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122kVulnerable marine ecosystems in the South Pacific Ocean region
62kAtlantic and Gulf Rapid Reef Assessment - Benthic
44kQueensland Museum provider for OZCAM
34kNOAA National Coral Reef Monitoring Program Benthic Percent Cover
33kPaleobiology Database
20kNMNH Extant Specimen Records
15kPaleobiology Database
14kNOAA Deep Sea Corals Research and Technology Program
10kNatural History Museum (London) Collection Specimens
9kThe cnidarians collection (IK) of the Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle (MNHN - Paris)
8kWestern Australian Museum provider for OZCAM
6kUniversity of Florida Invertebrate Paleontology
6kLizard Island Research Station
5kScleractinia of Eastern Australia - AIMS Monograph Series - John (Charlie) Veron
5kMonitoreo complementarios de algas, invertebrados y peces en el Parque Nacional Arrecifes de Cozumel
4kSistema Arrecifal Veracruzano: condición actual y programa permanente de monitoreo: Primera Etapa
4kNaturalis Biodiversity Center (NL) - Cnidaria
3kMarine metagenomes Metagenome
3kGeographically tagged INSDC sequences
3kAustralian Museum provider for OZCAM
3kSeasearch Marine Surveys in England
3kInventaire des Scléractiniaires de Mayotte
3kDonnées BioObs - Base pour l’Inventaire des Observations Subaquatiques de la FFESSM
2kDistribución y aspectos taxonómicos de los corales pétreos (Anthozoa: Scleractinia) del Pacífico mexicano
2kUF Invertebrate Zoology
2kiNaturalist Research-grade Observations
2kEsponjas, corales escleractinios, equinodermos y peces de arrecifes coralinos del norte y sur de Veracruz
2kNatural England Marine Monitoring surveys
2kCollection des données de biodiversité marine de Nouvelle-Calédonie
2kMfN - Fossil invertebrates IIb
2kCollection des données de biodiversité marine de Nouvelle-Calédonie - IRD Nouvelle-Calédonie
2kThe fossil collection (F) of the Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle (MNHN - Paris)
1kMarine Nature Conservation Review (MNCR) and associated benthic marine data held and managed by JNCC
1kRiqueza específica y biogeografía de los corales hermatípicos de la sección sur del Golfo de California y las Islas Revillagigedo
1kSeasearch Marine Surveys in Scotland
1kDonnées d'occurrences Espèces issues de l'inventaire des ZNIEFF
1kInventaire des Scléractiniaires de Wallis
1kNorthern Territory Museum and Art Gallery provider for OZCAM
1kMuseum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University
1kSeasearch Marine Surveys in Ireland
1kDeep-water azooxanthellate Scleractinia from Vanuatu, and Wallis and Futuna Islands
983Inventario de corales pétreos, anélidos, crustáceos decápodos, moluscos, equinodermos y peces óseos de los arrecifes coralinos de Guerrero y Oaxaca
977Seasearch Marine Surveys in Wales
911The Azooxanthellate Scleractinia (Coelenterata: Anthozoa) of Australia
910Non-vertebrate Paleontology, Jackson School Museum of Earth History, University of Texas at Austin
888Caracterización ecológica y monitoreo del Parque Nacional Sistema Arrecifal Veracruzano: Primera Etapa
870Naturalis National Natural History Museum (NL) – Invertebrate specimens from marine expeditions
834Collection Cnidaria SMF
785Western Australia Museum, Marine Invertebrate Specimens, Ningaloo Reef - Northwest Cape, Northwest Australia, 1952-2004
756Marine Offshore Seabed Survey data held by JNCC
681Biodiversity Research and Teaching Collections - TCWC Marine Invertebrates
664Amplicon sequencing of Tara Oceans DNA samples corresponding to size fractions for protists.
