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- {{ 269 | localNumber}}
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- {{ 40 | localNumber}}
Nome científico
- Magnoliophyta
- Gnetophyta
- Pinophyta
- Ginkgophyta
Geometria POLYGON((-27.070312 66.513260,-22.148437 19.642587,-12.304687 19.642587,-7.382812 25.165173,3.515625 16.299051,13.359375 20.632784,23.203125 17.308687,28.476562 19.642587,39.375 19.642587,36.914062 26.431228,40.429687 29.535229,42.890625 33.724339,45.351562 36.879620,52.734375 39.639537,50.625 45.089035,59.0625 52.482780,58.007812 67.067433,43.242187 70.959697,16.171875 71.074056,-7.382812 68.528234,-27.070312 66.513260))
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8MDutch Vegetation Database (LVD)
8MBotanical Society of the British Isles - Vascular Plants Database
4MBotanical Society of the British Isles - Vascular Plants Database additions since 2000
4MObservations du Conservatoire botanique national du Bassin parisien.
3MFlorKart - FlorenKartierung Gefaesspflanzen
3MFlorabank1 - A grid-based database on vascular plant distribution in the northern part of Belgium (Flanders and the Brussels Capital region)
2MHerbarium, Botany Unit, Finnish Museum of Natural History (H)
1MVascular plants in Denmark recorded under the The Nationwide Monitoring and Assessment Programme for the Aquatic and Terrestrial Environments (NOVANA)
1MSistema de Información de la vegetación Ibérica y Macaronésica
1MInventaire National du Patrimoine Naturel : Flore Franco-Belge
1MVascular Plants, Field notes, Oslo (O)
1MBanco de Datos de la Biodiversidad de la Comunitat Valenciana
1MVegetation data from protected areas in Denmark (§ 3 in the Danish Nature Protection Act)
982kBelgian IFBL Flora Checklists (1939-1971)
942kFundación Biodiversidad, Real Jardín Botánico (CSIC): Anthos. Sistema de Información de las plantas de España
766kNorwegian Species Observation Service
696kBristol Regional Environmental Records Centre - BRERC October 2009
658kGeographically tagged INSDC sequences
606kFloristic Databases of Mecklenburg-Pomerania - Higher Plants
590kSuffolk Biological Records Centre - Suffolk Biological Records Centre (SBRC) dataset
538kTercer Inventario Forestal Nacional. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (España/Spain) (IFN3)
492kDutch Foundation for Applied Water Research (STOWA) - Limnodata Neerlandica
454kLund Botanical Museum (LD)
433kBiological and palaeontological collection and observation data MNHNL
415kCartografía de vegetación a escala de detalle 1:10.000 de la masa forestal de Andalucía
403kVascular Plant Herbarium, Oslo (O)
386kMeadow and Pasture Inventory (SJV)
370kShropshire Ecological Data Network - Shropshire Ecological Data Network Database
358kThe Flora of County Wexford
355kEcoRecord - Vascular plant records held by EcoRecord for the Birmingham and the Black Country area collated prior to March 2013
345kHerbarium, Botanical Museum, University of Oulu, Finland (OULU)
339kBSBI tetrad data for Ireland
331kInventaire National du Patrimoine Naturel : Flore d'Ille-et-Vilaine
296kRotherham Biological Records Centre - Rotherham Biological Records Centre - Non-sensitive Records from all taxonomic groups
287kWiltshire and Swindon Biological Records Centre - Wiltshire & Swindon Site-based Survey Records
266kObservational database of Icelandic plants
253kNational Forest Inventory (SLU)
248kNorth & East Yorkshire Ecological Data Centre - North and East Yorkshire Ecological Data Centre - Non-sensitive Records from all taxonomic groups.
