Please cite as (04 January 2022) GBIF Occurrence Download
- الرخصة
- ملف
- 5 GB أرشيف داروين الأساسي
- مجموعات البيانات المعنية
- {{ 1818 | localNumber}}
- أرشيف شروح "جيبف"
- {{ 383 | localNumber}}
- أرشيف شروح "جيبف"
- {{ 43 | localNumber}}
لتكرار التنزيل على بيانات اليوم باستخدام واجهة برمجة التطبيقات (API)، يمكن استخدام الاستعلام أدناه.
اقرأ المزيد
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Download as TSV
1MINPN - Données flore des CBN agrégées par la FCBN
1MArtportalen (Swedish Species Observation System)
1MDutch Vegetation Database
851kThe Danish Environmental Portal, species and habitats-database "Danmarks Miljøportals Naturdatabase"
813kFloristic records from survey studies of the Bayerisches Landesamt für Umwelt
756kBSBI data from several English counties, up to 2015
480kFlore du Bassin parisien (CBNBP)
475kOccurrence Data of Vascular Plants collected or compiled for the Flora of Bavaria
462kOther BSBI Scottish data up to 2015
430kFinnish Floristic Database (Finnish Museum of Natural History Collections)
377kObservations du Conservatoire botanique national du Bassin parisien.
373kFlorabank1 - A grid-based database on vascular plant distribution in the northern part of Belgium (Flanders and the Brussels Capital region)
333kSwiss National Databank of Vascular Plants
-, Nature data from around the World
278kBryophyte data for Great Britain from the British Bryological Society held by BRC: Atlas 2014
221kObservations floristiques - plateforme SINP régionale SILENE PACA
154kObservations floristiques issues de la base de données du Conservatoire botanique national alpin
135kFlore Franco-Belge
118kObservations floristiques floutées issues de la base de données flore du Conservatoire botanique national alpin
117kBanco de Datos de la Biodiversidad de la Comunitat Valenciana
113kLERN Records
108kNorwegian Species Observation Service
108kVegetWeb - Repositorium von Vegetationsaufnahmen
99kScottish SNH-funded BSBI records
92kAtlas Flora Danica
87kCollections and observation data National Museum of Natural History Luxembourg
87kBRERC species records from all years at full resolution excluding Notable Species within the last 10 years
86kRelevés floristiques du protocole de l'Inventaire National Forestier de l'IGN
86kVascular Plants, Field notes, Oslo (O)
85kBelgian IFBL Flora Checklists (1939-1971)
- - Plant occurrences in Flanders and the Brussels Capital Region, Belgium
73kSuffolk Biodiversity Information Service (SBIS) Dataset
72kDutch Foundation for Applied Water Research (STOWA) - Limnodata Neerlandica
68kSEWBReC Vascular Plants (South East Wales)
62kDonnées d'occurrences Espèces issues de l'inventaire des ZNIEFF
61kFlora of Worcestershire
58kRECORD Vascular Plant Data
57kWelsh BSBI data (ex-VPDB dataset) at hectad resolution
56kFloristic Databases of Mecklenburg-Pomerania - Higher Plants
52kBiodiversitätsdatenbank Salzburg
49kEDP Foz-Tua: Vascular Flora – Ecological and Complentary Measures Monitoring Programs – Contruction Phase I [2012-2014]
49kShropshire Ecological Data Network database
42kEnvironmental Monitoring Database Species data 1987 to 2015
41kAtlas des Orchidées de France métropolitaine (2010)
41kRotherham Biological Records Centre - Non-sensitive Records from all taxonomic groups
37kEstonian Naturalists’ Society
35kDonnées ONF faune-flore-fonge
34kNatural Resources Wales Regional Data : Mid-Wales
32kFinnish Floristic Database (Literature Sources)
31kCartografía de vegetación a escala de detalle 1:10.000 de la masa forestal de Andalucía
