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223kMinke whale localized acoustic detections off Kauai
119kHappywhale - Humpback Whale in North Pacific Ocean
96kLifeWatch observatory data: permanent Cetacean passive acoustic sensor network in the Belgian part of the North Sea
80kLong-term cetacean monitoring in the Azores based on whale watching observations (2009-2020)
57kRed Book of Mammals in Portugal (part II)
57kThe Retrospective Analysis of Antarctic Tracking (Standardised) Data from the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research
51kDECAF - AUTEC Beaked Whales - Multiple Sensors - DTag
50kFin whale localized acoustic detections off Kauai 2011-2017
49kDFO Maritimes Region Cetacean Sightings
-, Nature data from around the World
36kiNaturalist Research-grade Observations
36kNEFSC Right Whale Aerial Survey
34kHistorical distribution of whales shown by logbook records 1785-1913
32kParc éolien en mer de Fécamp - Eoliennes Offshore des Hautes-Falaises - Données état de référence_Mammifères marins acoustique passive
31kRapportage 2013-2018 au titre de la directive Habitats-Faune-Flore - Données de synthèse Espèces issues du rapportage au titre de la directive Habitats - période 2013-2018
31kRapportage 2007-2012 au titre de la directive Habitats-Faune-Flore - Données de synthèse Espèces issues du rapportage au titre de la directive Habitats - période 2007-2012
29kObservatoire Pelagis - Reseau National Echouage (French stranding network) strandings 1934-2020
27kNMNH Extant Specimen Records (USNM, US)
26kPOPA- Fisheries Observer Program of the Azores: Marine mammal sightings in the Azores tuna fishery from 1998 on: during navigation or search mode
19kWDC Shorewatch Sightings
14kDonnées du Réseau d'observateurs des mammifères marins en mer de la Manche - Observations du Grand dauphin du Golfe normand-breton
14kThe Danish Environmental Portal, species and habitats-database "Danmarks Miljøportals Naturdatabase"
13kHappywhale - Humpback Whale in South Pacific Ocean
13kAzorean Biodiversity Portal
13kUnited Kingdom National Whale Stranding Database 1913-2008
12kMarine mammal aerial surveys in the Bering, Chukchi and Beaufort Seas 1979-2010
11kHabitats Directive Portuguese Report: Species 2013-2018
11kRéseau National Echouages de mammifères marins - Observations de mammifères marins du Réseau National d'Echouages en Métropole
11kGray whale localized acoustic detections in Granite Canyon 2014-2015
9kThe observation records from the activities of whale and dolphin watching in the offshore of Hualien, Eastern Taiwan|臺灣花蓮沿海賞鯨活動鯨豚觀測紀錄
9kSouth Australian Museum Adelaide provider for OZCAM
9kInventaire des Mammifères de France - Inventaire des Mammifères marins de France (métropole et outre-mer)
9kHappywhale - Humpback Whale in North Atlantic Ocean
9kNorwegian Species Observation Service
8kDOF - Observations from the Danish Ornithological Society
8kHappywhale - Humpback Whale in Southern Ocean
8kTethys Research Institute shipboard survey cetacean sightings 1986-2012
8kBLM CETAP OPP Sightings
8kObservatoire Pelagis aerial surveys 2002-2021
8kNOAA Atlantic bottlenose dolphin sightings in the coastal and estuarine waters near Charleston, SC - 1994-2011
7kBase de données Pecheker (modifiée). Museum National D'Histoire Naturelle - DEPARTEMENT MILIEUX PEUPLEMENTS AQUATIQUES
6kBiological observations from the Discovery Investigations 1925-1952
6kIrish Whale and Dolphin Group
6kJNCC seabird distribution and abundance data (all trips) from ESAS database
6kVictorian Biodiversity Atlas
6kNMNH Material Samples (USNM)
6kCascadia Research Blue Whale Photo IDs for US West Coast, 1972-2004
6kSarasota Dolphin Research Program Bottlenose Sightings 1971-2009
6kVisual sightings from Song of the Whale 1993-2013
6kHabitats Directive Portuguese Report: Species 2007-2012
5kDuke Harbor Porpoise Tracking
5kThe Dolphin Project
5kLTER Antarctic satellite telemetry of humpback whales
5kNSW BioNet Atlas
5kRed Book of Mammals in Portugal (part I)
5kDigital Aerial Baseline Survey of Marine Wildlife in Support of Offshore Wind Energy - OPA 2018
5kWhale catches in the Southern Ocean
5kFauna Atlas N.T.
