerank: family
Heterodontidaerank: family
Gruidaerank: family
Chimaeridaerank: family
Haminoeidaerank: family
Tellinidaerank: family
Clypeasteridaerank: family
Mactridaerank: family
Colloniidaerank: family
Phalacrocoraxrank: genus
Chionerank: genus
Linckiarank: genus
Gillichthysrank: genus
Hipponixrank: genus
Hypsopsettarank: genus
Eucinostomusrank: genus
Stathmonotusrank: genus
Haematopusrank: genus
Etropusrank: genus
Urolophusrank: genus
Pandionrank: genus
Cynoscionrank: genus
Carditarank: genus
Chlidoniasrank: genus
Solenosteirarank: genus
Paralabraxrank: genus
Stenoplaxrank: genus
Zosterarank: genus
Phariarank: genus
Anasrank: genus
Bucephalarank: genus
Caranxrank: genus
Amphipholisrank: genus
Girellarank: genus
Actitisrank: genus
Trachinotusrank: genus
Larusrank: genus
Balistesrank: genus
Catoptrophorusrank: genus
Strombusrank: genus
Malacoctenusrank: genus
Nycticoraxrank: genus
Albularank: genus
Melanittarank: genus
Tegularank: genus
Aythyarank: genus
Hypsoblenniusrank: genus
Ophiocomarank: genus
Protemblemariarank: genus
Trigoniocardiarank: genus
Thaisrank: genus
Amphiurarank: genus
Protothacarank: genus
Echinasterrank: genus
Numeniusrank: genus
Holothuriarank: genus
Amphiodiarank: genus
Tringarank: genus
Collisellarank: genus
Mergusrank: genus
Laevicardiumrank: genus
Mustelusrank: genus
Podicepsrank: genus
Calamusrank: genus
Myliobatisrank: genus
Symphurusrank: genus
Xenistiusrank: genus
Calidrisrank: genus
Bagrerank: genus
Xystreurysrank: genus
Acanthinarank: genus
Sternarank: genus
Gaviarank: genus
Pelecanusrank: genus
Ardearank: genus
Caulolatilusrank: genus
Urotrygonrank: genus
Barbatiarank: genus
Tagelusrank: genus
Argopectenrank: genus
Tomicodonrank: genus
Astropygarank: genus
Arbaciarank: genus
Codakiarank: genus
Centrostephanusrank: genus
Mugilrank: genus
Eucidarisrank: genus
Ophiolepisrank: genus
Rhizoprionodonrank: genus
Stercorariusrank: genus
Narcinerank: genus
Diplodontarank: genus
Brantarank: genus
Modiolusrank: genus
Anachisrank: genus
Arcarank: genus
Mycteropercarank: genus
Eschrichtiusrank: genus
Sphoeroidesrank: genus
Paralichthysrank: genus
Nassariusrank: genus
Egrettarank: genus
Anchoviarank: genus
Limosarank: genus
Calliostomarank: genus
Pomacanthusrank: genus
Coralliozetusrank: genus
Fulicarank: genus
Charadriusrank: genus
Scorpaenarank: genus
Turborank: genus
Stegastesrank: genus
Lutjanusrank: genus
Columbellarank: genus
Dasyatisrank: genus
Coryphopterusrank: genus
Microlepidotusrank: genus
Balaenopterarank: genus
Ctenogobiusrank: genus
Elopsrank: genus
Chromisrank: genus
Anchoarank: genus
Hyporhamphusrank: genus
Pinctadarank: genus
Ophiodermarank: genus
Myrichthysrank: genus
Exerpesrank: genus
Chamarank: genus
Ophichthusrank: genus
Synodusrank: genus
Turritellarank: genus
Colpichthysrank: genus
Syaciumrank: genus
Tursiopsrank: genus
Clevelandiarank: genus
Rypticusrank: genus
Pseudorcarank: genus
Pectenrank: genus
Moirarank: genus
Ilypnusrank: genus
Haemulonrank: genus
Mitrarank: genus
Atractoscionrank: genus
Apogonrank: genus
Delphinusrank: genus
Echinometrarank: genus
Pherallodiscusrank: genus
Limnodromusrank: genus
Anomiarank: genus
Kyphosusrank: genus
Aplysiarank: genus
Terebrarank: genus
Ophionereisrank: genus
Diodorarank: genus
Luidiarank: genus
Cerithidearank: genus
Anisotremusrank: genus
Cerylerank: genus
Sardinopsrank: genus
Remorarank: genus
Phatariarank: genus
Chlorocerylerank: genus
Conusrank: genus
Morularank: genus
Littorinarank: genus
Hesperocidarisrank: genus
Epinephelusrank: genus
Isostichopusrank: genus
Asterinarank: genus
Dactyloscopusrank: genus
Sularank: genus
Astrocaneumrank: genus
Splendrilliarank: genus
Fissurellarank: genus
Cerithiumrank: genus
Acanthochitonarank: genus
Crepidularank: genus
Fregatarank: genus
Donaxrank: genus
Butoridesrank: genus
Xenomedearank: genus
Tethyasterrank: genus
Isognomonrank: genus
Amphiasterrank: genus
Distorsiorank: genus
Emblemariarank: genus
Lythrypnusrank: genus
Bairdiellarank: genus
Parequesrank: genus
Ophiuroconisrank: genus
Orthopristisrank: genus
Lepidozonarank: genus
Oceanodromarank: genus
Opistognathusrank: genus
Paraclinusrank: genus
Ophiothrixrank: genus
Crucibulumrank: genus
Triviarank: genus
Globicephalarank: genus
Barbuliferrank: genus
Leuresthesrank: genus
Bothusrank: genus
Encoperank: genus
Pentacerasterrank: genus
Oligoplitesrank: genus
Theodoxusrank: genus
Fodiatorrank: genus
Himantopusrank: genus
Arenariarank: genus
Callistochitonrank: genus
Bullarank: genus
Halichoeresrank: genus
Hemiramphusrank: genus
Vermetusrank: genus
Liocerithiumrank: genus
Quietularank: genus
Podilymbusrank: genus
Syngnathusrank: genus
Divalingarank: genus
Abudefdufrank: genus
Glycymerisrank: genus
Starksiarank: genus
Recurvirostrarank: genus
Trachycardiumrank: genus
Chaenopsisrank: genus
Mulloidichthysrank: genus
Strongylurarank: genus
Arenerank: genus
Atrinarank: genus
Phalaropusrank: genus
Megapitariarank: genus
Haemulopsisrank: genus
Lucapinellarank: genus
Pomadasysrank: genus
Fossarusrank: genus
Gobiosomarank: genus
Ophiactisrank: genus
Anserrank: genus
Heliasterrank: genus
Botaurusrank: genus
Elacatinusrank: genus
Anhingarank: genus
Agaroniarank: genus
Polinicesrank: genus
Ruppiarank: genus
Labrisomusrank: genus
Aechmophorusrank: genus
Mitrellarank: genus
Pseudochamarank: genus
Menticirrhusrank: genus
Rhinocorynerank: genus
Subcancillarank: genus
Hoplopagrusrank: genus
Rhinobatosrank: genus
Gymnothoraxrank: genus
Cassisrank: genus
Cantharusrank: genus
Antennariusrank: genus
Gymnurarank: genus
Tricoliarank: genus
Scomberomorusrank: genus
Zalophusrank: genus
Cosmioconcharank: genus
Oxyurarank: genus
Achirusrank: genus
Astropectenrank: genus
Ostrearank: genus
Lytechinusrank: genus
Gobiesoxrank: genus
Scomberrank: genus
Opisthonemarank: genus
Ajaiarank: genus
Crocodilichthysrank: genus
Gallinagorank: genus
Squatinarank: genus
Ixobrychusrank: genus
Pleuronichthysrank: genus
Pristigenysrank: genus
Oliviarank: genus
Synthliboramphusrank: genus
Ophiophragmusrank: genus
Acanthemblemariarank: genus
Myxodagnusrank: genus
Neorapanarank: genus
Simniarank: genus
Ariosomarank: genus
Chaetopleurarank: genus
Phaethonrank: genus
Tridachiellarank: genus
Loveniarank: genus
Eupleurarank: genus
Pinnarank: genus
Naticarank: genus
Serranusrank: genus
Umbrinarank: genus
Bodianusrank: genus
Prionotusrank: genus
Felaniellarank: genus
Cymatiumrank: genus
Ariusrank: genus
Astrometisrank: genus
Micropogoniasrank: genus
Atherinopsrank: genus
Pluvialisrank: genus
Patelloidarank: genus
Myrophisrank: genus
Petricolarank: genus
Arcopsisrank: genus
Phyllonotusrank: genus
Arumarank: genus
Neritarank: genus
Diodonrank: genus
Radsiellarank: genus
Lyriarank: genus
Gerresrank: genus
Octopusrank: genus
Pitarrank: genus
Chitonrank: genus
Hoffmannolarank: genus
Crassinellarank: genus
Chaetodipterusrank: genus
Periglyptarank: genus
Ophidionrank: genus
Pteropurpurarank: genus
Lyropectenrank: genus
Diplectrumrank: genus
Anadararank: genus
Trigonostomarank: genus
Hemipholisrank: genus
Nuttallinarank: genus
Triakisrank: genus
Cephaloscylliumrank: genus
Chiridotarank: genus
Rallusrank: genus
Bathygobiusrank: genus
Pholasrank: genus
Decodonrank: genus
Bubulcusrank: genus
Dosiniarank: genus
Etrumeusrank: genus
Eudocimusrank: genus
Bellatorrank: genus
Brachidontesrank: genus
Spondylusrank: genus
Cancellariarank: genus
Cypraearank: genus
Plegadisrank: genus
Muraenarank: genus
Pseudocnusrank: genus
Brissusrank: genus
Ophiopaepalerank: genus
Corbularank: genus
Nematistiusrank: genus
Aphrizarank: genus
Solariellarank: genus
Brissopsisrank: genus
Porichthysrank: genus
Loligorank: genus
Olivellarank: genus
