Please cite as (29 October 2020) GBIF Occurrence Download
أعد تشغيل الاستعلام
- الرخصة
- ملف
- 271 MB بسيط
- مجموعات البيانات المعنية
- {{ 697 | localNumber}}
- أرشيف شروح "جيبف"
- {{ 280 | localNumber}}
- أرشيف شروح "جيبف"
- {{ 36 | localNumber}}
البلد أو المنطقة تشيلي
هندسة POLYGON((-70.8783 -18.53943,-75.39368 -46.01624,-71.87805 -45.92834,-67.12097 -23.12073,-69.24133 -17.91321,-70.8783 -18.53943))
ذو احداثيات true
ذو مشكلة جغرافية مكانية false
حالة التكرار present
يجب تطبيق الكل
لتكرار التنزيل على بيانات اليوم باستخدام واجهة برمجة التطبيقات (API)، يمكن استخدام الاستعلام أدناه.
اقرأ المزيد
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Download as TSV
1MEOD - eBird Observation Dataset
42kMICROBIS database
30kWild bees of Chile - The PUCV collection
29kiNaturalist Research-grade Observations
20kEssig Museum of Entomology
16kPatagonian fjord prokaryote community
15kTropicos Specimen Data
15kAmplicon sequencing of Tara Oceans DNA samples corresponding to size fractions for protists.
14kUniversity of Minnesota Insect Collection
14kGeographically tagged INSDC sequences
12kDatos observacionales sobre biodiversidad Ministerio del Medio Ambiente 2015
11kPl@ntNet automatically identified occurrences
10kSeawater metagenome Targeted loci environmental
8kLevantamiento florístico en área del Proyecto GEF Corredores Biológicos de Montaña, Zona Central de Chile
7kField Museum of Natural History (Botany) Seed Plant Collection
7kStuart M. Fullerton Collection of Arthropods (UCFC), University of Central Florida
6kInternational Barcode of Life project (iBOL)
6kRoyal Botanic Garden Edinburgh Herbarium (E)
6kObservaciones de Especies Silvestres (by Charif Tala)
6kMuseum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University
5kField Museum of Natural History (Zoology) Mammal Collection
5kUniversity of Michigan Museum of Zoology, Division of Insects
5kNMNH Extant Specimen Records
5kC.A. Triplehorn Insect Collection (OSUC), Ohio State University
5kSnow Entomological Museum Collection
5kPaleobiology Database
4kNatural History Museum (London) Collection Specimens
4kMSB Mammal Collection (Arctos)
4kA global database for the distributions of crop wild relatives
3kInstituto de Botánica Darwinion
3kBase de datos de especies y especímenes de la flora costera del norte de Chile (plan RECOGE)
3kCAS Entomology (ENT)
3kRoyal Botanic Garden Edinburgh Living Plant Collections (E)
3kThe New York Botanical Garden Herbarium (NY)
2kBase de datos de la Sala de Colecciones Biológicas de la Universidad Católica del Norte (SCBUCN)
2kCopepodos Chile
2kMuseo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia" (MACN). Arachnology National Collection (MACNAr)
2kCSIC-Real Jardín Botánico-Colección de Plantas Vasculares (MA)
2kPlantas Vasculares del Herbario EIF
2kBee Biology and Systematics Laboratory
2kHerbario SQF
2kSediment bacterial diversity
2kMetagenomics of Brava and Tebenquiche lakes microbial mats
1kArizona State University Vascular Plant Herbarium
1kIllinois Natural History Survey Insect Collection
1kOccurrence database of native plants and animals of south-central Chile
1kXeno-canto - Bird sounds from around the world
1kMSU Mammalogy, Ornithology and Vertebrate Paleontology Collections
1kZoologische Staatssammlung Muenchen - International Barcode of Life (iBOL) - Barcode of Life Project Specimen Data