5kDigital Aerial Baseline Survey of Marine Wildlife in Support of Offshore Wind Energy - OPA 2016
5kBLM CETAP AIR Sightings
5kUSGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center Seabirds Compendium
4kDonnées Association Évasion tropicale (AET) - Recensement et distribution Mammifères marins Guadeloupe Antilles françaises (AET)
4kObservatoire Pelagis boat surveys 2003-2021
4kMingan Island Cetacean Study 84-07
4kAlnitak-Alnilam Cetaceans and sea turtles surveys off Southern Spain
4kDigital Aerial Baseline Survey of Marine Wildlife in Support of Offshore Wind Energy - OPA 2017
4kYoNAH Encounter
4kPIROP Northwest Atlantic 1965-1992
3kHistorical occurrence of whales in Scottish Waters inferredfrom whaling records
3kGray whale visual sightings from shore 2014-2015
3kAllied Humpback Whale Catalogue, 1976 - 2003
3kLACM Vertebrate Collection
3kHappywhale - Humpback Whale in Indian Ocean
3kSA Fauna (BDBSA)
3kAtlas of Danish Mammals
3kMarine mammal monitoring from coastal sites in Cardigan Bay, UK, 2004-2009
3kCanadian Museum of Nature Mammal Collection
3kCalCOFI and NMFS Seabird and Marine Mammal Observation Data, 1987-2006
3kCommon Bottlenose Dolphin Photographic Identification Mark-Recapture Surveys Collected from Small Boats in the Northwestern Gulf of Mexico from to 2014-03-29 to 2019-06-28
3kDistribution des Cétacés et Siréniens dans les eaux de Nouvelle-Calédonie
3kDonnées Association Évasion tropicale (AET) - Mammifères marins Guadeloupe Antilles françaises (AET). Suppléments
3kBLM CETAP SHIP Sightings
3kBOEM Sperm Whale Seismic Study (SWSS) S-Tag Argos Telemetry
3kBanco de Datos de la Biodiversidad de la Comunitat Valenciana
3kAcoustic detections of Arctic mammals in the western Beaufort Sea 2010-2011
2kPorpoise Observation Database (NRM)
2kBahamas Marine Mammal Research Organisation Opportunistic Sightings
2kCETUS: Cetacean monitoring surveys in the Eastern North Atlantic
2kPôle national de données de biodiversité (PNDB) - Kakila database of marine mammal observation data around the French archipelago of Guadeloupe in the AGOA sanctuary - French Antilles
2kActualización de la base de datos del Atlas Mastozoológico de México
2kCampagnes de Suivi Aérien de la Mégafaune Marine (SAMM) de France métropolitaine - Observations issues des campagnes de Suivi Aérien de la Mégafaune Marine (SAMM) en 2011 et 2012
2kSCANS I cetacean sightings 1994
2kEcological Baseline Studies of the U.S. Outer Continental Shelf Option Year 2
2kHappywhale - Sperm Whale in North Atlantic Ocean
2kSEFSC Dolphin Photo ID
2kDonnées de Mammifères marins de la Réunion de Globice - Observations de Mammifères marins. Globice Réunion 2009-2013
2kHappywhale - Humpback Whale in South Atlantic Ocean
2kHappywhale - Humpback Whale in Arctic Ocean
2kDonnées du Réseau d'observateurs des mammifères marins en mer de la Manche
2kRapportage 2001-2006 au titre de la directive Habitats-Faune-Flore - Données de synthèse Espèces issues du rapportage au titre de la directive Habitats - période 2001-2006
2kArtportalen (Swedish Species Observation System)
2kSWFSC Marine Mammal Survey, CCES 2018, Cruise 1651
2kMMS High Altitude Survey 1980-1983
2kBelgian Marine Mammals database
2kBOEM Sperm Whale Seismic Study (SWSS) S-Tag sperm whale trackings 2002-2004
1kDonnées EcoOcéan Institut - Observation de Cétacés en Méditerranée 1995-2011- EcoOcéan Institut
1kLand-based observations of cetaceans in the waters of Beringa Island in 2007-2009
1kGray whale Infrared blow detections from shore 2015
1kEcología y genética poblacional de la ballena gris Eschrichtius robustus en la Península de Baja California
1kArctic Species Trend Index (ASTI) : Marine
1kDonnées de l'Observatoire des Mammifères marins de l'Archipel Guadeloupéen - OMMAG_Données de 2008 à 2015
1kHappywhale - Killer Whale in North Pacific Ocean
1kCetacean distribution in the South Atlantic and South Pacific Ocean (AR-OBIS)
1kNational Whale and Dolphin Sightings and Strandings Database
1kOpportunistic marine mammal sightings from commercial whale watching vessels, Montauk, New York 1981-1994
1kMMS Low Altitude Survey 1980-1983
1kMarine mammal sightings off Galápagos
1kHappywhale - Gray Whale in North Pacific Ocean
1kPassive acoustic monitoring of killer whales in the northern Gulf of Alaska
1kSeatrust Cetacean Records West Wales
1kEcological Baseline Studies of the U.S. Outer Continental Shelf Option Year 1
1kGreen Balkans NGO's cetacean sightings in the Bulgarian Black Sea waters