Lithophagarank: genus
Athyonerank: genus
Agassiziarank: genus
Hippocampusrank: genus
Puffinusrank: genus
Fulmarusrank: genus
Hermosillarank: genus
Caelorinchusrank: genus
Chriolepisrank: genus
Latirusrank: genus
Carcharhinusrank: genus
Sphyraenarank: genus
Diapterusrank: genus
Jenneriarank: genus
Cosmocampusrank: genus
Clangularank: genus
Selarrank: genus
Seriolarank: genus
Hormospirarank: genus
Semelerank: genus
Heterodontusrank: genus
Citharichthysrank: genus
Grusrank: genus
Hydrolagusrank: genus
Haminoearank: genus
Tellinarank: genus
Dactylagnusrank: genus
Pseudupeneusrank: genus
Zapteryxrank: genus
Henriciarank: genus
Thalassomarank: genus
Thyonellarank: genus
Clypeasterrank: genus
Rangiarank: genus
Homalopomarank: genus
Olivarank: genus
Cephalopholisrank: genus
Stenoplaxrank: subgenus
Agathistomarank: subgenus
Callopomarank: subgenus
Pectenrank: subgenus
Anomiarank: subgenus
Ximeniconusrank: subgenus
Morularank: subgenus
Leptoconusrank: subgenus
Thericiumrank: subgenus
Lepidozonarank: subgenus
Crucibulumrank: subgenus
Vittoclithonrank: subgenus
Stenoradsiarank: subgenus
Atrinarank: subgenus
Leveniarank: subgenus
Polliarank: subgenus
Tagelusrank: subgenus
Polinicesrank: subgenus
Tricornisrank: subgenus
Naticariusrank: subgenus
Isognomonrank: subgenus
Turritritonrank: subgenus
Cymostylarank: subgenus
Enaetarank: subgenus
Chitonrank: subgenus
Potiarcarank: subgenus
Ventriliarank: subgenus
Dosiniarank: subgenus
Theliostylarank: subgenus
Zonnariarank: subgenus
Costoanachisrank: subgenus
Leukomarank: subgenus
Minoliarank: subgenus
Littorinarank: subgenus
Anadararank: subgenus
Semelerank: subgenus
Rangianellarank: subgenus
Panocochlearank: subgenus
Phalacrocorax aurituscommon name: doble-crested cormorant, cormorán orejudo, cormorán orejón rank: species
Chione undatellacommon name: frilled californian venus, almeja, almeja concha dura, almeja de bahía, almeja de lodo, almeja piedrera, almeja roñosa, venus roñosaa rank: species
Linckia columbiaecommon name: fragile star, estrella de mar rank: species
Gillichthys mirabiliscommon name: longjaw mudsucker, chupalodo grande rank: species
Hipponix pilosusrank: species
Hypsopsetta guttulatacommon name: diamond turbot, platija diamante rank: species
Eucinostomus entomelascommon name: mojarra, mojarra mancha negra rank: species
Stathmonotus sinuscalifornicicommon name: California worm blenny, tubícola gusano rank: species
Haematopus palliatuscommon name: american oystercatcher, ostrero americano rank: species
Etropus crossotuscommon name: lenguado ribete rank: species
Urolophus maculatuscommon name: spotted stingray, raya redonda de Cortés rank: species
Pandion haliaetuscommon name: sipuj, gavilán pescador, águila pescadora rank: species
Cynoscion parvipinniscommon name: shortfin weakfish, corvina aleta, corvina aleta corta rank: species
Cardita affiniscommon name: almeja de roca rank: species
Solenosteira macrospirarank: species
Paralabrax maculatofasciatuscommon name: spotted sand bass, cabrilla de roca rank: species
Stenoplax (Stenoplax) limaciformisrank: species
Zostera marinacommon name: eelgrass, pasto marino rank: species
Pharia pyramidatacommon name: yellow spotted star, estrella de mar rank: species
Anas americanacommon name: american wigeon, pato chalcuán rank: species
Caranx caninuscommon name: jurel, jurel toro rank: species
Amphipholis pugetanacommon name: ofiuro rank: species
Girella simplicidenscommon name: gulf opaleye, chopa ojo azul, chopa ópalo rank: species
Actitis maculariuscommon name: spotted sandpiper, playero alzacolita rank: species
Trachinotus kennedyicommon name: blackblotch pompano, pámpano gitano, pámpano plateado rank: species
Larus heermannicommon name: herring gull, gaviota ploma, gaviota plomiza rank: species
Balistes polylepiscommon name: cochito, cochi rank: species
Chione gnidiacommon name: venus vistosa rank: species
Catoptrophorus semipalmatuscommon name: willet rank: species
Strombus graciliorcommon name: combo del pacífico oriental, caracol burro, caracol de uña, caracol uña, cobo del Pacífico oriental rank: species
Malacoctenus hubbsicommon name: redside blenny, trambollo rojo rank: species
Nycticorax violaceacommon name: yellow-crawned night-heron rank: species
Melanitta perspicillatacommon name: surf scoter, negreta nuca blanca rank: species
Tegula (Agathistoma) cortezianarank: species
Aythya americanacommon name: red head, pato cabeza roja rank: species
Hypsoblennius gentiliscommon name: trambollito de bahía, borracho de bahía rank: species
Ophiocoma alexandricommon name: ofiuro rank: species
Protemblemaria bicirruscommon name: warthead blenny, tubícola tupido rank: species
Trigoniocardia biangulatacommon name: almeja, concha rank: species
Thais biseralisrank: species
Amphiura arcystatacommon name: ofiuro rank: species
Protothaca gratacommon name: lesser littleneck, almeja rank: species
Echinaster tenuispinacommon name: estrella de mar rank: species
Numenius americanuscommon name: long-billed curlew, zarapito pico largo rank: species
Holothuria arenicolacommon name: sea cucumber, pepino de mar rank: species
Amphiodia perierctacommon name: ofiuro rank: species
Bucephala albeolacommon name: bufflehead, pato monja rank: species
Tringa melanoleucacommon name: greater yellowlegs, patamarilla mayor rank: species
Collisella strigatellacommon name: caracol lapa rank: species
Mergus serratorcommon name: red-breasted merganser, mergo copetón rank: species
Laevicardium elatumcommon name: giant egg cockle, almeja amarilla gigante, almeja botijona, almeja gigante, berberecho, berberecho gigante rank: species
Mustelus lunulatuscommon name: cazón segador rank: species
Calamus brachysomuscommon name: Pacific porgy, pluma marotilla rank: species
Eucinostomus argenteuscommon name: mojarra plateada rank: species
Myliobatis californicacommon name: tecolote rank: species
Symphurus williamsicommon name: william's tonguefish, lengua amarilla, lengua amarillenta rank: species
Xenistius californiensiscommon name: salema rank: species
Bagre panamensiscommon name: chihuil sea catfish, bagre chihuil rank: species
Xystreurys liolepiscommon name: fantail flounder, lenguado cola de abanico rank: species
Acanthina angelicarank: species
Sterna eleganscommon name: elegant tern, charrán elegante rank: species
Gavia immercommon name: common loon, colimbo común, colimbo mayor rank: species
Pelecanus occidentaliscommon name: brown pelican, pelícano café, pelícano pardo rank: species
Ardea herodiascommon name: great blue heron, garza morena rank: species
Caulolatilus princepscommon name: ocean whitefish, blanquillo enigmático, pierna rank: species
Urotrygon rogersicommon name: Roger´s round ray, raya redonda de púas rank: species
Barbatia illotacommon name: pata de mula rank: species
Tagelus bourgeoisaecommon name: almeja rank: species
Argopecten circularisrank: species
Tomicodon humeraliscommon name: sonora clingfish, chupapiedra de Sonora rank: species
Astropyga pulvinatacommon name: sea urchin, erizo de mar rank: species
Collisella turverirank: species
Arbacia incisacommon name: sea urchin, erizo corazón rank: species
Codakia distinguendacommon name: almeja rank: species
Centrostephanus coronatuscommon name: sea urchin, erizo de mar rank: species
Mugil cephaluscommon name: lisa rayada, pardete rank: species
Eucidaris thouarsiicommon name: erizo de mar rank: species
Ophiolepis crassacommon name: ofiuro rank: species
Rhizoprionodon longuriocommon name: Pacific sharp nose shark, cazón bironche rank: species
Stercorarius pomarinuscommon name: pomarine jaeger, salteador pomarino, salteador robusto rank: species