1kLACM Entomology Collection
1kPaleontological Research Institution Collections
1kLACM Vertebrate Collection
-, Nature data from around the World
1kBiodiversity catalog of Marine Coastal Areas of Indigenous People (MCAIPs / ECMPOs), Chile
1kVertebrate Zoology Division - Ornithology, Yale Peabody Museum
1kGeneva Herbarium – General Collection (G)
1kSynopsis of Schizanthus: list of specimens examined
1kLlamara 1 evaporites metagenome
1kTerrestrial avian occurrences in the context of urbanization of Central Chile
1kARGOS Satellite Tracking of animals
1kVulnerable marine ecosystems in the South Pacific Ocean region
1kPl@ntNet observations
1kPlantas Vasculares de Chile – Herbario VALPL - Universidad de Playa Ancha
1kGeneva Herbarium – De Candolle's Prodromus (G-DC)
1kMVZ Herp Collection (Arctos)
993(Supplement 1) Most common taxa or groups of coccoliths from ODP Site 1233 (past dataset) covering the last 70 kyr
987Colección Entomológica del IADIZA - CCT CONICET Mendoza: IADIZA-CEI
946Occurrence database of bryophytes and native animals of southern Chile
909Lichen herbarium, Tromsø Museum
899NEOTROPICMYXO. A database of Myxomycetes from the Neotropics
852Swiss Psyllid (Hemiptera) Collections - Geneva
836Mountain Invasion Research Network (MIREN) survey
825Collection Aves (bird skins) SMF
773Invertebrates Collection of the Swedish Museum of Natural History
750Lyman Entomological Museum (LEMQ)
716Bioversity Collecting Mission Database
715MEL AVH data
694A Distribution and Taxonomic Reference Dataset of Geranium (Geraniaceae) in the New World
681CSIC-Real Jardín Botánico-Colección de Hongos (MA-Fungi)
670United States National Plant Germplasm System Collection
667University of California Museum of Paleontology
660Herbarium Senckenbergianum (FR)
645Ecological Genomics of the Eastern Tropical South Pacific Oxygen Minimum Zone Metagenome
631Field Museum of Natural History (Zoology) Insect, Arachnid and Myriapod Collection
614Lichens at Herbarium Berolinense, Berlin (B)
604Field Museum of Natural History (Botany) Bryophyte Collection
587Echinoderms Collection - National Museum of Natural History, Chile
570Hexacorallians of the world
533Field Museum of Natural History (Zoology) Invertebrate Collection
527Duke University Herbarium Lichen Collection
515The System-wide Information Network for Genetic Resources (SINGER)
508SOMBASE – Southern Ocean mollusc database: a tool for biogeographic analysis in diversity and evolution
505Desert Botanical Garden Herbarium
502Microbial mats and sediments from Atacama
481Duke University Herbarium Bryophyte Collection
481SIO Marine Vertebrate Collection
467The Fungal, Lichen and Plant Collections at the Herbarium Marburgense
464The Vascular Plant Collection at the Botanische Staatssammlung München
458DZUP-Hymenoptera - Coleção Entomológica Pe. Jesus Santiago Moure (Hymenoptera)
455UCR - University of California, Riverside Herbarium - Vascular Plants
454Planetary Biodiversity Inventory Eumycetozoan Databank
441Arizona State University Lichen Herbarium
434University of British Columbia Herbarium (UBC) - Bryophytes Collection
433Biologiezentrum Linz
430LACM Malacology
426Global Lacustrine Diatoms
421Naturalis Biodiversity Center (NL) - Botany
403Recopilación de datos e información para el Inventario Nacional de Especies de mamíferos marinos nativos de Chile 2016.