1kPOPA- Fisheries Observer Program of the Azores: Marine mammal sightings in the Azores tuna fishery from 1998 to 2013: while fishing
1kGray Whales Count annual survey of northbound migration in Santa Barbara Channel, California 2011-2012
1kCollecte de données sur les mammifères marins et tortues marines par l'équipe Quiétude - Observations de cétacés et tortues marines dans l'Ouest de La Réunion (Quiétude / CEDTM, 2017-2020)
1kPresence of cetacean species collected through Fixed-Line-Transect monitoring across the Western Mediterranean Sea (Civitavecchia-Barcelona route) between 2014 and 2018
1kGreen Balkans NGO's cetacean strandings on the Bulgarian Black Sea coast
1kVirginia Aquarium Marine Mammal Strandings 1988-2008
1kUK Royal Navy Marine Mammal Observations
1kSWFSC Marine Mammal Survey, CLAWS 2015, Cruise 1648
1kNMML 2002-2010 Bering Sea Shelf Cetacean Survey
1kMMS Ship survey, SCB 1975-1978
1kMMS Marine Mammal Survey, PNW 1989-1990
1kNYSDEC aerial surveys
1kUAM Mammal Collection (Arctos)
1kMuseums Victoria provider for OZCAM
1kAnymals+plants - Citizen Science Data
1kObservations opportunistes rassemblées par l'Observatoire PELAGIS - Observations opportunistes de mammifères marins de l'observatoire PELAGIS
1kNEFSC Marine Mammal Abundance Cruise 2004 Passive Acoustic Monitoring - Rainbow Click Detections
1kWildNet - Queensland Wildlife Data
1kNEFSC 1995 AJ9501 (Part II)
1kSWFSC Marine Mammal Survey, STAR 1998, Cruise 1612
1kGroupe d'Étude des Mammifères Marins de Polynésie - Observations de Mammifères marins de 2006 à 2014 en Polynésie française
1kTethys Research Institute aerial survey cetacean sightings 2009-2011
1kAMAPPS Northeast Shipboard Cruise Summer 2016
1kSWFSC Marine Mammal Survey, STAR 2006, Cruise 1630
1kSMRU sperm whale distribution around the Balearic Islands 2003-2008
1kBOEM Sperm Whale Seismic Study (SWSS) MPS sperm whale trackings 2004-2005
1kVirginia and Maryland Sea Turtle Research and Conservation Initiative Aerial Survey Sightings, May 2011 through July 2013
1kCetacean Stranding Data in Hokkaido
1kInventaire des mammifères de France métropolitaine
1kHarbor Porpoise Survey 1992 (AJ92-01)
1kTasmanian Museum and Art Gallery provider for OZCAM
1kNational Mammal Atlas Project, online recording
1kSWFSC Marine Mammal Survey, Delphinus 2009, Cruise 1640
1kCommunity structure and abundance of bottlenose dolphins Tursiops truncatus in coastal waters of the northeast Gulf of Mexico
998Christopher Newport University bottlenose dolphin sightings in Virginia estuaries 2000-2006
997SWFSC Marine Mammal Survey, CalCurCEAS 2014, Cruise 1647
995CalCOFI marine mammal surveys 2004-2008 - on effort
988SWFSC Marine Mammal Survey, PODS 1993, Cruise 1509
986NBIS Records to December 2016
978Australian Museum provider for OZCAM
959Cetacean Sightings Survey and Southern Ocean cetacean program
936Seabirds of the Southern and South Indian Ocean
929UNCW Marine Mammal Aerial Surveys 2006-2007
912NEFSC Marine Mammal Abundance Cruise 2004 Passive Acoustic Monitoring - Porpoise Detections
907NEFSC 1999 aj9902
896NWTRC JP04 Aerial Surveys 2014-2015
894SWFSC Marine Mammal Survey, STAR 2000, Cruise 1615
894SWFSC Marine Mammal Survey, STAR 2003, Cruise 1623
890SCANS II cetacean sightings on tracker platform of vessel surveys 2005
889Red Sea Cetacean Review - Sightings
885SCANS II cetacean sightings on primary platform of vessel surveys 2005
876SWFSC Marine Mammal Survey, MOPS 1986, Cruise 0989
876Prospections de cétacés par Globice - Campagnes d’observation des cétacés du programme ETCETRA (Globice, 2018-2020)
874GOALS Vessel Surveys June - July 2013
853SWFSC Marine Mammal Survey, MOPS 1989, Cruise 1267
852Données de l'Observatoire des Mammifères marins de l'Archipel Guadeloupéen - Observatoire des Mammifères marins de l'Archipel Guadeloupéen. Suivi Dauphins Les Saintes
851Données supplémentaires Atlas des Mammifères marins
848SWFSC Marine Mammal Survey, CSCAPE 2005, Cruise 1627
847SWFSC Marine Mammal Survey, STAR-LITE 2007, Cruise 1634
838Marine mammal specimen from whale temple in Vietnam (2022)
836SWFSC Marine Mammal Survey, STAR 2003, Cruise 1624
836SWFSC Marine Mammal Survey, PODS 1992, Cruise 1468
832Lamont-Doherty/LGL/NSF cruises
830SWFSC Marine Mammal Survey, STAR 1999, Cruise 1613
828Acoustic detections in Northeast and South Atlantic
827Happywhale - Blue Whale in North Pacific Ocean
812Données Mammifères de l'association Te mana o te moana en Polynésie française. - Données Mammifères marins de Polynésie française de Te mana o te moana