Narcine entemedorcommon name: lesser electric ray, raya eléctrica gigante rank: species
Modiolus capaxcommon name: capax horse mussel, choro, mejillón californiano, mejillón choro, mejillón huaquilla rank: species
Anachis pygmaeacommon name: caracol paloma rank: species
Malacoctenus gigascommon name: sonora blenny, trambollo de Sonora rank: species
Arca mutabiliscommon name: pata de mula rank: species
Mycteroperca jordanicommon name: gulf grouper, baya rank: species
Eschrichtius robustuscommon name: gray whale, ballena gris rank: species
Sphoeroides lispuscommon name: chih, botete liso rank: species
Paralichthys aestuariuscommon name: Cortez flounder, lenguado de Cortés rank: species
Nassarius versicolorrank: species
Egretta rufescenscommon name: reddish egret, garceta rojiza, garza rojiza rank: species
Anchovia macrolepidotacommon name: anchoveta escamuda rank: species
Limosa fedoacommon name: marbled godwit, picopando canelo rank: species
Calliostoma palmerirank: species
Pomacanthus zonipectuscommon name: ángel de Cortés rank: species
Coralliozetus micropescommon name: scarletfin blenny, tubícola cara de cebra rank: species
Amphipholis perplexarank: species
Turbo (Callopoma) fluctuosuscommon name: turbante del Pacifico, caracol burgado, caracol de porcelana, caracol turbo, turbante del pacífico rank: species
Urolophus hallericommon name: round stingray, raya redonda común, redonda común rank: species
Stegastes rectifraenumcommon name: Cortez gregory, jaqueta de Cortés rank: species
Tegula rugosarank: species
Mycteroperca rosaceacommon name: leopard grouper, cabrilla sardinera rank: species
Lutjanus argentiventriscommon name: yellow snapper, pargo amarillo rank: species
Lutjanus coloradocommon name: colorado snapper, pargo colorado rank: species
Columbella strombiformisrank: species
Dasyatis breviscommon name: raya de espina, raya látigo redonda rank: species
Eucinostomus graciliscommon name: graceful mojarra, mojarra charrita rank: species
Coryphopterus urospiluscommon name: redlight goby, gobio semáforo rank: species
Microlepidotus inornatuscommon name: wavyline grunt, ronco rayadillo, ronco rayadito rank: species
Balaenoptera edenicommon name: Bryde's whale, ballena de Bryde, rorcual tropical rank: species
Caranx melampyguscommon name: bluefin travelly, jurel aleta azul, jurel de aleta azul rank: species
Aythya affiniscommon name: lesser scaup, pato boludo menor rank: species
Nassarius moestusrank: species
Larus philadelphiacommon name: Bonaparte´s gull, gaviota de Bonaparte rank: species
Ctenogobius sagittulacommon name: gobio aguzado rank: species
Barbatia alternatacommon name: pata de mula rank: species
Elops affiniscommon name: machete del Pacífico rank: species
Chromis limbaughicommon name: castañeta de limbaughi, castañeta mexicana rank: species
Anchoa hellericommon name: anchoa del Golfo rank: species
Pinctada mazatlanicacommon name: Mazatlán pearl oyster, madreperla, ostra perlera nacarada rank: species
Anchoa ischanacommon name: anchoa chicotera rank: species
Ophioderma panamensiscommon name: ofiuro rank: species
Sphoeroides annulatuscommon name: bullseye puffer, botete diana rank: species
Myrichthys tigrinuscommon name: tieso manchado, tieso tigre rank: species
Exerpes aspercommon name: sargassum blenny, trambollo sargacero rank: species
Sterna maximacommon name: royal tern, charrán real rank: species
Chama mexicanacommon name: concha joyero mexicana, almeja joyero rank: species
Ophichthus triserialiscommon name: Pacific snake-eel, tieso del Pacífico rank: species
Synodus luciocepscommon name: chile, chile lucio rank: species
Turritella gonostomacommon name: concha sacabocados, pirilín rank: species
Colpichthys regiscommon name: false grunion, pejerrey charal rank: species
Syacium ovalecommon name: oval flounder, lenguado ovalado rank: species
Tursiops truncatuscommon name: bottlenose dolphin, delfín mular, delfín nariz de botella, tonina, tursión rank: species
Clevelandia ioscommon name: gobio flecha rank: species
Symphurus atramentatuscommon name: lengua tintorera, lengua mediomanchada rank: species
Rypticus nigripinniscommon name: twice spotted soapfish, jabonero doble punteado rank: species
Pseudorca crassidenscommon name: false killer whale, orca bastarda, orca falsa rank: species
Pecten (Pecten) vogdesicommon name: Vodge's scallop, almeja voladora rank: species
Moira clothocommon name: erizo corazón rank: species
Ilypnus gilberticommon name: gobio mejilla manchada rank: species
Haemulon flaviguttatumcommon name: yellowspotted grunt, burro de Cortés, ronco de Cortés rank: species
Mitra tristisrank: species
Atractoscion nobiliscommon name: white weakfish, corvina cabaicucho rank: species
Apogon retrosellacommon name: barspot cardinalfish, cardenal de Cortés rank: species
Paralichthys woolmanicommon name: speckled flounder, lenguado huarache rank: species
Delphinus delphiscommon name: common dolphin, delfín común, delfín común de rostro corto, delfín común de rostro largo rank: species
Echinometra vanbrunticommon name: sea urchin, erizo de mar rank: species
Pherallodiscus funebriscommon name: fraildisc clingfish, chupapiedra discofrágil norteña rank: species
Mugil curemacommon name: lisa blanca rank: species
Limnodromus scolopaceuscommon name: long-billed dowitcher, costurero pico largo rank: species
Anomia (Anomia) peruvianacommon name: peruvian jingle shell, ostión papelillo rank: species
Kyphosus analoguscommon name: blue-bronze sea chub, chopa amarilla, chopa rayada rank: species
Aplysia californicacommon name: liebre de mar de California rank: species
Terebra variegatarank: species
Trachinotus paitensiscommon name: pámpano paloma rank: species
Ophionereis perplexacommon name: ofiuro rank: species
Diodora inaequalisrank: species
Luidia phragmacommon name: estrella de mar rank: species
Cerithidea albonodosarank: species
Scorpaena sonoraecommon name: pez escorpión de Sonora, escorpión de Sonora rank: species
Anisotremus davidsoniicommon name: sargo, rayado, sargo rayado rank: species
Ceryle alcyoncommon name: belted kingfisher, martín pescador norteño rank: species
Sardinops caeruleuscommon name: California pilchard, sardina Monterrey rank: species
Remora remoracommon name: rémora, rémora tiburonera rank: species
Phataria unifascialiscommon name: tan star, estrella de mar rank: species
Chloroceryle americanacommon name: martín pescador verde rank: species
Nassarius miserrank: species
Conus (Ximeniconus) tornatusrank: species
Morula (Morula) ferruginosarank: species
Tegula (Agathistoma) marianarank: species
Littorina asperarank: species
Sterna antillarumcommon name: least tern, charrán mínimo rank: species
Hypsoblennius jenkinsicommon name: trambollito de los chorros, borracho mejillonero rank: species
Hesperocidaris perplexacommon name: erizo de mar rank: species
Isostichopus fuscuscommon name: pepino de mar rank: species
Conus (Leptoconus) regularisrank: species
Asterina miniatacommon name: estrella de mar rank: species
Dactyloscopus pectoraliscommon name: roosterfish, miraestrellas fisgona rank: species
Sula leucogastercommon name: brown booby, bobo café rank: species
Astrocaneum spinosumcommon name: estrella canasta rank: species
Amphipholis puntarenaecommon name: ofiuro rank: species
Splendrillia bratcheraerank: species
Caranx otryntercommon name: cocinero chicuaca, cocinero chicuaca, jurel chicuaca rank: species
Fissurella virescenscommon name: green panama keyhole limpet, fisurela verde rank: species
Cerithium (Thericium) stercusmuscarumcommon name: caracol agarista rank: species