388CAS Ichthyology (ICH)
374Australian Museum provider for OZCAM
372Prospecting of extreme microbial ecosystems associated to minerals (microbialites, microbial mats and endoevaporites) in Puna, Wetlands and Salars of Argentina, Chile and Bolivia
336Phanerogamic Botanical Collections (S)
312Vachellia caven in Southern South America
306Briófitas del Herbario EIF
306COMARGIS: Information System on Continental Margin Ecosystems
301Swiss Psyllid (Hemiptera) Collections - Basel
300MVZ Mammal Collection (Arctos)
296Field Museum of Natural History (Botany) Fungi Collection
283A multi-proxy investigation of sediment core GeoB7165-1 ~60 km offshore Concepción
272Auckland Museum Botany Collection
262Natural History Museum, Vienna - Herbarium W
249Entomological collections, UiB
248SDSU - San Diego State University Herbarium
248University of Michigan Museum of Zoology, Division of Birds
242University of Michigan Museum of Zoology, Division of Fishes
241Natural History Museum Rotterdam - Specimens
240SINGER Coordinator
237Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew - Herbarium Specimens
230University of Michigan Herbarium
227Phytoplankton abundance at several stations in January 2005, Chipana, Chile
226Western Australian Museum provider for OZCAM
219Macaulay Library Audio and Video Collection
204Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia" (MACN). Herpetology National Collection (MACNHe)
204SCAR Biogeographic Atlas of the Southern Ocean - Porifera - Data
200Naturalis Biodiversity Center (NL) - Aves
192Phytoplankton abundance at several stations in December 2004, Chipana, Chile
191Field Museum of Natural History (Botany) Pteridophyte Collection
184University of Florida Invertebrate Paleontology
174KUBI Ichthyology Collection
169The vascular plants collection (P) at the Herbarium of the Muséum national d'Histoire Naturelle (MNHN - Paris)
165CAS Herpetology (HERP)
158Faunal distribution of the most important planktic foraminiferal species in the investigated surface sediment samples from the Chilean continental slope between 23°S and 44°S
158AMNH Bird Collection
157University of British Columbia Herbarium (UBC) - Algae Collection
156Herbarium Berolinense, Berlin (B)
153A Review of the Jumping Spider Fauna (Araneae: Salticidae) of Chile
150TTU Mammals Collection
149Entomology Division, Yale Peabody Museum
146Lund Botanical Museum (LD)
139CRIS data set
139Mosquito Occurrence Dataset
135Fish Collection Ismael Kong, Universidad de Antofagasta, Chile
134Cleveland Museum of Natural History
131Cetacean distribution in the South Atlantic and South Pacific Ocean (AR-OBIS)
131Mammalogy Collection - Royal Ontario Museum
130Invertebrates (Type Specimens) of the Swedish Museum of Natural History
127Collection Crustacea - ZMB
125Ohio State Acarology Laboratory (OSAL), Ohio State University
125Colección de Entomología - Hymenoptera - Chalcidoidea
124CANB AVH data
122The Vascular Plant Collection at the Herbarium Tubingense
122Colección de Entomología - Orthoptera
116Phytoplankton abundance at station Rigel_6_2005-07 in July 2005, Chipana, Chile
114Field Museum of Natural History (Zoology) Bird Collection
109Michigan State University Herbarium Lichens
108The Ichthyology Collection at the Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde Stuttgart
107Museums Victoria provider for OZCAM
106Phytoplankton abundance at station Rigel_4_2005-07 in July 2005, Chipana, Chile
106Phytoplankton abundance at station Rigel_3_2005-07 in July 2005, Chipana, Chile
105University of Michigan Museum of Zoology, Division of Reptiles & Amphibians
104Systematics, biogeography and host-plant relationships of the Neotropical jumping plant-louse genus Russelliana (Hemiptera: Psylloidea)
103Succession of benthic hard-bottom communities abundance at X-Huinay, Comau Fjord, Chile, in 2012
102Succession of benthic hard-bottom communities abundance at Liliguapi, Paso Comau, Chile, in 2012