793AMAPPS Northeast Shipboard Cruise Summer 2011
779AMAPPS Northeast Shipboard Cruise Summer 2013
766Department of Agriculture Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA) Marine and Fisheries Division Marine Survey Data
759SOCAL KB04, FZN1, FZN2 Marine Mammal Aerial Monitoring 2011-2012
757Happywhale - Fin Whale in North Pacific Ocean
751NEFSC Harbor Porpoise 1991
749BOEM Sperm Whale Seismic Study (SWSS) PhotoID 2002-2005
737SWFSC Marine Mammal Survey, CAMMS 1991, Cruise 1426
730NE Scotland marine mammal records 1800-2010
725Southern right whales distribution in Bahía Nueva, Puerto Madryn, Argentina
724SWFSC Marine Mammal Survey, MOPS 1987, Cruise 1081
715Océanopolis mammifères marins en Bretagne 1993-2015
708BOEM Sperm Whale Seismic Study (SWSS) S-Tag cetacean sightings 2005
704SWFSC Marine Mammal Survey, ORCAWALE 1996, Cruise 1604
696Campagnes REMMOA (REcensement des Mammifères marins et autre Mégafaune pélagique par Observation Aérienne) - Données d'occurrence de mammifères marins des campagnes REMMOA - Observatoire PELAGIS UMS 3462 et Agence des aires marines protégées
694MMS High Altitude Survey, SCB 1975-1978
691CODA cetacean sightings on primary platform of vessel surveys 2007
690SWFSC Marine Mammal Survey, CSCAPE 2005, Cruise 1628
690UNCW Right Whale Aerial Survey 05-06
689SWFSC Marine Mammal Survey, STAR 1998, Cruise 1611
680SWFSC Marine Mammal Survey, STAR 1999, Cruise 1614
680SWFSC Marine Mammal Survey, ORCAWALE 2008, Cruise 1635
676SCANS II cetacean sightings from aerial surveys 2005
670SWFSC Marine Mammal Survey, MOPS 1987, Cruise 1080
669NMML Harbor Porpoise Vessel, SE Alaska, Spring 1993
667SWFSC Marine Mammal Survey, MOPS 1990, Cruise 1369
661SWFSC Marine Mammal Survey, STAR 2006, Cruise 1631
657SWFSC Marine Mammal Survey, MOPS 1988, Cruise 1164
648Allied Finback Whale Catalogue
645TOPP Summary of SSM-derived Telemetry
640Yangtze finless porpoise in Yangtze River, China 2006
633VACAPES Offshore Study Area Observations 2015-2018
630SWFSC Marine Mammal Survey, STAR 2000, Cruise 1616
628Données opportunistes capitalisées par la DREAL Corse (OGREVA) - Dreal Corse - Base Ogreva
626CAS Mammalogy (MAM)
618Recopilación de datos e información para el Inventario Nacional de Especies de mamíferos marinos nativos de Chile 2016.
618SWFSC Marine Mammal Survey, PODS 1992, Cruise 1467
615Fauna marina de la costa vasca - Sistema de Información de la Naturaleza de Euskadi
614NMML Harbor Porpoise Vessel, SE Alaska, Summer 1993
606CRESLI marine mammal observations from whale watch cruises 2000-2019
597Dispositif d'observations Megascope sur les campagnes halieutiques et océanographiques - Données d'occurrence du dispositif Megascope - Observatoire PELAGIS UMS 3462
594POPA- Fisheries Observer Program of the Azores: Marine mammal sightings in the Azores between 2004 and 2013 recorded by Biosphere Expedition
585Galiano Island BC Canada Marine Zoology 1893–2021
582VACAPES NFC Aerial Surveys 2018-2019
576UF Florida Museum of Natural History Mammals
572SWFSC Marine Mammal Survey, STAR 1998, Cruise 1610
570SWFSC Marine Mammal Survey, MOPS 1990, Cruise 1370
567NEFSC Aerial Circle-Back Abundance Survey 2006
565SWFSC Marine Mammal Survey, MOPS 1988, Cruise 1165
565UNCW Right Whale Aerial Surveys 2008
565SWFSC Marine Mammal Survey, MOPS 1989, Cruise 1268
556La ballena jorobada, Megaptera novaeangliae, en la Península de Baja California Sur, México
554Études sur les Cétacés de Mayotte - Étude sur les Mammifères marins de Mayotte entre 2004 et 2008 par l'ONCFS Mayotte, la Collectivité Départementale de Mayotte/Direction de l'Environnement et du Développement Durable, l'Université de la Rochelle et la DAF Mayotte
551Marine Mammal and Sea Turtle Sightings in the Vicinity of the Maryland Wind Energy Area 2013-2015
549Happywhale - Killer Whale in Southern Ocean
547Données d'observations opportunistes de Mammifères marins - Données opportunistes de Mammifères marins SPM de 1997 à 2007 récoltées par le RNE et le Baleineau de SPM de 1997 à 2007
547SWFSC Marine Mammal Survey, PODS 1993, Cruise 1508
543SWFSC Marine Mammal Survey, CADDIS 1995, Cruise 1601
540DUML vessel-based photo-id and biopsy surveys in VACAPES OPAREA off Hatteras 2009, 2011-2015
534Macaulay Library Audio and Video Collection
533Données Mammifères marins ORCA - Données observation à bord d'un ferry de Mammifères marins ORCA
533Campagnes aériennes et océanographiques de recensement des cétacés en Atlantique et Manche Mer du Nord - Observations des cétacés de la campagne européenne SCAN3 - Observatoire PELAGIS
