Please cite as (23 February 2022) GBIF Occurrence Download
- ライセンス
- ファイル
- 738 KB 種情報の一覧(タブ区切りCSV形式)
- 含まれるデータセット
- {{ 165 | localNumber}}
- GBIFがアノーテーションしたアーカイブ
- {{ 107 | localNumber}}
- GBIFがアノーテーションしたアーカイブ
- {{ 20 | localNumber}}
ジオメトリ POLYGON ((121.65 -30.65, 121.65 -30.7, 121.6 -30.7, 121.6 -30.65, 121.55 -30.65, 121.55 -30.55, 121.5 -30.55, 121.5 -30.5, 121.45 -30.5, 121.45 -30.45, 121.4 -30.45, 121.4 -30.4, 121.3 -30.4, 121.3 -30.35, 121.25 -30.35, 121.25 -30.3, 121.15 -30.3, 121.15 -30.25, 121.05 -30.25, 121.05 -30.2, 121 -30.2, 121 -30.15, 120.9 -30.15, 120.9 -30.1, 120.85 -30.1, 120.85 -30.05, 120.8 -30.05, 120.8 -30, 120.75 -30, 120.75 -29.95, 120.65 -29.95, 120.65 -29.9, 120.55 -29.9, 120.55 -29.85, 120 -29.85, 120 -29.8, 119.9 -29.8, 119.9 -29.75, 119.55 -29.75, 119.55 -29.7, 119.45 -29.7, 119.45 -29.65, 119.25 -29.65, 119.25 -29.6, 119.2 -29.6, 119.2 -29.5, 119.15 -29.5, 119.15 -29.4, 119.1 -29.4, 119.1 -29.3, 119.05 -29.3, 119.05 -29.25, 119 -29.25, 119 -29.2, 118.95 -29.2, 118.95 -29.15, 118.85 -29.15, 118.85 -29.2, 118.6 -29.2, 118.6 -29.25, 118.55 -29.25, 118.55 -29.3, 118.5 -29.3, 118.5 -29.35, 118.4 -29.35, 118.4 -29.3, 118.25 -29.3, 118.25 -29.25, 117.75 -29.25, 117.75 -29.2, 117.7 -29.2, 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座標あり true
年 2021 以前
地理空間情報の解釈に問題があります。 false
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76kBirdLife Australia, Birdata
39kPERTH AVH data
26kEOD – eBird Observation Dataset
10kBanded Iron Formation and Greenstone survey data
7kFirst Bird Atlas
6kCANB AVH data
6kWestern Australian Museum provider for OZCAM
5kBiome of Australia Soil Environments
4kMEL AVH data
3kHistorical Bird Atlas
3kNSW AVH feed
2kAustralian River Assessment System
1kLACM Vertebrate Collection
1kNatureMap Calcrete Survey
1kAustralian Museum provider for OZCAM
1kConservation Atlas Surveys
1kAustralian National Insect Collection
1kAustralian National Wildlife Collection provider for OZCAM
979iNaturalist Research-grade Observations
827South Australian Museum Australia provider for OZCAM
728DNA AVH data
715International Barcode of Life project (iBOL)
703Museums Victoria provider for OZCAM
521Carnarvon Basin (Aquatic Projects) - Invertebrates
404RSA - California Botanic Garden Herbarium
390IBSA Surveys from Bennelongia Environmental Consultants
354HO AVH data
342A global database for the distributions of crop wild relatives
311CUMV Amphibian and Reptile Collection
301Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University
293Earth Guardians Weekly Feed
271University of Michigan Museum of Zoology, Division of Reptiles & Amphibians
220INSDC Sequences
217Naturalis Biodiversity Center (NL) - Botany
187(Table 4) Percentages of planktonic foraminiferal taxa from the 214 surface-sediment samples from the South China Sea and the western Pacific
185European Molecular Biology Laboratory Australian Mirror
181ALA species sightings and OzAtlas
-, Nature data from around the World
106Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew - Herbarium Specimens
100Essig Museum of Entomology
97NMNH Extant Specimen Records (USNM, US)
92UNSW AVH data
90Geneva Herbarium – General Collection (G)
88Carnarvon Basin wetland survey
85Zoologische Staatssammlung Muenchen - International Barcode of Life (iBOL) - Barcode of Life Project Specimen Data
75Bee Biology and Systematics Laboratory
75Texas A&M University Insect Collection
70PlantBank Records
65University of Michigan Museum of Zoology, Division of Birds
57Illinois Natural History Survey Insect Collection
57Northern Territory Museum and Art Gallery provider for OZCAM
54Phanerogamic Botanical Collections (S)
52CSIC-Real Jardín Botánico-Colección de Plantas Vasculares (MA)
52Queensland Museum provider for OZCAM
50Tropicos Specimen Data
44NE AVH data
44CAS Herpetology (HERP)
42Xeno-canto - Bird sounds from around the world
37KUBI Ornithology Collection
36UWBM Ornithology Collection
34LTB AVH data
30Carnarvon Basin upland survey
26Metallesthes specimens inspected and supporting information published in Metallesthes revision
24WA Department of Parks and Wildlife, Threatened Flora Seed Centre
21Molecular and morphological characterisation of new species in the trapdoor spider genus Aname (Araneae: Mygalomorphae: Nemesiidae) from the Pilbara bioregion of Western Australia
20CNS AVH data
17Records of the Australian National Botanic Gardens Seedbank
15UTEP Plants (Arctos)
13Herpetology Collection - Royal Ontario Museum
13The New York Botanical Garden Herbarium (NY)
12The Orchid Atlas of Western Australia
12Waite Insect and Nematode Collection
12Snow Entomological Museum Collection
11Taxonomy of Paraplatyarthrus Javidkar and King (Isopoda: Oniscidea: Paraplatyarthridae) with description of five new species from Western Australia, and comments on Australian Trichorhina Budde-Lunde, 1908 (Platyarthridae)
11Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences Mollusc collection
11Four new genera and five new species of ‘ Heterocypris’ from Western Australia (Crustacea, Ostracoda, Cyprinotinae)