28kSER Site-based Surveys
28kPhase 2 Lowland Grassland Survey of Wales
27kVascular Plant Herbarium, Oslo (O) UiO
26kFinnish Floristic Database (Vascular plant data of Kevo Subarctic Research Institute)
24kLund Botanical Museum (LD)
24kMerseyside BioBank (verified)
24kBIOGEOnet : Bryophytes occurrences in Wallonia
23kGloucestershire Historic Wildlife Sightings prior to 1st Jan 2000
22kDonnées d'observation flore du réseau des CBN issues du système d'information de la FCBN
22kIBF Monitoring of Vascular Plants
22kMiscellaneous records held on the Cofnod database
22kVascular plant field notes, NTNU University Museum
21kDonnées de la flore d’Alsace (SBA)
21kNational Meadow and Pasture Inventory (TUVA)
21kEDP Baixo Sabor: Construction and Reservoir Filling Phases – Vascular Flora and Habitats: species from prioritary conservation habitats - [2010-2014]
19kNaturalis Biodiversity Center (NL) - Botany
19kA global database for the distributions of crop wild relatives
18kMarine Nature Conservation Review (MNCR) and associated benthic marine data held and managed by JNCC
18kSwiss National Bryophyte Databank
18kFlora-On: occurrence data of the flora of mainland Portugal
16kNRW Regional Data: South East Wales Non-sensitive species
16kNational Trust Species Records
16kIsle of Man historical wildlife records 1995 to 1999
16kVascular Plant Records up to 2010
16kRecords of vascular plants, bryophytes and lichens from Ukrainian Grassland Database
15kFlore du Limousin
15kForestry Inventory 2010
14kDonnées acquises dans le cadre de l'activité du bureau d'étude BIOTOPE (1994 - 2013)
14kHatikka Observation Database
14kHertfordshire Flora Survey Records 1987-2005
14kVascular Plants, Field notes, Agder naturmuseum (KMN)
14kForestry Inventory 2005
14kCarnet en Ligne
13kFermanagh Flora
13kDorset Sites of Nature Conservation Interest (SNCI) species records pre 2000
13kRiver Macrophytes Database
12kIsle of Man historical wildlife records 1990 to 1994
12kVascular plant herbarium TRH, NTNU University Museum
12kBryophyte data for Great Britain and Ireland from the British Bryological Society held by BRC: data compiled post-Atlas
11kColección de plantas vasculares del herbario de la Universitat de València (VAL)
11kCSIC-Real Jardín Botánico-Colección de Plantas Vasculares (MA)
11kAtlas des plantes vasculaires de Lorraine
10kLeicestershire and Rutland Environmental Records Centre records 2000-2009
10kInventaire permanent de la flore du massif armoricain
10kMiscellaneous records held by BIS
10kVascular plant herbarium, UiT Tromsø Museum
10kObservations faune et flore du Parc national des Écrins
10kForestry Inventory 1995
10kFinnish Floristic Database (University of Turku Collections)
9kWikiplantbase #Toscana
9kNorthern Ireland Environment Agency (NIEA) Collated Species Records
9kIsle of Man wildlife records from 01/01/2000 to 13/02/2017
9kVascular plant records verified via iRecord
9kLeicestershire and Rutland Environmental Records Centre records 2010-2014
8kNational Trust for Scotland Species Records
8kDorset Sites of Nature Conservation Interest (SNCI) species records 2000-2008
8kVascular Plants, Observations, Oslo (O)
8kEstonian University of Life Sciences Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Vascular Plant Herbarium
8kBryophyte herbarium TRH, NTNU University Museum
7kBotanical Museum, Copenhagen, the Phycology Herbarium
7kNRW Regional Data: all taxa (excluding sensitive species), West Wales
7kCeDoc de Biodiversitat Vegetal: BCN-Cormophyta
