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2kBLM - National Invasive Species Information Management System - Plants
2kiNaturalist Research-grade Observations
1kINPN - Données flore des CBN agrégées par la FCBN
1kObservations floristiques - plateforme SINP régionale SILENE PACA
994Flora von Deutschland (Phanerogamen)
659The vascular plants collection (P) at the Herbarium of the Muséum national d'Histoire Naturelle (MNHN - Paris)
633Flore du Bassin parisien (CBNBP)
543NSW BioNet Atlas
516Pl@ntNet automatically identified occurrences
484FloraCAT: Banco de datos de los cormófitos de Cataluña
382Naturalis Biodiversity Center (NL) - Botany
299Observations du Conservatoire botanique national du Bassin parisien.
201Phanerogamic Botanical Collections (S)
162Moscow University Herbarium (MW)
153Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh Herbarium (E)
151Phytochorologie des départements français
145CAS Botany (BOT)
126BSBI data from several English counties, up to 2015
123Occurrence Data of Vascular Plants collected or compiled for the Flora of Bavaria
120Meise Botanic Garden Herbarium (BR)
117Swiss National Databank of Vascular Plants
111CSIC-Real Jardín Botánico-Anthos. Sistema de Información de las Plantas de España
107Observations floristiques floutées issues de la base de données flore du Conservatoire botanique national alpin
107RSA - California Botanic Garden Herbarium
104Herbarium specimens of Université de Montpellier 2, Institut de Botanique (MPU))
97Wikiplantbase #Toscana
89NMNH Extant Specimen Records
87UCR - University of California, Riverside Herbarium - Vascular Plants
83Observations floristiques issues de la base de données du Conservatoire botanique national alpin
79Pl@ntNet observations
77Lund Botanical Museum (LD)
76Sistema de Información de la vegetación Ibérica y Macaronésica
72CDA - California Department of Food and Agriculture
68SA Flora (BDBSA)
67DAV - UC Davis Herbarium
67SBBG - Clifton Smith Herbarium, Santa Barbara Botanic Garden
65Carnet en Ligne
64Herbarium BAK
62The New York Botanical Garden Herbarium (NY)
59NSW AVH data
-, Nature data from around the World
53Palynology of a sediment profile from Lake Voulkaria in Greece
53Herbarium Willing at Herbarium Berolinense, Berlin (B)
52Tropicos Specimen Data
48CHSC - CSU Chico, Chico State Herbarium - Vascular Plants
45Herbarium Berolinense, Berlin (B)
40Australasian Virtual Herbarium (AVH) data from the State Herbarium of South Australia (AD)
36CANB AVH data
35TAXA - Flore et habitats naturels de Franche-Comté
33BRI AVH data
32SD - SD Herbarium, San Diego Natural History Museum
31OBI - Robert F. Hoover Herbarium, Cal Poly State University
31Instituto de Botánica Darwinion
30Données de la flore d’Alsace (SBA)
29HSC - Humboldt State University Vascular Plant Herbarium
29CeDoc de Biodiversitat Vegetal: BCN-Cormophyta
28Natural History Museum, Vienna - Herbarium W
27Herbier de Strasbourg
27Masaryk University - Herbarium BRNU
27CSIC-Real Jardín Botánico-Colección de Plantas Vasculares (MA)
27Herbario de la Universidad de Sevilla
26Geneva Herbarium – De Candolle's Prodromus (G-DC)
26Institut Botanic de Barcelona (IBB-CSIC-ICUB), BC-Plantae
26Finnish Floristic Database (Finnish Museum of Natural History Collections)
25Vascular Plant Collection - University of Washington Herbarium (WTU)
25Vascular Plant Collection
25Collections and observation data National Museum of Natural History Luxembourg
24MEL AVH data
24Colección de plantas vasculares del herbario de la Universitat de València (VAL)
22Geneva Herbarium – General Collection (G)
21Intermountain Herbarium (Vascular plants & algae)
21Colección de Asterales del Museo Botánico CORD
20United Herbaria of the University and ETH Zurich