241kStaffordshire Ecological Record - SER Site-based Surveys
230kCarnet en Ligne
229kWetland Inventory (NV)
223kNorthern Ireland Environment Agency - EHS Species Datasets
223kVascular Plants, Field notes, Trondheim (TRH)
211kInventaire National du Patrimoine Naturel (I093) : Flore du Massif Armoricain
199kIsrael Nature and Parks Authority
198kCountryside Council for Wales - Phase 2 Lowland Grassland Survey of Wales
188kIBF Monitoring of Vascular Plants
176kAtlas des plantes vasculaires de Lorraine
171kVascular Plant Herbarium, Trondheim (TRH)
168kThe Flora of County Waterford
156kSouth East Wales Biodiversity Records Centre - CCW Regional Data : South East Wales Non-sensitive Species Records
149kHertfordshire Natural History Society Flora Group - Hertfordshire Flora Survey Records 1987-2005
149kVascular Plant Herbarium, UiB
144kBase de datos de plantas vasculares del País Vasco: ARAN-EH
136kReal Jardín Botánico (Madrid), Vascular Plant Herbarium (MA)
133kFlora-On: occurrence data of the flora of mainland Portugal
132kInventaire National du Patrimoine Naturel : Flore du Limousin
127kVascular Plants, Field notes, Agder naturmuseum (KMN)
126kSheffield Biological Records Centre - Sheffield Biological Records Centre- Non-sensitive Records from all taxonomic groups.
123kBioGIS - Vascular plants - A. Danin's grid database
115kTromsø Museum, Vascular plants
103kColección de plantas vasculares del herbario de la Universitat de València (VAL).
96kCatálogo Florístico Histórico de Navarra. Gobierno de Navarra
95kDr Francis Rose Field Notebook Project - Field Notebook Records of Dr Francis Rose 1950's to 1990's
91kTiroler Landesmuseum Ferdinandeum
90kMerseyside BioBank - North Merseyside Flowering Plants (verified)
89kMerseyside BioBank - North Merseyside Flowering Plants (unverified)
83kBioGIS - Vascular plants - INPA database
81kEURISCO, The European Genetic Resources Search Catalogue
79kVascular Plants, Observations, Oslo (O)
79kBotanical Society of the British Isles - Changing Flora of Glasgow 1982-2000
77kNatural History Museum (London) Collection Specimens
72kScottish Natural Heritage - Standing Waters Database
64kVascular plant herbarium, Agder naturmuseum og botaniske hage
64kVIT Herbarium - Vascular Plants (The Natural History Museum of Alava)
62kBiologiezentrum Linz
60kHerbarium, Centre for Biodiversity, University of Turku, Finland (TUR)
56kinatura - Erlebnis Naturschau Dornbirn
56kGreater Manchester Ecology Unit - Higher Plant Records From Greater Manchester
51kHerbario HSS Finca La Orden-Valdesequera (CICYTEX). Gobierno de Extremadura
51kNaturhistorisches Museum Mainz, Feldbeobachtungsdaten Pflanzen
50kDorset Environmental Records Centre - Dorset SSSI Species Records 1952 - 2004 (Natural England)
50kThames Valley Environmental Records Centre - Local Wildlife Site Surveys Oxfordshire
48kInstitute of Dendrology PAS, Flora of Sudety Mountains
48kInstitut Botanic de Barcelona, BC
48kFlora d'Andorra
48kBiodiversitätsdatenbank des Landes Salzburg
46kFloVegSI - Floristical and fitocenological database of ZRC SAZU
45kMGC Herbarium of University of Malaga (Spain): MGC-Cormof dataset
44kHerbario de Plantas Vasculares de la Universidad de Salamanca: SALA
44kThames Valley Environmental Records Centre - Local Wildlife Site Surveys Berkshire
44kThe Fungal Collection at the Senckenberg Museum für Naturkunde Görlitz
41kHerbarium of Jyväskylä University Museum
40kFlora of the Stołowe Mts.
40kScottish Wildlife Trust - Commissioned surveys and staff surveys and reports for SWT reserves.
39kCartographie des Leguminosae (Fabaceae) en France
39kBioGIS - Vascular plants - A. Danin's point database
37kJardín Botánico de Córdoba: Herbarium COA
37kHerbarium (ICEL)
36kHerbarium Willing
36kIrish vascular plant data 1999-2009
35kThe System-wide Information Network for Genetic Resources (SINGER)
32kHerbarium of Vascular Plants Collection of the University of Extremadura (Spain)
31kCIBIO, Alicante:ABH-GBIF
28kOnline Atlas of vascular plants 2012-2020
28kThames Valley Environmental Records Centre - Nature Conservancy Council Survey of Ancient Woodlands in Berkshire.