Larus livenscommon name: yellow footed gull, gaviota bajacaliforniana, gaviota pata amarilla rank: species
Egretta thulacommon name: snowy egret, garceta pie-dorado, garza dedos dorados rank: species
Conus (Ximeniconus) perplexusrank: species
Crepidula striolatarank: species
Fregata magnificenscommon name: magnificent frigatebird, fragata magnífica, fragata tijereta rank: species
Donax graciliscommon name: gracile donax, almeja, coquina menuda, coquinas rank: species
Butorides virescenscommon name: garza verde, garceta verde, garcita verde rank: species
Xenomedea rhodopygacommon name: trambollito nalga roja rank: species
Chione amathusiacommon name: almeja rank: species
Tethyaster canaliculatuscommon name: estrella de mar rank: species
Amphiaster insigniscommon name: spiny star, estrella de mar rank: species
Crepidula uncatarank: species
Emblemaria hypacanthuscommon name: trambollito señal, tubícola flamante rank: species
Lythrypnus dallicommon name: bluebanded goby, gobio bonito rank: species
Bairdiella icistiacommon name: ronco croaker, corvineta ronco, ronco roncacho rank: species
Nassarius angulicostisrank: species
Gavia stellatacommon name: red throated loon, colimbo menor rank: species
Pareques violacommon name: rock croaker, payasito gungo rank: species
Hipponix serratusrank: species
Ophiuroconis bispinosacommon name: ofiuro rank: species
Orthopristis reddingicommon name: burrito rayado rank: species
Synodus scitulicepscommon name: shorthead lizard, chile arpón rank: species
Lepidozona (Lepidozona) serratarank: species
Oceanodroma melaniacommon name: black storm-petrel, paíño negro rank: species
Opistognathus rhomaleuscommon name: giant jawfish, bocón gigante rank: species
Paraclinus altiveliscommon name: trambollo, trambollito juanete rank: species
Haemulon maculicaudacommon name: spottail grunt, burrito rasposo, burro rasposo rank: species
Ophiothrix spiculatacommon name: ofiuro rank: species
Crucibulum (Crucibulum) spinosumrank: species
Trivia solandrirank: species
Collisella stanfordianarank: species
Chione subrugosacommon name: semi-rough venus, almeja, almeja china rank: species
Globicephala macrorhynchuscommon name: short-finned pilot whale, ballena piloto, calderón, calderón de aletas cortas rank: species
Apogon atricauduscommon name: plain cardinalfish, cardenal sencillo rank: species
Barbulifer pantherinuscommon name: panther goby, gobio pantera rank: species
Leuresthes sardinacommon name: pejerrey sardina rank: species
Anachis coronatarank: species
Hyporhamphus rosaecommon name: California halfbeak, pajarito californiano rank: species
Pelecanus erythrorhynchoscommon name: american white pelican, pelícano blanco, pelícano blanco americano rank: species
Bothus leopardinuscommon name: lenguado leopardo del Pacífico rank: species
Encope grandiscommon name: galleta de mar rank: species
Symphurus fasciolariscommon name: banded tonguefish, lengua listada rank: species
Ophionereis annulatacommon name: ofiuro rank: species
Pentaceraster cumingicommon name: gulf star, estrella de mar rank: species
Oligoplites refulgenscommon name: piña flaca, zapatero raspa balsa rank: species
Theodoxus (Vittoclithon) luteofasciatusrank: species
Caranx vinctuscommon name: cocinero rank: species
Arenaria interprescommon name: ruddy turnstone, vuelvepiedras rojizo rank: species
Callistochiton gabbirank: species
Bulla gouldianacommon name: concha burbuja de Gould rank: species
Halichoeres semicinctuscommon name: señorita piedrera rank: species
Tomicodon boehlkeicommon name: Cortez clingfish, chupapiedra de Cortés rank: species
Stenoplax (Stenoradsia) magdalenensisrank: species
Halichoeres nicholsicommon name: spinster wrasse, señorita solterona rank: species
Vermetus indentatusrank: species
Liocerithium judithaerank: species
Quietula guaymasiaecommon name: gobio guaymense rank: species
Haemulon sexfasciatuscommon name: greybar grunt, burro almejero rank: species
Tegula eisenirank: species
Syngnathus auliscuscommon name: pez pipa, pez pipa anillado rank: species
Calidris mauricommon name: western sandpiper, playero occidental rank: species
Divalinga perparvulacommon name: almeja rank: species
Abudefduf troscheliicommon name: petaca banderita rank: species
Glycymeris multicostatacommon name: almeja indio rank: species
Starksia cremnobatescommon name: trambollito fugaz rank: species
Recurvirostra americanacommon name: avoceta americana rank: species
Trachycardium panamensecommon name: mexican cockle, almeja rank: species
Podiceps aurituscommon name: horned grebe, zambullidor cornudo rank: species
Terebra creniferarank: species
Charadrius wilsoniacommon name: Wilson's plover, chorlo pico grueso rank: species
Mulloidichthys dentatuscommon name: chivo barbón rank: species
Strongylura exiliscommon name: agujón californiano rank: species
Arene frickirank: species
Atrina (Atrina) tuberculosacommon name: tuberculate pin shell, callo de hacha, callo de hacha negra, callo de riñón, hacha botijona rank: species
Phalaropus tricolorcommon name: Wilson's phalarope, falaropo pico largo rank: species
Megapitaria squalidacommon name: squalid callista, almeja, almeja chocolata café, almeja chocolata negra, almeja negra rank: species
Quietula y-caudacommon name: gobio sombreado rank: species
Haemulopsis leuciscuscommon name: ronco ruco rank: species
Lucapinella millerirank: species
Rypticus bicolorcommon name: Cortez soapfish, jabonero moteado rank: species
Pomadasys panamensiscommon name: roncacho mapache rank: species
Arene balboairank: species
Gobiosoma chiquitacommon name: sonora goby, gobio chiquito rank: species
Ophiactis simplexcommon name: ofiuro rank: species
Arca pacificacommon name: arca chuchoca, arca chuchoca, pata de mula, pata de yegua rank: species
Anser albifronscommon name: white-fronted goose, ganso careto mayor rank: species
Caranx caballuscommon name: jurel bonito rank: species
Heliaster kubinijicommon name: gulf sun star, estrella de mar rank: species
Botaurus lentiginosuscommon name: american bittern, avetoro norteño rank: species
Elacatinus puncticulatuscommon name: gobio cabeza roja rank: species
Anhinga anhingacommon name: anhinga, anhinga americana rank: species
Agaronia testacearank: species
Polinices recluzianusrank: species
Conus (Leptoconus) gradatusrank: species
Terebra robustarank: species
Holothuria impatienscommon name: pepino de mar rank: species
Ruppia maritimacommon name: zacate de mar rank: species
Labrisomus xanticommon name: largemouth blenny, chalapo rank: species
Cerithium (Thericium) maculosumrank: species
Sterna niloticacommon name: gull-billed tern, charrán pico grueso rank: species
Mitrella guttatacommon name: caracol paloma rank: species
Pseudochama saavedraicommon name: chama rank: species
Chaenopsis alepidotacommon name: orangethroat pikeblenny, tubícola lucio, tubícula lucio rank: species
Anchoa mundeoloidescommon name: anchoa golfina rank: species
Eucinostomus curranicommon name: mojarra aleta de bandera, mojarra mojarra tricolor, mojarra tricolor rank: species
Menticirrhus undulatuscommon name: California kingcroaker, berrugato californiano rank: species
Tringa solitariacommon name: solitary sandpiper, playero solitario rank: species
Scorpaena guttatacommon name: escorpa, escorpión californiano, pez escorpión rank: species
Rhinocoryne humboldticommon name: torreón de Humboldt rank: species
Cynoscion reticulatuscommon name: corvina rayada rank: species
Pomadasys macracanthuscommon name: longspine grunt, roncacho gordo rank: species
Larus delawarensiscommon name: ring-billed gull, gaviota pico anillado rank: species
