Diatom data from the PC03 core from the RV Investigator voyage IN2017_V01, Sabrina coast, Antarctica (2017)
Tolotti, R. and Leventer, A. (2022) Diatom data from voyage 1 of the Investigator, 2017 - PC03 analysis, Ver. 1, Australian Antarctic Data Centre - doi:10.26179/3f8v-tq32, Accessed: yyyy-mm-dd accessed via GBIF.org on 2025-01-06.Description
These data are based on samples collected during research cruise IN2017_V01 of the RV Investigator, co-chief scientists, Leanne Armand and Phil O’Brien and were collected to provide paleoceanographic and bio/ stratigraphic information on Aurora Basin Antarctic margin evolution. The core was taken at Site A006 that was chosen into an overbank deposit on the upper western side of a turbidite channel (Minang-a Canyon)
Samples for diatom analysis were collected on board ship immediately after core recovery. Sub-samples were sent, according to the Australian standard procedures, to the DISTAV sedimentological laboratory in Genoa (Italy) and prepared for the micro-paleontological analysis according to the laboratory’s protocol (imported and tested from Salamanca University lab.; Referring Prof. Bárcena). Smear-slides and the qualitative-quantitative analyses were performed every 20 cm.
These data were generated by Raffaella Tolotti (raffaella.tolotti@virgilio.it) thanks to a scholarship founded by the Italian P.N.R.A. ‘TYTAN Project (PdR 14_00119): ‘Totten Glacier dYnamics and Southern Ocean circulation impact on deposiTional processes since the mid-lAte CeNozoic’ (Principal Investigator Dr. Donda Federica, Dr. Caburlotto A. - OGS, Trieste) and University of Genova (DISTAV - Prof. Corradi Nicola).
Voyage details (metadata, projects, other datasets either online or as downloads, publications and reports, events, maps etc) can be accessed at https://www.marine.csiro.au/data/trawler/survey_details.cfm?survey=IN2017_V01 If this data has been used in any products, please acknowledge with the following: We acknowledge the use of the CSIRO Marine National Facility (https://ror.org/01mae9353) in undertaking this research.
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Raffaella Tolottioriginator
position: Principal Investigator
Università degli Studi di Genova
email: raffaella.tolotti@virgilio.it
Raffaella Tolotti
metadata author
position: Principal Investigator
Università degli Studi di Genova
email: raffaella.tolotti@virgilio.it
OBIS Australia Node manager
position: OBIS Australia Data Manager
CSIRO National Collections and Marine Infrastructure Data Centre
Castray Esplande
email: obisau@csiro.au
homepage: http://www.obis.org.au
Raffaella Tolotti
administrative point of contact
position: Principal Investigator
Università degli Studi di Genova
email: raffaella.tolotti@virgilio.it
Amy Leventer
administrative point of contact
Colgate University
State of New York