27kJoint Nature Conservation Committee - Vegetation surveys of coastal shingle in Great Britain
25kGothenburg Herbarium - General (GBIF:IH:GB:Herbarium)
25kUniversidad de Navarra, Herbarium: PAMP-Vascular Plants
23kUnited States National Plant Germplasm System Collection
22kFloristische Kartierung Österreichs - Mapping the Flora of Austria
21kAranzadi Zientzi Elkartea
21kA grid-based database on vascular plant distribution in the Meshchera National Park, Vladimir Oblast, Russia
21kBotanical Society of the British Isles - SNH Site Condition Monitoring - Vascular plants (2000-2006)
20kStaffordshire Ecological Record - SER Species-based Surveys
19kFungus Collections at Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde Karlsruhe (Herbarium KR)
18kShire Group of Internal Drainage Boards - Shire Group IDB species data 2004 to present
18kUniversidad de Oviedo. Departamento de Biología de Organismos y Sistemas: FCO
17kHerbarium Senckenbergianum (FR)
16kBioGIS - Vascular plants - HUJ Herbarium
16kSINGER Coordinator
16kPolish gene bank – passport data of plants accessions which are important in human life
16kDpto de Botánica, Ecología y Fisiología Vegetal (Herbario COFC). Facultad de Ciencias. Universidad de Córdoba
15kHerbarium (AMNH)
15kKarl Franzens University of Graz, Insitute for Botany - Herbarium GZU
15kNatural History Museum, Vienna - Herbarium W
14kEnvironment Agency - Environment Agency Non-native Species records v1
14kUniversidad de Oviedo. Departamento de Biología de Organismos y Sistemas: FCO-Briof
13kIrish Crop Wild Relative Database
13kImpetus - Herbarium Hamburgense
13kTullie House Museum - Tullie House Museum. Cumbria Wildlife Trust survey records from 1970 - 2007 of Cumbria Wildlife Sites. Various.
12kHerbario de la Universidad de Almeria
12kNational Trust - Wicken Fen nature reserve species data held by The National Trust
11kHerbarium Berolinense
11kUniversidad del País Vasco/EHU, Bilbao: Herbario BIO
11kNaturalis Biodiversity Center (NL) - Botany Wageningen
11kEPA River Biologists data
10kDataset of Phenology of flora of mediterranean high-mountains meadows (Sierra Nevada)
10kCentre for Genetic Resources, the Netherlands, PGR passport data
10kScottish Borders Biological Records Centre - SWT Scottish Borders Local Wildlife Site Survey data 1996-2000 - species information
- observation database
10kNational Trust for Scotland - NTS Properties Species Records 1800-2013
10kThe DNA and Sample Repository at AIT
9kHerbarium of Umeå University (UME)
9kHerbarium of the Department of Natural Forests (Forest Research Institute)
9kRoyal Horticultural Society - RHS monitoring of native and naturalised plants and animals at its gardens and surrounding areas
9kHerbario de Universidad de Murcia: MUB
9kBioGIS - Vascular plants - SPNI
9kUniversity of Vienna, Institute for Botany - Herbarium WU
9kHerbarium (Åbo Akademi), Centre for Biodiversity, University of Turku (TURA)
9kNational Invasive Species Database
9kVascular plants collection (P) of the Muséum national d'Histoire Naturelle (MNHN - Paris)
8kPaleobiology Database
8kNational System of Protected Areas in Poland - Plants
8kBotanical Information System of Geneva
8kColección de plantas vasculares del Herbario "Jaime Andrés Rodríguez". LEB
