Open Data and Data Preparation Workshop - Montréal

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١٦ - ١٨ أبريل ٢٠١٩

Preparing a dataset in order to publish on an aggregator like Canadensys or GBIF can be quite fastidious, but data cleaning and standardisation are the key points to good quality and useful datasets. Fortunately, a lot of tools and protocols have been develop through time to help preparing biodiversity datasets.

This workshop aims to give curators, collection managers, students, and everyone willing to share their data on GBIF, a set of useful tools and methodologies to go from their in-house database to the publication of data on GBIF.

We will even go further, and discover how to search and use data published on Canadensys, which is now based on the Atlas of Living Australia framework, and on GBIF.

In particular, the workshop will focus on:

This workshop is funded by the GBIF CESP Program, under project CESP2018-005

Biodiversity Centre, Montréal Botanical Garden
البلد او المنطقة
١٦ - ١٨ أبريل ٢٠١٩