637Monitoreo del bentos, nutrientes e isótopos en relación a la salud arrecifal de áreas naturales protegidas del norte de Quintana Roo con mayor vulnerabilidad al cambio de fase arrecifal: Primera Etapa
635Marine invertebrate collection NTNU University Museum
631Habitat-forming Cold Water Corals in the New Zealand region
611Données sur la biodiversité des récifs coralliens de Martinique (OMMM)
601Species data for Scottish waters held and managed by Scottish Natural Heritage, derived from benthic surveys 1993 to 2014
593NaGISA Project
582Distribución e inventario de algunas especies bentónicas (hexacorales, octocorales, esponjas, y especies misceláneas) en arrecifes del Caribe mexicano
573Diveboard - Scuba diving citizen science observations
553Inventario de corales pétreos, asteroideos, equinoideos y peces óseos de arrecifes de la costa de Jalisco, Colima y Michoacán
549(Table 2) Mollusc biostratigraphy of facies underlying the 'Braunkohlensande' in the Lauenburg district, north Germany
528Ifremer BIOCEAN database (Deep Sea Benthic Fauna)
509Caracterización y monitoreo de la condición arrecifal en cinco áreas naturales protegidas y un área de influencia de Quintana Roo, México: Primera etapa
508IndOBIS, Indian Ocean Node of OBIS
498Marine sites, habitats and species data collected during the BioMar survey of Ireland.
498Marine sites, habitats and species data collected during the BioMar survey of Ireland.
472Invertebrate Zoology Division, Yale Peabody Museum
470Bernice P. Bishop Museum
432Coral Reef Monitoring in the OECS and Tobago, 2007-2009
363Données d’inventaire de biodiversité marine du programme BIOLAVE
362ImagDOP Benthic Video Annotations in Condor seamount in 2010
362Desarrollo de una metodología para determinar la cobertura arrecifal en Areas Naturales Protegidas
350COLETA - IMAR/DOP-Uac reference collection from 1977 to 2012
318Seasearch Marine Surveys in the Channel Islands
315USGS South Florida Fish and Invertebrate Assessment Network Braun Blanquet
315Inventario de algas, corales pétreos, moluscos, crustáceos decápodos, equinodermos y peces de las islas de Revillagigedo, Colima, México
311Scleractinia specimens of Kuroshio Biological Research Foundation
310Banco de Datos de la Biodiversidad de la Comunitat Valenciana
300Artportalen (Swedish Species Observation System)
290Inventaire des Scléractiniaires de Rapa
290Fortalecimiento de las colecciones de ECOSUR. Primera fase
289Invertebrates Collection of the Swedish Museum of Natural History
283CSIRO, Benthic Plant Invertebrate and Fish Biodiversity, Great Barrier Reef, Northeast Australia, 2003-2006
274Invertebrate Paleontology Division, Yale Peabody Museum
271Corales de la Colección de Referencia de Biología Marina de la Universidad del Valle (CRBMco)
265CU Invertebrate Paleontology
246Cnidarians of Iran
232Museums Victoria provider for OZCAM
228Salud coralina de las comunidades arrecifales de la Isla Cayo Serrana durante la Expedición Seaflower 2016 - Proyecto Colombia BIO
218Catch data from New Zealand research trawls since 2008
200Victorian Biodiversity Atlas
200CAS Invertebrate Zoology (IZ)
182Inventaire des Scléractiniaires de la région du Diahot
173Auckland Museum NZ Marine Collection
170Re-examination of the reef corals of Cocos (Keeling) Atoll, Charlie Veron
166Canadian Museum of Nature General Invertebrate Collection
162Macro- and megafauna from the North Aegean Sea from 1997-1998
161Marine Records from Pembrokeshire Marine Species Atlas
148Invertebrates excl. Entomology at the Natural History Museum of Denmark
147EMOSE (2017) Inter-Comparison of Marine Plankton Metagenome Analysis Methods
146Inventaire des Scléractiniaires de Moorea
144IZIKO: Marine Invertebrate Collection (1900-2011)
139Marine benthic dataset (version 1) commissioned by UKOOA
131South Australian Museum Australia provider for OZCAM
129Propuesta para rescatar y conservar la paleobiota de la Cantera Tlayúa, en Tepexí de Rodríguez, Puebla: Fase II
128CSIRO, Cruise SS200510, Benthic Biodiversity, Western Australia, 2005
126South Caribbean Diversity
124International Barcode of Life project (iBOL)
124New Zealand fish and squid distributions from research bottom trawls 1964-2008
124The Australian Zooplankton Database (1938 onwards)
122Registro de Corales en el Parque Nacional Jardines de la Reina, Cuba
119Coral Reef Monitoring for Climate Change Impacts: Jamaica 2000-2003
117Marine flora and fauna records from the North-east Atlantic
115Development and validation of a multi-trophic metabarcoding biotic index for benthic organic enrichment biomonitoring using a salmon farm case-study.