19Victorian Biodiversity Atlas
19Données Herbiers de l'Université de Strasbourg
18WildNet - Queensland Wildlife Data
16Colección de plantas vasculares del Herbario "Jaime Andrés Rodríguez". LEB
16Natural History Museum (London) Collection Specimens
- - Non-native plant occurrences in Flanders and the Brussels Capital Region, Belgium
16Segetal flora of Italy
16Vascular Plant Herbarium, Oslo (O) UiO
15Herbarium Horti Botanici Pisani (PI), Sistema Museale di Ateneo, Università di Pisa
15Tiroler Landesmuseum Ferdinandeum
15Carnegie Museum of Natural History Herbarium
14Records of vascular plants, bryophytes and lichens from Ukrainian Grassland Database
14University of Colorado Museum of Natural History Herbarium Vascular Plant Collection
14NE AVH data
14Collections of Bioclass, school #179, Moscow
13Données naturalistes d'Olivier ESCUDER
13Wikiplantbase #Italia
13Flora of Worcestershire
12Other BSBI Scottish data up to 2015
12Herbarium of Namur
11University of Vienna, Institute for Botany - Herbarium WU
11Vascular plant herbarium (KMN) UiA
11Wikiplantbase #Sicilia
11Artportalen (Swedish Species Observation System)
11Oskarshamn herbarium (OHN)
11UCSB - University of California Santa Barbara Herbarium
11Données acquises dans le cadre de l'activité du bureau d'étude BIOTOPE (1994 - 2013)
11R. L. McGregor Herbarium Vascular Plants Collection
11Wikiplantbase #Sardegna
11Herbarium Erlangense
10Herbarium Senckenbergianum (FR)
10Herbarium specimens of the Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle of Aix-en-Provence (AIX)
10Botany (UPS)
10Arizona State University Vascular Plant Herbarium
10Suffolk Biodiversity Information Service (SBIS) Dataset
10Levantamiento florístico en área del Proyecto GEF Corredores Biológicos de Montaña, Zona Central de Chile
9Florabank1 - A grid-based database on vascular plant distribution in the northern part of Belgium (Flanders and the Brussels Capital region)
9Colección de plantas vasculares del Herbario de la Universidad de Granada.
9Herbario de Plantas Vasculares de la Universidad de Salamanca: SALA
9Base de datos de plantas vasculares del País Vasco: ARAN-EH
8University of British Columbia Herbarium (UBC) - Vascular Plant Collection
8Scottish SNH-funded BSBI records
8Données naturalistes de Thomas GAILLARD
7International Barcode of Life project (iBOL)
7MBM - Herbário do Museu Botânico Municipal
7SFV - California State University, Northridge
7OAC-BIO Herbarium
7Leiner-Herbar Konstanz
7Herbario HSS Finca La Orden-Valdesequera (CICYTEX). Gobierno de Extremadura
7VIT Herbarium - Vascular Plants (The Natural History Museum of Alava)
7Conservation Atlas Surveys
7SysTax - Botanical Gardens
7Deaver Herbarium (Northern Arizona University)
6Puntos de presencia en Baja California (Botany)
6UNSW AVH data
6Rutgers University, Chrysler Herbarium
6UTEP Plants (Arctos)
6Vascular Plant Herbarium, UiB
6Kathryn Kalmbach Herbarium
6Banco de Datos de la Biodiversidad de la Comunitat Valenciana
6Precis Plant Data
6Herbarium of University of Coimbra (COI )
6Biodiversitätsdatenbank Salzburg
5Desert Botanical Garden Herbarium
5UCSC Herbarium - Kenneth S. Norris Center for Natural History, University of California Santa Cruz
5Herbario ABH (Universidad de Alicante)
5Herbario COFC de la Universidad de Córdoba: colección general de plantas vasculares
5inatura - Erlebnis Naturschau Dornbirn
5Colorado State University Herbarium
5Herbarium specimens, Harmas J.H. Fabre (FABR - Sérignan-du-Comtat) of the Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle (MNHN - Paris)
5MCCC - Mendocino College Coast Center Herbarium
5LERN Records
5Michigan State University Herbarium Vascular Plants
5Herbario de la Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid (MACB)