532AMAPPS Northeast Shipboard Cruise Spring 2014
529NMML Harbor Porpoise Vessel, SE Alaska, Spring 1992
527Données de Dauphin de Commerson de Kerguelen de la Réserve Naturelle des TAAF - Données d'observation de Dauphin de Commerson de Kerguelen de la Réserve Naturelle des TAAF (2011 à 2015)
525CODA cetacean sightings on tracker platform of vessel surveys 2007
523SOCAL Marine Mammal Aerial Monitoring 2008-2009
522NEFSC Mid-Atlantic Marine Mammal Abundance Survey 2004
517AMAPPS Northeast Aerial Cruise Spring 2017
516NMML Killer Whale Vessel, Kodiak Island, 1993
513INSDC Sequences
512HBRG Vertebrates (not Badger) Dataset
509Observatoire Pelagis sightings from fishery surveys 2004-2009
507AMAPPS Northeast Aerial Cruise Spring 2019
492OceanCare cetacean sightings 2001-2014
491NEFSC Survey 1998 1
491Patterns of population genetic structure among Australian and South Pacific humpback whales 2007/11
490Données de Mammifères SPM Frag'îles - Données d'observations visuelles de Mammifères marins à Saint Pierre et Miquelon. SPM Frag'île
485NMML Harbor Porpoise Vessel Survey, SE Alaska, Summer 1992
466Western Australian Museum provider for OZCAM
464VACAPES Vessel Nearshore Humpback Whale Monitoring 2015-2019
463Programa Poseidon - Citizen Science Project Results
462Baltic Porpoise Acoustic Surveys 01-02
462SEWBReC Mammals (South East Wales)
455Norfolk/VA Beach Inshore Vessel Surveys
454SWFSC Marine Mammal Survey, Vaquita 1997, Cruise 1608
443Oceanic Society's Marine Mammal Sightings in Belize 1992 - 2011
442NMML Harbor Porpoise Vessel Survey, SE Alaska, Summer 1991
442SWFSC Marine Mammal Survey, MOPS 1986, Cruise 0990
439NMML Small Cetacean Aerial Survey 1997
438Data on cetacean occurrence collected during the project “Identification and initial assessment of cetacean groupings in coastal waters of the north-western Black Sea, Ukrainian sector” funded by ACCOBAMS 2016-2017
437Programme Cybelle Méditerranée - Cybelle Méditerranée. Observation nautique ponctuelle
434SWFSC Marine Mammal Survey, ORCAWALE 2001, Cruise 1617
433NEFSC 1995 pe9501
431Cetacean distribution around Mayotte Island
426Données du Centre de la mer de Biarritz
422NEFSC North Atlantic Marine Mammal and Turtle Aerial Abundance Survey 2007
420Marine mammal records of Cuba
408NMML Killer Whale Vessel, Kodiak Island, 1992
408Blue Whale Study aerial surveys, southern Australia 2002-2007
406Données Mammifères de la Direction de l'environnement de la province Sud de Nouvelle-Calédonie. - Observations opportunistes des Mammifères marins du lagon de la province Sud de Nouvelle-Calédonie par les agents de la direction de 2009 à 2013
403NMML Gulf of Alaska marine mammal survey 2003
402UNCW Marine Mammal Sightings 2001
399NEFSC Aerial Survey - Summer 1998
395Biodiversity of Luiz Saldanha Marine Park
394CE.TU.S. research cetacean sightings in the North Tuscany and Tuscan Archipelago waters, 1997-2011
386Population abundance, trend, structure and distribution of the endangered Antarctic blue whale - Satellite Tag
384UNCW Marine Mammal Sightings 2002
383Suffolk Biodiversity Information Service (SBIS) Dataset
382NMML Harbor Porpoise Vessel Survey, SE Alaska, Spring 1991
379MMS Low Altitude Survey for Mammals, Southern California Bight 1975-1978
378PIFSC Mariana Archipelago cetacean surveys 2010-2019
376Natural History Museum Rotterdam - Specimens
372AMAPPS Northeast Aerial Cruise Summer 2010
372Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University
372Instituto Boto Cinza Guiana dolphin distribution between 2005-2007 in Sepetiba Bay, Brazil
364WWF survey of the entire range of the Indus River dolphin - 2001
361AMAPPS Northeast Aerial Cruise Fall 2019
360Copeland Island Bird Observatory SeaWatch Survey
358Earth Guardians Weekly Feed
357Marine biological observation data from coastal and offshore surveys around New Zealand
357Monitoring of the effects of Belgian wind mill parks on benthic macro-invertebrates and the fish fauna of soft substrates - reference situation. (WINMON)
356SOCAL FZN4 Marine Mammal Aerial Monitoring 2013
356PIFSC, Marine Mammal Survey, HICEAS 2017, Cruise 1705/1706, NOAA Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center (PIFSC)
354AMAPPS Northeast Aerial Cruise Summer 2016
347SOCAL Marine Mammal Aerial Monitoring 2010
347Programme d’acquisition et de valorisation de données naturalistes BioObs - Observations naturalistes des Amis de BioObs.
