Occurrences of Protected Species of Plants and Fungi in the Koygorodskiy National Park (Komi Republic, Russia)
Degteva S, Dulin M, Zheleznova G, Kanev V, Kirillov D, Kosolapov D, Kudryavtseva D, Palamarchuk M, Pystina T, Semenova N, Shubina T (2021). Occurrences of Protected Species of Plants and Fungi in the Koygorodskiy National Park (Komi Republic, Russia). Institute of Biology of Komi Scientific Centre of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Occurrence dataset https://doi.org/10.15468/mw55es accessed via GBIF.org on 2024-12-12.Description
The original dataset contains materials of a full-scale botanical investigation of northern part of the territory of the newly formed Koygorodskiy National Park (Russia, Komi Republic, Koygorodskiy district) by specialists of the Institute of Biology Federal Research Centre Komi Science Centre of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The purpose of the research was to identify rare species of fungi and plants on the territory of the National Park. Information about 367 occurrences of 32 rare species included in the third edition of the Red Data Book of the Komi Republic [Degteva 2019] has been published. The data supplement the information on the findings of rare species on the territory of the Komi Republic previously published in the GBIF [Degteva et al. 2021a, 2021b]. Most of the occurrences’ descriptions included the following fields: "original_sort", "id", "institutionCode", "collectionCode", "basisOfRecord", "occurrenceID", "catalogNumber", "recordedBy", "occurrenceStatus", "eventDate", "year", "month", "day", "verbatimEventDate", "country", "countryCode", "stateProvince", "county", "locality", "verbatimLocality", "decimalLatitude", "decimalLongitude", "geodeticDatum", "coordinateUncertaintyInMeters", "georeferencedBy", "identifiedBy", "taxonID", "scientificName", "kingdom", "phylum", "class", "order", "family", "genus", "specificEpithet", "taxonRank", "scientificNameAuthorship", "vernacularName", "acceptedNameUsage", "taxonRemarks" and "associatedMedia".Sampling Description
Study Extent
The dataset contains the occurrences of the fungi and plant species, included in the Red Data Book of the Komi Republic [Degteva 2019] and collected within the boundaries of the National Park Koygorodskiy. When classifying the rarity of a species, we used the criteria and categories of status adopted in the Red Data Book of the Russian Federation [Bardunov and Novikov 2008].Sampling
Field studies were carried out mainly by the route method. The data were recorded in field journals together with geobotanical descriptions. For each occurrence, geographical coordinates were recorded using GPS receiver (WGS 84), the number of plants, the area of distribution were estimated, and a brief description of phytocenotic parameters were fixed. All findings of rare species of plants and fungi were confirmed by preserved specimens, some of them are already stored in the Herbarium (SYKO) of the Institute of Biology of Federal Research Centre Komi Science Centre of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. All plants and fungi species, included in the dataset are classed as high sensitivity species via categories of sensitivity provided by A.D. Chapman and O. Grafton [Chapman & Grafton 2008]. For rare species, it is recommended to generalize the original GPS coordinates of the finds in order to protect localities from destruction. In our case, all species are located in a specially protected natural area and are under protection. They are not in danger of unauthorized collection. Therefore, we decided to fill this dataset with original GPS coordinates, without generalization.Quality Control
Data has been collected, and species identification was made or checked by specialists on the corresponding taxa from the Institute of Biology of Federal Research Centre Komi Science Centre of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The identification of 28 occurrences (8 % of the dataset) of 11 species (34 % of the species included in the dataset) was supported by preserved specimens. The taxa names were normalized with help of the GBIF species matching tool (https://www.gbif.org/tools/species-lookup). The dataset was checked for errors and cleaned by methods described by R. Mesibov in A Data Cleaner's Cookbook [Mesibov 2021].Method steps
- The data of recent field studies of the authors of this document conducted on the National Park Koygorodskiy territory were summarized on the MS Excel sheet.