Labrisomus multiporosuscommon name: trambollo, trambollo cabeza porosa rank: species
Subcancilla erythrogrammarank: species
Hoplopagrus guentheriicommon name: mexican barred snapper, pargo coconaco rank: species
Limnodromus griseuscommon name: short-billed dowitcher, costurero pico corto rank: species
Encope microporacommon name: sand dollar, galleta de mar rank: species
Rhinobatos leucorhynchuscommon name: whitesnout guitarfish, guitarra trompa blanca rank: species
Gymnothorax doviicommon name: morena pinta, morena pintita rank: species
Lutjanus guttatuscommon name: spotted rose snapper, pargo lunarejo, snapper pargo lunarejo rank: species
Cassis (Levenia) coarctatacommon name: caracol rank: species
Cantharus (Pollia) elegansrank: species
Antennarius avaloniscommon name: roughbar frogfish, ranisapo antenado rank: species
Gymnura marmoratacommon name: California butterfly ray, raya mariposa, raya mariposa californiana rank: species
Morula lugubrisrank: species
Terebra armillatarank: species
Paralabrax auroguttatuscommon name: goldspotted sand bass, cabrilla extranjera rank: species
Tricolia variegatarank: species
Scomberomorus concolorcommon name: sierra golfina rank: species
Cosmioconcha palmerirank: species
Achirus mazatlanuscommon name: mazatlan sole, sole tepalcate, tepalcate rank: species
Chione californiensiscommon name: venus mantecosa, almeja arenosa, almeja china, almeja marinera, almeja piedrera, almeja rosa, almeja roñosa, chirla, venus mantecosa rank: species
Astropecten armatuscommon name: estrella de mar rank: species
Ostrea palmulacommon name: ostión rank: species
Balaenoptera physaluscommon name: fin whale, ballena boba, ballena de aleta, rorcual común, rorcual de aleta rank: species
Lytechinus pictuscommon name: erizo de mar rank: species
Gobiesox pinnigercommon name: tadpole clingfish, chupapiedra renacuajo rank: species
Egretta tricolorcommon name: tricolored heron, garceta tricolor, garza tricolor rank: species
Ophiactis savignyicommon name: ofiuro rank: species
Tagelus (Tagelus) affiniscommon name: almeja rank: species
Cosmioconcha pergracilisrank: species
Larus glaucescenscommon name: glaucous-winged gull, gaviota ala glauca, gaviota alas blancas rank: species
Scomber japonicuscommon name: estomino, macarela estonino, macarela estornino rank: species
Opisthonema libertatecommon name: sardina crinuda rank: species
Ajaia ajajacommon name: roseate spoon, espátula rosada rank: species
Crocodilichthys graciliscommon name: lagartija tres aletas rank: species
Squatina californicacommon name: angelote del Pacífico rank: species
Ixobrychus exiliscommon name: least bittern, avetoro menor rank: species
Pleuronichthys ocellatuscommon name: ocellated turbot, platija ocelada rank: species
Pristigenys serrulacommon name: popeye catalufa, catalufa semáforo rank: species
Olivia incrassatarank: species
Cerithidea mazatlanicarank: species
Synthliboramphus cravericommon name: mérgulo de Craveri rank: species
Ophiophragmus marginatuscommon name: ofiuro rank: species
Acanthemblemaria crockericommon name: browncheek blenny, tubícola cachetón rank: species
Myxodagnus operculariscommon name: miraestrellas virote rank: species
Orthopristis chalceuscommon name: burrito corcovado rank: species
Neorapana tuberculatarank: species
Simnia aequalisrank: species
Ariosoma gilberticommon name: varga de gilbert, congrio narigón rank: species
Chaetopleura mixtarank: species
Diodora saturnalisrank: species
Aythya valisineriacommon name: canvas, pato coacoxtle rank: species
Urotrygon nanacommon name: raya redonda enana rank: species
Tagelus violascenscommon name: almeja rank: species
Tridachiella diomedearank: species
Trachycardium senticosumcommon name: almeja rank: species
Lovenia cordiformiscommon name: erizo de mar, erizo corazón rank: species
Charadrius nivosuscommon name: snowy plover, chorlo nevado rank: species
Eupleura muriciformisrank: species
Ophioderma variegatumcommon name: ofiuro rank: species
Polinices (Polinices) uberrank: species
Pinna rugosacommon name: rugose pen shell, ala de ángel, callo de hacha, concha hacha, hacha larga, pluma de mar rank: species
Pleuronichthys verticaliscommon name: hornyhead turbot, platija cornuda rank: species
Oligoplites sauruscommon name: piña sietecueros, zapatero sietecueros rank: species
Strombus (Tricornis) galeatuscommon name: giant eastern Pacific conch rank: species
Larus californicuscommon name: california gull, gaviota californiana rank: species
Ophiolepis variegatacommon name: ofiuro rank: species
Natica (Naticarius) othellorank: species
Serranus psittacinuscommon name: barred serrano, serrano guaseta rank: species
Isognomon (Isognomon) recognituscommon name: Pacific tree oyster, ostión plano rank: species
Tringa flavipescommon name: lesser yellowlegs, patamarilla menor rank: species
Umbrina roncadorcommon name: yellowfin drum, berrugata aleta amarilla rank: species
Bodianus diplotaeniacommon name: mexican hogfish, vieja mexicana rank: species
Gobiesox schultzicommon name: boca suave, chupapiedra labioliso rank: species
Columbella fuscatarank: species
Prionotus stephanophryscommon name: lumptail searobin, vaca voladora rank: species
Caulolatilus affiniscommon name: Pacific golden-eyed tilefish, conejo, tilefish conejo rank: species
Felaniella sericatarank: species
Ophiocoma aethiopscommon name: ofiuro rank: species
Cymatium (Turritriton) gibbosumrank: species
Coralliozetus rosenblatticommon name: spikefin blenny, tubícola de espiga, tubícola espiga rank: species
Natica (Naticarius) chemnitziicommon name: nática luna, caracol luna, nática fanguera rank: species
Arius platypogoncommon name: cominate sea catfish, bagre cominate rank: species
Astrometis sertuliferacommon name: fragile rainbow star, estrella de mar rank: species
Micropogonias ectenescommon name: slender croaker, chano mexicano rank: species
Atherinops affiniscommon name: topsmelt silverside, pejerrey pescadillo rank: species
Paralichthys californicuscommon name: lenguado californiano rank: species
Pluvialis squatarolacommon name: black-bellied plover, chorlo gris rank: species
Patelloida semirubidarank: species
Myrophis vafercommon name: serpentón gusano, tieso lombriz rank: species
Petricola parallelarank: species
Arcopsis solidacommon name: pata de mula rank: species
Phyllonotus erythrostomacommon name: pink-mouthed murex rank: species
Aruma histriocommon name: slow goby, gobio lento rank: species
Nerita (Cymostyla) scabricostarank: species
Calliostoma mcleanirank: species
Diodon holocanthuscommon name: freckled porcupine fish, erizo mapache, pez erizo apache rank: species
Radsiella tridentatarank: species
Tricolia substriatarank: species
Turritella radularank: species
Lyria (Enaeta) cumingiirank: species
Gerres cinereuscommon name: yellow fin mojarra, mojarra blanca, mojarra trompetera rank: species
Octopus hubbsorumcommon name: hubb's octopus, pulpo de Hubb rank: species
Pitar concinnusrank: species
Crepidula arenatarank: species
Chiton (Chiton) virgulatusrank: species
Polinices (Polinices) bifasciatusrank: species
Hoffmannola hansirank: species
Crassinella pacificacommon name: almeja rank: species
Calidris albacommon name: sanderling, playero blanco rank: species
Chaetodipterus zonatuscommon name: Pacific spadefish, chambo rank: species
Tegula (Agathistoma) globulusrank: species
Nassarius corpulentusrank: species
Nassarius tiarularank: species
Periglypta multicostatacommon name: many-ridged venus, almeja, almeja costillada, almeja roñosa, reina rank: species