102Phytoplankton abundance at station Rigel_5_2005-07 in July 2005, Chipana, Chile
99Succession of benthic hard-bottom communities abundance at Liliguapi, Paso Comau, Chile, in 2011
98Succession of benthic hard-bottom communities abundance at X-Huinay, Comau Fjord, Chile, in 2011
94Reef Life Survey: Global reef fish dataset
91Partial Amphibians Collection
90Natural History Museum, University of Tartu
90The fishes collection (IC) of the Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle (MNHN - Paris)
89Phytoplankton abundance at station Rigel_2_2005-05 in May 2005, Chipana, Chile
89MVZ Bird Collection (Arctos)
88The Lichen Collection at the Botanische Staatssammlung München
88UWBM Mammalogy Collection (Arctos)
85Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia" (MACN). Invertebrates National Collection (MACNIn)
85E. C. Smith Herbarium (ACAD) - Nova Scotia Museum of Natural History
83Succession of benthic hard-bottom communities abundance at Liliguapi, Paso Comau, Chile, in 2010
82University of Florida Vertebrate Paleontology
81University of Vienna, Institute for Botany - Herbarium WU
79Duke University Herbarium Algae Collection
79Phytoplankton abundance at station Rigel_2_2005-07 in July 2005, Chipana, Chile
78Phytoplankton abundance at station Rigel_3_2005-05 in May 2005, Chipana, Chile
77HO AVH data
77Phytoplankton abundance at station Rigel_5_2005-05 in May 2005, Chipana, Chile
77Colección de Geraniales hasta Lamiales del Museo Botánico CORD - IMBIV
76Canadian Museum of Nature Herbarium
75HUCS - Herbário da Universidade de Caxias do Sul
75Ghent university - Zoology Museum - Nematod Collection
74Ornithology Collection Non Passeriformes - Royal Ontario Museum
73Phytoplankton abundance at station Rigel_1_2005-07 in July 2005, Chipana, Chile
73EURISCO, The European Genetic Resources Search Catalogue
72Succession of benthic hard-bottom communities abundance at X-Huinay, Comau Fjord, Chile, in 2010
72Phytoplankton abundance at station Rigel_3_2005-02 in Febraury 2005, Chipana, Chile
72Texas A&M University Insect Collection
72Colección de Solanales del Museo Botánico CORD - IMBIV
70Harvard University Herbaria: All Records
69Canadian Museum of Nature Insect Collection
68Phytoplankton abundance at station Rigel_2_2005-02 in Febraury 2005, Chipana, Chile
68Taxon occurrence data for the FungalRoot database
66The Herpetology Collection at the Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde Stuttgart
65Phytoplankton abundance at station Rigel_1_2005-05 in May 2005, Chipana, Chile
65R. L. McGregor Herbarium Vascular Plants Collection
64Phytoplankton abundance at station Rigel_1_2005-02 in Febraury 2005, Chipana, Chile
61Recent Invertebrates Specimens
61(Table S1) Relative abundances of coccolithophore taxa in surface sediment samples from the Equatorial and Southeastern Pacific
61RSA - Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden Herbarium
60SPF - Herbário da Universidade de São Paulo
60SANT Herbarium vascular plants collection
60Fungal Biodiversity Centre (CBS) - Fungi strains
58Mammals Specimens
58Field Museum of Natural History (Zoology) Fish Collection
56University of Tennessee Fungal Herbarium
56Phytoplankton abundance at station Rigel_2_2005-04 in April 2005, Chipana, Chile
56Entomology Collection at the Natural History Museum of Utah
55UCBG TAPIR Provider
54Mammals housed at MHNG, Geneva
54Phytoplankton abundance at station Rigel_3_2005-04 in April 2005, Chipana, Chile
54Datos de ocurrencia de triatominos presentes en Argentina del Laboratorio de Triatominos del CEPAVE (CONICET-UNLP)
54Datos de ocurrencia de triatominos americanos del Laboratorio de Triatominos del CEPAVE (CONICET-UNLP)
53KUBI Mammalogy Collection
53Phytoplankton abundance at station Rigel_2_2005-08 in August 2005, Chipana, Chile
52Phytoplankton abundance at station Rigel_5_2005-04 in April 2005, Chipana, Chile
51Revision of Archaeoteleia Masner (Hymenoptera: Platygastroidea, Scelionidae).