344SBMNH Vertebrate Zoology
343Campagnes d'observateurs embarqués sur navires de pêche : campagnes PETRACET/PROCET et OBSMAM - Observations de cétacés à partir de navires de pêches: campagnes PETRACET/PROCET et OBSMAM - Observatoire PELAGIS
339NMML Bering Sea Cetacean Survey 1999
338University of Valencia cetacean surveys in the Spanish Mediterranean 2000-2003
323Diversity of the Indo-Pacific (DIPnet)
323Bottlenose dolphins off Outer Banks 2007-2012
319AMAPPS Southeast Shipboard Cruise Summer 2016
319Sightings of marine mammals carried out during oceanographic surveys in the Argentine continental shelf
317Cuvier's Beaked Whale and Fin Whale Surveys at the Southern California Offshore Anti-submarine Warfare Range (SOAR)
317Réseau National Echouages de mammifères marins - Observations de mammifères marins du Réseau National d'Echouages en Outre-Mer
315Cetacean sightings in Ghana and Ivorycoast
313SWFSC Marine Mammal Survey, ORCAWALE 1996, Cruise 1605
313SWFSC Marine Mammal Survey, Vaquita 2008, Cruise 1637
309NEFSC Survey 1998 2
309Vertebrates (except birds, INNS and restricted records), Outer Hebrides
308NMML Harbor Porpoise Vessel, SE Alaska, Fall 1992
305SEFSC Gomex Shelf 1994
305CNMA/Colección Nacional de mamíferos
302SEFSC GoMMAPPS 2018 Fall Aerial Survey
299Marine Mammals Observations - Total South Africa
295Programme Cybelle Méditerranée - Cybelle Méditerranée. Observation nautique avec effort d'observation
293NEFSC Aerial Survey - Summer 1995
293Dedicated boat-based surveys for marine megafauna in Suriname
290NMML Bering Sea Cetacean Survey 2000
289NMML Harbor Porpoise Vessel, SE Alaska, Fall 1993
288Cap'n Fish's Cruises sightings
288Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia" (MACN). Mammalogy National Collection (MACNMa)
287CalCOFI marine mammal surveys 2004-2008 - off effort
287SEFSC Atlantic surveys, 1998 (3)
286SEFSC GoMex Oceanic 1994
285NMML Small Cetacean Aerial Survey 1999
284ALA species sightings and OzAtlas
284HRC SCC Aerial-Based Monitoring Survey February 2010
282Beacon Wind Digital Aerial Wildlife Surveys for BOEM Lease Area OCS-A 0520, Equinor Wind US LLC, March 2021 – October 2021
277Acoustic detections in Indian Ocean
276NEFSC Aerial Survey - Experimental 2002
272International Barcode of Life project (iBOL)
271AMAPPS Northeast Aerial Cruise Winter 2017
271SEFSC GoMex Oceanic 1993 (S)
270SEFSC GoMex Oceanic 1992 (199)
268SEFSC GoMex Oceanic 1996
268SEFSC GoMex Oceanic 1997
268NMML Small Cetacean Aerial Survey 1998
265Référentiel taxonomique national (TAXREF) - Inventaire des Collectivités d'outre-mer et de la métropole (ICOM_15) issu des données biogéographiques de TAXREF v15
265Référentiel taxonomique national (TAXREF) - Inventaire des Collectivités d'outre-mer et de la métropole (ICOM_16) issu des données biogéographiques de TAXREF v16
264NEFSC Aerial Circle-Back Abundance Survey 2004
263SEFSC Southeast Cetacean Aerial Survey 1992
261Marine Mammal Observation - Total Denmark 2013-2020
259Protected species bycatch in New Zealand fisheries
258UWBM Mammalogy Collection (Arctos)
256MVZ Mammal Collection (Arctos)
254NEFSC Twin Otter Aerial Survey 2008
253Migración, movimiento y distribución estacional del cachalote en el Golfo de California
252Merseyside BioBank (verified)
252SEFSC GoMMAPPS 2017 Summer Aerial Survey
248CardObs : Observations naturalistes issues de l'outil CardObs-Données naturalistes de URTIZBÉRÉA Frank
248Orca observations from the shores of Macquarie Island
246Données d'occurrences issues des Formulaires standards de données des sites Natura 2000 - Données d'occurrence Espèces issues de la base Natura 2000 : espèces d'intérêt communautaire et autres espèces remarquables renseignées dans les FSD
243Données Mammifères de l'association Te mana o te moana en Polynésie française. - Te mana o te moana Etude sur le Stenella longirostris à Moorea
243Happywhale - Risso's Dolphin in North Pacific Ocean
242Commissioned surveys and staff surveys and reports for Scottish Wildlife Trust reserves - Unassessed data
242CLICNAT- Base de données naturaliste picarde - CLICNAT Base de données naturaliste picarde gérée par Picardie Nature
240Marine Mammal Observation - Total E&P Angola 2006-2011
238Données de Aquasearch et Dauphin Passion - Données Mammifères marins Aquasearch - Dauphin Passion
237AMAPPS Southeast Aerial Cruise Spring 2012