8kNaturalis Biodiversity Center (NL) - Botany Leiden
8kFlora of Słowiński National Park, Poland
7kHerbario de la Universidad Pública de Navarra, Pamplona: UPNA-H
7kBedfordshire and Luton Biodiversity Recording and Monitoring Centre - Bedfordshire Himalayan Balsam Surveys (WT) - 2010-2012
7kSinfonevada: Dataset of Floristic diversity in Sierra Nevada forest (SE Spain)
7kInstitut Botanic de Barcelona, BC-Histórico
7kBotany registration database by Danish botanists
7kYorkshire Wildlife Trust - Yorkshire Wildlife Trust - Non-sensitive records from all taxonomic groups
7kAustralia's Virtual Herbarium
7kBioGIS - Vascular plants - Israeli Gene Bank
7kDerbyshire Biological Records Centre - Derbyshire Invasive Vascular Plants (INNS) 1900 - 2011
7kTestWat - Macroinvertebrates and macrophytes of freshwater bodies in Flanders, Belgium
6kRosaceae and Fabaceae of Kevo region, Northern Finland
6kNijmegen Natural History Museum (NL) - Herbarium
6kBotanical Collection
6kNINA botanical collection
6kVascular Plants, Museum of Archaeology, University of Stavanger
6kScottish Environment Protection Agency - River macroinvertebrate data for 2005 and 2006
6kMfN - Fossil plants (Cenophytic)
5kBioFresh Pond Data
5kHerbarium Vonderau - FULD
5kInventario de Flora y Vegetación del Municipio de Enguídanos (Cuenca), 2010. Asociación de Desarrollo Integral de la Manchuela Conquense (ADIMAN)
5kMonitoring data from the federal state North Rhine-Westphalia (Germany)
4kPond Conservation - National Pond Monitoring Network collated pond survey data for Great Britain 1972 to 2007
4kNatural History Museum Maastricht (NL) - Herbarium
4kNationaal Herbarium Nederland
4kInventaire National du Patrimoine Naturel : Flore de l'Ain
4kMissouri Botanical Garden
4kRoyal Botanic Gardens, Kew - Herbarium Specimens
4kThames Valley Environmental Records Centre - Nature Conservancy Council Berkshire Meadows Survey 1984-87 (as held by Thames Valley Environmental Records Centre)
4kHerbario de Plantas Vasculares de la Asociación BIGA para el estudio del patrimonio natural de Galicia: FBIGA
4kInventaire National du Patrimoine Naturel : Flore de Sologne
4kNordic Genetic Resources
4kThe Erysiphales Collection at the Botanische Staatssammlung München
4kRoyal Botanic Garden Edinburgh Herbarium (E)
4kHumber Environmental Data Centre - Humber Environmental Data Centre - Non Sensitive Records from all taxonomic groups
4kNational Trust - Hatfield Forest species data held by The National Trust.
4kUniversidad de Barcelona. Grup dInvestigació Geobotánica i Cartografia de la Vegetació
4kIreland's BioBlitz 2012
3kSightings Map of Invasive Plants in Portugal
3kiNaturalist research-grade observations
3kDataset of Global Change, altitudinal range shift and colonization of degraded habitats in mediterranean mountains (MIGRAME)
3kInventaire National du Patrimoine Naturel : Espèces Végétales Menacées de France métropolitaine
3kUniversitat de Girona: HGI-Cormophyta
3kVascular plants of Amrum 2007-2008
3kInventaire National du Patrimoine Naturel : Atlas de la flore de Lorraine
3kInventaire National du Patrimoine Naturel : Flore protégée du Dauphiné
3kVascular Herbarium, NMBU
3kfundiv france database
3kNational Trust - Ickworth species data held by The National Trust.