7kColección de plantas vasculares del Herbario "Jaime Andrés Rodríguez". LEB
6kDr Mary Gillham Archive Project
6kDonnées faune, flore et fonge du Conservatoire des espaces naturels de Picardie
6kBiodiversitätsdatenbank Nationalpark Hohe Tauern
6kVascular plant herbarium (KMN) UiA
6kOskarshamn herbarium (OHN)
6kPhase Two Lowland Heathland Survey
6kDorset SSSI Species Records 1952 - 2004 (Natural England)
6kVIT Herbarium - Vascular Plants (The Natural History Museum of Alava)
5kStanding Waters Database - Scotland
5kYorkshire Wildlife Trust - Non-sensitive records from all taxonomic groups
5kCommissioned surveys and staff surveys and reports for Scottish Wildlife Trust reserves - Verified data
5kBiologiezentrum Linz
5kMasaryk University - Herbarium BRNU
5kWikiplantbase #Italia
5kDepartment of Agriculture Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA) Marine and Fisheries Division Marine Survey Data
5kInstitute of Dendrology PAS, Flora of Sudety Mountains
4kInventaire de la flore de Gironde 2014
4kHerbario HSS Finca La Orden-Valdesequera (CICYTEX). Junta de Extremadura
4kNaturhistorisches Museum Mainz, Feldbeobachtungsdaten Pflanzen
4kLeicestershire and Rutland Environmental Records Centre records pre 2000
4kinatura - Erlebnis Naturschau Dornbirn
4kHerbarium Willing at Herbarium Berolinense, Berlin (B)
4kNBIS Records to December 2016
4kHerbarium Berolinense, Berlin (B)
4kMontgomeryshire Wildlife Trust records held by BIS
4kA common plants survey of vascular plants in South Northumberland and Durham, United Kingdom
4kArgyll Biological Records Dataset
4kKarplanter i vernet barskog og edelløvskog
4kVegetation surveys of coastal shingle in Great Britain
4kRNF - Données de la Fédération des Réserves Catalanes
4kDonnées faune, flore et fonge du Conservatoire des espaces naturels du Nord Pas-de-Calais
4kHerbario ABH (Universidad de Alicante)
4kSER Species-based Surveys
3kFloVegSI - Floristical and fitocenological database of ZRC SAZU
3kMGC Herbarium of University of Malaga (Spain): MGC-Cormof dataset
3kCarnet B Lorraine
- - Non-native plant occurrences in Flanders and the Brussels Capital Region, Belgium
3kBioversity Collecting Mission Database
3kJardín Botánico de Córdoba: Herbarium COA
3kLivre rouge de la flore menacée de France (tomes I et II) - (FCBN)
3kHerbarium Universitatis Daugavpiliensis
3kNatural England Marine Monitoring surveys
3kInstitut Botanic de Barcelona (IBB, CSIC-Ajuntament de Barcelona), BC-Plantae
3kDonnées Vigie-Flore
3kWikiplantbase #Sardegna
3kMoscow University Herbarium (MW)
3kEstonian Museum of Natural History Department of Botany
3kvegetation releves on grassland gridplots 2007-2009
3kSystème d’évaluation de l’état des Eaux (SEEE) - Macrophytes
3kMosses (S)
3kTiroler Landesmuseum Ferdinandeum
3kBryophyte Herbarium, Oslo (O) UiO
2kVascular Plant Herbarium, UiB
2kRNF - Conservatoire d'espaces naturel Nord-Pas-de-Calais
2kDonnées 'Flore remarquable' du Parc national des Pyrénées
2kNatural History Museum, Vienna - Herbarium W
2kThe Fungal Collection at the Senckenberg Museum für Naturkunde Görlitz
2kData from Defra Family Organisations supplied to Staffordshire Ecological Record
2kBryophyta collection of the Botanical Museum of the University of Oulu
2kMosses and Liverworts: Records for Kent.
2kHerbarium of Vascular Plants Collection of the University of Extremadura (Spain)
2kvegetation releves on grassland gridplots in 2007
2kNatural History Museum (London) Collection Specimens
2kHerbário João de Carvalho e Vasconcellos, I.S.A./U.L.