Ophidion galeoidescommon name: shark brotula, congriperla adornada, congriperla estriada rank: species
Pteropurpura erinaceoidesrank: species
Lyropecten subnodosuscommon name: Pacific lion's paw, almeja garra de león, almeja mano de león rank: species
Diplectrum pacificumcommon name: inshore sand perch, serrano cabaicucho rank: species
Anadara (Potiarca) nuxcommon name: pata de mula rank: species
Trigonostoma (Ventrilia) goniostomarank: species
Hemipholis graciliscommon name: ofiuro rank: species
Terebra larvaeformisrank: species
Nuttallina crossotarank: species
Triakis semifasciatacommon name: tiburón leopardo rank: species
Oligoplites altuscommon name: piña bocona, zapatero sierrita rank: species
Cephaloscyllium ventriosumcommon name: tiburón inflado, pejegato globo rank: species
Chiridota aponocritacommon name: sea cucumber, pepino de mar rank: species
Rallus limicolacommon name: Virginia rail, rascón cara gris, rascón limícola rank: species
Cardita laticostatacommon name: almeja rank: species
Bathygobius ramosuscommon name: panamic frillfin, mapo panámico rank: species
Amphiodia occidentaliscommon name: ofiuro rank: species
Turritella leucostomarank: species
Pholas chiloensiscommon name: ala de ángel comés, almeja rank: species
Urolophus concentricuscommon name: raya redonda de manchas, raya redonda de arrecife rank: species
Decodon melasmacommon name: señorita de mancha negra, viejita manchada rank: species
Gobiesox papillifercommon name: bearded clingfish, chupapiedra barbona, chupapiedra barbudo rank: species
Strombus granulatuscommon name: granulated conch, cabo granulatus rank: species
Anas streperacommon name: gadwall, pato friso rank: species
Nassarius iodesrank: species
Collisella strongianacommon name: caracol lapa rank: species
Bubulcus ibiscommon name: cattle egret, garza ganadera rank: species
Trachinotus rhodopuscommon name: pámpano fino rank: species
Paraclinus sinicommon name: flapscale blenny, trambollito frondoso rank: species
Phalacrocorax brasilianuscommon name: cormorán neotropical, cormorán neotropical, cormorán oliváceo rank: species
Collisella atratarank: species
Umbrina xanticommon name: roncador, berrugata roncadora rank: species
Amphipholis platydiscacommon name: ofiuro rank: species
Diplectrum sciuruscommon name: gulf squirrelfish, serrano ardilla rank: species
Dosinia (Dosinia) dunkericommon name: dosinia piojosa, almeja rank: species
Nassarius pagodusrank: species
Nerita (Theliostyla) funiculatarank: species
Etrumeus terescommon name: red-eye round herring, sardina japonesa rank: species
Crepidula excavatacommon name: pique del Pacífico rank: species
Diplectrum labarumcommon name: highfin sand perch, serrano espinudo rank: species
Diodora altarank: species
Eudocimus albuscommon name: white ibis, ibis blanco rank: species
Epinephelus analoguscommon name: spotted grouper, cabrilla pinta rank: species
Bellator gymnostethuscommon name: vaca, vaca enana rank: species
Phalacrocorax penicillatuscommon name: Brandt´s cormorant, cormorán de Brandt rank: species
Epinephelus labriformiscommon name: flag cabrilla, cabrilla piedrera rank: species
Holothuria lubricacommon name: sea cucumber, pepino de mar rank: species
Brachidontes semilaeviscommon name: mejillón rank: species
Spondylus calcifercommon name: ostra espinosa burrica, almeja burra, callo de escarlopa, callo margarita, concha burra, ostrea espinosa burrica rank: species
Cancellaria cassidiformisrank: species
Plegadis chihicommon name: white-faced ibis, ibis cara blanca, ibis ojos rojos rank: species
Muraena arguscommon name: white-spotted moray, morena Argos, morena de pecas blancas rank: species
Donax punctatostriatuscommon name: almeja, almeja mariposa, coquinas rank: species
Haemulon steindachnericommon name: burro latino rank: species
Pseudocnus californicuscommon name: sea cucumber, pepino de mar rank: species
Brissus obesuscommon name: sea urchin, erizo corazón rank: species
Calliostoma leanumrank: species
Ophiopaepale diplaxcommon name: ofiuro rank: species
Rhinobatos productuscommon name: shovelnose guitarfish, guitarra viola rank: species
Anachis (Costoanachis) variarank: species
Bagre pinnimaculatuscommon name: bagre barbón rank: species
Corbula nasutacommon name: almeja rank: species
Anas clypeatacommon name: northern shoveler, pato cucharón norteño rank: species
Protothaca (Leukoma) asperrimacommon name: taca lima, almeja rank: species
Nematistius pectoraliscommon name: roosterfish, papagallo, papagayo rank: species
Crepidula incurvarank: species
Aphriza virgatacommon name: surfbird, playero brincaolas, playero roquero rank: species
Solariella (Minolia) peramabilisrank: species
Brissopsis pacificacommon name: erizo corazón rank: species
Sterna forstericommon name: Forster´s tern, charrán de Forster rank: species
Haemulopsis elongatacommon name: elongate grunt, ronco alargado rank: species
Octopus bimaculatuscommon name: California two-spotted octopus, pulpo con dos manchas rank: species
Olivella damarank: species
Lithophaga aristatacommon name: mejillón rank: species
Calidris alpinacommon name: palyero dorsirrojo, playero dorso rojo rank: species
Radsiella guatemalensisrank: species
Athyone glassellicommon name: sea cucumber, pepino de mar rank: species
Crepidula onyxrank: species
Agassizia scrobiculatacommon name: erizo de mar, erizo corazón rank: species
Neorapana muricatarank: species
Littorina (Littorina) aberransrank: species
Charadrius semipalmatuscommon name: semipalmated plover, chorlo semipalmeado rank: species
Larus pipixcancommon name: Franklin´s gull, gaviota de Franklin rank: species
Hippocampus ingenscommon name: caballito del Pacífico rank: species
Radsiella pentaloidesrank: species
Puffinus griseuscommon name: scooty shearwater, pardela gris rank: species
Arenaria melanocephalacommon name: black turnstone, vuelvepiedras negro rank: species
Egretta caeruleacommon name: little blue heron, garceta azul, garza azul rank: species
Fulmarus glacialiscommon name: northern fulmar, fulmar norteño rank: species
Hermosilla azureacommon name: zebra perch, chopa azul, chopa bonita rank: species
Calliostoma eximiumrank: species
Caelorinchus scaphopsiscommon name: shoulderspot grenadier, granadero carepala rank: species
Anachis hillirank: species
Thais speciosacommon name: caracol rank: species
Aythya collariscommon name: ring-necked duck, pato pico anillado rank: species
Chriolepis zebracommon name: gecko goby, gobio salamanquesa rank: species
Latirus praestantiorrank: species
Carcharhinus porosuscommon name: cazón picudo del Pacífico, cazón poroso, tiburón poroso rank: species
Sterna caspiacommon name: caspian tern, charrán caspia, charrán del caspio rank: species
Anadara (Anadara) concinnacommon name: pata de mula rank: species
Barbatia gradatacommon name: pata de mula rank: species
Terebra specillatarank: species
Symphurus melanuruscommon name: lengua lucia, lengua sucia rank: species
Sphyraena ensiscommon name: barracuda mexicana rank: species
Diapterus peruvianusrank: species
Polinices intemeratusrank: species
Lutjanus aratuscommon name: pargo raicero rank: species
Rallus obsoletuscommon name: clapper rail, rascón costero del Pacífico rank: species
Turritella nodulosarank: species
Larus atricillacommon name: laughing gull, gaviota reidora rank: species
Jenneria pustulatarank: species
Cosmocampus arctuscommon name: pez pipa, pez pipa chato rank: species
Clangula hyemaliscommon name: oldsquaw, pato cola larga rank: species
Selar crumenophthalmuscommon name: bigeye scad, charrito ojón, chicharro ojón rank: species
Turritella lentiginosarank: species