51Packer Collection / Xenochilicola bees, Chile
51Phytoplankton abundance at station Rigel_6_2005-05 in May 2005, Chipana, Chile
51SIO Benthic Invertebrate Collection
51Diversity and structure of benthic bacterial community from South-Eastern Pacific Ocean, Targeted Locus (Loci)
51University of New Mexico Herbarium
50Herbario Gaspar Xuarez (BAA) - Facultad de Agronomía - Universidad de Buenos Aires
50Phytoplankton abundance at station Rigel_1_2005-04 in April 2005, Chipana, Chile
50BYU Herpetology Collection
50Centre for Genetic Resources, the Netherlands, PGR passport data
49Phytoplankton abundance at station Rigel_5_2005-02 in Febraury 2005, Chipana, Chile
48Phytoplankton abundance at station Rigel_4_2005-08 in August 2005, Chipana, Chile
48Phytoplankton abundance at station Rigel_6_2005-08 in August 2005, Chipana, Chile
47RB - Rio de Janeiro Botanical Garden Herbarium Collection
47DAV - UC Davis Herbarium
46Marine metagenome ICM_VAG
45Benthic hard-bottom communities abundance at X-Huinay, Comau Fjord, Chile, in 2012
45Phytoplankton abundance at station Rigel_4_2005-04 in April 2005, Chipana, Chile
45Phytoplankton abundance at station Rigel_5_2005-08 in August 2005, Chipana, Chile
44Phytoplankton abundance at station Rigel_6_2005-02 in Febraury 2005, Chipana, Chile
44Phytoplankton abundance at station Rigel_4_2005-05 in May 2005, Chipana, Chile
43Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia" (MACN). Cryptogamic National Collection (BAc)
43Phytoplankton abundance at station Rigel_4_2005-02 in Febraury 2005, Chipana, Chile
43UB - Herbário da Universidade de Brasília
42Mollusca Collection - Museu Nacional/UFRJ
42The Diatom Collection of Franz Josef Weinzierl at the Botanische Staatssammlung München
42SysTax - Zoological Collections
42Universidad de Murcia, Dpto. Biología Vegetal (Botánica), Murcia: MUB-MUSCI
42USGS PWRC - Native Bee Inventory and Monitoring Lab (BIML)
41International Collection of Microorganisms from Plants (ICMP)
41Phytoplankton abundance at station Rigel_1_2005-03 in March 2005, Chipana, Chile
40University of Tennessee Bryophyte Herbarium
40(Appendix B) Total cyst counts, and abundances of Selenopemphix undulata sp. nov. in Pacific Ocean surface samples
39Lund Museum of Zoology (MZLU)
39Invertebrates excl. Entomology at the Natural History Museum of Denmark
39Phytoplankton abundance at station Rigel_6_2005-04 in April 2005, Chipana, Chile
39Intermountain Herbarium (Vascular plants & algae)
39Colección de Asterales del Museo Botánico CORD
39Ornithology Collection Passeriformes - Royal Ontario Museum
38Texas Tech University - Invertebrate Zoology
38Colección de Entomología - Hymenoptera - Parasitica
37Herbario, Departamento de Farmacología, Farmacognosia & Botánica, Facultad de Farmacia, Universidad Complutense, Madrid: MAF-Lich
37Biological observations from the Discovery Investigations 1925-1952
37Naturalis Biodiversity Center (NL) - Mollusca
37The Coleoptera collection (EC) of the Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle (MNHN - Paris)
36Entomological Collections (NHRS), Swedish Museum of Natural History (NRM)
35Phytoplankton abundance at station Rigel_3_2005-08 in August 2005, Chipana, Chile
34IAC - Herbário do Instituto Agronômico de Campinas
34Queensland Museum provider for OZCAM
34UF FLMNH Ichthyology
33DMNS Marine Invertebrate Collection (Arctos)
33Colección de Poales del Museo Botánico CORD - IMBIV
32NSW AVH data
32University of Michigan Museum of Zoology, Division of Mammals
32WFVZ Bird Collections
32Naturalis Biodiversity Center (NL) - Porifera
31Collection Porifera - ZMB
31FURB - Herbário Dr. Roberto Miguel Klein
31Registros de hongos en áreas protegidas de la Argentina
30Phytoplankton abundance at station Rigel_2_2005-03 in March 2005, Chipana, Chile
29Phytoplankton abundance at station Rigel_5_2005-03 in March 2005, Chipana, Chile
29UF Invertebrate Zoology
29Vertebrate Zoology Division - Herpetology, Yale Peabody Museum
29Systematics of the genus Maietta Alexander with description of three new species (Diptera: Tipulomorpha: Limoniidae)
