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- {{ 104 | localNumber}}
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Geometria POLYGON ((17.5 -27, 17.5 -27.05, 17.45 -27.05, 17.3 -27.05, 17.3 -27, 17.2 -27, 17.2 -26.75, 17.15 -26.75, 17.15 -26.65, 17.1 -26.65, 17.1 -26.55, 17.05 -26.55, 17.05 -26.5, 17 -26.5, 17 -26.45, 16.95 -26.45, 16.95 -26.4, 16.9 -26.4, 16.9 -26.35, 16.85 -26.35, 16.85 -26.25, 16.8 -26.25, 16.8 -26.2, 16.75 -26.2, 16.75 -26.15, 16.7 -26.15, 16.7 -26.1, 16.65 -26.1, 16.65 -26.05, 16.6 -26.05, 16.6 -26, 16.55 -26, 16.55 -25.95, 16.5 -25.95, 16.5 -25.9, 16.45 -25.9, 16.45 -25.85, 16.4 -25.85, 16.4 -25.8, 16.35 -25.8, 16.35 -25.75, 16.3 -25.75, 16.3 -25.7, 16.25 -25.7, 16.25 -25.6, 16.2 -25.6, 16.2 -25.5, 16.15 -25.5, 16.15 -25.45, 16.1 -25.45, 16.1 -25.4, 16.05 -25.4, 16.05 -25.3, 15.95 -25.3, 15.95 -25.15, 16.1 -25.15, 16.1 -25.1, 16.05 -25.1, 16.05 -25, 15.95 -25, 15.95 -24.95, 15.9 -24.95, 15.9 -24.9, 15.85 -24.9, 15.85 -24.85, 15.8 -24.85, 15.8 -24.75, 15.75 -24.75, 15.75 -24.7, 15.7 -24.7, 15.7 -24.65, 15.55 -24.65, 15.55 -24.7, 15.45 -24.7, 15.45 -24.6, 15.5 -24.6, 15.5 -24.55, 15.55 -24.55, 15.55 -24.5, 15.6 -24.5, 15.6 -24.45, 15.65 -24.45, 15.65 -24.35, 15.7 -24.35, 15.7 -24.25, 15.65 -24.25, 15.65 -24.1, 15.6 -24.1, 15.6 -24.05, 15.55 -24.05, 15.55 -24, 15.5 -24, 15.5 -23.95, 15.25 -23.95, 15.25 -23.8, 15.3 -23.8, 15.3 -23.75, 15.35 -23.75, 15.35 -23.7, 15.4 -23.7, 15.4 -23.4, 15.45 -23.4, 15.45 -23.2, 15.4 -23.2, 15.4 -22.7, 15.35 -22.7, 15.35 -22.6, 15.3 -22.6, 15.3 -22.55, 15.2 -22.55, 15.2 -22.5, 15.15 -22.5, 15.15 -22.45, 15.1 -22.45, 15.1 -22.35, 15.05 -22.35, 15.05 -22.25, 15 -22.25, 15 -21.75, 14.95 -21.75, 14.95 -21.65, 14.9 -21.65, 14.9 -21.55, 14.85 -21.55, 14.85 -21.5, 14.8 -21.5, 14.8 -21.4, 14.75 -21.4, 14.75 -21.25, 14.7 -21.25, 14.7 -21.15, 14.65 -21.15, 14.65 -21, 14.6 -21, 14.6 -20.95, 14.55 -20.95, 14.55 -20.85, 14.5 -20.85, 14.5 -20.8, 14.45 -20.8, 14.45 -20.75, 14.4 -20.75, 14.4 -20.7, 14.35 -20.7, 14.35 -20.65, 14.3 -20.65, 14.3 -20.6, 14.2 -20.6, 14.2 -20.55, 14.15 -20.55, 14.15 -20.5, 14.1 -20.5, 14.1 -20.45, 14.05 -20.45, 14.05 -20.4, 13.95 -20.4, 13.95 -20.3, 13.9 -20.3, 13.9 -20.2, 13.85 -20.2, 13.85 -20.05, 13.8 -20.05, 13.8 -19.95, 13.75 -19.95, 13.75 -19.9, 13.7 -19.9, 13.7 -19.8, 13.65 -19.8, 13.65 -19.65, 13.6 -19.65, 13.6 -19.55, 13.55 -19.55, 13.55 -19.4, 13.5 -19.4, 13.5 -19.25, 13.45 -19.25, 13.45 -19.15, 13.4 -19.15, 13.4 -19.05, 13.35 -19.05, 13.35 -19, 13.3 -19, 13.3 -18.9, 13.25 -18.9, 13.25 -18.8, 13.2 -18.8, 13.2 -18.75, 13.15 -18.75, 13.15 -18.65, 13.1 -18.65, 13.1 -18.6, 13.05 -18.6, 13.05 -18.55, 13 -18.55, 13 -18.5, 12.95 -18.5, 12.95 -18.45, 12.9 -18.45, 12.9 -18.4, 12.8 -18.4, 12.8 -18.35, 12.75 -18.35, 12.75 -18.3, 12.7 -18.3, 12.7 -18.25, 12.65 -18.25, 12.65 -18.2, 12.6 -18.2, 12.6 -18.15, 12.55 -18.15, 12.55 -18.1, 12.5 -18.1, 12.5 -18, 12.45 -18, 12.45 -17.95, 12.4 -17.95, 12.4 -17.85, 12.35 -17.85, 12.35 -17.8, 12.3 -17.8, 12.3 -17.65, 12.25 -17.65, 12.25 -17.5, 12.2 -17.5, 12.2 -17.3, 12.15 -17.3, 12.15 -17.1, 12.1 -17.1, 12.1 -16.8, 12.05 -16.8, 12.05 -16.55, 12.1 -16.55, 12.1 -16.35, 12.15 -16.35, 12.15 -16.2, 12.2 -16.2, 12.2 -16.05, 12.25 -16.05, 12.25 -15.95, 12.3 -15.95, 12.3 -15.85, 12.35 -15.85, 12.35 -15.8, 12.4 -15.8, 12.4 -15.75, 12.45 -15.75, 12.45 -15.65, 12.5 -15.65, 12.5 -15.55, 12.55 -15.55, 12.55 -15.3, 12.6 -15.3, 12.6 -14.8, 12.65 -14.8, 12.65 -14.2, 12.7 -14.2, 12.7 -14, 12.75 -14, 12.75 -13.8, 12.8 -13.8, 12.8 -13.7, 12.85 -13.7, 12.85 -13.65, 12.9 -13.65, 12.9 -13.55, 12.95 -13.55, 12.95 -13.5, 13 -13.5, 13 -13.4, 13.05 -13.4, 13.05 -13.3, 13.1 -13.3, 13.1 -13.2, 13.15 -13.2, 13.15 -13.15, 13.2 -13.15, 13.2 -13.1, 13.25 -13.1, 13.25 -13, 13.3 -13, 13.3 -12.95, 13.35 -12.95, 13.35 -12.9, 13.4 -12.9, 13.4 -13, 13.35 -13, 13.35 -13.05, 13.3 -13.05, 13.3 -13.15, 13.25 -13.15, 13.25 -13.2, 13.2 -13.2, 13.2 -13.25, 13.15 -13.25, 13.15 -13.35, 13.1 -13.35, 13.1 -13.7, 13.05 -13.7, 13.05 -13.85, 13 -13.85, 13 -15.25, 13.05 -15.25, 13.05 -15.4, 13.1 -15.4, 13.1 -15.45, 13.15 -15.45, 13.15 -15.55, 13.2 -15.55, 13.2 -15.6, 13.25 -15.6, 13.25 -15.7, 13.3 -15.7, 13.3 -15.8, 13.35 -15.8, 13.35 -15.95, 13.3 -15.95, 13.3 -16.05, 13.35 -16.05, 13.35 -16.2, 13.4 -16.2, 13.4 -16.3, 13.45 -16.3, 13.45 -16.4, 13.5 -16.4, 13.5 -16.5, 13.55 -16.5, 13.55 -16.6, 13.6 -16.6, 13.6 -16.8, 13.65 -16.8, 13.65 -16.85, 13.7 -16.85, 13.7 -16.9, 13.75 -16.9, 13.75 -17, 13.8 -17, 13.8 -17.05, 13.85 -17.05, 13.85 -17.2, 13.9 -17.2, 13.9 -17.25, 13.95 -17.25, 13.95 -17.4, 14 -17.4, 14 -17.8, 14.05 -17.8, 14.05 -17.85, 14.1 -17.85, 14.1 -17.95, 14.15 -17.95, 14.15 -18, 14.2 -18, 14.2 -18.1, 14.25 -18.1, 14.25 -18.15, 14.3 -18.15, 14.3 -18.25, 14.35 -18.25, 14.35 -18.3, 14.4 -18.3, 14.4 -18.4, 14.45 -18.4, 14.45 -18.45, 14.5 -18.45, 14.5 -18.5, 14.55 -18.5, 14.55 -18.55, 14.6 -18.55, 14.6 -18.6, 14.65 -18.6, 14.65 -18.65, 14.7 -18.65, 14.7 -18.75, 14.75 -18.75, 14.75 -18.8, 14.8 -18.8, 14.8 -18.85, 14.85 -18.85, 14.85 -18.9, 14.9 -18.9, 14.9 -18.95, 14.95 -18.95, 14.95 -19, 15 -19, 15 -19.1, 15.05 -19.1, 15.05 -19.15, 15.1 -19.15, 15.1 -19.3, 15.15 -19.3, 15.15 -19.45, 15.2 -19.45, 15.2 -19.5, 15.25 -19.5, 15.25 -19.55, 15.3 -19.55, 15.3 -19.6, 15.35 -19.6, 15.35 -19.65, 15.4 -19.65, 15.4 -19.7, 15.45 -19.7, 15.45 -19.75, 15.5 -19.75, 15.5 -20.6, 15.45 -20.6, 15.45 -20.9, 15.5 -20.9, 15.5 -21, 15.55 -21, 15.55 -21.05, 15.6 -21.05, 15.6 -21.1, 15.65 -21.1, 15.65 -21.15, 15.7 -21.15, 15.7 -21.2, 15.75 -21.2, 15.75 -21.25, 15.85 -21.25, 15.85 -21.3, 15.9 -21.3, 15.9 -21.35, 15.95 -21.35, 15.95 -21.4, 16 -21.4, 16 -21.5, 16.05 -21.5, 16.05 -21.6, 16.1 -21.6, 16.1 -21.7, 16.15 -21.7, 16.15 -21.85, 16.2 -21.85, 16.2 -21.95, 16.25 -21.95, 16.25 -22.05, 16.3 -22.05, 16.3 -22.1, 16.35 -22.1, 16.35 -22.15, 16.4 -22.15, 16.4 -22.2, 16.45 -22.2, 16.45 -22.25, 16.55 -22.25, 16.55 -22.3, 16.6 -22.3, 16.6 -22.35, 16.65 -22.35, 16.65 -22.4, 16.7 -22.4, 16.7 -22.65, 16.75 -22.65, 16.75 -22.95, 16.8 -22.95, 16.8 -23.05, 16.85 -23.05, 16.85 -23.15, 16.9 -23.15, 16.9 -23.25, 16.95 -23.25, 16.95 -23.35, 17 -23.35, 17 -23.5, 17.05 -23.5, 17.05 -23.6, 17.1 -23.6, 17.1 -23.7, 17.2 -23.7, 17.2 -23.75, 17.3 -23.75, 17.3 -23.9, 17.35 -23.9, 17.35 -24.15, 17.4 -24.15, 17.4 -24.25, 17.5 -24.25, 17.5 -24.3, 17.6 -24.3, 17.6 -24.35, 17.7 -24.35, 17.7 -24.4, 17.75 -24.4, 17.75 -24.45, 17.85 -24.45, 17.85 -24.5, 17.9 -24.5, 17.9 -24.55, 18 -24.55, 18 -24.6, 18.05 -24.6, 18.05 -24.65, 18.15 -24.65, 18.15 -24.7, 18.25 -24.7, 18.25 -24.75, 18.3 -24.75, 18.3 -24.8, 18.35 -24.8, 18.35 -24.85, 18.4 -24.85, 18.4 -24.9, 18.45 -24.9, 18.45 -24.95, 18.5 -24.95, 18.5 -25, 18.55 -25, 18.55 -25.1, 18.6 -25.1, 18.6 -25.5, 18.65 -25.5, 18.65 -25.9, 18.7 -25.9, 18.7 -26, 18.75 -26, 18.75 -26.05, 18.8 -26.05, 18.8 -26.1, 18.85 -26.1, 18.85 -26.15, 18.9 -26.15, 18.9 -26.2, 18.95 -26.2, 18.95 -26.25, 19 -26.25, 19 -26.3, 19.1 -26.3, 19.1 -26.35, 19.15 -26.35, 19.15 -26.4, 19.2 -26.4, 19.2 -26.5, 19.25 -26.5, 19.25 -26.6, 19.15 -26.6, 19.15 -26.65, 19.05 -26.65, 19.05 -26.7, 18.8 -26.7, 18.8 -26.75, 18.6 -26.75, 18.6 -26.8, 18.5 -26.8, 18.5 -26.75, 18.3 -26.75, 18.3 -26.8, 18.2 -26.8, 18.2 -26.85, 18.15 -26.85, 18.15 -26.9, 18.05 -26.9, 18.05 -26.95, 17.8 -26.95, 17.8 -27, 17.5 -27))
Tem coordenadas true
Ano Antes do final de 2021
Tem problema de localização false
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"type": "and",
"predicates": [
"type": "within",
"geometry": "POLYGON ((17.5 -27, 17.5 -27.05, 17.45 -27.05, 17.3 -27.05, 17.3 -27, 17.2 -27, 17.2 -26.75, 17.15 -26.75, 17.15 -26.65, 17.1 -26.65, 17.1 -26.55, 17.05 -26.55, 17.05 -26.5, 17 -26.5, 17 -26.45, 16.95 -26.45, 16.95 -26.4, 16.9 -26.4, 16.9 -26.35, 16.85 -26.35, 16.85 -26.25, 16.8 -26.25, 16.8 -26.2, 16.75 -26.2, 16.75 -26.15, 16.7 -26.15, 16.7 -26.1, 16.65 -26.1, 16.65 -26.05, 16.6 -26.05, 16.6 -26, 16.55 -26, 16.55 -25.95, 16.5 -25.95, 16.5 -25.9, 16.45 -25.9, 16.45 -25.85, 16.4 -25.85, 16.4 -25.8, 16.35 -25.8, 16.35 -25.75, 16.3 -25.75, 16.3 -25.7, 16.25 -25.7, 16.25 -25.6, 16.2 -25.6, 16.2 -25.5, 16.15 -25.5, 16.15 -25.45, 16.1 -25.45, 16.1 -25.4, 16.05 -25.4, 16.05 -25.3, 15.95 -25.3, 15.95 -25.15, 16.1 -25.15, 16.1 -25.1, 16.05 -25.1, 16.05 -25, 15.95 -25, 15.95 -24.95, 15.9 -24.95, 15.9 -24.9, 15.85 -24.9, 15.85 -24.85, 15.8 -24.85, 15.8 -24.75, 15.75 -24.75, 15.75 -24.7, 15.7 -24.7, 15.7 -24.65, 15.55 -24.65, 15.55 -24.7, 15.45 -24.7, 15.45 -24.6, 15.5 -24.6, 15.5 -24.55, 15.55 -24.55, 15.55 -24.5, 15.6 -24.5, 15.6 -24.45, 15.65 -24.45, 15.65 -24.35, 15.7 -24.35, 15.7 -24.25, 15.65 -24.25, 15.65 -24.1, 15.6 -24.1, 15.6 -24.05, 15.55 -24.05, 15.55 -24, 15.5 -24, 15.5 -23.95, 15.25 -23.95, 15.25 -23.8, 15.3 -23.8, 15.3 -23.75, 15.35 -23.75, 15.35 -23.7, 15.4 -23.7, 15.4 -23.4, 15.45 -23.4, 15.45 -23.2, 15.4 -23.2, 15.4 -22.7, 15.35 -22.7, 15.35 -22.6, 15.3 -22.6, 15.3 -22.55, 15.2 -22.55, 15.2 -22.5, 15.15 -22.5, 15.15 -22.45, 15.1 -22.45, 15.1 -22.35, 15.05 -22.35, 15.05 -22.25, 15 -22.25, 15 -21.75, 14.95 -21.75, 14.95 -21.65, 14.9 -21.65, 14.9 -21.55, 14.85 -21.55, 14.85 -21.5, 14.8 -21.5, 14.8 -21.4, 14.75 -21.4, 14.75 -21.25, 14.7 -21.25, 14.7 -21.15, 14.65 -21.15, 14.65 -21, 14.6 -21, 14.6 -20.95, 14.55 -20.95, 14.55 -20.85, 14.5 -20.85, 14.5 -20.8, 14.45 -20.8, 14.45 -20.75, 14.4 -20.75, 14.4 -20.7, 14.35 -20.7, 14.35 -20.65, 14.3 -20.65, 14.3 -20.6, 14.2 -20.6, 14.2 -20.55, 14.15 -20.55, 14.15 -20.5, 14.1 -20.5, 14.1 -20.45, 14.05 -20.45, 14.05 -20.4, 13.95 -20.4, 13.95 -20.3, 13.9 -20.3, 13.9 -20.2, 13.85 -20.2, 13.85 -20.05, 13.8 -20.05, 13.8 -19.95, 13.75 -19.95, 13.75 -19.9, 13.7 -19.9, 13.7 -19.8, 13.65 -19.8, 13.65 -19.65, 13.6 -19.65, 13.6 -19.55, 13.55 -19.55, 13.55 -19.4, 13.5 -19.4, 13.5 -19.25, 13.45 -19.25, 13.45 -19.15, 13.4 -19.15, 13.4 -19.05, 13.35 -19.05, 13.35 -19, 13.3 -19, 13.3 -18.9, 13.25 -18.9, 13.25 -18.8, 13.2 -18.8, 13.2 -18.75, 13.15 -18.75, 13.15 -18.65, 13.1 -18.65, 13.1 -18.6, 13.05 -18.6, 13.05 -18.55, 13 -18.55, 13 -18.5, 12.95 -18.5, 12.95 -18.45, 12.9 -18.45, 12.9 -18.4, 12.8 -18.4, 12.8 -18.35, 12.75 -18.35, 12.75 -18.3, 12.7 -18.3, 12.7 -18.25, 12.65 -18.25, 12.65 -18.2, 12.6 -18.2, 12.6 -18.15, 12.55 -18.15, 12.55 -18.1, 12.5 -18.1, 12.5 -18, 12.45 -18, 12.45 -17.95, 12.4 -17.95, 12.4 -17.85, 12.35 -17.85, 12.35 -17.8, 12.3 -17.8, 12.3 -17.65, 12.25 -17.65, 12.25 -17.5, 12.2 -17.5, 12.2 -17.3, 12.15 -17.3, 12.15 -17.1, 12.1 -17.1, 12.1 -16.8, 12.05 -16.8, 12.05 -16.55, 12.1 -16.55, 12.1 -16.35, 12.15 -16.35, 12.15 -16.2, 12.2 -16.2, 12.2 -16.05, 12.25 -16.05, 12.25 -15.95, 12.3 -15.95, 12.3 -15.85, 12.35 -15.85, 12.35 -15.8, 12.4 -15.8, 12.4 -15.75, 12.45 -15.75, 12.45 -15.65, 12.5 -15.65, 12.5 -15.55, 12.55 -15.55, 12.55 -15.3, 12.6 -15.3, 12.6 -14.8, 12.65 -14.8, 12.65 -14.2, 12.7 -14.2, 12.7 -14, 12.75 -14, 12.75 -13.8, 12.8 -13.8, 12.8 -13.7, 12.85 -13.7, 12.85 -13.65, 12.9 -13.65, 12.9 -13.55, 12.95 -13.55, 12.95 -13.5, 13 -13.5, 13 -13.4, 13.05 -13.4, 13.05 -13.3, 13.1 -13.3, 13.1 -13.2, 13.15 -13.2, 13.15 -13.15, 13.2 -13.15, 13.2 -13.1, 13.25 -13.1, 13.25 -13, 13.3 -13, 13.3 -12.95, 13.35 -12.95, 13.35 -12.9, 13.4 -12.9, 13.4 -13, 13.35 -13, 13.35 -13.05, 13.3 -13.05, 13.3 -13.15, 13.25 -13.15, 13.25 -13.2, 13.2 -13.2, 13.2 -13.25, 13.15 -13.25, 13.15 -13.35, 13.1 -13.35, 13.1 -13.7, 13.05 -13.7, 13.05 -13.85, 13 -13.85, 13 -15.25, 13.05 -15.25, 13.05 -15.4, 13.1 -15.4, 13.1 -15.45, 13.15 -15.45, 13.15 -15.55, 13.2 -15.55, 13.2 -15.6, 13.25 -15.6, 13.25 -15.7, 13.3 -15.7, 13.3 -15.8, 13.35 -15.8, 13.35 -15.95, 13.3 -15.95, 13.3 -16.05, 13.35 -16.05, 13.35 -16.2, 13.4 -16.2, 13.4 -16.3, 13.45 -16.3, 13.45 -16.4, 13.5 -16.4, 13.5 -16.5, 13.55 -16.5, 13.55 -16.6, 13.6 -16.6, 13.6 -16.8, 13.65 -16.8, 13.65 -16.85, 13.7 -16.85, 13.7 -16.9, 13.75 -16.9, 13.75 -17, 13.8 -17, 13.8 -17.05, 13.85 -17.05, 13.85 -17.2, 13.9 -17.2, 13.9 -17.25, 13.95 -17.25, 13.95 -17.4, 14 -17.4, 14 -17.8, 14.05 -17.8, 14.05 -17.85, 14.1 -17.85, 14.1 -17.95, 14.15 -17.95, 14.15 -18, 14.2 -18, 14.2 -18.1, 14.25 -18.1, 14.25 -18.15, 14.3 -18.15, 14.3 -18.25, 14.35 -18.25, 14.35 -18.3, 14.4 -18.3, 14.4 -18.4, 14.45 -18.4, 14.45 -18.45, 14.5 -18.45, 14.5 -18.5, 14.55 -18.5, 14.55 -18.55, 14.6 -18.55, 14.6 -18.6, 14.65 -18.6, 14.65 -18.65, 14.7 -18.65, 14.7 -18.75, 14.75 -18.75, 14.75 -18.8, 14.8 -18.8, 14.8 -18.85, 14.85 -18.85, 14.85 -18.9, 14.9 -18.9, 14.9 -18.95, 14.95 -18.95, 14.95 -19, 15 -19, 15 -19.1, 15.05 -19.1, 15.05 -19.15, 15.1 -19.15, 15.1 -19.3, 15.15 -19.3, 15.15 -19.45, 15.2 -19.45, 15.2 -19.5, 15.25 -19.5, 15.25 -19.55, 15.3 -19.55, 15.3 -19.6, 15.35 -19.6, 15.35 -19.65, 15.4 -19.65, 15.4 -19.7, 15.45 -19.7, 15.45 -19.75, 15.5 -19.75, 15.5 -20.6, 15.45 -20.6, 15.45 -20.9, 15.5 -20.9, 15.5 -21, 15.55 -21, 15.55 -21.05, 15.6 -21.05, 15.6 -21.1, 15.65 -21.1, 15.65 -21.15, 15.7 -21.15, 15.7 -21.2, 15.75 -21.2, 15.75 -21.25, 15.85 -21.25, 15.85 -21.3, 15.9 -21.3, 15.9 -21.35, 15.95 -21.35, 15.95 -21.4, 16 -21.4, 16 -21.5, 16.05 -21.5, 16.05 -21.6, 16.1 -21.6, 16.1 -21.7, 16.15 -21.7, 16.15 -21.85, 16.2 -21.85, 16.2 -21.95, 16.25 -21.95, 16.25 -22.05, 16.3 -22.05, 16.3 -22.1, 16.35 -22.1, 16.35 -22.15, 16.4 -22.15, 16.4 -22.2, 16.45 -22.2, 16.45 -22.25, 16.55 -22.25, 16.55 -22.3, 16.6 -22.3, 16.6 -22.35, 16.65 -22.35, 16.65 -22.4, 16.7 -22.4, 16.7 -22.65, 16.75 -22.65, 16.75 -22.95, 16.8 -22.95, 16.8 -23.05, 16.85 -23.05, 16.85 -23.15, 16.9 -23.15, 16.9 -23.25, 16.95 -23.25, 16.95 -23.35, 17 -23.35, 17 -23.5, 17.05 -23.5, 17.05 -23.6, 17.1 -23.6, 17.1 -23.7, 17.2 -23.7, 17.2 -23.75, 17.3 -23.75, 17.3 -23.9, 17.35 -23.9, 17.35 -24.15, 17.4 -24.15, 17.4 -24.25, 17.5 -24.25, 17.5 -24.3, 17.6 -24.3, 17.6 -24.35, 17.7 -24.35, 17.7 -24.4, 17.75 -24.4, 17.75 -24.45, 17.85 -24.45, 17.85 -24.5, 17.9 -24.5, 17.9 -24.55, 18 -24.55, 18 -24.6, 18.05 -24.6, 18.05 -24.65, 18.15 -24.65, 18.15 -24.7, 18.25 -24.7, 18.25 -24.75, 18.3 -24.75, 18.3 -24.8, 18.35 -24.8, 18.35 -24.85, 18.4 -24.85, 18.4 -24.9, 18.45 -24.9, 18.45 -24.95, 18.5 -24.95, 18.5 -25, 18.55 -25, 18.55 -25.1, 18.6 -25.1, 18.6 -25.5, 18.65 -25.5, 18.65 -25.9, 18.7 -25.9, 18.7 -26, 18.75 -26, 18.75 -26.05, 18.8 -26.05, 18.8 -26.1, 18.85 -26.1, 18.85 -26.15, 18.9 -26.15, 18.9 -26.2, 18.95 -26.2, 18.95 -26.25, 19 -26.25, 19 -26.3, 19.1 -26.3, 19.1 -26.35, 19.15 -26.35, 19.15 -26.4, 19.2 -26.4, 19.2 -26.5, 19.25 -26.5, 19.25 -26.6, 19.15 -26.6, 19.15 -26.65, 19.05 -26.65, 19.05 -26.7, 18.8 -26.7, 18.8 -26.75, 18.6 -26.75, 18.6 -26.8, 18.5 -26.8, 18.5 -26.75, 18.3 -26.75, 18.3 -26.8, 18.2 -26.8, 18.2 -26.85, 18.15 -26.85, 18.15 -26.9, 18.05 -26.9, 18.05 -26.95, 17.8 -26.95, 17.8 -27, 17.5 -27))"
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Download as TSV
97kSouthern African Bird Atlas Project 2
73kEOD – eBird Observation Dataset
23kSAFRING: Historical Bird Ringing Records (2005-2009)
9kiNaturalist Research-grade Observations
4kAM: Terrestrial Insect Collections (1896-2000)
4kDitsong National Museum of Natural History Collection: 1805-2008
3kIZIKO South Africa Museum Collection (1800-2013)
-, Nature data from around the World
2kAfrican Plants - a photo guide
2kLACM Vertebrate Collection
1kUniversity of Pretoria: Dung Beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae)
1kAM: Freshwater Invertebrates (1900-2005)
1kCAS Herpetology (HERP)
1kMuseum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University
1kNMNH Extant Specimen Records (USNM, US)
1kNatural History Museum (London) Collection Specimens
669Naturalis Biodiversity Center (NL) - Botany
515Occurrence records of southern African aquatic biodiversity
493Natural History Collections of the Faculty of Biology AMU
489International Barcode of Life project (iBOL)
304Xeno-canto - Bird sounds from around the world
300NMSA: Arthropod Collections (1900-2012)
290Colecção Entomológica IIA
277INSDC Sequences
235Estonian University of Life Sciences Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Entomological Collection
209BODATSA: Botanical Collections
181Bioversity Collecting Mission Database
166Vertebrate Zoology Division - Ornithology, Yale Peabody Museum
165MSU Mammalogy, Ornithology and Vertebrate Paleontology Collections
143Field Museum of Natural History (Zoology) Mammal Collection
137SANBI: DNA Banking(1987-2011)
136Naturalis Biodiversity Center (NL) - Aves
133ARC-PPRI: National Survey of Arachnida (1905-2009)
123CAS Mammalogy (MAM)
- observations
109MVZ Herp Collection (Arctos)
108Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew - Herbarium Specimens
108Catalogue of Afrotropical Bees
93Occurrence data of Afrotropical Mydidae (Insecta: Diptera: Asiloidea)
87Tropicos Specimen Data
86BIOTA Southern Africa - The Collection of Lichens at the Botanische Staatssammlung München
66IICT Colecção Zoológica
64IICT Herbário LISC
61LACM Entomology Collection
59Australian Museum provider for OZCAM