Seriola lalandicommon name: yellowtail amberjack, medregal rabo amarillo rank: species
Epinephelus itajaracommon name: jewfish, cherna, mero guasa rank: species
Hormospira maculosarank: species
Solenosteira pallidarank: species
Urotrygon chilensiscommon name: raya redonda chilena, raya redonda moteada rank: species
Amphiodia violaceacommon name: ofiuro rank: species
Semele (Semele) californicacommon name: almeja rank: species
Diodora diguetirank: species
Heterodontus franciscicommon name: horn shark, tiburón puerco rank: species
Citharichthys gilberticommon name: bigmouth sanddab, lenguado tapadera rank: species
Collisella acutapexcommon name: caracol lapa rank: species
Grus canadensiscommon name: sandhill crane, grulla gris rank: species
Chione fluctifragacommon name: smooth Pacific venus, almeja, almeja arenera, almeja roñosa, venus lisa de bahía rank: species
Malacoctenus zonifercommon name: glossy blenny, blenia brillante, trambollo brilloso rank: species
Conus (Leptoconus) poormanirank: species
Scorpaena xyriscommon name: rainbow scorpionfish rank: species
Hydrolagus collieicommon name: quimera manchada, pez ratón, quimera, quimera manchada, quimera narizona, rata marina rank: species
Calidris minutillacommon name: western sandpiper, playero chichicuilote, playero diminuto rank: species
Haminoea virescenscommon name: concha burbuja verde rank: species
Tellina mantaensisrank: species
Dactylagnus munduscommon name: miraestrellas gigante rank: species
Pseudupeneus grandisquamiscommon name: salmonete gringuito, chivo escamudo rank: species
Zapteryx exasperatacommon name: banded guitarfish, guitarra rayada rank: species
Henricia asperacommon name: estrella de mar rank: species
Thalassoma lucasanumcommon name: Cortez rainbow wrasse, arcoiris de Cortés, wrasse arcoiris de Cortés rank: species
Amphipholis squamatacommon name: ofiuro rank: species
Gavia pacificacommon name: Pacific loon, colimbo del pacífico, colimbo pacífico rank: species
Acanthina lugubrisrank: species
Thyonella mexicanacommon name: sea cucumber, pepino de mar rank: species
Clypeaster europacificuscommon name: sand dollar, galleta de mar rank: species
Rangia (Rangianella) mendicacommon name: rangia mexicana, almeja rank: species
Homalopoma (Panocochlea) grippiirank: species
Oliva spicatarank: species
Acanthochitona exquisitarank: species
Cephalopholis panamensiscommon name: cabrilla enjambre rank: species
Myrichthys xysturuscommon name: tieso tigre rank: species
Prionotus albirostriscommon name: whitesnout searobin, vaca cariblanca rank: species
Holothuria rigidacommon name: pepino de mar rank: species
Chlidonias niger subsp. surinamensiscommon name: black tern rank: infraspecificname
Bucephala clangula subsp. americanacommon name: ojo dorado común rank: infraspecificname
Podiceps nigricollis subsp. californicuscommon name: eared grebe rank: infraspecificname
Calidris canutus subsp. rufacommon name: red knot rank: infraspecificname
Anas crecca subsp. carolinensiscommon name: green winged teal, cerceta común de lista Verde rank: infraspecificname
Branta bernicla subsp. nigricanscommon name: brant rank: infraspecificname
Fulica americana subsp. americanacommon name: gallareta americana rank: infraspecificname
Charadrius vociferus subsp. vociferuscommon name: killdeer rank: infraspecificname
Scorpaena plumieri subsp. mystescommon name: stone scorpionfish, escorpión roquero rank: infraspecificname
Egretta alba subsp. egrettacommon name: great egret rank: infraspecificname
Anas acuta subsp. acutacommon name: northern pintail, pato golondrino rank: infraspecificname
Numenius phaeopus subsp. hudsonicuscommon name: whimbrel rank: infraspecificname
Anas cyanoptera subsp. septentrionaliumcommon name: cinnamon teal rank: infraspecificname
Sula nebouxii subsp. nebouxiicommon name: blue-footed booby rank: infraspecificname
Fodiator acutus subsp. rostratuscommon name: volador picudo rank: infraspecificname
Himantopus mexicanus subsp. mexicanuscommon name: black-necked stilt rank: infraspecificname
Nycticorax nycticorax subsp. hoactlicommon name: black-crowned night heron rank: infraspecificname
Podilymbus podiceps subsp. podicepscommon name: pied-billed grebe rank: infraspecificname
Zalophus californianus subsp. californianuscommon name: lobo marino de California rank: infraspecificname
Oxyura jamaicensis subsp. jamaiciensiscommon name: ruddy duck rank: infraspecificname
Gallinago gallinago subsp. delicatacommon name: common snipe rank: infraspecificname
Phaethon aethereus subsp. mesonautacommon name: red-billed tropicbird rank: infraspecificname
Sterna hirundo subsp. hirundocommon name: common tern rank: infraspecificname
Stenoplax (Stenoradsia) conspicua subsp. sonoranarank: infraspecificname
Cypraea (Zonnaria) annettae subsp. annettaerank: infraspecificname
Larus argentatus subsp. smithsonianuscommon name: herring gull rank: infraspecificname
Geographic Coverages
Bibliographic Citations
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- Günther, A. 1864. Report of a collection of fishes made by Messrs. Dow, Godman, and Salvin in Guatemala. Proceeding of the Zoological Society of London. 1(0):144-154. Londres, Inglaterra. -
- Günther, A. 1872. Report on several collections of fishes recently obtained for the British Museum. Parte 3. Proceeding of the Zoological Society of London. 0(0):652-675. Londres, Inglaterra. -
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- Norman, K. D., Conant, B. P. & Castellanos Vera, A. 1979. Mexico west coast and Baja California. January 1979. Mexico Winter Waterfowl Survey. Fish and Wildlife Service, Depto. Interior. January(0):25-32. Portland, OR, USA. -
- Norman, K. D., King, J. G. & Castellanos Vera, A. 1980. Mexico west coast and Baja California. January 1980. Mexico Winter Waterfowl Survey. Fish and Wildlife Service, Depto. Interior. January(0):36-43. Portland, OR, USA. -
- Norman, K. D., Benning, D. S. & Castellanos Vera, A. 1981. Mexico west coast and Baja California. January 1981. Mexico Winter Waterfowl Survey. Fish and Wildlife Service, Depto. Interior. January(0):34-41. Portland, OR, USA. -
- Conant, B. P., Smith, C. S. & Cabrera Ramírez, G. 1982. Mexico west coast and Baja California. January 1982. Mexico Winter Waterfowl Survey. Fish and Wildlife Service, Depto. Interior. January(0):33-39. Portland, OR, USA. -
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- Conant, B. P., Voelzer, J. F. & Felix Armenta, S. 1989. Mexico west coast and Baja California. January 1989. Mexico Winter Waterfowl Survey. Fish and Wildlife Service, Depto. Interior. January(0):1-10. Portland, OR, USA. -
- Conant, B. P., Voelzer, J. F. & Torres Morales, S. 1991. Mexico west coast and Baja California. January 1991. Mexico Winter Waterfowl Survey. Fish and Wildlife Service, Depto. Interior. May(0):38-52. Portland, OR, USA. -
- Conant, B. P., Voelzer, J. F. & Torres Morales, S. 1992. Mexico west coast and Baja California. January 1992. Mexico Winter Waterfowl Survey. Fish and Wildlife Service, Depto. Interior. January(0):8-19. Portland, OR, USA. -
- Conant, B. P., Voelzer, J. F., Martinez Morales, M. A. & Palacios Castro, E. 1993. Mexico west coast and Baja California. January 1993. Mexico Winter Waterfowl Survey. Fish and Wildlife Service, Depto. Interior. April(0):6-16. Portland, OR, USA. -
- Conant, B. P., Voelzer, J. F., Manzano, F. & Harrington, B. 1994. Mexico west coast and Baja California. January 1994. Mexico Winter Waterfowl Survey. Fish and Wildlife Service, Depto. Interior. July(0):31-45. Portland, OR, USA. -