236SEFSC Atlantic surveys 1999
236Queensland Museum provider for OZCAM
234CRESLI marine mammal observations from whale watch cruises 2021
233AMAPPS Southeast Aerial Cruise Spring 2019
228Cetacean Sightings Survey and Southern Ocean Cetacean Program - BROKE-West
228AMAPPS Northeast Aerial Cruise Summer 2011
227Data on cetacean strandings (1999 - 2014) on the Ukrainian coast of the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov and adjoining areas
225SEFSC Gomex Shelf 2001
223Campagnes en mer d'observations de cétacés (Abyss) - Synthèse des données d''observation issues des campagnes en mer d''Abyss sur la période 2008-2012
221Northern Territory WildWatch
221Acoustic detections from R/V Song of the Whale during the spring 2019 MAPS survey (NMFS permit 14809)
218Données du Groupement d’Intérêt Scientifique pour les Mammifères Marins de Méditerranée et leur environnement (GIS3M) - Observation Cétacés du projet Grand Dauphin Étude et Gestion en Méditerranée
218National Trust for Scotland Species Records
217SEFSC GoMex Oceanic 1999
214Marine Awareness North Wales, Wildlife Trust harbor porpoise baseline surveys on the north coast of Anlesey, Wales, UK
214Mammal Records (West Wales)
211BOEM Sperm Whale Seismic Study (SWSS) S-Tag cetacean sightings 2002-2004
211AMAPPS Northeast Aerial Cruise Spring 2012
210CRESLI marine mammal observations from whale watch cruises 2022
208Bibliographie de la faune, la flore et la fonge de France métropolitaine et outre-mer - Données de Mammifères marins dans les TAAF et autres territoires issues de la bibliographies. Compte cardobs 1007 (Trudelle)
207Consolidación y sistematización de las colecciones de referencia de peces y mamíferos marinos del ITESM Campus Guaymas
207AMAPPS Southeast Aerial Cruise Spring 2017
206Mystic Aquarium's marine mammal and sea turtle stranding data 1976-2011
206CBES Marine mammal stranding data in Vietnam 2004-now
202Référentiel taxonomique national (TAXREF) - Inventaire des Collectivités d'outre-mer et de la métropole (ICOM_14) issu des données biogéographiques de TAXREF v14
202Opportunistic marine mammal sightings near Pemba, Mozambique
202SEFSC GoMMAPPS Vessel Survey 2017 Summer
200AMAPPS Northeast Aerial Cruise Winter 2011
200AMAPPS Southeast Aerial Cruise Fall 2012
198SEFSC GoMex Oceanic 2000
196SEFSC Caribbean Survey 2000
195Naturalis Biodiversity Center (NL) - Mammalia
194Actualización de la base de datos del estado de Morelos de la Colección Nacional de Mamíferos del Instituto de Biología, UNAM
193Études sur les Cétacés de Mayotte - Programme delphinidés 2007-2010 à Mayotte
189HRC SCC Aerial Shoreline Surveys February 2012
188Projet éolien en mer de Dieppe Le Tréport - Mammifères marins - transects en mer-Avion
188Projet de parc éolien en mer des îles d'Yeu et de Noirmoutier - demande de dérogation espèces protégées - Mammifères marins acoustique - Inventaire non protocolé
188Norfolk/VA Beach Bottlenose Dolphin Photo-ID Surveys
187Fife Nature Records Centre combined dataset
185Bahamas Marine Mammal Research Organisation On-transect Sightings
184NMML Killer Whale Vessel, Bering Sea, 1992
184OceanCare cetacean sightings in Sicily, Italy 2016-2019
183Bottlenose Dolphin Research Institute (BDRI) cetacean sightings 2011
181GVI Mexico Coral Reef Monitoring
181SEFSC GoMex Oceanic 2001
180Acoustic detections from R/V Song of the Whale during the winter 2019 MAPS survey (NMFS permit 14809)
178Observations de mammifères marins du Sanctuaire Agoa dans les Antilles françaises, Office français de la biodiversité - Données de Mammifères marins. Mission Sanctuaire AGOA de 2012 à 2014
177SWFSC Marine Mammal Survey, SWAPS 1997, Cruise 1607
177UNCW Aerial Survey 1998-1999
176Observations aléatoires des espaces protégés de la LPO France et de l'OFB - Observations aléatoires | RNN Sept-Iles
176SDNHM Mammology Collection
176SEFSC GoMMAPPS 2018 Winter Aerial Survey
175SEFSC Southeast Cetacean Aerial Survey 1995
174Mammal records for Dumfries and Galloway
174Sightings of southern right whales around mainland New Zealand 1976-2002
173Killer whales of the Caribbean Sea 1866-2012
173CRESLI marine mammal observations from whale watch cruises 2020
172Isle of Wight Notable Species
172SEFSC GoMMAPPS Vessel Survey 2018 Summer
171Campagnes en mer d'observations de cétacés (Abyss) - Synthèse des données d'observation de cétacés issues des campagnes en mer d'Abyss en 2018 et 2019
