Mobilization of Biodiversity Data and its use in Decision-making and Research

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Workshop Photo

Workshop participants.Photo by Franck Masudi licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0.

This workshop was a framework for capitalization, systematization and innovative sharing in the promotion, management and mobilization and use of data for decision-making.

The main objective of this workshop was to contribute to the capacity building of data managers and users by demonstrating how mobilized primary data on biodiversity can be used in the development of information products that feed into national decision-making processes.

This workshop was also developed to:

  • To create and develop a sustainable national and then regional or thematic network to support data sharing and reuse.
  • Mobilize biodiversity data related to protected areas, threatened species, and invasive alien species.
  • Use or expand the use of good practices in digitizing collections in the natural sciences and mobilize other biodiversity data.
  • Apply the use of biodiversity data to support decision-making and research.

The targeted participants were partners in the current project, researchers from other biological groups (Mammals, Birds, Chiroptera, Lepidoptera, Botanists and Microbiologists). To this group of researchers we added environmentalists and those responsible for provincial environmental coordination.

University of Kisangani, Biodiversity Monitoring Centre
البلد او المنطقة
جمهورية الكونغو الديمقراطية
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