111CMC Cincinnati Museum Center Invertebrate Paleontology
111Paleontological Research Institution Collections
110DASSH Data Archive Centre Academic Surveys
106Seasearch Marine Surveys in the Isle of Man
103Censo de biodiversidad marina Edo. Miranda
100Royal BC Museum - Invertebrates Collection
99Gwaii Haanas Invertebrates (OBIS Canada)
98UWBM Invertebrate Paleontology Collection
96Palaeontological collections National Museum of Natural History Luxembourg
94Biodiverskripsi: Biodiversity Theses Database
92Some shallow water marine invertebrates from Venezuelan central coast
87DASSH Data Archive Centre volunteer survey data
87KU Museum of Invertebrate Paleontology
84Cnidarios del proyecto Macrofauna Corpoguajira
82Neptune Deep-Sea Microfossil Occurrence Database
78Inventario de la fauna arrecifal asociada al ecosistema de Pocillopora en el Pacífico Tropical Mexicano
78Formación de una base de datos de la biodiversidad de fauna marina y costera en el Golfo de California
75Collection des données de biodiversité marine de Polynésie française
72Caracterización ecológica y de la diversidad en los ecosistemas de arrecifes de coral y pastos marinos en la jurisdicción marina de CORPAMAG, departamento del Magdalena, Caribe Colombiano
70CSIRO, Cruise SS200702, Marine Biodiversity Survey, Southeast Australia, 2007
70Red Sea microbial plankton Raw sequence reads
68NORFANZ Biological Survey, Tasman Sea, Australia - New Zealand 2003
66International Polar Year and Census of Antarctic Marine Life Ross Sea voyage (TAN0802) biodiversity data
66The Deepwater Program: Northern Gulf of Mexico Continental Slope Habitat and Benthic Ecology - DgoMB: Trawls
66NIWA Invertebrate Type Collection
65Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona: MCNB-ZG
65CARBOM cruise 2013 flow cytometry sorted phytoplankton
63Marine data from Natural Resources Wales (NRW) Technical Support (Research & Monitoring) Contracts, Wales
60CSIRO Survey TT200801 - ROV Jason cruise tn228: South and East of Tasmania
58CSIRO, South East Fishery Habitat Ecosystem Study, Southeast Australia, 1993-1997
58Norwegian Biodiversity Information Centre - Other datasets
58Neogene palynomorpha from site 93-603, part 2
58Water and Sediment samples Targeted loci environmental
56Ross Sea Biodiversity Survey 2004 (BioRoss)
56Inventario de la biota marina (cnidarios, poliquetos, moluscos, crustáceos, equinodermos y peces) del Santuario Islas e Islotes de Bahía Chamela, Jalisco, México
55Occurrences in SinBIOTA
54Collection des données de biodiversité marine de Polynésie française - IRD Nouvelle-Calédonie
53Inventario de la biota terrestre (florístico) y marina (invertebrados, peces y macroalgas bentónicos) del parque nacional Isla Isabel
52DASSH Data Archive Centre volunteer sightings records
51Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) - Lizard Island Reef Biodiversity Expedition, Queensland, Australia (2008 - 2009)
50Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia" (MACN). Invertebrates National Collection (MACNIn)
49Condon Fossil Collection
49DASSH Data Archive Centre - Statutory Surveys