3kPolish seed gene bank – historical passport data of accessions
3kSANT herbarium vascular plants collection
3kHerbier A. Le Grand (BOUM)
3kHortus Botanicus Sollerensis Herbarium (FBonafè)
3kEpiphytic Lichens of G. Lettau at the Botanical Museum Berlin-Dahlem
2kBotanical Museum, Denmark. Database of registrations of red listed plants
2kEstonian Nature Observations Database
2kBotany (UPS)
2kAll observations extracted from the Flora of Northumberland and Durham 1831
2kMiscellaneous Vascular Plants
2kCountryside Council for Wales - Welsh Invertebrate Database (WID)
2kNature Locator - PlantTracker data from 2012 onwards
2kUniversität Salzburg
2kRye, Barley, Oats Genetic Resources. N.I.Vavilov Research Institute of Plant Industry, St. Petersburg
2kRoyal Botanic Garden Edinburgh Living Plant Collections (E)
2kMonitoring data from the federal state Saxony-Anhalt (Germany)
2kThe Vascular Plant Collection at the Botanische Staatssammlung München
2kJoint Nature Conservation Committee - Marine Nature Conservation Review (MNCR) and associated benthic marine data held and managed by JNCC
2kHerbario de la Universidad de Sevilla, SEV
2kJardín Botánico Atlántico, Gijón: JBAG
2kNorth Ayrshire Countryside Ranger Service - Species within North Ayrshire from 1984 - Present
1kInventario Español de Especies Terrestres (MAGRAMA)
1kWoodland Condition Survey Group - Plants recorded during the non-SSSI woodland condition survey 2011
1kHerbario del Jardín Botánico-Histórico La Concepción: HBC
1kThe Fungal Collection at the Botanische Staatssammlung München
1kPlantae, TAIF (Taiwan e-Learning and Digital Archives Program, TELDAP)
1kUniversity of Alberta Vascular Plant Herbarium (ALTA)
1kEppingen und Umgebung
1kBiodiversity records from Ireland - general
1kNMNH occurrence DwC-A
1kDepartamento de Biolog. Veg. II, Facultad de Farmacia, Universidad Complutense, Madrid: MAF
1kKTU Pinophyta
1kMerseyside BioBank - Merseyside BioBank Active Naturalists (unverified)
1kInventaire National du Patrimoine Naturel : Programme CARTHAM: Inventaire biologique dans le cadre de Natura 2000 en Mer
1kAggregate Industries - Grassland and Heathland Survey at Bardon Hill 2008/9
1kUniversity of Alberta Museums, Vascular Plant Herbarium
1kPlantlife International - Back from the Brink vascular plant species abundance and distribution for Great Britain for the period 2002-2009
1kNijmegen Natural History Museum (NL) – Herbarium
1kThe Flora of County Clare
1kBanco de Germoplasma del Jardín Botánico Atlántico
1kPonTaurus collection
1kThe French Collection of Medicago truncatula
1kUniversity of British Columbia Herbarium (UBC) - Vascular Plant Collection
1kThe Lichen Collection at the Botanische Staatssammlung München
1kHerbarium specimens of Herbiers Universitaires de Clermont-Ferrand (CLF)
1kHerbarium specimens of Société des Sciences Naturelles et Mathématiques de Cherbourg (CHE)
1kHertfordshire Biological Records Centre - Hertfordshire Lowland Meadow Inventory Survey 2010
1kHerbarium Rhoenmuseum Fladungen
1kInstitut Menorquí d'Estudis. Herbarium Generale Minoricae: HGM
1kMonitoring data from the federal state Bavaria (Germany)
1kMinisterio de Medio Ambiente, y Medio Rural y Marino. Dirección General de Medio Natural y Política Forestal. Inventario Nacional de Biodiversidad 2007, Flora Vascular Amenazada
1kMerseyside BioBank - North Merseyside Other Taxa (verified)
1kNorwegian Biodiversity Information Centre - Other datasets
1kEDIT - ATBI in Mercantour/Alpi Marittime (France/Italy)
1kMfN - Fossil plants (Mesophytic)
1kEDIT - ATBI in Gemer area (Slovakia)
1kAnymals+plants - Citizen Science Data
1kOpen Mosaic Habitat Survey Group - Plants recorded during Open Mosaic Habitat survey in England and Wales (2012)
1kHerbarium J Räsänen
1kHerbarium of Taiwan Forestry Research Institute
1kHertfordshire Biological Records Centre - Hertfordshire Urban Surveys (incomplete)
1kDorset Environmental Records Centre - Bryophyte Survey of the Poole Basin Mires - NBN South West Pilot Project Case Studies
1kNaturhistorisches Museum Mainz, Herbarium Oesau
1kSysTax - Herbaria
1kPhanerogamic Botanical Collections (S)
994Herbarium of University of Białystok - Vascular Plants
964Perchtoldsdorfer Heide
950Inventaire National du Patrimoine Naturel : CBN du Massif Central
942Countryside Council for Wales - Rare Flowering Plant and Fern Data
937National Trust - Sutton Hoo species data held by The National Trust.
