2nd Workshop: Publication of Biodiversity Data with the IPT (in Spanish only)

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During March 17 and 18, the second workshop of the series on Biodiversity Data Quality will be held. This series is part of the CESP2021-007 project whose main objective is to increase the availability of high-quality biodiversity data from the Spanish-speaking community through the GBIF network.

The workshop will be dictated by Paula Zermoglio (VertNet), Florencia Grattarola (Biodiversidata) and Anabela Plos (GBIF Argentina). It will have a theoretical part, where a general description of the Integrated Publishing Toolkit - IPT will be given. Next, a demonstration and practice section will be developed, with the publication of a data set without and with extensions.

Two sessions in consecutive days, of 2.5 hs each. The workshop will be held in Spanish.

Day 1

Day 2

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