29Colección de Entomología - Coleoptera
28CAS Entomology Type (TYPE)
28ICN - Universidad Nacional de Colombia
28Antarctic Amphipod Crustaceans: Ant'Phipoda Database (BIANZO)
28Field Museum of Natural History (Botany) Lichen Collection
28The birds collection (ZO) of the Muséum national d'Histoire Naturelle (MNHN - Paris)
28The cryptogamy collection (PC) at the Herbarium of the Muséum national d'Histoire Naturelle (MNHN - Paris)
27The taxonomy of the American Ariadna Audouin (Araneae: Synspermiata: Segestriidae)
27Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona: MCNB-Malac
26Phytoplankton abundance at station Rigel_6_2005-03 in March 2005, Chipana, Chile
26Price Institute of Parasite Research, School of Biological Sciences, University of Utah
25Occurrences of Boeckella at high latitudes in the southern hemisphere
25Biogeographic distribution of Antarctic and sub-Antarctic Mysida
24Benthic hard-bottom communities abundance at Liliguapi, Paso Comau, Chile, in 2012
24The Erysiphales Collection at the University Halle-Wittenberg
24On Chilean Loxosceles (Araneae: Sicariidae): first description of the males of L. surca and L. coquimbo, new records of L. laeta and three remarkable new species from coastal deserts
24Antarctic, Sub-Antarctic and cold temperate echinoid database
24Allan Herbarium (CHR)
23University of Michigan Museum of Zoology, Division of Mollusks
23NHMO DNA Bank Vascular plants collection
22Phytoplankton abundance at station Rigel_3_2005-03 in March 2005, Chipana, Chile
22CSIC-Real Jardín Botánico-Colección de Musgos (MA-Musci)
22Herbario de la Facultad de Farmacia de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid (MAF)
22R-Fungi - Herbário do Museu Nacional
22IRAI - Herbário do Parque da Ciência Newton Freire Maia
21herbario Ruiz Leal (IADIZA-CCT CONICET Mendoza): MERL
20Oskarshamn herbarium (OHN)
20Review of Gonatocerus (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae) in the Neotropical region, with description of eleven new species
20Amphibian specimens
20SMNS Herpetologie
20Lichen herbarium, UiB
19Invertebrate Collection of IBIOMAR (CCT CONICET-CENPAT) (CNP-INV)
19Microplankton data off Chipana Bay, 2006, Chile
19Microplankton data off Mejillones, 2006, Chile
19South Australian Museum Australia provider for OZCAM
18University of British Columbia Herbarium (UBC) - Vascular Plant Collection
18Benthic hard-bottom communities abundance at Liliguapi, Paso Comau, Chile, in 2010
18Lost and found: the Plecoptera types of Blanchard and Mabille, with further contributions to the stoneflies of Chile
18Canadian Museum of Nature Fish Collection
18Vascular Plant Herbarium, Oslo (O)
17Phytoplankton abundance at station Rigel_4_2005-03 in March 2005, Chipana, Chile
17Institut Botanic de Barcelona (IBB-CSIC-ICUB), BC-Plantae
17MEXU/Colección de Briofitas
17Invertebrate Paleontology Division, Yale Peabody Museum
17Aphis (Hemiptera, Aphididae) species living on Baccharis (Asteraceae) in southern South America, with description of three new species
16Intermountain Herbarium (Bryophytes), Utah State University
16Colección de Entomología - Diptera - Ceratopogonidae
16LSUM Bernard Lowy Mycological Herbarium at Louisiana State University - Fungi
16Colección de Entomología - Curculionidae
16Integrative taxonomic re-description of Halisarca magellanica and description of a new species of Halisarca (Porifera, Demospongiae) from Chilean Patagonia
16Herbario de la Universidad de Sevilla
16Vertebrate Zoology Division - Ichthyology, Yale Peabody Museum
16RPSP - Coleção Entomológica Prof. J.M.F. Camargo, FFCLRP/USP
16ECT herbarium - Embrapa Clima Temperado - Herbário Virtual REFLORA
15Colección de Celastrales hasta Escalloniales del Museo Botánico CORD - IMBIV
15The Collection of Lichenicolous Fungi at the Botanische Staatssammlung München
15Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia" (MACN). Entomology National Collection (MACNEn)
15Colección de Polypodiales, Proteales, Psilotales y Ranunculales del Museo Botánico CORD - IMBIV
14New sponge species from Seno Magdalena, Puyuhuapi Fjord and Jacaf Canal (Chile)