2kObservational database of Icelandic plants
2kHerbario de la Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid (MACB)
2kHerbarium of Jyväskylä University Museum
2kGreater London Habitat Survey tree data
2kCatálogo Florístico Histórico de Navarra. Gobierno de Navarra
2kWikiplantbase #Liguria
2kDonnées naturalistes flore et fonge du Conservatoire des espaces naturels Auvergne saisies avant le 18 février 2019.
2kSteiermärkisches Landesmuseum Joanneum - Herbarium GJO
2kVascular plant diversity in forests
2kDEMNA-DNE : Exotic plant occurrences in Wallonia
2kSwiss National Databank of Green Algae (Characeae)
2kCartographie des Leguminosae (Fabaceae) en France
2kR.H.Wardell - Cardiff Nature Conservation Strategy - 1991 - 1998
2kNatagriwal ; Observations made from operations within Natura 2000 habitats and other semi-natural areas
2kGeneva Herbarium – General Collection (G)
2kSeasearch Marine Surveys in England
2kEDP Foz-Tua: Macrophytes – Ecological Monitoring Program [2011-2015]
2kNRW Regional Data: North Wales
2kDIBA-Parc del Montnegre i el Corredor
2kShire Group IDB species data 2004 to present
2kDonnées naturalistes d'Olivier ESCUDER
2kCollated IRTU Freshwater Surveys
2kInventaire de la flore du Pays Bassin d'Arcachon - Val de l'Eyre 2010-2013
2kAranzadi Zientzi Elkartea
2kUniversity of Tartu Natural History Museum and Botanical Garden Botanical Collections
2kARKO kulturmarkseng
2kDIBA-Parc Natural del Montseny
2kTWIC Biodiversity Field Trip Data (1995-present)
2kHerbarium of Umeå University (UME)
2kStackpole National Nature Reserve Species Inventory and Ad-hoc Sightings from Across Pembrokeshire
2kMarine Intertidal Phase 1 Species Dataset from the Countryside Council for Wales 1996-2005
2kUnited Herbaria of the University and ETH Zurich
1kUniversidad de Oviedo. Departamento de Biología de Organismos y Sistemas: FCO-Briof
1kLong-Term Monitoring Network Vegetation Quadrats
1kIreland's BioBlitz
1kSpecies data for Scottish waters held and managed by Scottish Natural Heritage, derived from benthic surveys 1993 to 2018
1kHerbarium of the Department of Natural Forests (Forest Research Institute) - Plants
1kInventaire de la flore de Lot-et-Garonne 2014
1kInventaire de la flore des Landes 2012 (Chalosse et Tursan)
1kObservations occasionnelles Parc national des Pyrénées
1kInventaire de la flore des Landes 2014
1kPhase 2 Lowland Peatland Survey of Wales 2004 onwards
1kTrondheim urban biodyversity survey
1kPhase 2 Woodland Survey of Wales
1kTallinn Botanic Garden
1kUlster Museum Marine Surveys
1kDerbyshire Red Data List Plant Records 1930 - 2014
1kNorwegian Biodiversity Information Centre - Other datasets
1kRiver Biologists' Database (EPA)
1kAll taxa records for Leicestershire and Rutland
1kPatrick Roper’s Notebooks
1kFlora d'Andorra
1kRadnorshire Wildlife Trust records held by BIS
1kMarine data from Natural Resources Wales (NRW) Technical Support (Research & Monitoring) Contracts, Wales
1kHerbario COFC de la Universidad de Córdoba: colección general de plantas vasculares
1kPhenological Center - Plants
1kKiEco Freshwater Ecology: River Macrophytes
1kImages and observations of mostly edible plants in Stephen Barstow’s Edible Garden in Norway, taken between 2005 and 2014
1kVascular Plants of the Porya Guba Archipelago, White Sea, Russia
1kInventaire de la flore des Pyrénées-Atlantiques 2014
1kDonnées naturalistes de Damien AVRIL
1kMeise Botanic Garden Herbarium (BR)
1kInventaires floristiques des Grands Projets du Sud-Ouest (GPSO) 2010-2013
1kDonnées naturalistes de Pierre DUFRENE
1kFungus Collections at Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde Karlsruhe (Herbarium KR)
1kRNF - Données du Conservatoire d'espaces naturel Limousin
1kUniversity of Graz, Institute of Plant Sciences - Herbarium GZU
1kUniversidad de Murcia, Dpto. Biología Vegetal (Botánica), Murcia: MUB-MUSCI
1kJeux de données provenant de l'ATBI Mercantour
1kBrecknock Wildlife Trust (Now WTSWW Brecknockhire) records held by BIS
1kSheffield and Rotherham Wildlife Trust - Records
1kInventaire de la flore de Bordeaux Métropole 2013
1kInventaires du Conservatoire botanique national méditerranéen dans le cadre de l'ATBI Mercantour.
