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- {{ 64 | localNumber}}
- أرشيف شروح "جيبف"
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السنة بين بداية من 2001 وانتهاء بـ 2020
ذو احداثيات true
الاسم العلمي Dinophyceae
ذو مشكلة جغرافية مكانية false
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اقرأ المزيد
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Download as TSV
138kMarine metagenomes Metagenome
109kAmplicon sequencing of Tara Oceans DNA samples corresponding to size fractions for protists.
109kThe CPR Survey
58kContinuous Plankton Recorder Dataset (SAHFOS)
57kREPHY - Réseau d'Observation et de Surveillance du Phytoplancton et de l'Hydrologie dans les eaux littorales
32kThe Australian Phytoplankton Database (1844 onwards)
29kNahant Collection
21kNorwegian Biodiversity Information Centre - Other datasets
20kEMOSE (2017) Inter-Comparison of Marine Plankton Metagenome Analysis Methods
13kDiversidad y dinámica del fitoplancton marino en la bahía de Acapulco, Guerrero
9kPhytoplankton and water quality parameters in the Patos Lagoon estuary and adjacent marine coast
7kSOLA Raw sequence reads
6kDutch Foundation for Applied Water Research (STOWA) - Limnodata Neerlandica
5kRed Sea microbial plankton Raw sequence reads
5kNutrient addition mesocosm experiment Targeted Locus (Loci)
5kIMOS - AusCPR: Phytoplankton Abundance
4kMarine Water Column Samples Targeted loci environmental
4kDevelopment and validation of a multi-trophic metabarcoding biotic index for benthic organic enrichment biomonitoring using a salmon farm case-study.
3kDiatomeas (Bacillariophyceae) y dinoflageladas (Dinophyceae) frecuentes en el Pacífico mexicano (costa oeste de Baja California, Pacífico centro y sur)
3kExtracellular DNA marine sediment Targeted Locus (Loci)
3kProtists community in the southern East China Sea
2kDiatomeas (Bacillariophyceae) y Dinoflageladas (Dinophyceae) planctónicas más frecuentes en la región sur del Golfo de México
2kColección de Plancton Mixto – Sección Fitoplancton del Museo de Historia Natural Marina de Colombia – Makuriwa (Invemar)
2kDiatomeas (Bacillariophyceae) y dinoflageladas (Dinophyceae) planctónicas más frecuentes en el Golfo de California
2kIMOS National Reference Stations (NRS) Phytoplankton Abundance and Biovolume
2kGeographically tagged INSDC sequences
2kDinoflagelados bentónicos del Arrecife Mesoamericano: Caribe Mexicano
2kWater and Sediment samples Targeted loci environmental
2kRed Sea Zooplankton Raw sequence reads
2kPhytoplankton of coastal waters in Aegean Sea, Eastern Mediterranean, 2002-2003.
2kAmplicon sequencing of Tara Oceans RNA samples corresponding to size fractions for protists.
1kPhytoplankton Species Composition, Abundance and Cell Size in San Francisco Bay: Microscopic Analyses of USGS Samples Collected 1992-2014
1kEukaryotic natural population from Northern Baffin Bay - Raw sequence reads
1kMicrobial Processes and Biodiversity: OCEAN
1kZooplankton communities in the coastal water of northeastern Hokkaido
1kMarine sediment metagenome raw sequence reads
1kmarine sediment metagenome Metagenome
1kARMS Jeddah sample Raw sequence reads
1kBanco de Datos de la Biodiversidad de la Comunitat Valenciana
984Sediment Metagenome Raw sequence reads
976Diet analysis of Japanese sardine and Pacific round herring larvae
940Hydrate Ridge, OR - Deep sea cold seep ecosystem Targeted Locus (Loci)
931Sea ice and seawater Raw sequence reads
928Composición del fitoplancton de la Isla Cayo Serranilla durante la Expedición Seaflower 2017 - Proyecto Colombia BIO
859sediment metagenome Raw sequence reads
844Phytoplankton sampling in the coastal waters of south eastern Tasmania, Australia (2009-2015)
836International Barcode of Life project (iBOL)
812Phytoplankton from the White Sea, Barents Sea, Norwegian Sea and Arctic Basin 1993-2003
812Arctic Ocean Diversity
807Temporal dynamics of eukaryotic microbial diversity at a coastal Pacific site
595Temporal variation in pesticide biodegradation
517North Sea plastic incubation and reference communities, raw sequence reads
507Eucaryotic microbial communities structure in the headwater watchment of Dongjiang River in the south of China
463Biological rejuvenation of iron oxides in bioturbated marine sediments
460White sea picoplankton Metagenome
382Microbial eukaryotes
367Metagenomic approach for studying picoeukaryotes in a extreme oligotrophic marginal sea (South Adriatic Sea) during winter mixed conditions