934Nottinghamshire Biological and Geological Records Centre - Nottinghamshire Biodiversity Action Group Japanese Knotweed Survey
911Herbario EMMA. Herbario de la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros de Montes. UPM
910CeDoc de Biodiversitat Vegetal: BCN-Seeds
871Lothian Wildlife Information Centre - Lothian Wildlife Information Centre Secret Garden Survey
863Red list project inventory, vascular plants
855Greater Manchester Ecology Unit - Invasive and Non-native Species From Greater Manchester
848NINA Vanndata øvrige arter
840Thames Valley Environmental Records Centre - Nature Conservancy Council Oxfordshire Fen Survey 1983 (as held by Thames Valley Environmental Records Centre)
814John Muir Trust - Plants, Bryophytes and Lichens recorded on the Skye Estate during October 1995 â October 2004.
790Inventaire National du Patrimoine Naturel : CBN de Midi-Pyrénées
782Countryside Council for Wales - Marine data from Countryside Council for Wales (CCW) Technical Support (Research & Monitoring) Contracts, Wales
777Herbarium specimens of Jardins botaniques and Conservatoire Botanique of Nancy (NCY)
771The Erysiphales Collection at the University Halle-Wittenberg
761Dorset Environmental Records Centre - Dorset Heath - NBN South West Pilot Project Case Studies
750Inventaire National du Patrimoine Naturel : CBN Méditerranéen de Porquerolles
749Inventaire National du Patrimoine Naturel : CBN Alpin de Gap
732Vertebrats d'Andorra
696Joint Nature Conservation Committee - Marine benthic dataset (version 1) commissioned by UKOOA
691Dorset Environmental Records Centre - Dorset Invasive Alien Plants - NBN South West Pilot Project Case Studies
681Heritage Trees of Ireland
662Marine Conservation Society - Seasearch Marine Surveys
654Naturhistorisches Museum Mainz, Botanical Collection
644USU-UTC Specimen Database
642Artenvielfalt auf der Weide - GEO-Hauptveranstaltung in Crawinkel
633GEO Hauptveranstaltung Tirol (Innsbruck)
623Herbier de Strasbourg
622Nottinghamshire Biological and Geological Records Centre - Nottinghamshire Biodiversity Action Group Himalayan Balsam Survey
615National Trust - Anglesey Abbey wildlife species data held by The National Trust.
611Scottish Natural Heritage - Marine Nature Conservation Review (MNCR) and associated benthic marine data held and managed by Scottish Natural Heritage
587Biosphärenpark Wienerwald - Pfaffstätten
583Monitoring data from the federal state Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania (Germany)
572Thames Valley Environmental Records Centre - English Nature Oxfordshire Fen Survey 1990-1991 (A Comparative Survey of Rich Calcareous Fens of Oxfordshire) (as held by Thames Valley Environmental Records Centre)
570Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden
564Central Scotland Forest Trust - Invasive Non-native species data in the Clyde catchment, collated by Central Scotland Forest Trust
554INRA-Versailles Arabidopsis natural variants
537The French National Collection of forage and turf species (grasses and legumes).
536Herbario Museo de La Salle Bogotá (MLS)
532Monitoring data from the federal state Hesse (Germany)
532Glasgow Museums BRC - The Changing Flora of Glasgow: Orchid Dataset
531The Exsiccatal Series "Triebel, Microfungi exsiccati"
529GEO-Hauptveranstaltung (NLP Harz / Hochharz)
526National Trust - Heigham Holmes species data held by The National Trust
519Continuous Plankton Recorder Dataset (SAHFOS)
502MfN - Fossil plants (Paleophytic)
491LBV 100 - Artenvielfalt am Rothsee
485Schlern - (Bozen)
485Artenvielfalt am Schlern
484Australian National Herbarium (CANB)
482Countryside Council for Wales - Freshwater Site Visits
468Bergkamen- Bergehalde Großes Holz
467Monitoring data from the federal state Saxony (Germany)
465Freiburger GEO-Tag der Artenvielfalt
461Gemeinde Sursee
461GEO-Hauptveranstaltung (Duisburg)
459John Muir Trust - Plants, Bryophytes and Lichens recorded on the Sandwood Estate during 1998 â 2006.