56Macaulay Library Audio and Video Collection
54The vascular plants collection (P) at the Herbarium of the Muséum national d'Histoire Naturelle (MNHN - Paris)
44FBIP: IZIKO Marine Bony Fish (1884-2013)
42Snow Entomological Museum Collection
40ARC-PPRI: National Collection of Nematodes and South African Plant-Parasitic Nematode Survey(1901-2014)
38A global database for the distributions of crop wild relatives
38Coleoptera World (Luomus) (EC)
37Phanerogamic Botanical Collections (S)
37Occurrence data of Namadytes (Diptera: Asiloidea: Mydidae)
36RSA - California Botanic Garden Herbarium
35ARC-PPRI: Collection of Southern African bees (1800-2007)
34NMNH Material Samples (USNM)
33Occurrence data of Laphyctis (Diptera: Asiloidea: Asilidae)
33Meise Botanic Garden Herbarium (BR)
30HO AVH data
30A revision of the water beetle genus Hydraena Kugelann for southern Africa (Coleoptera: Hydraenidae)
26UCT: Southern African Butterfly Conservation Assessment (1815-2009)
26Illinois Natural History Survey Insect Collection
26Royal Museum of Central Africa - True Fruit Flies (Diptera, Tephritidae) of the Afrotropical Region (ENBI wp13)
25University of Florida Herpetology
24CM Herps Collection
24Zoologische Staatssammlung Muenchen - International Barcode of Life (iBOL) - Barcode of Life Project Specimen Data
22Bee Biology and Systematics Laboratory
22Biologiezentrum Linz
21Occurrence data of Microphontes (Diptera: Asiloidea: Asilidae)
21ARC-PPRI: National Collection Of Fungi(1817-2009)
21Digitonthophagus Balthasar, 1959: taxonomy, systematics, and morphological phylogeny of the genus revealing an African species complex (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae)
19The Herpetology Collection at the Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde Stuttgart
19INSDC Environment Sample Sequences
18Review of the genus Namadytes Hesse, 1969 (Insecta: Diptera: Mydidae: Syllegomydinae)
18Tracking of Arctic tern migrations 2007-2008
18SMNS Herpetologie
16TTU Mammals Collection
16Moscow University Herbarium (MW)
16Collection Arachnology SMF
15DNSM: Durban Natural Science Museum Insect Collection (1900-2011)
14Vertebrate Zoology Division - Mammalogy, Yale Peabody Museum
13CSIC-Real Jardín Botánico-Colección de Plantas Vasculares (MA)
13Texas A&M University Insect Collection
13Diversity and population densities of coraciiform birds in Zambezi riparian forest
11An overview of the African genera of Prodidominae spiders: descriptions and remarks (Araneae: Gnaphosidae)
11FBIP: Baboon spider distribution records from selected South African museums
9MEL AVH data
9Mammalogy Collection - Royal Ontario Museum
9Occurrence data of Namibimydas and Nothomydas (Diptera: Asiloidea: Mydidae)
8MVZ Mammal Collection (Arctos)
8A review of Lamyra Loew (Diptera: Asilidae: Laphriinae)
8Herbarium Hamburgense
8Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences Crustacea collection
8Antlions of southern Africa: Syngenes Kolbe, 1897, with descriptions of two new species and comments on extra-limital taxa (Neuroptera: Myrmeleontidae: Acanthaclisini)
7The Pisces Collection at the Zoologische Staatssammlung München
7Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences Reptile collection
7University of Michigan Museum of Zoology, Division of Reptiles & Amphibians
7The New York Botanical Garden Herbarium (NY)