353Macroalgal Morphology affects composition and settlement of microbial communities
350Environmental zooplankton Targeted Locus (Loci)
332uncultured marine picoeukaryote strain:Peuk_V4_NWP2 Raw sequence reads
319sediment metagenome Metagenome
305SAR amplicon from community incubated with various nanophytoplankton in microcosm
304Biodiversidad del microfitoplancton marino en la zona económica exclusiva limítrofe del Pacífico central mexicano
284International Polar Year and Census of Antarctic Marine Life Ross Sea voyage (TAN0802) biodiversity data
28116S rDNA amplicon of Bacteria and Archaea Metagenome
274Metabarcoding surveys of the Arctic marine environment
269Microbial indicators of anthropogenic marine pollution identified by 16S and 18S metagenomic library analysis
264marine metagenome Raw sequence reads
2531915-2016 Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs (Defra), Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) Collation of invasive non-indigenous species
252marine metagenome Raw sequence reads
242IMOS National Reference Station (NRS) - Zooplankton Abundance
241River Murray Phytoplankton Monitoring
216Fitoplancton marino frente a Baja California. 2. Áreas de surgencias de la región Ensenadense
214Submarine Ligurian Canyons Water Prokaryotic and Protist Communities
209Metagenomic community analysis of marine zooplankton using two plankton nets
196sediment metagenome Metagenome
195Diversity of Microbial Eukaryotes in Sea Waters From Fildes Peninsula,King George Island, Antarctica
190microbial diversity Raw sequence reads
185NMNH Extant Specimen Records
183Bacteria community in the southern East China Sea
182A long-standing complex tropical dipole shapes marine microbial biogeography
179Evaluation of filtration and DNA extraction methods for environmental DNA biodiversity assessments across multiple trophic levels.
178Arctic microbiome along Svalbard Cross Shelf transects
176Herbicide-incubated GBR lagoon microbiomes Targeted loci environmental
175seawater metagenome Metagenome
175Amplicon-Based Illumina Sequencing Reveals High Diversity of Phytoplankton in the Coastal Waters of Qinhuangdao
161DEEPEND: Microbiome and bacterioplankton rRNA gene sequence data collected from Gulf of Mexico seawater samples. Cruises DP03 and DP04 from Jan 2016 - December 2016
156Coastal Marine Environment Targeted loci environmental
152sediment metagenome Raw sequence reads
150Collections of Phytoplankton at Herbarium Berolinense, Berlin (B)
138ECOPOT_2: Phytoplankton in Flemish waterbodies
137Metagenome analysis of picoeukaryotes from surface seawater
134Comportamiento espacio-temporal de la densidad fitoplanctónica en el año 2015 Magdalena, Colombia
133uncultured marine eukaryote Targeted loci environmental
129sea water Picoeukaryotic Community Raw sequence reads Raw sequence reads
129Phytoplankton samples - 2005/06 V3 BROKE-West
127Zooplankton in the bay of Biscay (1995-2004 Yearly spring DEPM surveys)
125iNaturalist Research-grade Observations
124Computarización de la colección de dinoflagelados marinos (CODIMAR)
121Eukaryotic protists Metagenome
119Seawater metagenome Targeted loci environmental
118Centre d'Estudis Avançats de Blanes. Limnological Observatory of the Pyrenees - Fitoplancton de lagos pirenaicos
107The Nanoeukaryotic plankton Raw sequence reads
107marine metagenome Targeted Locus (Loci)
106Composición y distribución espacial del fitoplancton en aguas oceánicas del Caribe sur colombiano
105Marine sample from an Antarctic Bay Raw sequence reads
104Spirulina necromass degradartion in arctic marine sediments
102Composition and genetic diversity of picoeukaryotes in subtropical coastal waters as revealed by 454 sequencing-by-synthesis
100Microbial diversity associated with copepods in the North Atlantic subtropical gyre
98Electron Micrograph Database - Marine Specimens
96Phytoplankton from Ghana
9616S data describing Antarctic benthic sediment
94ALCB - Herbário Alexandre Leal Costa
87IMOS - AusCPR: Zooplankton Abundance
86Biodiverskripsi: Biodiversity Theses Database
84The Australian Zooplankton Database (1938 onwards)
80Inventario computarizado de la colección de parásitos de peces del noroeste de México
79Environmental eukaryotes Metagenome
78EDP Baixo Sabor: Phytoplankton - Ecological Monitoring Program [2016]
76River macroinvertebrate data for 2005 and 2006
73Microbial eukaryotes in an Arctic under-ice spring bloom north of Svalbard.