5Flore de Franche-Comté
5Wikiplantbase #Liguria
5University of Jena, Herbarium Haussknecht - Herbarium JE
4SANT Herbarium vascular plants collection
4Shropshire Ecological Data Network database
4Manchester Museum, University of Manchester, Botany Collection
4Natural History Museum Maastricht (NL) - Herbarium
4University of Lethbridge Herbarium (LEA)
4Universidad de Oviedo. Departamento de Biología de Organismos y Sistemas: FCO
4Jardín Botánico de Córdoba: Herbarium COA
4Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde Stuttgart, Herbarium
4Herbarium Senckenbergianum Görlitz (GLM)
4Oklahoma Vascular Plants Database Provider
4Atlas Flora Danica
4Finnish Floristic Database (University of Turku Collections)
4Vascular Plant Specimen database of Kanagawa Prefectural Museum of Natural History
4MGC Herbarium of University of Malaga (Spain): MGC-Cormof dataset
4Finnish Floristic Database (Literature Sources)
4SysTax - Herbaria
4Données d'occurrences Espèces issues de l'inventaire des ZNIEFF
3Chapter 7: Linnaean Plant Names and their Types (part C)
3Weber State University Herbarium
3New records in vascular plants alien to Kyrgyzstan
3SP - Herbário do Estado "Maria Eneyda P. Kaufmann Fidalgo" - Coleção de Fanerógamas
3Canadian Museum of Nature Herbarium
3University of Tennessee Vascular Herbarium
3Malezas introducidas en México
3B herbarium - Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum Berlin-Dahlem Herbarium - Herbário Virtual REFLORA
3DNA AVH data
3University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Herbarium
3Royal BC Museum - Herbarium (V)
3Steiermärkisches Landesmuseum Joanneum - Herbarium GJO
3Estonian Museum of Natural History Department of Botany
3Finnish Floristic Database (Small Collections)
3Colección Plantas Vasculares - Herbario del Departamento de Biología, Bioquímica y Farmacia de la Universidad Nacional del Sur
3Sammlung altes Gartenherbar Herbarium Hamburgense HBG
3Dutch Vegetation Database
3Cartografía de vegetación a escala de detalle 1:10.000 de la masa forestal de Andalucía
3Catálogo Florístico Histórico de Navarra. Gobierno de Navarra
3Auckland Museum Botany Collection
3Herbario COFC de la Universidad de Córdoba: colección histórica
3Harvard University Herbaria: All Records
3EURISCO, The European Genetic Resources Search Catalogue
3Universidad de Oviedo. Departamento de Biología de Organismos y Sistemas: FCO-Briof
3Données naturalistes de Damien AVRIL
3Bernice P. Bishop Museum
3University of New Mexico Herbarium
3Herbier E. P. Larchevêque (BOUM)
3Plant Resources Center
3Vascular plant herbarium, UiT Tromsø Museum
3Vascular plant herbarium TRH, NTNU University Museum
3Floristic Databases of Mecklenburg-Pomerania - Higher Plants
3Herbarium specimens of CBNA (GAP)
3Central Siberian Botanical Garden Herbarium (NS, NSK)
3Herbarium specimens of Jardins botaniques and Conservatoire Botanique of Nancy (NCY)
2Collection d'animaux marins et plantes du Museum d'Histoire Naturelle de Nice
2Geneva Herbarium – Burnat Herbarium (G-BU)
2H.A. Stephens Herbarium
2Herbarium specimens of Association des Naturalistes de la Vallée du Loing (ANVL)
2Colección preservada Jardín Botánico de la Patagonia Extraandina
2Estonian University of Life Sciences Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Vascular Plant Herbarium
2North Carolina State University Vascular Plant Herbarium
2FUEL - Herbário da Universidade Estadual de Londrina
2Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh Living Plant Collections (E)
2Botanical Garden Collection
2The AAU Herbarium Database
2Herbario de la Facultad de Farmacia de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid (MAF)
2Herbário João de Carvalho e Vasconcellos, I.S.A./U.L.