46UWIZM Cnidarians
44IMOS National Reference Station (NRS) - Zooplankton Abundance
43Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) – CReefs: Heron Island Biodiversity Expedition, Australia (2008 - 2010)
43Biological observations from the Discovery Investigations 1925-1952
43Inventaire National du Patrimoine Naturel : Programme CARTHAM: Inventaire biologique dans le cadre de Natura 2000 en Mer
41Abundances of benthic invertebrate species in the CEAMARC region 2007/08
39CSIRO, Cruise SS199701, Marine Biological Survey, South Tasmania, Southeast Australia, 1997
38marine metagenome Raw sequence reads
38Neogene palynomorpha from site 81-552
37Condition of rocky reef communities around Tasmania: algal surveys, Australia (1992-1995 and 2006-2007)
37Dataset of the multidisciplinary research surveys in the seamounts of Ewing and Valdivia Bank (Walvis Ridge) - SE Atlantic
35Nutrient addition mesocosm experiment Targeted Locus (Loci)
35UAM Earth Sciences Collection (Arctos)
33FBIP:IZIKO-UCT:Historical Invertebrates (1930-1980)
32Biodiversidad asociada a mantos de rodolitos y praderas de pastos marinos en Bahía Concepción, BCS
32Pollen profile I at Krumbach
30Queen Victoria Museum Art Gallery provider for OZCAM
29COMARGIS: Information System on Continental Margin Ecosystems
28Evaluación bioecológica y ambiental de las áreas arrecifales del Caribe colombiano
28Natural History Museum Rotterdam (NL) - Invertebrata miscellaneous Collection
28Nahant Collection
27Extracellular DNA marine sediment Targeted Locus (Loci)
26Isle of Man historical wildlife records 1990 to 1994
26Macroinvertebrate groups found on deep-sea volcanic habitats in the Galapagos Marine Reserve in the Eastern Tropical Pacific Ocean: Cnidaria - Anthozoa and Hydrozoa
26Salud coralina de las comunidades arrecifales de la Isla Cayo Serranilla durante la Expedición Seaflower 2017 - Proyecto Colombia BIO
25Marine Species Records from Skomer Marine Conservation Zone (MCZ) Marine Monitoring Programme
24Nonindigenous Aquatic Species (NAS) Database Non-freshwater Specimens
24CSIRO, Cruises, Vertebrate and Invertebrate Fishery Bycatch, North Australia, 1997
24Base de datos de la Sala de Colecciones Biológicas de la Universidad Católica del Norte (SCBUCN)
23DMNS Marine Invertebrate Collection (Arctos)
23CSIRO, Cruise SS200001, Marine Biodiversity, South and Southeast Australia, 2001
22Mega benthos in surface sediments sampled during POLARSTERN cruise ANT-XXIII/8
22Verified Marine records from Indicia-based surveys
21Tartu University, palaeontology collections
21Neogene palynomorpha from site 81-555
21Polymetallic nodule field Targeted loci environmental
20Protist Diversity in the East China Sea
19Red Sea Zooplankton Raw sequence reads
18Marine sediment metagenome raw sequence reads
18European Molecular Biology Laboratory Australian Mirror
17White sea picoplankton Metagenome
17Données naturalistes d' Anne PROUZET
17(Table 2) Madreporarian corals collected in the Canary upwelling area
17Amplicon sequencing of Tara Oceans RNA samples corresponding to size fractions for protists.