1kFinnish Floristic Database (Åbo Akademi University Collections)
1kCPERC Combined Dataset
1kIrish Crop Wild Relative Database
1kWikiplantbase Sicilia
1kCSIC-Real Jardín Botánico-Colección de Musgos (MA-Musci)
1kStoke-on-Trent Environmental Survey results (1982-1984)
1kHerbarium GAT
1kWTSWW Data: All Taxa (West Wales)
1kGrassland Survey of Lochaber 1990-94
1kInventaire de la flore par le CBN Sud-Atlantique sur le PNRLG 2007-2008
1kLeicestershire Bryophyte Data
1kInternational Barcode of Life project (iBOL)
1kVascular plants in power line clearings and the nearby forest, southeast Norway
1kMarine sites, habitats and species data collected during the BioMar survey of Ireland.
1kMarine sites, habitats and species data collected during the BioMar survey of Ireland.
1kRiver Pant historic river corridor surveys
1kHerbario de la Facultad de Farmacia de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid (MAF)
1kVascular plants of grasslands in Central Forest Nature Reserve (Tver Oblast, Russia)
1kCoastal Saltmarsh Monitoring
1kActualisation de la cartographie des Ptéridophytes de France et d'Europe occidentale
1kObservations naturalistes des Amis de BioObs.
1kThe French Collection of Medicago truncatula
1kHerbario de la Universidad de Almería
1kEDP Baixo Sabor: Construction and Reservoir Filling Phases – Vascular Flora and Habitats: species of conservation concern (RELAPE) - [2010-2014]
1kRocky Shore Macroalgae
1kDonnées acquises via le réseau du Conservatoire botanique national du Bassin parisien
- - Non-native species occurrences in Wallonia, Belgium
1kRECORD Bryopsida Data
1kEDP Foz-Tua: Bryophyte flora – Complementary Studies [2011] and Ecological Monitoring Program [2012-2015]
987Inventaire de la flore de Charente-Maritime 2012
985Seasearch Marine Surveys in Wales
983NHMO DNA Bank Vascular plants collection
981University of Vienna, Institute for Botany - Herbarium WU
975North Merseyside Local Species Data (DEFRA Grant 23169)
974Inventaire de la flore des Landes 2014 (Littoral dunaire)
968Isle of Wight Notable Species
964Inventaire de la flore du PNRLG 2014 (Landes et Gironde)
950Flora of Słowiński National Park, Poland
946Herbarium Senckenbergianum (GLM) - Bryophyta
943Herbario de la Universidad Pública de Navarra, Pamplona: UPNA-H
927Vegetation of the Rybachy Peninsula and the Sredny Peninsula, Murmansk Oblast, Russia
925Natural History Museum Rotterdam - Specimens
923INSDC Sequences
909Weed plants of the European part of Russia
905InboVeg - NICHE-Vlaanderen groundwater related vegetation relevés for Flanders, Belgium
902RHS monitoring of native and naturalised plants and animals at its gardens and surrounding areas
896Universität Salzburg
867Herbarium Senckenbergianum (FR)
856Marine Records from Pembrokeshire Marine Species Atlas
854Données RNF - PNR des ballons des Vosges
843L. IS dataset. Cyanoprocaryota, Lichens, Bryophyte
831Segetal flora of Italy
819Grassland Survey of Central Region, 1989-90
808Bryophyte herbarium, UiT Tromsø Museum
807Herbario de Universidad de Murcia: MUB
801Inventaire de la flore des Pyrénées-Atlantiques 2007-2008 - Littoral
796Données Herbiers de l'Université de Strasbourg
792Conventions d’étude sur la biodiversité française – Partenariats du Service du patrimoine naturel
784Merseyside BioBank (unverified)
771Vascular Plants, Museum of Archaeology, University of Stavanger
771Herbario de la Universitat de les Illes Balears