2Herbario EMMA. Herbario de la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros de Montes. UPM
2Vascular plant specimens of National Museum of Nature and Science (TNS)
2Israel Nature and Parks Authority
2MELU AVH data
2Plant specimens in the Museum of Nature and Human Activities, Hyogo Prefecture, Japan
2MPM Milwaukee Public Museum Herbarium
2Herbario de la Universidad Pública de Navarra, Pamplona: UPNA-H
2University of South Carolina, A. C. Moore Herbarium
2Norwegian Species Observation Service
2The Vascular Plants Collection of the University of Goettingen
2Type herbarium, Göttingen (GOET)
2HAS - Herbário Alarich Rudolf Holger Schultz
2Données naturalistes de Jeanne VALLET
2University of Michigan Herbarium
2Invasive Plant Atlas of the MidSouth (IPAMS)
2Allan Herbarium (CHR)
2Welsh BSBI data (ex-VPDB dataset) at hectad resolution
2University of Graz, Institute of Plant Sciences - Herbarium GZU
1JCT AVH data
1Données espèces - Expertise IQE 122
1Charles University Prague - Herbarium PRC
1Données naturalistes de Cyril EPICOCO
1Magnoliophyta del Herbario BAB (Instituto de Recursos Biológicos CIRN-INTA)
1SPF - Herbário da Universidade de São Paulo
1ICN - Herbário do Instituto de Ciências Naturais
1IICT Herbário LISC
1University of Alberta Vascular Plant Herbarium (ALTA-VP)
1Tasmanian Natural Values Atlas
1HUEFS - Herbario da Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana
1Herbier Louis-Marie (QFA) - Collection de plantes vasculaires
1CESJ - Herbário Leopoldo Krieger
1Collection botanique Jaubert et Saul (BOUM)
1HO AVH data
1RB - Rio de Janeiro Botanical Garden Herbarium Collection
1Données ONF faune-flore-fonge
1SDSU - San Diego State University Herbarium
1Données espèces - Expertise IQE 2
1Inventaire de la flore de Lot-et-Garonne 2015
1Collection botanique Le Grand A. (BOUM)
1ALCB - Herbário Alexandre Leal Costa
1ALCB herbarium - Universidade Federal da Bahia - Herbário Virtual REFLORA
1SEWBReC Vascular Plants (South East Wales)
1Application INPN Espèces: Observations naturalistes, participatives et opportunistes, fondées sur des photographies
1Jeu de données convention FEGVE-SPN-2012-2016
1Herbier Durrieu (TL 109)
1Vascular plant specimens of Akita Prefectural Museum
1Collection botanique Mulon L. (BOUM)
1IBF Monitoring of Vascular Plants
1BRERC species records from all years at full resolution excluding Notable Species within the last 10 years
1Carnet B Centre - lot 2012
1Herbario de la Universidad de Sevilla, SEV-Historico
1Herbarium of Jyväskylä University Museum
1Plant Specimens of Kurashiki Museum of Natural History
1ALA species sightings and OzAtlas
1Flora exsiccata Bavarica
1The Erysiphales Collection at the Botanische Staatssammlung München
1Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Dpto. Biología Vegetal, Banco de Germoplasma
1Museu Darder de Banyoles
1Plant specimens depodited in Osaka Museum of Natural History, Japan
1Clémence Lortet herbarium
1Photographs of higher plants, mosses, fungi, lichens, and algae
1FloVegSI - Floristical and fitocenological database of ZRC SAZU
1Polish gene bank – passport data of plants accessions which are important in human life
1Observations floristiques PNM issues de la base de données flore du Conservatoire botanique national alpin
1Botany Division, Yale Peabody Museum
1Dr Mary Gillham Archive Project
1Finnish Floristic Database (Åbo Akademi University Collections)
1UKSBA Cyprus - Habitat Samples, 2019
1Rotherham Biological Records Centre - Non-sensitive Records from all taxonomic groups
1Données naturalistes de Pierre HUGUENY
1HCDAL - Herbário Caririense Dárdano de Andrade-Lima
1MHA Herbarium: collections of vascular plants
1PAMP-tracheo: Vascular plants in Ribera Occidental de Navarra (Spain). PhD project, L. Garde
1PlutoF platform reference-based occurrences
1Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew - Herbarium Specimens
1BODATSA: Botanical Collections
1MPUC - Herbário do Museu da Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul
1Observations faune et flore du Parc national des Écrins
1Données espèces - Expertise IQE 44
1Universidad de Navarra, Herbarium: PAMP-Vascular Plants
1Royal Ontario Museum Green Plant Herbarium (TRT)
1Inventaire permanent de la flore du massif armoricain
1Inventaire de la flore de Bordeaux Métropole 2013
1Eastern Kentucky University, Ronald L. Jones Herbarium
1Herbarium specimens of Herbiers Universitaires de Clermont-Ferrand (CLF)
1Earth Guardians Weekly Feed
1University of Vermont, Pringle Herbarium
1Conventions d’étude sur la biodiversité française – Partenariats du Service du patrimoine naturel
1Living Collection of the Gothenburg Botanical Garden
1Données espèces - Expertise IQE 57
1IPA - Herbário - IPA Dárdano de Andrade Lima
1SPF herbarium - Universidade de são Paulo - Herbário Virtual REFLORA
1Données naturalistes de GAULTIER Cyrille
1Herbarium specimens of Limoges university (LIMO)