Please cite as (29 November 2021) GBIF Occurrence Download
أعد تشغيل الاستعلام
- الرخصة
- ملف
- 24 MB بسيط
- مجموعات البيانات المعنية
- {{ 29 | localNumber}}
- أرشيف شروح "جيبف"
- {{ 16 | localNumber}}
- أرشيف شروح "جيبف"
- {{ 7 | localNumber}}
اساس السجل
- عينة حية
- ملاحظة بشرية
- ملاحظة
هندسة POLYGON((-92.84079 -1.96085,-88.97243 -1.96085,-88.97243 2.23119,-92.86743 2.49311,-92.84079 -1.96085))
ذو مشكلة جغرافية مكانية false
حالة التكرار present
السنة بين بداية من 2010 وانتهاء بـ 2020
يجب تطبيق الكل
لتكرار التنزيل على بيانات اليوم باستخدام واجهة برمجة التطبيقات (API)، يمكن استخدام الاستعلام أدناه.
اقرأ المزيد
"type": "and",
"predicates": [
"type": "or",
"predicates": [
"type": "equals",
"matchCase": false
"type": "equals",
"matchCase": false
"type": "equals",
"value": "OBSERVATION",
"matchCase": false
"type": "within",
"geometry": "POLYGON((-92.84079 -1.96085,-88.97243 -1.96085,-88.97243 2.23119,-92.86743 2.49311,-92.84079 -1.96085))"
"type": "equals",
"value": "false",
"matchCase": false
"type": "equals",
"value": "present",
"matchCase": false
"type": "and",
"predicates": [
"type": "greaterThanOrEquals",
"key": "YEAR",
"value": "2010",
"matchCase": false
"type": "lessThanOrEquals",
"key": "YEAR",
"value": "2020",
"matchCase": false
Download as TSV
206kEOD – eBird Observation Dataset
23kiNaturalist Research-grade Observations
-, Nature data from around the World
203Diveboard - Scuba diving citizen science observations
181Macroinvertebrate groups found on deep-sea volcanic habitats in the Galapagos Marine Reserve in the Eastern Tropical Pacific Ocean: Cnidaria - Anthozoa and Hydrozoa
162Reef Life Survey: Global reef fish dataset
159Macroinvertebrate groups found on deep-sea volcanic habitats in the Galapagos Marine Reserve in the Eastern Tropical Pacific Ocean: Echinoderms
128Xeno-canto - Bird sounds from around the world
125Macroinvertebrate groups found on deep-sea volcanic habitats in the Galapagos Marine Reserve in the Eastern Tropical Pacific Ocean: Porifera
72Earth Guardians Weekly Feed
49Macroinvertebrate groups found on deep-sea volcanic habitats in the Galapagos Marine Reserve in the Eastern Tropical Pacific Ocean: Arthropoda
32Macroinvertebrate groups on deep-sea volcanic habitats in the Galapagos Marine Reserve in the Eastern Tropical Pacific Ocean: Mollusca
19Pl@ntNet automatically identified occurrences
16Macroinvertebrate groups found on deep-sea volcanic habitats in the Galapagos Marine Reserve in the Eastern Tropical Pacific Ocean: Annelida
11ALA species sightings and OzAtlas
8Gaia Guide
7Happywhale - Humpback Whale in South Pacific Ocean
4Vulnerable marine ecosystems in the South Pacific Ocean region
3Odonata Central
2Happywhale - Killer Whale in South Pacific Ocean
2Happywhale - Galpagos sea lion in South Pacific Ocean
1Happywhale - Common Bottlenose Dolphin in South Pacific Ocean
1Happywhale - Sperm Whale in South Pacific Ocean
1Happywhale - Humpback Whale in North Pacific Ocean
1Happywhale - Galpagos fur seal in South Pacific Ocean
1Carnet en Ligne
1Happywhale - Fin Whale in South Pacific Ocean
1Happywhale - Short-finned Pilot Whale in South Pacific Ocean