National portals addressing national challenges

How to link datasets to a project

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How to link events and news to a project

Antigonon leptopus
Coral vine (Antigonon leptopus Hook. & Arn.) observed in Puerto Baquerizo Moreno, Galápagos by Daniel Velasco (CC BY 4.0)

The aim of this project is to increase awareness and capacity among project partners for responding to the national challenges in different spheres (science, management, conservation, policy) using national biodiversity data portals.

This also entails understanding the demands of different use cases, understanding the language and how to engage with the respective actors, getting the skills and contacts to present, transform and combine GBIF mediated data in a suitable form in each case.

Pooling knowledge and experience from four GBIF nodes around national data portals and how these may be used to address national challenges, the project will see partners as both mentors and mentees at the same time, learning from each other and achieving deliverables in a collaborative way.

The project will be organized around two workshops, the first of which will focus on collecting, structuring and documenting use cases. During a second workshop the project partners will define and document workflows to make nodes participation effective in the identified cases.

To empower and benefit the global GBIF Nodes community, the project team will summarize and share its findings at the end of the project.

Project progress

At midterm reporting the project had achieved several significant milestones, with multiple online sessions held since the project’s kick-off meeting to coordinate activities and ensure partner alignment.

The project developed the Biodiversity Data Use Case Description Form, which served as a foundational tool for documenting and structuring the project's use cases, with adjustments being made based on feedback and insights from the Discovery Workshop, held by the project on 28 February – 1 March 2024.

This workshop enabled the project to finalize and produce a Catalog of Documented Use Cases, offering a comprehensive overview of how national biodiversity data portals tackle various challenges. This catalog is a valuable resource for understanding the practical applications of these portals and their impact across different domains of biodiversity management and conservation.

The project has closely monitored progress and evaluated activities to ensure effectiveness and alignment with project objectives, with project outcomes disseminated through partner websites, including GBIF Spain's project website.

€ {{ 18000 | localNumber }}
€ {{ 33980 | localNumber }}
2023年10月30日 - 2024年12月4日
Project identifier
Funded by
Project lead
GBIF Spain
Contact details

Francisco Pando
Real Jardín Botánico - CSIC
Claudio Moyano 1
28014 Madrid

€ {{ 18000 | localNumber}}