- The authors prepared occurrence data (separate datasets for the taxonomic groups for which they were responsible) of rare species, not previously published in GBIF, with a common xlsx-template based on the occurrence template recommended by the GBIF (https://www.gbif.org/ru/news/82852/new-darwin-core-spreadsheet-templates-simplify-data-preparation-and-publishing). Authors were allowed to add Darwin Core terms as additional fields in their xlsx-files.
- The occurrence datasets prepared by the specialists were merged into a single dataset. The “taxonID” field was filled with values from the corresponding field from the checklist dataset "Red Data Book of the Komi Republic" (http://ib.komisc.ru:8088/ipt/resource?r=redbook_komi_2019_checklist). All additional fields used by the authors were included in the merged dataset. The values in the fields “decimalLongitude” and “decimalLatitute” were filled with original GPS coordinates and the “coordinateUncertaintyInMeters” field was set to a single value of 30 meters (means standard error of the GPS receiver). The field “taxonRemarks” was used to indicate the rarity status of each taxon. Each record in the occurrence dataset also included a URL leading to the corresponding species’ description and images at the Red Data Book of the Komi Republic web page.
Taxonomic Coverages
The dataset includes information on occurrences of 32 plant and fungi taxa, listed in the third edition of the Red Data Book of the Komi Republic [Degteva 2019] and found on the territory of the Koygorodskiy National Park during our research in 2021, including 21 fungi species (9 fungi and 12 lichens) and 11 plant taxa (4 bryophytes and 7 vascular plants). The “taxonID” field was filled with values from the corresponding field from the checklist of the species included in third edition of Red Data Book of the Komi Republic dataset (http://ib.komisc.ru:8088/ipt/resource?r=redbook_komi_2019_checklist).
The volume and names of families, genera and species of fungi and lichens are given according to the Index Fungorum database (http://www.indexfungorum.org, acc.date – 06.12.2021).
The volume and names of families, genera and species of mosses are given according to the annotated checklist of bryophytes of Europe, Macaronesia and Cyprus (An annotated checklist of bryophytes of Europe, Macaronesia and Cyprus N. G. Hodgetts, L. Söderström, T. L. Blockeel, S. Caspari, M. S. Ignatov, N. A. Konstantinova, N. Lockhart, B. Papp, C. Schröck, M. Sim-Sim, D. Bell, N. E. Bell, H. H. Blom, M. A. Bruggeman-Nannenga, M. Brugués, J. Enroth, K. I. Flatberg, R. Garilleti, L. Hedenäs, D. T. Holyoak, V. Hugonnot, I. Kari-yawasam, H. Köckinger, J. Kučera, F. Lara, R. D. Porley // Journal of Bryology. 2020. Vol. 42, N 1. P. 1–116. – DOI:10.1080/03736687.2019.1694329).
The vascular plants species names were given according to “The Plant list” (http://www.theplantlist.org).
Fungirank: kingdom
Plantaerank: kingdom
Ascomycotarank: phylum
Marchantiophytarank: phylum
Bryophytarank: phylum
Tracheophytarank: phylum
Basidiomycotarank: phylum
Geographic Coverages
The Koygorodskiy National Park was approved by the Decree № 1607 of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 07.12.2019. The area of the park is 56.7 thousand hectares. The forests of the National Park, located in the southern part of the Komi Republic, on the territory of the Koygorodskiy and Priluzskiy districts, and adjacent to the borders of the State Reserve "Nurgush", located in the north of the Kirov region, are recognized as the largest unaffected by human activity array of pristine forests within ecotone of the southern and middle taiga subzones in European Russia.
The territory of the National Park has severe and continental climate with frequent invasion of arctic air masses from the Arctic Ocean. It is in the Atlantic-Arctic climatic zone with moderate cold (boreal) weather with long winter and short and cool summer seasons. The average annual temperature ranges from 0–1 °С. Annual precipitation is not higher than 600 mm [Taskaev 1997].