72Midden-Limburg Fish Ponds Survey
71Abundance, diversity and distribution of Legionellales in wet environments in Sweden
68Metazoan sequencing
64Metagenomic investigation of six depths from the anchialine Bundera sinkhole
64Phytoplankton abundance in the Wadden Sea off List, Sylt, North Sea in 2007
61Protists tag sequencing of 18S rRNA HV 9
58Cascading influence of inorganic nitrogen sources on DOM production composition lability and microbial community structure in the open ocean
58Uncultured marine eukaryotes Targeted Locus (Loci)
56Sea spray aerosols at Three California Beaches
54Sediment of acid mine drainage Targeted loci environmental
50Microbial communities associated with Eurasian watermilfoil, water and sediment
50Phytoplankton abundance in the Wadden Sea off List, Sylt, North Sea in 2008
49Microbial eukaryotes present in a Norwegian coastal ecosystem and in the gut content of Calanus copepods from Raunefjorden
49Peruvian eddy shotgun metagenomes
47marine metagenome Raw sequence reads
45Southern Ocean Continuous Zooplankton Recorder (SO-CPR) Survey
43Microbial diversity in the Benguela coastal upwelling system as derived from 16S rRNA sequencing and RNA Stable Isotope Probing (SIP)
43Phytoplankton abundance in the Wadden Sea off List, Sylt, North Sea in 2006
41Données Microalgues de l'ATBI Parc National du Mercantour / Parco Naturale Alpi Marittime (Rapports A. Couté)
41Water reservoir’s algoflories of Fergana valleys and their comparative analysis
37Centralisation des données d'études sur le territoire de la Communauté de Communes de la Côte d'Albâtre
36Arabian sea sediment samples with protist reads Metagenome
35Microbial diversity in shallow water hydrothermal sediments of Gueishan Island, Taiwan
34Phytoplankton abundance in the Wadden Sea off List, Sylt, North Sea in 2009
33uncultured prokaryote Targeted loci environmental
32Gesamtartenliste Bremerhaven, Helgoland und Sylt
31Phytoplankton abundance in the Wadden Sea off List, Sylt, North Sea in 2001
31Assessing the microbial diversity in Cape Comorin ocean water
30UEL - Coleção Ficológica da Universidade Estadual de Londrina (FUEL-Algae)
30uncultured prokaryote Targeted loci environmental
30Little Sippewissett Marsh Targeted Locus (Loci)
30FUEL-Algae - Coleção Ficológica do Herbário da Universidade Estadual de Londrina
29Protistan plankton diversity along salt gradient
28PlutoF platform observations
28Norwegian Species Observation Service
28Phytoplankton abundance in the Wadden Sea off List, Sylt, North Sea in 2010
27Temperature shifts simulating secondary oil recovery
27Phytoplankton abundance in the Wadden Sea off List, Sylt, North Sea in 2002
25Metagenomes of Sediments from Red Sea Atlantis II and Discovery Deep Brine Pools
24marine sediment metagenome Raw sequence reads
22Artenvielfalt der Nordsee - Helgoland
21Phytoplankton abundance in the Wadden Sea off List, Sylt, North Sea in 2003
21Guaymas Basin and Sonora Margin sediment Targeted loci
21Fringing reef Metagenome
20Metagenome data from DNA stable isotope probing of Stiffkey saltmarsh sediment microcosms to investigate methanogenesis from choline
20Microbial community structure of chronically polluted marine sediments from a cold region of the southern hemisphere
19Saltern of Margherita di Savoia Metagenome
19Microbial diversity in the Tongyeong-Geoje coastal area of Korea2
19Soil marker gene sequences across the Nutrient Network
18Evidence of bacterioplankton community adaption in responses to long-term mariculture disturbance
18Phytoplankton abundance in the Wadden Sea off List, Sylt, North Sea in 2004
18UESC - Herbário Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz
17Jeux de données provenant de l'ATBI Mercantour
17water Raw sequence reads
16Atlantic salmon microbiota
16Ireland's BioBlitz
16CSIRO, Australian National Algae Culture Collection, Global, 1949-2008
16uncultured prokaryote Raw sequence reads
16aquatic bacterial metagenome Raw sequence reads
15Zooplankton from selected sites in Ghana
14Metagenome microbial communities of bottom sediments of the Kara Sea
14Caracterización de fauna y flora para el establecimiento de límites funcionales de humedales en tres ventanas piloto: Ciénaga de la Virgen, Ciénaga Zapatosa y Complejo de humedales Paz de Ariporo - Hato Corozal