17Environmental zooplankton Targeted Locus (Loci)
16Microbial Processes and Biodiversity: OCEAN
15Norwegian Species Observation Service
14California Current Cruise CCE-P1408 Process Cruise #6
14Atlantic Reference Centre Museum of Canadian Atlantic Organisms - Invertebrates and Fishes Data
14Inventario de Corales del SFF Isla Malpelo, Proyecto Colombia BIO
14(Table 4a) Miocene biostratigraphy of the Reinbekian stage in Schleswig-Holstein
13Colección de Referencia de Cnidarios del Museo de Ciencias de la Universidad El Bosque
12(Table 1) Occurrence of bottom invertebrates in the Canary upwelling area
12AAD Benthic Sampling Database
12(Table 3) Miocene biostratigraphy of the Hemmorian stage in Schleswig-Holstein
11Lund Museum of Zoology (MZLU)
11Diet analysis of Japanese sardine and Pacific round herring larvae
11Marine Data from The Wildlife Trusts (TWT) Dive Team; 2014-2017
10Benthic hard-bottom communities abundance at X-Huinay, Comau Fjord, Chile, in 2012
10FBIP:SAEON: Historical Research Survey Database (1897-1949)
10Succession of benthic hard-bottom communities abundance at X-Huinay, Comau Fjord, Chile, in 2011
10Computarización de la Colección de Referencia para Zoología, Arqueozoología y Paleontología del Museo de Historia Natural de la Universidad Autónoma de Baja California Sur
9CSIRO, Cruise SS200803, Marine Biological Survey, Great Australian Bight; South Australian and Tasmanian continental slope, 2008
9marine sediment metagenome Metagenome
9Succession of benthic hard-bottom communities abundance at X-Huinay, Comau Fjord, Chile, in 2012
9Marine Water Column Samples Targeted loci environmental
8Field Museum of Natural History (Zoology) Invertebrate Collection
8Phyto and Zoo benthose of Chabahar Bay, Gulf of Oman 2012-2013
8Megafauna abundance and biomass from trawl samples obtained during cruise DI231
8Pollen record of a sediment profile from Lake Teletskoye
8Avistamientos de Biodiversidad Marina / Marine Biodiversity Sightings
8Centre for Biodiversity Genomics - Canadian Specimens
7Colección de Paleoinvertebrados del IANIGLA-CCT CONICET Mendoza: IANIGLA-PI
7Epibionts on Caribbean mangrove roots from Morrocoy National Park and La Restinga Lagoon National Park, Venezuela
7Morfología funcional de mantos de rodolitos en el golfo de California, México
6Megafauna abundance and biomass from trawl samples obtained during cruise DI226
6Megafauna abundance and biomass from trawl samples obtained during cruise DI229
6Megafauna abundance and biomass in surface sediment during cruise PLG95A
6Disko Fan Conservation Area in the Davis Strait (Eastern Arctic) - Epibenthic Megafauna Database
6Questagame weekly feed
5Queensland Marine Sediment
5Succession of benthic hard-bottom communities abundance at Liliguapi, Paso Comau, Chile, in 2011
5Succession of benthic hard-bottom communities abundance at Liliguapi, Paso Comau, Chile, in 2012
5Zooplankton communities in the coastal water of northeastern Hokkaido
5Microbial indicators of anthropogenic marine pollution identified by 16S and 18S metagenomic library analysis
4SAR amplicon from community incubated with various nanophytoplankton in microcosm
4Trawl-survey data from the Pipeta Expedition in the Adriatic Sea (Mediterranean) collected in 1982
4UMPC University of Montana Paleontology Center
4Megafauna abundance and biomass from trawl samples obtained during cruise DI237
4Pollen profile III at Krumbach
4Ireland's BioBlitz
4ALA species sightings and OzAtlas