Most of the territory of the National Park Koygorodskiy is covered by taiga communities, mainly spruce forests dominated by Picea obovata Ledeb. In addition, pine forests (Pinus sylvestris L.) are enough widespread among the forests, mainly on sandy terraces along riverbanks and peat soils on the edges of raised bogs. Old-growth aspen and mixed birch-spruce forests are common in large part of the National Park territory.
Bibliographic Citations
- Degteva, S.V. (2019) the Red Data Book of the Komi Republic. Komi Republican Printing House, Syktyvkar. 768 pp. -
- Occurrences of species included in third edition of Red Data Book of Komi Republic (Russia) / S. Degteva, A. Bobretsov, Y. Bobrov, M. Dolgin, M. Dulin, N. Filippov, N. Goncharova, J. Hermansson, V. Kanev, D. Kirillov, I. Kirillova, O. Kirsanova, S. Kochanov, A. Kolesnikova, T. Konakova, A. Korolev, D. Kosolapov, O. Kulakova, E. Kulyugina, O. Loskutova, E. Melekhina, O. Mineev, Y. Mineev, V. Morozov, G. Nakul, M. Palamachuk, E. Patova, S. Pestov, A. Petrov, I. Poletaeva, V. Ponomarev, T. Pystina, Y. Rebriev, R. Romanov, N. Selivanova, A. Shiryaev, T. Shubina, I. Sterlyagova, A. Tatarinov, B. Teteryuk, L. Teteryuk, Z. Ulle, O. Valuyskikh, A. Zakharov, G. Zheleznova, A. Zinovyeva, Y. Dubrovskiy, B. Gruzdev, A. Ichetkina, V. Martynenko, N. Oplesnina, V. Panova, I. Romanova, M. Rubtsov, L. Rybin, N. Semenova – The occurrence dataset contains information on species included in third edition of Red Data Book of Komi Republic (Russia) (2019). – 2021. – URL: https://www.gbif.org/dataset/cf750a05-25f2-459b-8891-1a1fd23d7bf8. - DOI: 10.15468/336SDV
- Degteva S, Bobretsov A, Bobrov Y, Dolgin M, Dulin M, Filippov N, Goncharova N, Hermansson J, Kanev V, Kirillov D, Kirillova I, Kirsanova O, Kochanov S, Kolesnikova A, Konakova T, Korolev A, Kosolapov D, Kulakova O, Kulyugina E, Loskutova O, Melekhina E, Mineev O, Mineev Y, Morozov V, Nakul G, Palamarchuk M, Patova E, Pestov S, Petrov A, Poletaeva I, Ponomarev V, Pystina T, Rebriev Y, Romanov R, Selivanova N, Shiryaev A, Shubina T, Sterlyagova I, Tatarinov A, Teteryuk B, Teteryuk L, Ulle Z, Valuyskikh O, Zakharov A, Zheleznova G, Zinovyeva A, Dubrovskiy Y, Gruzdev B, Ichetkina A, Martynenko V, Oplesnina N, Panova V, Romanova I, Rubtsov M, Rybin L, Semenova N (2021): Checklist of Threatened Species included in the Third Edition of the Red Data Book of the Komi Republic (Russia). v1.9. Institute of Biology of Komi Scientific Centre of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Dataset/Checklist. http://ib.komisc.ru:8088/ipt/resource?r=redbook_komi_2019_checklist&v=1.9. -
- An annotated checklist of bryophytes of Europe, Macaronesia and Cyprus N. G. Hodgetts, L. Söderström, T. L. Blockeel, S. Caspari, M. S. Ignatov, N. A. Konstantinova, N. Lockhart, B. Papp, C. Schröck, M. Sim-Sim, D. Bell, N. E. Bell, H. H. Blom, M. A. Bruggeman-Nannenga, M. Brugués, J. Enroth, K. I. Flatberg, R. Garilleti, L. Hedenäs, D. T. Holyoak, V. Hugonnot, I. Kari-yawasam, H. Köckinger, J. Kučera, F. Lara, R. D. Porley // Journal of Bryology. 2020. Vol. 42, N 1. P. 1–116. - DOI:10.1080/03736687.2019.1694329
- Chapman A.D., Grafton O. 2008. Guide to best practices for generalising primary species-occurrence data, version 1.0. Copenhagen: Global Biodivercity Information facility. 27 p. -
Svetlana Degtevaoriginator
position: author
Institute of Biology of Federal Research Centre Komi Science Centre of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Kommunisticheskaya St., 28
Komi Republic
email: degteva@ib.komisc.ru
homepage: https://ib.komisc.ru/rus/
Mikhail Dulin
position: author