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- Compagno, L. J. V., Krupp, F. & Schneider, W. 1995. Carcharhinidae. Cazones picudos, tiburones, tintoreras. Guía FAO para la Identificación de Especies para los fines de Pesca. Pacífico Centro-Oriental. Vol. II. In: W. Fischer, F. Krupp, W. Schneider, C. Sommer, K. E. Carpenter y V. H. Niem. 662-687. Roma, Italia. -
- Compagno, L. J. V., Krupp, F. & Schneider, W. 1995. Heterodontidae. Dormilones. Guía FAO para la Identificación de Especies para los fines de Pesca. Pacífico Centro-Oriental. Vol. II. In: W. Fischer, F. Krupp, W. Schneider, C. Sommer, K. E. Carpenter y V. H. Niem. 692-696. Roma, Italia. -
- Schneider, W. 1995. Echeneidae. Remoras, pegas, pegatimones. Guía FAO para la Identificación de Especies para los fines de Pesca. Pacífico Centro-Oriental. Vol. II. In: W. Fischer, F. Krupp, W. Schneider, C. Sommer, K. E. Carpenter y V. H. Niem. 1060-1061. Roma, Italia. -
- Whitehead, P. J. P. & Rodriguez-Sánchez, R. 1995. Elopidae. Malachos. Guía FAO para la Identificación de Especies para los fines de Pesca. Pacífico Centro-Oriental. Vol. II. In: W. Fischer, F. Krupp, W. Schneider, C. Sommer, K. E. Carpenter y V. H. Niem. 1065-1066. Roma, Italia. -
- Collete, B. B. 1995. Belonidae. Agujones, maraos. Guía FAO para la Identificación de Especies para los fines de Pesca. Pacífico Centro-Oriental. Vol. II. In: W. Fischer, F. Krupp, W. Schneider, C. Sommer, K. E. Carpenter y V. H. Niem. 919-926. Roma, Italia. -
- Whitehead, P. J. P. 1995. Chanidae. Chanos. Guía FAO para la Identificación de Especies para los fines de Pesca. Pacífico Centro-Oriental. Vol. II. In: W. Fischer, F. Krupp, W. Schneider, C. Sommer, K. E. Carpenter y V. H. Niem. 1004-1004. Roma, Italia. -
- Heemstra, P. C. 1995. Serranidae. Meros, serranos, guasetas, enjambres, baquetas, indios, loros, gallinas, cabrillas, garropas. Guía FAO para la Identificación de Especies para los fines de Pesca. Pacífico Centro-Oriental. Vol. III. In: W. Fischer, F. Krupp, W. Schneider, C. Sommer, K. E. Carpenter y V. H. Niem. 1565-1612. Roma, Italia. -
- Bussing, W. A. 1995. Triglidae. Rubios. Guía FAO para la Identificación de Especies para los fines de Pesca. Pacífico Centro-Oriental. Vol. III. In: W. Fischer, F. Krupp, W. Schneider, C. Sommer, K. E. Carpenter y V. H. Niem. 1643-1648. Roma, Italia. -
- Lea, R. N. 1995. Ophiididae. Brótolas, congriperlas. Guía FAO para la Identificación de Especies para los fines de Pesca. Pacífico Centro-Oriental. Vol. III. In: W. Fischer, F. Krupp, W. Schneider, C. Sommer, K. E. Carpenter y V. H. Niem. 1342-1348. Roma, Italia. -
- Chao, N. L. 1995. Scianidae. Corvinas, barbiches, bombaches, corvinetas, corvinillas, lambes, pescadillas, roncachos, verrugatos. Guía FAO para la Identificación de Especies para los fines de Pesca. Pacífico Centro-Oriental. Vol. III. In: W. Fischer, F. Krupp, W. Schneider, C. Sommer, K. E. Carpenter y V. H. Niem. 1427-1518. Roma, Italia. -
- Krupp, F. & Schneider, W. 1995. Pomacanthidae. Angeles. Guía FAO para la Identificación de Especies para los fines de Pesca. Pacífico Centro-Oriental. Vol. III. In: W. Fischer, F. Krupp, W. Schneider, C. Sommer, K. E. Carpenter y V. H. Niem. 1388-1391. Roma, Italia. -
- Starnes. W. C. 1995. Priacanthidae. Catalufas. Guía FAO para la Identificación de Especies para los fines de Pesca. Pacífico Centro-Oriental. Vol. III. In: W. Fischer, F. Krupp, W. Schneider, C. Sommer, K. E. Carpenter y V. H. Niem. 1405-1408. Roma, Italia. -
- Hensley, D. A. 1995. Paralichthyidae. Lenguados. Guía FAO para la Identificación de Especies para los fines de Pesca. Pacífico Centro-Oriental. Vol. III. In: W. Fischer, F. Krupp, W. Schneider, C. Sommer, K. E. Carpenter y V. H. Niem. 1349-1380. Roma, Italia. -
- Bussing, W. A. & Lavenberg, R. J. 1995. Synodontidae. Lagartos. Guía FAO para la Identificación de Especies para los fines de Pesca. Pacífico Centro-Oriental. Vol. III. In: W. Fischer, F. Krupp, W. Schneider, C. Sommer, K. E. Carpenter y V. H. Niem. 1625-1628. Roma, Italia. -
- McCosker, J. E. & Rosenblatt, R. H. 1995. Ophichthidae. Tiesos, serpentones. Guía FAO para la Identificación de Especies para los fines de Pesca. Pacífico Centro-Oriental. Vol. III. In: W. Fischer, F. Krupp, W. Schneider, C. Sommer, K. E. Carpenter y V. H. Niem. 1326-1341. Roma, Italia. -
- Bianchi, G. 1995. Sparidae. Plumas. Guía FAO para la Identificación de Especies para los fines de Pesca. Pacífico Centro-Oriental. Vol. III. In: W. Fischer, F. Krupp, W. Schneider, C. Sommer, K. E. Carpenter y V. H. Niem. 1616-1617. Roma, Italia. -
- Schneider, W. & Krupp, F. 1995. Pomacentridae. Castañas, jaquetas y petacas. Guía FAO para la Identificación de Especies para los fines de Pesca. Pacífico Centro-Oriental. Vol. III. In: W. Fischer, F. Krupp, W. Schneider, C. Sommer, K. E. Carpenter y V. H. Niem. 1392-1404. Roma, Italia. -
- Schneider, M. 1995. Mullidae. Salmonetes. Guía FAO para la Identificación de Especies para los fines de Pesca. Pacífico Centro-Oriental. Vol. III. In: W. Fischer, F. Krupp, W. Schneider, C. Sommer, K. E. Carpenter y V. H. Niem. 1299-1300. Roma, Italia. -
- Schneider, W. & Krupp, F. 1995. Malacanthidae. Blanquillos, matajuelos. Guía FAO para la Identificación de Especies para los fines de Pesca. Pacífico Centro-Oriental. Vol. III. In: W. Fischer, F. Krupp, W. Schneider, C. Sommer, K. E. Carpenter y V. H. Niem. 1266-1271. Roma, Italia. -
- Iwamoto, T. & Schneider, W. 1995. Macrouridae. Granaderos. Guía FAO para la Identificación de Especies para los fines de Pesca. Pacífico Centro-Oriental. Vol. III. In: W. Fischer, F. Krupp, W. Schneider, C. Sommer, K. E. Carpenter y V. H. Niem. 1246-1265. Roma, Italia. -
- McCosker, J. E. & Rosenblatt, R. H. 1995. Muraenidae. Morenas. Guía FAO para la Identificación de Especies para los fines de Pesca. Pacífico Centro-Oriental. Vol. III. In: W. Fischer, F. Krupp, W. Schneider, C. Sommer, K. E. Carpenter y V. H. Niem. 1303-1314. Roma, Italia. -
- Poss, S. G. 1995. Scorpaenidae. Rascacios, chancharros. Guía FAO para la Identificación de Especies para los fines de Pesca. Pacífico Centro-Oriental. Vol. III. In: W. Fischer, F. Krupp, W. Schneider, C. Sommer, K. E. Carpenter y V. H. Niem. 1544-1564. Roma, Italia. -
- Allen, G. R. 1995. Lutjanidae. Pargos. Guía FAO para la Identificación de Especies para los fines de Pesca. Pacífico Centro-Oriental. Vol. III. In: W. Fischer, F. Krupp, W. Schneider, C. Sommer, K. E. Carpenter y V. H. Niem. 1231-1244. Roma, Italia. -
- Gomon, M. F. 1995. Labridae. Viejas, doncellasas, señoritas. Guía FAO para la Identificación de Especies para los fines de Pesca. Pacífico Centro-Oriental. Vol. III. In: W. Fischer, F. Krupp, W. Schneider, C. Sommer, K. E. Carpenter y V. H. Niem. 1201-1225. Roma, Italia. -
- Collete, B. B. 1995. Scombridae. Atunes, bacoretas, bonitos, caballas, estorninos, melva, etc. Guía FAO para la Identificación de Especies para los fines de Pesca. Pacífico Centro-Oriental. Vol. III. In: W. Fischer, F. Krupp, W. Schneider, C. Sommer, K. E. Carpenter y V. H. Niem. 1521-1543. Roma, Italia. -
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Jorge Torre Cosíooriginator
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CONABIO Comisión nacional para el conocimiento y uso de la biodiversidad
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Telephone: 50045000
Patricia Ramos Rivera
administrative point of contact
position: Dirección General de Sistemas
Comisión Nacional para el Conocimiento y Uso de la Biodiversidad
Liga Periférico-Insurgentes Sur No. 4903, Col. Parques del Pedregal
Telephone: 50045000