742Tropicos Specimen Data
725Botany registration database by Danish botanists
721RNF - Association Loiret Nature Environnement
687Biowide Species data
678Charles University Prague - Herbarium PRC
674Seasearch Marine Surveys in Scotland
672Kent Wildlife Trust Shoresearch Intertidal Survey 2004 onwards
666Herbarium GB, University of Gothenburg
652CeDoc de Biodiversitat Vegetal: BCB-bryo
650Vascular Plants of Latorica River Basin (Transcarpathian region, Ukraine)
645Polish gene bank – passport data of plants accessions which are important in human life
639Bryophyte collection of Porto Herbarium (PO)
621The vascular plants collection (P) at the Herbarium of the Muséum national d'Histoire Naturelle (MNHN - Paris)
619Carnet B Centre - lot 2012
616Vascular Plant Herbarium at the Kandalaksha Strict Nature Reserve (KAND), Russia
612MHA Herbarium: collections of vascular plants
606Herbarium (ICEL)
605North East Scotland Mosses and Liverworts (1950-2014)
604AWI-Herbarium Marine Macroalgae
589Ecological typology of waterways, vegetation surveys
583Some botanical researches of the Faculty of Biology of Taras Shevchenko national university of Kyiv (1930s-2000s)
581Staffordshire Wildlife Trust Nature Reserves Inventory
576Bryophyte records via iRecord
574SEWBReC Algae and allied species (South East Wales)
569Données de la base Ecosphère
568EDIT - ATBI in Mercantour/Alpi Marittime (France/Italy)
567Bryophyte diversity in forests
567Inventaire de la flore de Charente-Maritime 2014
556Phytocenoteca of the laboratory of ecosystem theory (Plants)
552Isle of Man Historical Wildlife Records pre-1990
552Biobanco de ADN Vegetal de la Universidad de Salamanca: SALA-DNA
550Atlas de la flore de Lorraine
546Biological survey of the intertidal chalk reefs between Folkestone Warren and Kingsdown, Kent 2009-2011
540Monitoring Porto 2006-2008
539Intertidal Biodiversity along the Portuguese coast (2001-2002)
537Programme CARTHAM: Inventaire biologique dans le cadre de Natura 2000 en Mer
537Données naturalistes de GAULTIER Cyrille
529River Blackwater historic river corridor surveys
515Bryophyte herbarium, UiB
504Bryophytes of Ireland : Data Compiled Post-Atlas
484Inventaires PnrL "Prairies"
483Vascular plants of Amrum 2007-2008
478Chronicle of Nature - Phenology of Plants of State Nature Reserve Kivach
476Nijmegen Natural History Museum (NL) - Herbarium
472Database for alien invasive plants occurrences in Germany
466Chronicle of Nature - Phenology of Plants of Carpathian Biosphere Reserve
463Grassland Surveys of Fife, 1972-1990
457EDP Foz-Tua: Vascular Flora – Complementary Studies and Baseline Year of the Ecological Monitoring Program [2011]
453NRA River corridor survey data from 1990s - River Colne and Tributaries
451Digitization of plant specimens from Rhoen and Vogelsberg (FULD)
447Monitoring data from the federal state North Rhine-Westphalia (Germany)
445Merseyside BioBank Active Naturalists (verified)
443Finnish Floristic Database (Small Collections)
438Modernisation des ZNIEFF du PnrL
437Universidad de Murcia, Dpto. Biología Vegetal (Botánica), Murcia: MUB-HEPATICAE
433Phanerogamic Botanical Collections (S)
431SANT Herbarium vascular plants collection
420Jeu de données convention Eurovia-SPN-2012-2016
412Dreal Corse - Base Ogreva
412Inventaire de la flore de Charente-Maritime 2013
411Seasearch Marine Surveys in Ireland
408Seed bank grassland
405Algae collection, Oslo (O) UiO