6A new species of Trachusa Panzer, 1804 (Megachilidae: Anthidiini) from southern Africa, with notes on the subgeneric classification and a key to the Afrotropical species
6Ohio State Acarology Laboratory (OSAL), Ohio State University
6An update on the spider genus Hexophthalma (Araneae: Sicariidae) in the Afrotropical region, with descriptions of new species
5Pl@ntNet automatically identified occurrences
5FBIP:IZIKO-UCT:Historical Survey (1930-1980)
5INSDC Host Organism Sequences
5A new species of African snake-eyed skink (Scincidae: Panaspis) from central and northern Namibia
5Cleveland Museum of Natural History
5Western Palearctic migratory birds in continental Africa
5The status of Crossopalpus obscuripes (Adams), a new junior synonym of Crossopalpus aenescens (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Hybotidae: Tachydromiinae)
5NU: KwaZulu-Natal Invasive Alien Species (1821-2011)
5Earth Guardians Weekly Feed
4CANB AVH data
4Antlions of southern Africa: genus Crambomorphus McLachlan, 1867, including extra-limital species (Neuroptera: Myrmeleontidae: Palparinae: Palparini)
4A new species of Versicorpus Deschodt, Davis & Scholtz, 2011 (Scarabaeidae Scarabaeinae: Byrrhidiini) from the Brandberg Mountain, Namibia
4Taxonomic revision of the assassin-fly genus Microphontes Londt, 1994 (Insecta, Diptera, Asilidae)
4Review of Namibimydas Hesse, 1972 and Nothomydas Hesse, 1969 (Diptera: Mydidae: Syllegomydinae: Halterorchini) with the description of new species
4Intermountain Herbarium (Vascular plants & algae)
4Western Australian Museum provider for OZCAM
4An update on the spider genus Loxosceles (Araneae: Sicariidae) in the Afrotropical region, with description of seven new species
4Queensland Museum provider for OZCAM
4Lund Botanical Museum (LD)
4New deltochiline (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae) taxa associated with hyrax dung in arid south western Namibia
3United Herbaria of the University and ETH Zurich
3African Mammalia
3PRECIS (KwaZulu-Natal Herbarium)
3LISU Herbario Angola
3Desert Botanical Garden Herbarium
3Lund Museum of Zoology (MZLU)
3Bolus Herbarium Specimens Collection (1865-2009)
3Type specimens in the Port Elizabeth Museum, South Africa, including the historically important Albany Museum collection. Part 2: Reptiles (Squamata)
3Natural History Museum, Vienna - Herbarium W
3UAZ Mammals
3Botany (UPS)
3The Hemiptera collection (EH) of the Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle (MNHN - Paris)
2KUBI Mammalogy Collection
2Frost Entomological Museum
2CAS Ornithology (ORN)
2The Smicronychini of southern Africa (Coleoptera, Curculionidae): Review of the tribe and description of 12 new species
2Essig Museum of Entomology
2BirdMap Data - GPS tracking of Storks, Cranes and birds of prey, breeding in Northern and Eastern Europe
2The Fungal Collection at the Botanische Staatssammlung München
2Mammals Specimens
2Herbario LUA - Instituto Investigação Agronómica
2Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh Herbarium (E)
2Occurrence data of Anasillomos (Diptera: Asiloidea: Asilidae)
2Revision of the southern African genera Nemopterella Banks and Nemia Navás (Neuroptera: Nemopteridae: Nemopterinae), with descriptions of new genera and species
2OBI - Robert F. Hoover Herbarium, Cal Poly State University
1African Decapoda Crustacea collection - MUHNAC
1NSW AVH feed