9Natural History Museum (London) Collection Specimens
9AMNH Mammal Collections
9South Australian Museum Terrestrial Invertebrate Images
7The millipede genus Antichiropus (Diplopoda: Polydesmida: Paradoxosomatidae), part 3: species of the Pilbara bioregion of Western Australia
7Bernice P. Bishop Museum
7University of New Mexico Herbarium
7Ornithology Collection Passeriformes - Royal Ontario Museum
6Field Museum of Natural History (Zoology) Insect, Arachnid and Myriapod Collection
5NMNH Material Samples (USNM)
5AMNH Bird Collection
5Monograph of the Australian Bithyniidae (Caenogastropoda: Rissooidea)
5Queen Victoria Museum Art Gallery provider for OZCAM
4International Collection of Microorganisms from Plants (ICMP)
4Data-rich description of a new genus of praying mantid egg parasitoids, Lasallegrion gen. n. (Hymenoptera: Torymidae: Podagrionini), with a re-examination of Podagrion species of Australia and New Caledonia
4Salsolaius gen. nov. a new genus of Apalochrini (Coleoptera, Melyridae, Malachiinae) from the salt Lake Way of Western Australia
4Parasitic Platyhelminthes Collections
4Vertebrate Zoology Division - Ornithology, Yale Peabody Museum
4Mosquito Occurrence Dataset
4Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences Crustacea collection
3Ningaloo Outlook Whale Shark tracking (aggregated per 1-degree cell)
3The distribution and host range of the pandemic disease chytridiomycosis in Australia, spanning surveys from 1956 to 2007.
3A revision of Rhodomantis Giglio-Tos, 1917 (Mantodea: Mantidae: Mantinae)
3A Review Of The Australian Macrotomini (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Prioninae)
3Harvard University Herbaria: All Records
3Ohio State Acarology Laboratory (OSAL), Ohio State University
3CDA - California Department of Food and Agriculture
3The vascular plants collection (P) at the Herbarium of the Muséum national d'Histoire Naturelle (MNHN - Paris)
3Plume moths - ANIC
2MVZ Herp Collection (Arctos)
2LACM Entomology Collection
2CSIRO Ichthyology provider for OZCAM
2University of Tartu Natural History Museum and Botanical Garden Zooloogical Collections
2INSDC Host Organism Sequences
2Geneva Herbarium – De Candolle's Prodromus (G-DC)
2Cleveland Museum of Natural History
2University of Michigan Museum of Zoology, Division of Mammals
2Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh Living Plant Collections (E)
2Australian Antarctic Division Herbarium
2Herbarium Berolinense, Berlin (B)
2Lichens at Herbarium Berolinense, Berlin (B)
2Naturalis Biodiversity Center (NL) - Aves
2Meise Botanic Garden Herbarium (BR)
2Revision of Australian Meranoplus: the Meranoplus diversus group.
2Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh Herbarium (E)
2Australian National Insect Collection - Euryglossinae Bee Expedition 2
2Allan Herbarium (CHR)
2Revision of the Australian Union-Jack wolf spiders, genus Tasmanicosa (Araneae, Lycosidae, Lycosinae)
2A review of the Australian endemic clam shrimp, Paralimnadia Sars 1896 (Crustacea: Branchiopoda: Spinicaudata)
1University of Tennessee Fungal Herbarium
1Ornithology Collection Non Passeriformes - Royal Ontario Museum
1Desert Botanical Garden Herbarium
1UMNH Reptiles and Amphibians Collection (Arctos)
1Records of the DAFWA Plant Pathology Collection
1RB - Rio de Janeiro Botanical Garden Herbarium Collection
1Ichthyology Collection - Royal Ontario Museum
1University of British Columbia Herbarium (UBC) - Bryophytes Collection
1DAR AVH data
1CAS Entomology Type (TYPE)
1Canadian Museum of Nature Insect Collection
1Gaia Guide
1Natural History Museum, Vienna - Herbarium W
1Auckland Museum Botany Collection
1Provincial Museum of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada. Birds (Aves)
1Planetary Biodiversity Inventory Eumycetozoan Databank
1Type Specimens Of Birds In The American Museum Of Natural History Part 11. Passeriformes: Parulidae, Drepanididae, Vireonidae, Icteridae, Fringillinae, Carduelinae, Estrildidae, And Viduinae
1Systematics and convergent evolution in three Australian genera of Pepsinae spider wasps (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae)
1Moscow University Herbarium (MW)
1Botany Division, Yale Peabody Museum
1Collection Herpetology SMF
1Arizona State University Lichen Herbarium
1Fungal Internal Transcribed Spacer RNA (ITS) RefSeq Targeted Loci Project
1Lund Botanical Museum (LD)
1University of South Florida Herbarium (USF)
1Three new species of mouse spider (Araneae: Actinopodidae: Missulena Walckenaer, 1805) from Western Australia, including an assessment of intraspecific variability in a widespread species from the arid biome
1University of Michigan Herbarium
1Arizona State University Vascular Plant Herbarium
1Herbarium of Taiwan Forestry Research Institute
1Taxonomy, systematics and biology of the Australian halotolerant wolf spider genus Tetralycosa (Araneae: Lycosidae: Artoriinae)
1University of Graz, Institute of Plant Sciences - Herbarium GZU