Institute of Biology of Federal Research Centre Komi Science Centre of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Kommunisticheskaya St., 28
Komi Republic
email: dulin@ib.komisc.ru
homepage: https://ib.komisc.ru/rus/
Galina Zheleznova
position: author
Institute of Biology of Federal Research Centre Komi Science Centre of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Kommunisticheskaya St., 28
Komi Republic
email: zheleznova@ib.komisc.ru
homepage: https://ib.komisc.ru/rus/
Vladimir Kanev
position: author
Institute of Biology of Federal Research Centre Komi Science Centre of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Kommunisticheskaya St., 28
Komi Republic
email: kanev@ib.komisc.ru
homepage: https://ib.komisc.ru/rus/
Dmitry Kirillov
position: author
Institute of Biology of Federal Research Centre Komi Science Centre of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Kommunisticheskaya St., 28
Komi Republic
email: kirdimka@mail.ru
homepage: https://ib.komisc.ru/rus/
userId: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6577-693X
Denis Kosolapov
position: author
Institute of Biology of Federal Research Centre Komi Science Centre of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Kommunisticheskaya St., 28
Komi Republic
email: kosolapov@ib.komisc.ru
homepage: https://ib.komisc.ru/rus/
Dominika Kudryavtseva
position: author
Institute of Biology of Federal Research Centre Komi Science Centre of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Kommunisticheskaya St., 28
Komi Republic
email: kudryavtseva@ib.komisc.ru
homepage: https://ib.komisc.ru/rus/
Marina Palamarchuk
position: author
Institute of Biology of Federal Research Centre Komi Science Centre of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Kommunisticheskaya St., 28
Komi Republic
email: palamarchuk@ib.komisc.ru
homepage: https://ib.komisc.ru/rus/
Tatiana Pystina
position: author
Institute of Biology of Federal Research Centre Komi Science Centre of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Kommunisticheskaya St., 28
Komi Republic
email: t.pystina@ib.komisc.ru
homepage: https://ib.komisc.ru/rus/
Nataliya Semenova
position: author
Institute of Biology of Federal Research Centre Komi Science Centre of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Kommunisticheskaya St., 28
Komi Republic
email: semenova@ib.komisc.ru
homepage: https://ib.komisc.ru/rus/
Tatyana Shubina
position: author
Institute of Biology of Federal Research Centre Komi Science Centre of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Kommunisticheskaya St., 28
Komi Republic
email: tshubina@ib.komisc.ru
homepage: https://ib.komisc.ru/rus/
Dmitry Kirillov
metadata author
position: corresponding author
Institute of Biology of Federal Research Centre Komi Science Centre of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Kommunisticheskaya St., 28
Komi Republic
email: kirdimka@mail.ru
homepage: https://ib.komisc.ru/rus/
userId: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6577-693X
Svetlana Degteva
metadata author
position: author
Institute of Biology of Federal Research Centre Komi Science Centre of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Kommunisticheskaya St., 28
Komi Republic
email: degteva@ib.komisc.ru
homepage: https://ib.komisc.ru/rus/
Dmitry Kirillov
administrative point of contact
position: corresponding author
Institute of Biology of Federal Research Centre Komi Science Centre of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Kommunisticheskaya St., 28
Komi Republic
email: kirdimka@mail.ru
homepage: https://ib.komisc.ru/rus/
userId: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6577-693X