14Botany (UPS)
13Colección de Rosales, Salviniales, Santalales, Sapindales, Saxifragales, Schizaeales y Selaginellales del Museo Botánico CORD - IMBIV
13The Neotropical tanyderid Araucoderus gloriosus (Alexander) (Diptera, Tanyderidae), with description of the egg, larva and pupa, redescription of adults, and notes on natural history
13Ichthyology Collection - Royal Ontario Museum
13Colección de Laurales, Liliales, Lycopodiales, Magnoliales y Malpighiales del Museo Botánico CORD - IMBIV
13Vertebrate Zoology Division - Mammalogy, Yale Peabody Museum
13University of South Florida Herbarium (USF)
13NOAA Deep Sea Corals Research and Technology Program
12Bell Museum lichens
12C.P. Gillette Museum of Arthropod Diversity
12Coleção de Echinodermata do Museu Nacional - MNRJ-ECHINO
12CUMV Fish Collection
12Bitentaculate Cirratulidae (Annelida, Polychaeta) collected chiefly during cruises of the R / V Anton Bruun, USNS Eltanin, USCG Glacier, R / V Hero, RVIB Nathaniel B. Palmer, and R / V Polarstern from the Southern Ocean, Antarctica, and off Western South America
12Naturalis Biodiversity Center (NL) - Lepidoptera
12University of Graz, Institute of Plant Sciences - Herbarium GZU
11SP - Herbário do Estado "Maria Eneyda P. Kaufmann Fidalgo" - Coleção de Fanerógamas
11Colección de Alismatales, Apiales, Aquifoliales, Arecales y Asparagales del Museo Botánico CORD - IMBIV
11Lichen herbarium, Oslo (O)
11Herbarium Senckenbergianum (FR) - Fungi
11UF Florida Museum of Natural History Mammals
11Locations of seals in Patagonian Large Marine Ecosystem (OBIS South America, AR-OBIS, Sub-node)
11Five new scorpion species of genus Brachistosternus (Scorpiones: Bothriuridae) from the deserts of Chile and Peru, with comments about some poorly studied diagnostic characters of the genus
11A revision of the Chilean Brachyglutini - Part 4. Revision of Achilia Reitter, 1890: A. puncticeps and A. approximans species groups, with description of seven new species (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Pselaphinae)
11NMSA: Arthropod Collections (1900-2012)
11Colección de Bruniales, Buxales, Canellales y Caryophyllales del Museo Botánico CORD - IMBIV
10Sternaspis chilensis n. sp., a new species from austral Chilean channels and fjords (Annelida, Sternaspidae)
10Magnoliophyta del Herbario BAB (Instituto de Recursos Biológicos CIRN-INTA)
10Occurrence records of southern African aquatic biodiversity
10Royal BC Museum - Invertebrates Collection
10Colección de Fagales y Gentianales del Museo Botánico CORD - IMBIV
10Collection Echinodermata - ZMB
10Parasitic Platyhelminthes Collections
10Nemertina World Checklist
10Type specimens and type localities of birds (Aves) collected during F. J. F. Meyen’s circumnavigation in 1830 – 1832
10ARC-PPRI: National Collection Of Fungi(1817-2009)
10A new stiletto fly genus from South America (Diptera: Therevidae: Agapophytinae)
10Earth Guardians Weekly Feed
10Birds (coll. Bonnetain)
10CAS Botany (BOT)
9United Herbaria of the University and ETH Zurich
9Fifteen new species of Liphanthus Reed (Hymenoptera: Andrenidae) with two submarginal cells
9Contribution to the knowledge of Chilean Phycitinae (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae): new species of Passadena Hulst, 1900, and Ragonotia Grote, 1888, from northern Chile
9University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Herbarium
9MBM - Herbário do Museu Botânico Municipal
9MfN - Fossil invertebrates Ia
9Colección de Malvales y Myrtales del Museo Botánico CORD - IMBIV
9New Mexico State Collection of Arthropods
9Algaterra Types
9PSM Vertebrates Collection
9Herbario CTES Plantas Vasculares
9University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
9Colección de Entomología del Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt (IAvH-E)
9Marine invertebrate collection NTNU University Museum
8Ensigeropus, a new genus of the family Platyischnopidae (Amphipoda: Amphilochidea) from Northern Chile
8Herbarium Horti Botanici Pisani (PI), Sistema Museale di Ateneo, Università di Pisa
