BID Pacific Capacity Enhancement Workshop: Data Use for Decision Making

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Collared lory (Phigys solitarius, by Bird Explorers
Collared lory (Phigys solitarius). Photo by Bird Explorers via iNaturalist Research-grade Observations, licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0.

This second workshop working in collaboration with the University of Auckland and UNEP-WCMC’s CONNECT programme aims to contribute to enhancing the capacity of the project teams by demonstrating how mobilized primary biodiversity data can be integrated into national policy-making processes. Participants will be introduced to the importance of biodiversity data within the decision making process before learning how to clean data and running key analyses, such as determining the distribution of a species and assessing the conservation status of species. Participants will then learn how to communicate their results to key stakeholders in the decision making process.

The event will have online and onsite components and both will have a strong practical approach (including a significant component of group work). Participants will have the possibility to evaluate their learning and receive recognition of their level of understanding with a digital badge. The official language of the workshop will be English.

Only individuals nominated by a BID project representative and mentors selected by the GBIF Secretariat can subscribe to this workshop. Please address any questions you may have to

University of Auckland
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