169Empire Wind Digital Aerial Wildlife Surveys for BOEM Lease Area OCS-A 0512, Equinor Wind US LLC, February - December 2019
168Sightings from R/V Song of the Whale during the spring 2019 MAPS survey (NMFS permit 14809)
167Data on cetacean strandings on the Ukrainian coast of the Black Sea (2017)
166Données issues des cartes validées dans le cadre de l'Atlas de la Biodiversité Départementale et des Secteurs Marins
166AMAPPS Northeast Aerial Cruise Fall 2012
166Natural History Museum (London) Collection Specimens
165CardObs : Observations naturalistes issues de l'outil CardObs - Données Mammifères marins issues de la bibliographie
165NMML Harbor Porpoise Aerial Survey, SE Alaska, Replicate 3, 1993
164Marybio Foundation marine mammal shipboard sightings in Bahia San Antonio, Patagonia 2008-2010
161AMAPPS Southeast Aerial Cruise Summer 2011
161HRC Vessel Survey off Kaua'i, January 2012
160Acquario di Genova, Delfini Metropolitani Project, cetacean sightings 2001-2009
159Données de Shell Exploration and Production France - Données d'observation des Marine Mammal Observers durant le levé sismique 3D SHELL en Guyane française en 2012 par Shell Exploration and Production France
158Mid-Atlantic Nearshore and Mid-shelf Baleen Whale Monitoring
158MMS Aerial Survey, PNW 1989-1990
157Happywhale - Fin Whale in North Atlantic Ocean
156AMAPPS Southeast Aerial Cruise Summer 2016
156Vessel line-transect surveys of Arctic cetaceans in the Chuckchi Sea, Arctic Marine Biodiversity Observing Network (AMBON) research cruise on the vessel Norseman II, 2015-08-09 - 2015-09-03
155HRC CRC Small Vessel-Based Monitoring Surveys March-April 2006
155Jonian Dolphin Conservation di Taranto marine mammal sightings 2009-2012
153Miscellaneous records held on the Cofnod database
153MIRC NAVFAC MISTCS Vessel Surveys Jan-Apr 2007
153NEFSC 1995 pe9502
153Marine Fauna Observer data collected on board seismic survey vessels operating around Suriname as part of an EU-funded Marine Spatial Planning project
152USWTR JAX Aerial Survey -Right side- 2009-2010
152Humpback whale sightings around New Zealand 1970-1999
150NEFSC 1995 AJ9501 (Part I)
150Occurrences des observations de la campagne REMMOA Guyane (2008)
149Diveboard - Scuba diving citizen science observations
148Empire Wind Digital Aerial Wildlife Surveys for BOEM Lease Area OCS-A 0520, Equinor Wind US LLC, November 2017-October 2018
146OCEAMM harbor porpoise sightings in the North Sea
146(Table 2) Expected and observed beluga (Delphinapterus leucas) sightings according to habitat characteristics
145Whale log - observations from ANARE voyages
145UNCW Marine Mammal Sightings 1998-1999
144Happywhale - Southern Right Whale in South Atlantic Ocean
143Diversidad, distribución y abundancia de cetáceos en Bahía de los Ángeles y Canal de Ballenas, Golfo de California: bases científicas para una nueva área de observación turística de mamíferos marinos
143NMML Harbor Porpoise Aerial Survey, SE Alaska, Replicate 1, 1993
142Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphin observations in the Clarence River 2003-2006
142Happywhale - Sperm Whale in North Pacific Ocean
141TGS Seismic Survey Visual Sightings in Chukchi Sea 2013
141Adriatic Shipping Company marine mammal sightings in the Adriatic Sea 1988-2000
141AMAPPS Southeast Aerial Cruise Summer 2010
141British Antarctic (Terra Nova) Expedition, 1910-1913
140Coordination Mammalogique du Nord de la France (CMNF) - Données Nord-Pas-de-Calais. CMNF
139NEFSC Abundance of the Gulf of Maine and Bay of Fundy Harbor Porpoise Based on Aerial Surveys 1999
139Données d'observation de la mégafaune marine issues des campagnes océanographiques en France métropolitaine
138USWTR JAX Aerial Survey -Left side- 2009-2010
137Hebridean Dolphin and Whale Trust killer whale sightings 1990-2006
136WDC Lewis survey data
135Campagnes aériennes et océanographiques de recensement des cétacés en Atlantique et Manche Mer du Nord - Observations des cétacés des campagnes européennes SCAN2 et CODA - Observatoire PELAGIS
135Données bibliographiques et opportunistes Mammifères du Nord Pas-de-Calais issues du SIRF
133Whale Observations from the British, Australian and New Zealand Antarctic Research Expedition (BANZARE) voyages 1929-30 and 1930-31
130DUML vessel-based line transect surveys for proposed Onslow Bay USWTR site 2007-2010