New call for data mobilization and capacity projects in Asia

The second call under the Biodiversity Information Fund for Asia (BIFA) programme invites proposals for projects that fill data gaps and enhance data publishing capacity in the region.

GBIF invites the submission of proposals under the second phase of the Biodiversity Information Fund for Asia (BIFA) programme, funded by Japan’s Ministry of Environment.

The current call aims to address key challenges identified by GBIF nodes in Asia relating to the mobilization and use of biodiversity data in the region. The total potential funding assigned to this call is approximately €80,000.

Two types of grant are included in the call:

  • BIFA capacity enhancement grants will target challenges relating to knowledge and skills required for biodiversity data publishing in Asia, including language barriers. GBIF Participant nodes and groups of nodes in Asia may apply for these grants.

  • BIFA data mobilization grants will target taxonomic and geographic gaps in freely-accessible data relating to Asian biodiversity. These grants are open to any institutions based in Asia.

Guidelines for the call including eligibility requirements are included below.

Concept notes must be submitted to the GBIF Secretariat by 18 November 2016, using the appropriate template linked from the guidelines on each grant type below. For more information contact:

Biodiversity Information Fund for Asia (2016 call) guidelines

Application process and timeline

A selection panel convened by GBIF Secretariat will evaluate applications through a two-stage process.

  • Initial concept notes, using the templates provided, must be submitted by 18 November 2016

  • Selected applicants will be invited to submit full proposals in early 2017

  • Following a final review and selection, funded projects will start in second quarter of 2017. Project activities should begin no earlier than 1 April 2017, and should conclude no later than 31 March 2018.

BIFA capacity enhancement grants


Projects funded by a BIFA capacity enhancement grant should address one or more of the following challenges identified as priorities for the GBIF Asia region:

• Improving awareness of and skills in GBIF-relevant technologies, standards and data management practices in Asia

• Addressing language barriers that limit effective participation in data publishing and use among relevant stakeholders in Asia


BIFA capacity enhancement projects may be proposed by one or more GBIF Participant nodes in Asia. Nodes from the following Participants are eligible to submit project proposals:

  • India

  • Indonesia

  • Japan

  • Republic of Korea

  • Pakistan

  • Philippines

  • Chinese Taipei (TaiBIF)

  • ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity (ACB)

  • Chinese Academy of Sciences

  • International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD)

These projects may include partners from non-Participant countries in Asia (as beneficiaries of capacity enhancement activities), and from Participant countries outside the Asia region (as mentors or trainers).


A maximum of €10,000 may be requested through a BIFA capacity enhancement grant. All proposals must include co-funding from other sources, either directly or in-kind including staff time. Overheads may not be charged to BIFA. Capacity enhancement grants may not be used for IT services  or purchases.

Download template for submitting concept note for BIFA capacity enhancement grant

BIFA data mobilization grants


Projects funded by a BIFA data mobilization grant should address the priority regional challenge for GBIF in Asia of addressing taxonomic and geographical gaps in the availability of accessible data on the occurrence of species in the region. The following activities are envisaged under this type of grant:

  • Compiling inventories of biodiversity data holdings (for example, by implementing metadata catalogues)

  • Digitizing and publishing natural history collections and biodiversity information from literature

  • Mobilizing species occurrence and sampling-event data from observation networks and monitoring systems

  • Validating and publishing regional, national and local species checklists

  • Preparing data papers to improve the reusability of the mobilized biodiversity data

  • Training activities

Guidance on publication of data through GBIF is available here.


BIFA data mobilization grants may be proposed by any institution that is a legal entity in one of the following sub-regions covered by the IPBES regional assessment for Asia and the Pacific: South-East Asia, North-East Asia, South Asia and Western Asia. A list of eligible countries is given below.

All project proposals must include an endorsement from the Head of Delegation or node manager of an existing GBIF Participant country or organization. For applicants from a country not currently participating in GBIF, involvement of an existing GBIF node is actively encouraged to assist in use of appropriate data publishing tools and services. GBIF Participants are listed here. The Secretariat may be able to assist those applicants unable to locate an appropriate Participant for endorsement.


A maximum of €10,000 may be requested through a BIFA data mobilization grant. All proposals must include co-funding from other sources, either directly or in-kind including staff time. No overheads may be charged to BIFA. A maximum of €2,000 may be requested from BIFA for IT services or purchase, covering a maximum of 50% of total cost for these items.

Download template for submitting concept note for BIFA data mobilization grant

Eligible countries

Institutions from the following countries/economies are eligible to apply for BIFA data mobilization grants

South-East Asia

  • Brunei Darussalam

  • Cambodia

  • Indonesia

  • Lao People’s Democratic Republic

  • Malaysia

  • Myanmar

  • Philippines

  • Singapore

  • Thailand

  • Timor-leste

  • Vietnam

North-East Asia

  • China

  • Democratic People’s Republic of Korea

  • Japan

  • Mongolia

  • Republic of Korea

  • Taiwan

South Asia

  • Afghanistan

  • Bangladesh

  • Bhutan

  • India

  • Iran (Islamic Republic of)

  • Maldives

  • Nepal

  • Pakistan

  • Sri Lanka

Western Asia

  • Bahrain

  • Iraq

  • Jordan

  • Kuwait

  • Lebanon

  • Oman

  • State of Palestine

  • Qatar

  • Saudi Arabia

  • Syrian Arab Republic

  • United Arab Emirates

  • Yemen

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