Please cite as (03 September 2015) GBIF Occurrence Download
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- {{ 21 | localNumber}}
- Uma breve descrição do componente deve ser colocada aqui
- {{ 14 | localNumber}}
- Uma breve descrição do componente deve ser colocada aqui
- {{ 10 | localNumber}}
Nome científico
Coscinodiscus concinnus W.Smith, 1856
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"type": "equals",
"key": "TAXON_KEY",
"value": "5421546",
"matchCase": false
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2kContinuous Plankton Recorder Dataset (SAHFOS)
2kContinuous Plankton Recorder database
197NODC WOD01 Plankton Database
51Dinoflagelados y Diatomeas del Pacífico tropical mexicano
41NMNH occurrence DwC-A
27Arctic Ocean Diversity
9The national database for marine data (MADS)
8Cryptogamy collection (PC) of the Muséum national d'Histoire Naturelle (MNHN - Paris)
7IndOBIS, Indian Ocean Node of OBIS
5The Diatom Collection of Franz Josef Weinzierl at the Botanische Staatssammlung München
4Natural History Museum (London) Collection Specimens
3Taxonomic Information Sytem for the Belgian coastal area (EurOBIS)
3South Western Pacific Regional OBIS Data All Sea Bio Subset (South Western P acific OBIS)
2Colección de Diatomeas del Sur del Golfo de México (ICMyL-DF, UNAM)
1Naturalis Biodiversity Center (NL) - Botany Leiden
1Bay of Fundy Species List (OBIS Canada)
1MICROBIS database
1Artenvielfalt der Nordsee - Helgoland
1Gesamtartenliste Bremerhaven, Helgoland und Sylt
1Artenvielfalt der Nordsee - Bremerhaven (Dorum-Neufeld)
1Artenvielfalt der Nordsee - Sylt