14Microeukaryotes in metagenomic survey of ancient Siberian permafrost
12marine sediment metagenome Targeted loci environmental
12Soil metagenome from healthy and unhealthy agricultural soil
12Artenvielfalt der Nordsee - Sylt
12Marine sediment Raw sequence reads
12Données naturalistes de Catherine PERRETTE
12Microbial eukaryotes Metagenome
11deep marine subsurface Raw sequence reads
11Fishes of Ghana
1116S Amplicon Data from an Antarctic Cold Seep
11Appliaction of metagenomic technique for isolation of microbes from mangroves for potential use in biofertilization and bioremediation
10Colección Limnológica Universidad de Antioquia
10Macroinvertebrados y perifiton pertenecientes a cuatro regiones de Colombia
10Microbial diversity and skin mucosal microbiota in farmed Atlantic salmon with ulcerative disorders, raw sequence reads
10Diversity of bacterioneuston and bacterioplankton in coastal waters of Misaki, Japan
10Enhanced pyrene and benzo[a]pyrene degradation by plant root and SMFC
10Marine metagenome Targeted loci environmental
9St Andrews BioBlitz 2015
8Spatial Variation of Coastal Bacterioplankton Community along a Nitrogen and Phosphorus Co-pollution Gradient
8Ocean Genome Legacy Collection
8Microbial Culture Collection, National Institute for Environmental Studies
8Bacterial community diverisity
7Successional trajectories of coastal bacterioplankton communities in response to co-exposure of cadmium and phenanthrene
7Cape Darnley Early-Autumn Phytoplankton Bloom, March 2012
71)sediments; 2) coral floc Metagenome
7microbes in coastal sea
6Effects of triclosan on bacterial community composition in natural seawater microcosms
6Bioblitz 2013 Copenhagen Denmark
6ECOPOT_1: Phytoplankton in Flemish Waterbodies
6Accuracy of protist diversity assessments: morphology compared to cloning and direct pyrosequencing of 18S rRNA genes and ITS regions using the conspicuous tintinnid ciliates as a case study
6the assembly of abundant and rare bacterioplankton subcommunities in three subtropical bays
6Arctic benthos Targeted Locus (Loci)
6Antarctic Snow Algae 2014/15 16S and 18S Illumina Seq of snow algae communities around Ryder Bay, Antarctica
5Merseyside BioBank (unverified)
5Microbial diversity in the Tongyeong-Geoje coastal area of Korea
5Sediment bacterial diversity
5Artportalen (Swedish Species Observation System)
5Prokaryotic microbial communities structure in the headwater watchment of Dongjiang River in the south of China
5Arctic sea-ice and sub-ice seawater raw sequence reads
5Artenvielfalt der Nordsee - Bremerhaven (Dorum-Neufeld)
5Fauna y flora del municipio de Paipa, Boyacá
5Microbial diversity of marine sediments from Ross Sea
5Metagenomics of Brava and Tebenquiche lakes microbial mats
5Seawater Targeted Locus (Loci)
5Marine fungi Raw sequence reads
5Coastal seawater influenced by the municipal effluents Raw sequence reads
4Thermophilic endospores in temperate sediments
4Ecological Genomics of the Eastern Tropical South Pacific Oxygen Minimum Zone Metagenome
4Microbial diversity in the Tongyeong-Geoje coastal area of Korea
4Diversity, Ecology and Biogeochemistry of cyst-forming acantharia (Radiolaria) in the oceans
4rRNA, rDNA bacteria thaw ponds Targeted loci environmental
4Schatzinsel Norderney
4Microbial ecology of archaeal community in sediment from adjacent waters of Rushan Bay
4Archaea 16S 01-13 Genome sequencing and assembly
4CTD water column metabarcoding
4soil bacteria and fungi Targeted loci environmental
4marine sediment metagenome Targeted Locus (Loci)
3water sample Raw sequence reads
3Antarctic Hypersaline Brine Raw sequence reads
3Localized impact of aquaculture effluent on Red Sea coral reef water nutrients and microorganisms
3Swan lake bacteria Raw sequence reads
3St Andrews BioBlitz 2016
3Yorkshire Wildlife Trust - Non-sensitive records from all taxonomic groups
3Archaeal diversity of surface seawater (A3,A5,G3,G5) Targeted Locus (Loci)
3surface sediment Raw sequence reads
3ALA species sightings and OzAtlas
3Temporal dynamics of the particle-attached and free-living microbial communities from coastal seawater
3Schlern - (Bozen)
3GEO-Hauptveranstaltung (Duisburg)
3Artenvielfalt am Schlern