8The Fish Collection at the Zoologische Staatssammlung München
8Diveboard - Scuba diving citizen science observations
8Collection Vermes - ZMB
8Naturkundemuseum im Ottoneum Kassel, Entomological Collection
8FBIP:ELM: Malacology Collections
8Universidad de Murcia, Dpto. Biología Vegetal (Botánica), Murcia: MUB-HEPATICAE
8Bernice P. Bishop Museum
8PlutoF platform reference-based occurrences
7University of Georgia Collection of Arthropods
7University of Texas, Biodiversity Center, Ichthyology Collection (TNHCi)
7Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia" (MACN). Vascular Plants National Collection (BAv)
7Tiroler Landesmuseum Ferdinandeum
7Collection Crustacea SMF
7Museum of Southwestern Biology, Division of Arthropods
7Hatikka Observation Database
7Colección de Nymphaeales, Ophioglossales, Oxalidales, Pandanales, Pinales y Piperales del Museo Botánico CORD - IMBIV
6Benthic hard-bottom communities abundance at X-Huinay, Comau Fjord, Chile, in 2010
6The collection of Bathynellacea specimens of MNCN (CSIC) Madrid: microscope slices and DNA extracts
6FLOR - Herbário do Departamento de Botânica da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
6Arizona State University Charles W. O'Brien Collection
6Phthinia Winnertz (Diptera: Mycetophilidae): new species and records from the Neotropical and Oriental regions
6University of Alberta Vascular Plant Herbarium (ALTA-VP)
6Waite Insect and Nematode Collection
6University of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection
6Entomological Specimens of Museum of Nature and Human Activities, Hyogo Pref., Japan
6Colección de Fabales del Museo Botánico CORD - IMBIV
6New Zealand Arthropod Collection (NZAC)
6Benthic hard-bottom communities abundance at Liliguapi, Paso Comau, Chile, in 2011
6Arizona State University Hasbrouck Insect Collection
6The Albert J. Cook Arthropod Research Collection
6Collection Crustacea - ZIM Hamburg
6Nudibranchia de la colección del Museo de La Plata, Argentina
6Provincial Museum of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada. Birds (Aves)
6Fish collection of National Museum of Nature and Science
6SDNHM Birds Collection
6Invertebrate Zoology Division, Yale Peabody Museum
6Ohio State University Tetrapod Division - Bird Collection (OSUM)
6Collection ornithologique A. Maës
6AUM Fish Collection
6SP-Bryophyta - Maria Eneyda P. Kauffman Fidalgo
5The molluscs collection (IM) of the Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle (MNHN - Paris)
5FBIP: IZIKO Marine Bony Fish (1884-2013)
5Colección de Entomología - Arthropoda
5UTEP Insects (Arctos)
5Colección de Boraginales y Brassicaless del Museo Botánico CORD - IMBIV
5BMSM Bailey-Matthews National Shell Museum
5Naturalis Biodiversity Center (NL) - Cnidaria
5Estonian University of Life Sciences
5Polychaeta Orbiniidae from Antarctica, the Southern Ocean, the Abyssal Pacific Ocean, and off South America
5The Fungal Collection at the Botanische Staatssammlung München
5Sizing Ocean Giants
5Biodiversitätsdatenbank des Landes Salzburg
5New species and phylogenetic relationships of the spider genus Coptoprepes using morphological and sequence data (Araneae: Anyphaenidae)
5Collection Pisces SMF
5SDNHM Mammology Collection
5Brigham Young University Arthropod Museum
5The sponge fauna of the Seno Magdalena and Puyuhuapi Fjord (Chile), with a description of two new species
5Plant Resources Center
5Three new species of the genus Neuquenaphis (Hemiptera, Aphididae, Spicaphidinae) from southernmost South America
5Colección de referencia de otolitos, Instituto de Ciencias del Mar-CSIC
5New Zealand Fungal and Plant Disease Collection (PDD)
4Naturalis Biodiversity Center (NL) - Crustacea
4Coleção de Aves do Museu Nacional / UFRJ
4Biological Reference Collections ICM-CSIC
4CAS Invertebrate Zoology (IZ)
4MBML-Aves - Coleção de Aves MBML
4Denver Museum of Nature & Science - Entomology
4Fungus Collections at Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde Karlsruhe (Herbarium KR)
4UCSB - University of California Santa Barbara Herbarium
4Artemia (Crustacea, Branchiopoda, Anostraca) cyst bank (IATS-CSIC)