405Herbario de Plantas Vasculares de la Asociación BIGA para el estudio del patrimonio natural de Galicia: FBIGA
401Grassland Survey of West Lothian, 1995
400RNF - Données de l'association Vivarmor Nature
391Données naturalistes de Pierre HUGUENY
389Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh Herbarium (E)
389RNF - Données du Conservatoire d'espaces naturel Centre
389BRERC Notable Species records within the last 10 years
385Inventaire de la flore du Grand Poitiers 2009
381Effects of vegetation clearing on vascular plants in power line clearings southeast Norway
381Welsh Invertebrate Database (WID)
374Threatened species occurrences, Denmark 1991-2015
372Inventaire de la flore de Lot-et-Garonne 2013
370Universidad de Barcelona (Facultad de Biología): Plantas vasculares del valle de Son del Pi y áreas colindantes
370Estonian Nature Observations Database
369GRT gaz inventaire Parc naturel régional de Lorraine
365Inventaire de la flore des pelouses littorales de l'estuaire de la Gironde en Charente-Maritime 2012
364Données naturalistes de CERCOPE (Jean-Louis PRATZ)
359Inventaire et suivis d'espèces dans le Parc national des Cévennes
356Survey and monitoring records for Scottish Wildlife Trust reserves from reserve convenors and Trust volunteers - Verified data
351Espèces Végétales Menacées de France métropolitaine
349Universitat de Girona: HGI-Cormophyta
346ARKO strandeng
342Lothian Wildlife Information Centre Secret Garden Survey
337NaGISA Project
333Inventaire de la flore des ENS des Pyrénées-Atlantiques 2011-2012
331Monitoring data from the federal state Saxony-Anhalt (Germany)
328Vascular plants in Danish coastal meadows
326Vegetation releves in 150 grassland EPs in 2008
324Porcupine Marine Natural History Society Dataset
322Natura 2000 Vallée de la Seille
321Ty Canol National Nature Reserve (NNR) Species Inventory
320Dataset of Phenology of flora of mediterranean high-mountains meadows (Sierra Nevada)
315Midden-Limburg Fish Ponds Survey
309NMNH Extant Specimen Records (USNM, US)
307Universitat de València, Colecciones de Criptógamas: VAL_Briof
304Duke University Herbarium Bryophyte Collection
303TestWat - Macroinvertebrates and macrophytes of freshwater bodies in Flanders, Belgium
302Naturhistorisches Museum Mainz, Herbarium Oesau
299Bryophyte collection of Jyväskylä University Museum
298Monitoring of the intertidal biodiversity of rocky beaches with schools in Portugal 2005-2010
298Algae Herbarium (KMN) UiA
287Manx Biological Recording Partnership UNVERIFIED Isle of Man records between 14/02/2017 and 05/09/2019
286Données naturalistes de Julien BIRARD [Inventaire Eclair 18 juin]
286Chronicle of Nature - Phenology of Plants of State Environmental Institution National Park Braslav lakes
285Grassland and Heathland Survey at Bardon Hill 2008/9
283National Invasive Species Database
283Botany (UPS)
277Données naturalistes de RAYNARD Philippe
276Données naturalistes de Loïc SALAUN
270Spring bryophyte flora of Salpausselkä (Ulvinen 1955 & Juutinen 2006)
269Bryophyte Survey of the Poole Basin Mires - NBN South West Pilot Project Case Studies
264Wikiplantbase #Emilia-Romagna
263Phenological Center - Plants (Karelia)
262CEDaR Online Recording
254Sightings Map of Invasive Plants in Portugal
250Back from the Brink vascular plant species abundance and distribution for Great Britain for the period 2002-2009
244KTU Pteridophyta
243NDFF Wall Plants Monitoring Program
