The value of GBIF

The network, infrastructure and services that GBIF provides amplify the impact of our member countries and organizations, data publishers and partners, expanding the scope of possibilities for evidence-based biodiversity research and policy


GBIF helps catalyse global-scale scientific understanding, evidence-based policy and transformative change.

  • The Committee on Data of the International Science Council called GBIF “the most comprehensive, openly available, application-agnostic (most unbiased), easiest-to-use, and modern access point to known digital species occurrence data.”
  • A comprehensive review of peer-reviewed research found that GBIF "has enabled basic and applied research use at temporal, spatial, and taxonomic scales otherwise not possible, launching biodiversity sciences into a new era."
  • And GBIF empowers its users to unlock new insights, with nearly all of them reporting they could not have achieved the same outcomes—across all major scientific disciplines—without GBIF.

Resources for using GBIF-mediated data use