1University of Vienna, Institute for Botany - Herbarium WU
1Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences Bird collection
1Ornithology Collection Non Passeriformes - Royal Ontario Museum
1A new species of Hoplacephala Macquart (Diptera: Sarcophagidae) from Namibia, with a discussion of generic monophyly
1Biological Reference Collections ICM-CSIC
1Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery provider for OZCAM
1Denver Museum of Nature & Science - Entomology
1IICT Tabanidae Collection
1Three new species of the genus Ranops (Araneae: Zodariidae) from southern Africa
1Mammals housed at MHNG, Geneva
1Scapanoclypeus hardap (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Melolonthinae: Tanyproctini), a new species from Hardap province, Namibia
1Two new species of Garreta Janssens, 1940 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae) from Southern Africa
1Meloidae of Namibia (Coleoptera): taxonomy and faunistics with biogeographic and ecological notes
1Review of Anasillomos Londt, 1983 with the description of a new species (Insecta : Diptera : Asilidae)
1CAS Entomology Type (TYPE)
1SBMNH Vertebrate Zoology
1Collection Bryozoa - ZMB
1Collection Crustacea - ZMB
1Collection Malakologie - SNSD
1Institut Botanic de Barcelona (IBB, CSIC-Ajuntament de Barcelona), BC-Plantae
1Invertebrate Paleontology Division, Yale Peabody Museum
1Lichens at Herbarium Berolinense, Berlin (B)
1Vertebrate Zoology Division - Herpetology, Yale Peabody Museum
1Chapter XVIII. Diptera (Brachycera): Mydaidae
1Collection Herpetology SMF
1Collection Aves (bird skeletons) SMF
1Collection Crustacea SMF
1AMNH Mammal Collections
1Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences Mollusc collection
1Occurrence data of Eremohaplomydas, Haplomydas, and Lachnocorynus (Diptera: Asiloidea: Mydidae)
1Transfer of three species of Namakwanus Scholtz & Howden to Versicorpus Deschodt, Davis & Scholtz or to Namaphilus gen. nov., with descriptions of two new species (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae)
1Revision and molecular phylogeny of the spider genus Micaria Westring, 1851 (Araneae: Gnaphosidae) in the Afrotropical Region
1Natural History Museum Rotterdam - Specimens
1Herbarium of University of Coimbra (COI )
1Brigham Young University Arthropod Museum
1The Sphecid wasps of the genus Cerceris LATREILLE, 1802 of the " Biologiezentrum Linz " - Collection in Linz, Austria, from Subsaharan Africa and Madagascar, with description of five new species (Hymenoptera, Apoidea, Crabronidae)
1University of Michigan Herbarium
1UCT: Southern African Reptile Conservation Assessment (1910-2009)
1Coleção Ictiológica (MNRJ), Museu Nacional (MN), Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro(UFRJ)
1Wasps, Bees and Ants (Order Hymenoptera) Dataset of the Entomology Collection in the Botswana National Museum
1Estonian Museum of Natural History Department of Zoology
1ZFMK Hymenoptera collection
1Revision of the Afrotropical flea beetle subgenus Blepharidina s. str. Bechyné (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae)
1Kribiodorum Kieffer (= Stelechomyia Reiss) (Diptera: Chironomidae) extends into the Oriental region: three new species and expanded diagnoses
1BoBO - Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin Observations
1New Zealand Fungal and Plant Disease Collection (PDD)