444Naturschutzgebiet Bausenberg
444Biodiverisity Group, Dept. of Environment, Food and Agriculture,Isle of Man Government - Japanese Knotweed Records in the Isle of Man 1991-2008
433Biosphärenpark Wienerwald - Wiener Steinhofgründe
430Rådgivende Biologer
427GEO-Hauptveranstaltung in "Wildtierland"
426Herbier L. Mulon (BOUM)
425Erlengraben/Lipp-Tal (Östringen)
424BUND - Dassower See (Lübeck/Dassow)
413Natural England - Invertebrate Site Register - England.
402GEO-Hauptveranstaltung im Nationalpark Bayerischer Wald
389Inventaire National du Patrimoine Naturel : CBN Bailleul
384Posidonia Oceanica Survey 2005 (EurOBIS)
384Sudeniederung (Amt Neuhaus), Landkreis Lüneburg
382Lustadter Wald .
378Inventaire National du Patrimoine Naturel : CBN Brest
376Waldränder der Frankenhöhe (Rothenburg ob der Tauber)
36520 Jahre Naturschutzgebiet Dreienberg
364Naturschutzgebiet Lüneburger Heide
356Vom Gipfel ins Moor, Transekt im NSG Allgäuer Hochalpen
353Centre for Environmental Data and Recording - Marine Data from Northern Ireland
351NABU-Projekt (Osterode am Harz) Südharzer Gipskarst
340Herbier G. Garapin (BOUM)
335The Fungal and Lichen Collections at the Herbarium Marburgense
333Continuous Plankton Recorder database
326Sudeniederung (Amt Neuhaus)
325Neckartalsüdhang (Horb)
324Merseyside BioBank - Merseyside BioBank Active Naturalists (verified)
318Herbier National de Mauritanie (HNM)
318Bayerische Donau - Blindheim Donaubrücke
316Freiburger Tag der Artenvielfalt
313Water Colours of Fungi by Konrad Schieferdecker at the Botanische Staatssammlung München
306Gemeindegebiet Weikendorf (Marchfeld)
305Unna-Mühlhausen, Wiesen
305Jardín Botánico Atlántico, Gijón: JBAG-Laínz
304Walldorf-Wiesloch: "Natur über den Gleisen"
299Macroinvertebrate abundance in river biotopes across England and Wales
294Biologische Station im Kreis Wesel
292Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Environmental Records Centre - CPERC Recorders day at Waterbeach barracks and airfield
287Naturparadies in Gräfenhausen am Trifels (bei Annweiler)
287Tag der Artenvielfalt im Taubental
285Schulzentrum "Parc Hosingen"
283Clare Biological Records Centre dataset
283Naturschutzstation Schmidsfelden
283Feriendorf des Kreises Groß-Gerau/Ober-Seemen
282The AAU Herbarium Database
282GEO Biodiversity Day
282Laubenheimer Bodenheimer Ried - von Stromtalwiesen und Flutrasen
278GEO-Hauptveranstaltung (Insel Vilm)
277Gurgltal (Tarrenz)
274Artenvielfalt am Eich-Gimbsheimer Altrhein
273"Laubenheimer Bodenheimer Ried" - von Stromtalwiesen und Flutrasen
270Wildes Bremer Leben im Park
264Dornwanger Moos
261Schatzinsel Wangerooge
257IBF Monitoring of Plant Galls
256Banco de Germoplasma de la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
255Artròpodes d'Andorra
254Freiburger Netzwerk Artenvielfalt
253Hertfordshire Biological Records Centre - Hertfordshire Wildlife Site Monitoring Surveys (incomplete)
251Freigelände Naturschutzscheune Reinheimer Teich (Kreis Darmstadt-Dieburg)
251Powys Flora Conservation - Welsh Orchid Survey 2009
250Bioblitz 2014 Kalvebod Fælled, Denmark
249IBF Monitoring of Fungi
248Stadtgebiet (Dannenberg)
244Schatzinsel Norderney
243Devon Biodiversity Records Centre - Dartmoor National Park survey data (1910-1970)
242Projekt Dellbrücker Heide
241Tag der Artenvielfalt
240NSG Karwendel
239Wälder bei Nordkirchen
239Insekten Sachsen
239Zukünftiges NSG Höftland/Bockholmwik
235BoBO - Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin-Dahlem Observations
234Naturschutzgebiet Sistig-Krekeler-Heide
232Garten J. Scherrer (Lachen-Speyerdorf)
226Schwanheimer Wald
225Ried und Sand - Artenvielfalt durch Beweidung
222Danielsberg (Mölltal, Kärnten)
220Artenfülle um das Schalkenmehrener Maar
220Orchideenstandort Nostengraben - Kretzberg (Oßmaritz)
218Butterberg, Dardesheim
218NABU Naturschutzhof Netttetal (Sassenfeld) e.V.
