Please cite as (07 July 2021) GBIF Occurrence Download

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  • Scientific name
    1. Pycnonotus davisoni (Hume, 1875)
    2. Psilorhamphus guttatus (Ménétriés, 1835)
    3. Psophocichla simensis (Rüppell, 1840)
    4. Tolmomyias viridiceps (P.L.Sclater & Salvin, 1873)
    5. Dubusia stictocephala Berlepsch & Stolzmann, 1894
    6. Euplectes hordeaceus (Linnaeus, 1758)
    7. Picoides temminckii (Malherbe, 1849)
    8. Phyllanthus rubiginosus (Blyth, 1865)
    9. Ailuroedus buccoides (Temminck, 1836)
    10. Phylloscopus ricketti (Slater, 1897)
    11. Lagonosticta rara (Antinori, 1864)
    12. Peucaea cassinii (Woodhouse, 1852)
    13. Nilaus afer (Latham, 1802)
    14. Pitta angolensis Vieillot, 1816
    15. Pilea angolensis (Hiern) Rendle
    16. Sylvietta philippae J.G.Williams, 1955
    17. Aerodramus terraereginae (E.P.Ramsay, 1875)
    18. Aerodramus terraereginus (E.P.Ramsay, 1875)
    19. Aptenodytes forsteri G.R.Gray, 1844
    20. Burhinus superciliaris (Tschudi, 1843)
    21. Herpsilochmus sticturus Salvin, 1885
    22. Trochalopteron chrysopterum (Gould, 1835)
    23. Phaethon lepturus Daudin, 1802
    24. Colluricincla megarhyncha (Quoy & Gaimard, 1830)
    25. Climacteris erythrops Gould, 1841
    26. Malurus cyanocephalus (Quoy & Gaimard, 1830)
    27. Corvus imparatus J.L.Peters, 1929
    28. Calliope pectoralis (Gould, 1837)
    29. Arremon atricapillus (Lawrence, 1874)
    30. Falco naumanni J.G.Fleischer, 1818
    31. Ficedula rufigula (Wallace, 1865)
    32. Ortalis erythroptera P.L.Sclater & Salvin, 1870
    33. Tanygnathus lucionensis (Linnaeus, 1766)
    34. Illadopsis fulvescens (Cassin, 1859)
    35. Stegonotus muelleri Duméril, Bibron & Duméril, 1854
    36. Stegonotus mülleri Gaulke, 2010
    37. Uropeltis macrolepis (Peters, 1862)
    38. Uropeltis macrolepis Smith, 1943
    39. Lycodryas pseudogranuliceps (Domergue, 1995)
    40. Ctenotus euclae (Storr, 1971)
    41. Sphenomorphus cryptotis Darevsky, Orlov & Cuc, 2004
    42. Uma scoparia Cope, 1894
    43. Altiphylax levitoni (Golubev & Szczerbak, 1979)
    44. Glaphyromorphus crassicauda (Duméril & Duméril, 1851)
    45. Glaphyromorphus crassicaudis Reeder, 2003
    46. Dipsas sazimai Fernandes, Marques & Argôlo, 2010
    47. Gymnodactylus geckoides Spix, 1825
    48. Gymnodactylus geckoides Schreiber, 1875
    49. Sphenomorphus stellatus (Boulenger, 1900)
    50. Sphenomorphus stellatum Inger Et Al., 2001
  • Has coordinate true
  • Has geospatial issue false
  • Year After start of 2000
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  "type": "and",
  "predicates": [
      "type": "in",
      "key": "TAXON_KEY",
      "values": [
      "matchCase": false
      "type": "equals",
      "key": "HAS_COORDINATE",
      "value": "true",
      "matchCase": false
      "type": "equals",
      "key": "HAS_GEOSPATIAL_ISSUE",
      "value": "false",
      "matchCase": false
      "type": "greaterThanOrEquals",
      "key": "YEAR",
      "value": "2000",
      "matchCase": false

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