4Inventaire des Algues de Wallis
4Natusfera Citizen Science Observation Dataset
4Succession of benthic hard-bottom communities abundance at Liliguapi, Paso Comau, Chile, in 2010
4Marine Invertebrate from Argentina, Uruguay and Chile
3Données naturalistes de Xavier JAPIOT
3Amundsen Gulf Overwintering Eukaryote Community
3Seaflower ll: Cayo Serrana- Colecciones biológicas de la universidad CES - Proyecto Colombia BIO
3Succession of benthic hard-bottom communities abundance at X-Huinay, Comau Fjord, Chile, in 2010
3Colección de Zoología Invertebrados - Otros invertebrados
3Marine biological observation data from coastal and offshore surveys around New Zealand
3AMNH Invertebrate Paleontology WIS-Cretaceous Research Collection
3Macro benthos in surface sediments sampled during POLARSTERN cruise ANT-XXIII/8
3Benthic hard-bottom communities abundance at Liliguapi, Paso Comau, Chile, in 2012
3Pollen profile V and Ausfluss at Krumbach, Germany
3Auckland Museum Botany Collection
3NCSM Non-molluscan Invertebrates Collection
3Marine Nature Conservation Review (MNCR) and associated benthic marine data held and managed by English Nature
3Ecosystem biomonitoring with eDNA: metabarcoding across the tree of life in a tropical marine environment
2Bacterial 16s Amplicon Sequencing of the Atlantic Ocean
2Megafaunal data from the 2009 BIOFUN trans-Mediterranean deep-sea cruise
2Hydrate Ridge, OR - Deep sea cold seep ecosystem Targeted Locus (Loci)
2Diet analysis of Pacific Bluefin Tuna larvae
2Palynology of profile Füramoos III
2Sistematización de la Colección Paleontológica de la Facultad de Ingeniería, UNAM
2Plantae, TAIF (Taiwan e-Learning and Digital Archives Program, TELDAP)
2Atlas of Life in the Coastal Wilderness - Sightings
2Antarctic Biodiversity Studies 2006 (Ross Sea, Scott Island, and Balleny Islands) (TAN0602)
1Benthic hard-bottom communities abundance at X-Huinay, Comau Fjord, Chile, in 2010
11778-1998 Ivor Rees North Wales Marine Fauna Ad-hoc sightings shore and ship-based surveys
1UTEP Plants (Arctos)
1North Marine Region demersal fish and invertebrate collection records (DEW collation), Australia (1980 - 1997)
1rDNA amplicon sequencing of Western North Atlantic microbial community
1Sapo National Park Chimpanzee Survey 2016
1Marine Intertidal Phase 1 Species Dataset from the Countryside Council for Wales 1996-2005
1DASSH Data Archive Centre expert sightings records
1Inventaire des Algues de Polynésie française
1Benthic hard-bottom communities abundance at Liliguapi, Paso Comau, Chile, in 2010
1Données naturalistes de Pierre NOEL (pnoel)
1MfN - Fossil invertebrates Ia
1Marine Invertebrata specimen database of Osaka Museum of Natutal History
1Benthic hard-bottom communities abundance at Liliguapi, Paso Comau, Chile, in 2011
1UCT: South Africa Seaweeds(1905-2008)
1Antarctic Marine Species Sequence Data
1Collection Cnidaria - ZMB
1BIOMAERL.Maerl Biodiversity.Functional Structure And Antropogenic Impacts (1996-1998).
1IG TUT paleontology
1CNCR/Colección Nacional de Crustaceos
1Museu Darder de Banyoles
1uncultured marine picoeukaryote strain:Peuk_V4_NWP1 Raw sequence reads
1Données DORIS de la FFESSM
1ImageDOP Bentic Video Annotations in the Faial-Pico Channel in 2011
1Invertebrate Common Standards Monitoring and ISIS Test Data
1Nitrate-storing microorganisms in sediments of the Bornholm Basin
1LACM Invertebrate Paleontology
1Invertebrates (Type Specimens) of the Swedish Museum of Natural History