3Research on Airborne Ice Nucleating Species
3particle-attached and free-living bacteria kongsfjorden
3SP-Algae - Herbário do Estado "Maria Eneyda P. Kaufmann Fidalgo - Coleção de Algas
3Standard filtration practices significantly distort planktonic microbial diversity estimates
2Spatial and environmental variation in whole microbial communities in Fildes Bay, King George Island, Antarctica Raw sequence reads
2Marine sediment microbial communities in the presence of macrophytes
2Species-specific associations between bacterioplankton and photosynthetic picoeukaryotes
2CIM Specimens
2Global Ocean Sampling Expedition
2Diet analysis of Pacific Bluefin Tuna larvae
2microbial community composition of marine water and sediment
2GEO Hauptveranstaltung Tirol (Innsbruck)
2GEO-Hauptveranstaltung Bodden (Vilm)
2Benham Rise 16S raw sequence reads
216S rRNA genes Random survey
2(Table 3) Late Maastrichtian calcareous nannofossils in ODP Hole 198-1212B
2Monitoreo Ambiental del Proyecto La Colosa
2Fauna y flora del municipio de Lipa, Arauca
2RNF - Données de l'ONF Isère
2Microbial associations in temperate marine copepods from the Gulf of Maine
2Marine Bacteria 16S V4 Raw sequence reads
2Bacterial diversity in the South Adriatic Sea during winter of 2016
2Short-term interaction of pyrene and cadmium in prokaryotic community in coastal sediment microcosms
2magnetite Targeted Locus (Loci)
2The New York Botanical Garden Herbarium (NY)
2Bacterial communities from the water column and the surface sediments along a transect in the East Sea (Sea of Japan)
2Biomonitoring of marine vertebrates in Monterey Bay using eDNA metabarcoding
1Thermokarst ponds Targeted Locus (Loci)
1MFS - Herbário Profª. Drª. Marlene Freitas da Silva
1Effects of Fecal Input, Environmental Conditions, and Environmental Sources on Enterococci Concentrations in an Estuarine Ecosystem
1ocean bacteria Metagenomic assembly
1Metagenome from mudbank Area,Alappuzha Kerala India
1Microbial community in PAH-contaminated riverine sediments
1marine sediment metagenome Targeted loci environmental
1Soil bacterial diversity is associated with human population density in urban greenspaces
1Comparison of copper contaminated soils, with similar uncontaminated controls.
1Microbial community in marine sediments
1Pyrosequencing, the South Sea, May 2009
1Bacterial 16S rRNA gene sequencing of Antarctic soil
1ADDOMEx Tier 3 Experiments: Mesocosm Si with Gulf of Mexico coastal waters
1National Trust Species Records
1Benthic microbial communities in the sediments of the Southern Ocean
1marine metagenome
1Kleinstbiotop mit Schulteich/Weißwasser
1Données Vigie-Flore
1Microbiome variation in Agaricia undata with distinct depth distribution ranges
1Gaia Guide
1Taxonomic study of endospores in a marine sediment
1Microbial diversity in benthic stream sediment
1UAM Invertebrate Collection (Arctos)
1Sea water sample Targeted Locus (Loci)
1Methane and dissolved organic carbon fueled microbial loop supports a tropical subterranean estuary ecosystem
1Algaterra Types
1Biologische Station im Kreis Wesel
1Stadtgebiet (Dannenberg)
-, Nature data from the Netherlands
1Prophetensee Quickborn
1Copepod induced bacterial community Raw sequence reads
1Verified Marine records from Indicia-based surveys
1Invertebrates (except insects), Outer Hebrides
1Marine Invertebrate voucher specimens at the Florida Biodiversity Collection, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
1Soil bacterial communities (Hainich National Park)
1Mediterranean Contaminated Pelagic communities
1Collections of Bioclass, school #179, Moscow
1marine metagenome
1De novo whole metagenome sequencing studies
1Effects of organic matter manipulation on archaeal, bacterial, and fungal community assembly
1Seawater free living bacterioplankton
1Sundarbans estuarine ecosystem Metagenome
1Vertebrate eDNA survey in nearshore marine environment
1Distributions and Abundances of Sublineages of the N2-Fixing Cyanobacterium Candidatus Atelocyanobacterium thalassa (UCYN-A) in the Noumea Lagoon
1Tyne oil spill snorkels Raw sequence reads
1bacterial community in the deep-sea surface sediments
1Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification
1surface sediment Raw sequence reads