238The Erysiphales Collection at the Botanische Staatssammlung München
231Species within North Ayrshire from 1984 - Present
231Fife Nature Records Centre combined dataset
230Données d'occurrence Espèces issues de la base Natura 2000 : espèces d'intérêt communautaire et autres espèces remarquables renseignées dans les FSD
222RNF - Données du Conservatoire d'espaces naturel Franche-Comté
222Seasearch Marine Surveys in the Channel Islands
221Invasive Species and Pests
216CeDoc de Biodiversitat Vegetal: BCN-Bryophyta
214Vascular Herbarium, NMBU
212National Rivers Authority Essex Coastal Surveys
212SHARK - Regional monitoring, recipient control and monitoring projects of phytoplankton in Sweden since 1985
209Pl@ntNet observations
206Kartlegging av dragehode
205Eppingen und Umgebung
205Jardín Botánico Atlántico, Gijón: JBAG
205The cryptogamy collection (PC) at the Herbarium of the Muséum national d'Histoire Naturelle (MNHN - Paris)
203Naturhistorisches Museum Mainz, Herbarium von Ruprecht Düll
202Verified marine records from Indicia-based surveys
200Inventaire de la flore de la Vienne 2014
200Liverworts (Marchantiopsida) and Hornworts (Anthocerophyta) of Denmark
200Marine Nature Conservation Review (MNCR) and associated benthic marine data held and managed by English Nature
196Habitats Directive Portuguese Report: Species 2013-2018
195City of Edinburgh Natural Heritage Service - Ranger Patrol Records
195Findings of plants and fungi from "Desna-Starohutskyi" National Nature Park (Desna river basin)
195Miscellaneous Vascular Plants
186Nordic Genetic Resources
185Vegetation data from long term sheep grazing experiment in Setesdal, Norway
184RNF - Données de l'association ASTERS
182Contribution to a study of plant cartography in Portugal - degree internship report - Part 1
182Données naturalistes de Cyril EPICOCO
180The French National Collection of forage and turf species (grasses and legumes).
180Yorkshire Naturalists Union Marine and Coastal Section Records
179CSIC-Real Jardín Botánico-Colección de Algas (MA-Algae)
179Spredning av fremmede arter med planteimport til Norge
179University of Michigan Herbarium
178INNS Data: All Taxa (South East Wales)
176HBRG Fungus, Lichen & Lower Plants Dataset
174Flore Bord de route/CG55 - Parc Naturel régional Lorraine
171Jeu de données convention FEGVE-SPN-2012-2016
171ARKO gamle edellauvtrær
171NNI Riverbase - Mosses & Liverworts
171DIBA-Parc de la Serralada de Marina
170Hortus Botanicus Sollerensis Herbarium (FBonafè)
169PAMP-tracheo: Vascular plants in Pamplona Basin (Navarra, Spain). Undergraduate thesis, D. Vicente
169Photographs of higher plants, mosses, fungi, lichens, and algae
168KTU Pinophyta
168Données espèces - Expertise IQE 92
168RNF - Données de la Communauté de Communes de Gevrey Chambertin
167Universitat de València, Colecciones de Criptógamas: VAL_Algae
166flower visitor interactions 2008
166Records of protected plant and fungi species in Ukraine
164Inventaire de la flore des Deux-Sèvres 2013
163SHARK - National phytoplankton monitoring in Sweden since 1983
163Phenological Center - Plants (Laplandskiy)
162Chronicle of Nature - Phenology of Plants of Kaniv Nature Reserve
162Données naturalistes de Pierre NOEL (pnoel)
161Herbarium of Namur
159Plants, herbivores and their natural enemies along a grassland management gradient 2008
157Herbarium (AMNH)
155Données naturalistes de Xavier JAPIOT