Universidade Federal do ABC
- GBIF publisher since
- 2022年7月27日
The Sinningia Herbarium, at the Federal University of ABC (HUFABC), began its activities during the first half of 2014, being the first Herbarium in the ABC Paulista region. HUFABC is registered in the Brazilian Network of Herbariums of the Botanical Society of Brazil, in the Index Herbariorum, and in the INCT-Virtual Herbarium of Flora and Fungi. In this sense, HUFABC is connected to other herbaria in the world, which facilitates communication and exchanges, and the promotion of botanical knowledge. The HUFABC collection has approximately 3,000 specimens from different regions of Brazil and abroad, and is constantly being computerized and digitized, being fully available online thanks to partnerships formed with the INCT-Virtual Herbaria of Flora and Fungi and SpeciesLink. Currently, the herbarium has three types, two belonging to the Gesneriaceae family and one to Rubiaceae.Contacts
email: luana.prochazka@ufabc.edu.br
Ana Paula de Moraes
Telephone: +55 11 963099433 / +55 11 20236263
email: ana.moraes@ufabc.edu.br
Universidade Federal do ABC
Alameda da Universidade, s/n - Bairro Anchieta
São Bernardo do Campo
email: hufabc@ufabc.edu.br