215Weinberg Reichersdorf
212Bayerische Donau - Leipheim
212Inventaire National du Patrimoine Naturel : Programme national espèces végétales de la Directive Habitat
212Gelände des IVL (Zeckern)
212John Muir Trust - Plants, Bryophytes and Lichens recorded on the Nevis Estate during summer 2003.
211Pöhlberg bei Annaberg
211Marine Biological Association - Marine survey data (Professional) held by <i>MarLIN</i>.
209Natur-Erlebnisgebiet der Naturschutz-Akademie Hessen und Umgebung
208Herbarium of Lars Levi Laestadius
207Triebesbach (Zeulenroda-Triebes)
207Cuxhavener Küstenheiden
206John Muir Trust - Plants, Bryophytes and Lichens recorded on Quinag in 2006-2007
203Artenvielfalt im Naturschutzgebiet an der Loreley - Leiselfeld/Spitznack - 2. Jahr
202Biodiversity Information Service for Powys and Brecon Beacons National Park - Distribution of <i>Impatiens glandulifera</i> Royle along the river Irfon during June 2010
201renaturierter Main (Kemmern bei Bamberg)
200AIS Wildtype Populations of Arabidopsis
200Silbertor + Wasserbachtal (Rutesheim / Renningen)
199Kühmark bei Wetzlar
199Naturalis Biodiversity Center (NL) - Botany Utrecht
198Natur erleben rund um den Seminarbauernhof Gut Hohenberg
198Innenstadt Göttingen - Natur Zuhause
196Scottish Natural Heritage - The ecology of Najas flexilis (Slender naiad)
195Schulgarten der Volksschule
194Central Scotland Forest Trust - South Lanarkshire peatland records 2013
194Streuobstwiese Kugelberg (Ulm)
193Fels- und Weinbergsflächen in Hatzenport/Terrassenmosel
192IBF Monitoring of Lichens
190Tag der Artenvielfalt in Heidelberg
189Bannwald Burghauser Forst
188Mountain Invasion Research Network (MIREN) survey
188Fuldaaue (Stadtgebiet Fulda)
186Deponie Klausdorf
186Schlichemquelle (Tieringen/Meßstetten)
185John Muir Trust - Plants and Bryophytes recorded on Schiehallion 25-30 June 2000
184Geschützter Landschaftsbestandteil - GLB "Troppach"
184FFH-Gebiet Ahrbachtal
175Naturgarten Langenholtensen
174NSG Hülenbuch Hörnle (Tieringen/Meßstetten)
173Wupperaue bei Kemna (Wuppertal)
171Landschaftspflegehof (Berlin)
170Inventaire National du Patrimoine Naturel : CBN Aquitaine-Poitou-Charentes
170Botanic Garden of the Finnish Museum of Natural History
170Gewann Krampf (Heilbronn)
169Umgebung der Gesamtschule Hamburg-Winterhude
169Philosophenwald und Wieseckaue in Gießen
169Knechtweide (Kohlfurth)
169VFD-BW, Dinkelberg: Pferdeweiden Oberminseln
168Kremmer Luch
167Beweidungsprojekt an der Nesse
167John Muir Trust - Plants, Bryophytes and Lichens recorded on the Lì and Coire Dhorrcail Estate during June 2001.
167Naturpark Sternberger Seenland
166Rohrmeistereiplateau und angrenzendes Gebiet
165Kernberge und Umgebung (Jena)
163Biotope in Rheine - Aktion 350
163Wald am Schloss Wittgenstein Bad Laasphe
162Langenberger Forst am Ochsenweg/ Niebüll-Leck
161Bioblitz 2013 Copenhagen Denmark