Argulus coregoni Thorell, 1865
- Dataset
- GBIF Backbone Taxonomy
- Rank
- Published in
- Thorell, T. (1864). Om tvenne Europeiska Argulider; jemte anmärkningar om Argulidernas morfologi och systematiska ställning, samt en öfversigt af de för närvarande kända arterna af denna familj. Oefversigt af Kongliga Vetenskaps-Akademien Förhandlingar, Stockholm 1864(1):7-72, pls. 2-4.
- kingdom
- Animalia
- phylum
- Arthropoda
- class
- Maxillopoda
- order
- Arguloida
- family
- Argulidae
- genus
- Argulus
- species
- Argulus coregoni
- Synonyms
- Argulus phoxini Leydig, 1871
- Homonyms
- Argulus coregoni Thorell, 1865
- Common names
- siiankalatäi in Finlandês
- stor fiskelus in Nynorsk, norueguês
- stor fiskelus in Norueguês (Bokmål)
Bibliographic References
- Edelsjö (12/31/1899 23:00:00) Inläggning av diverse kompletteringar (2009)
- Gusev, A.V. (1987). Class Crustacea Lamarck, 1801. In: Bauer, O.N. (ed.). Key to the Parasites of Freshwater Fishes of the USSR. Opredeliteli po Faune SSSR, Zoologicheskii Instituta SSSR. Nauka, Leningrad 3(149):378-432.
- Khwaja, N. & A. Tripathi. (2022). A scanning electron microscopic study of Argulus coregoni Thorell, 1866 (Crustacea: Branchiura) parasitizing Carassius auratus (Linnaeus, 1758) from India. <em>Annals of Parasitology.</em> 68(4):861-867. 10.17420/ap6804.496
- Kuang, P.R. & J.H. Qian. (1991). Parasitic Crustacea of Freshwater Fishes. Economic Fauna of China. Editorial Committee of Fauna Sinica, Academia Sinica, Science Press, Beijing 203pp. (In Chinese.)
- Lestage, J.A. (1936). Notes de limnobiologie. X. La découverte en Belgique de l'Argulus coregoni Thor. (Copepoda Branchiura). [Limnobiology Notes. X. The discovery in Belgium of Argulus coregoni Thor. (Copepoda Branchiura).]. <em>Annales de la Société Royale Zoologique de Belgie.</em> 76:231-236.
- Lestage, J.A. (1937). Notes de limnobiologie. XIII. Nouvelles recherches sur l'Argulus coregoni Thor. (Copepoda Branchiura). [Limnobiology Notes. XIII. New research on Argulus coregoni Thor. (Copepoda Branchiura).]. <em>Annales de la Société Royale Zoologique de Belgie.</em> 67:91-104.
- Madsen, N. (1964). The anatomy of Argulus foliaceus Linne, with notes on Argulus coregoni Thorell and Argulus africanus Thiele. Part I. Integuement, central nevous system, sense organs, praeoral spine, and digestive organs. <em>Lunds Universitets Arsskrift [Kungl. Fysiografiska Sallskapets Handlingar.</em> 2(59)13:3-32.
- Markevich, A.P. (1937). Copepoda parasitica prisnikh vod SRSR. Copepoda parasitica der Binnengewässer der USSR. [Copepods parasitic on freshwater fishes of the USSR.]. <em>Institut Zoologii i Biologii, Akademiya Nauk Ukrainii SSR, Kiev.</em> :1-223, figs. 1-10, pls. 1-27.
- Nagasawa, K. & T. Ishikawa. (2015). Argulus coregoni (Branchiura: Argulidae) parasitic on the torrent catfish Liobagrus reini in Japan. <em>Biogeography.</em> 17:99-102. 10.11358/biogeo.17.99
- Nagasawa, K., M. Morikawa & T. Yoshioka. (2018). Argulus coregoni (Branchiura: Argulidae) parasitic on ayu, Plecoglossus altivelis altivelis (Plecoglossidae), in central Honshu, Japan. <em>Biogeography.</em> 20:125-127. 10.11358/biogeo.20.125 pdf
- Nagasawa, K., T. Hara, T. Tokuhara & D. Kishi. (2020). The argulid branchiuran Argulus coregoni parasitic on Oncorhynchus masou ishikawae (Salmonidae) reared in Gifu Prefecture, central Japan, with a note on dark irregular stripes on the body surface of parasitized fish. <em>CANCER, Carcinological Society of Japan.</em> 29:e125-e129. [In Japanese]. 10.18988/cancer.29.0_e125
- Penczak, T. (1972). Argulus coregoni Thorell, 1864 (Crustacea, Branchiura) w Polsce. <em>Fragmenta Faunistica (Warsaw).</em> 10(15):275-282. [In Polish, English summary].
- Roland, C. (1963). Études sur les Crustaces Branchioures d'Europe. III. Redescription d'Argulus coregoni Thorell. [Studies on European branchial crustaceans. III. Redescription of Argulus coregoni Thorell.]. <em>Bulletin du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris.</em> 35(5):496-506.
- Romanovsky, A. (1955). K systematice a rozsireni kaprivcu (Argulus) v Ceskoslovensku. [The Czechoslovakian species of the genus Argulus and their distribution.]. <em>Vestnik Ceskoslovenske Zoologicke Spolecnosti, Acta Societatis Zoologicae Bohemoslovenicae.</em> 19(1):27-43. (Czech with English and Russian summaries.).
- Shimura, S. (1981). The larval development of Argulus coregoni Thorell (Crustacea: Branchiura). Journal of Natural History, London 15:331-348.
- Shimura, S. (1983). SEM observation on the mouth tube and preoral sting of Argulus coregoni Thorell and Argulus japonicus Thiele (Crustacea: Branchiura). Fish Pathology (Gyobyo Kenkyu), University of Tokyo. 18(3):151-156. [In English; abstract in Japanese.]
- Thorell, T. (1864). Om tvenne Europeiska Argulider; jemte anmärkningar om Argulidernas morfologi och systematiska ställning, samt en öfversigt af de för närvarande kända arterna af denna familj. [About two European Argulids; also notes on the morphology and systematic position of the Argulids, as well as an overview of the currently known species of this family.]. <em>Oefversigt af Kongliga Vetenskaps-Akademien Förhandlingar, Stockholm.</em> 1864(1):7-72, pls. 2-4.
- Thorell, T., 1864: Om tvenne europeiska Argulider; jemte anmärkningar om Argulidernas morfologi och systematiska ställning, samt en öfversigt af de för närvarande kända arterna af denna familj. Öfversigt af Kongl. Vetenskaps-Akademiens Förhandlingar 1864, vol. 21, no. 1. 7-72.
- Wilson, C.B. (1902). North American parasitic copepods of the family Argulidae, with a bibliography of the group and a systematic review of all known species. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 25(1302):635-742, pls. 8-27.