Benthic Macroinvertebrate Diversity in the middle Doce river basin, Brazil
Sistema de Informação sobre a Biodiversidade Brasileira - SiBBr (2019). Benthic Macroinvertebrate Diversity in the middle Doce river basin, Brazil. Version 1.5. Sampling event dataset accessed via on 2024-12-14.Description
This resource contains a check list from the benthonic macroinvertebrate community sampled biannually from 1999 to 2010 in eight natural lakes from the middle Doce river lake system, and eight rivers segments in the Piracicaba River basin (sub-basin of Doce river), Minas Gerais State, Brazil.Sampling Description
Study Extent
From 1999 to 2010, eight rivers segments (Caraça, Barão de Cocais, Santa Bárbara, Peixe, Severo, Piracicaba, Ipanema, Doce) and eight lakes (Dom Helvécio, Gambazinho, and Carioca, Amarela, Águas Claras, Barra, Jacaré and Palmeirinha) were sampled in the dry and rainy season.Sampling
During the periods of drought (July or August) and rain (January or February) of each year water samples were taken from rivers and lakes and collections of benthic fauna. For each lake two or more sampling stations were determined in the coastal region, to ensure that spatial heterogeneity was considered. In the rivers, a single sampling station was determined in the left margin of each environment.Method steps
- For each lake two or more sampling stations were determined in the coastal region, to ensure that spatial heterogeneity was considered. In the rivers, a single sampling station was determined in the left margin of each environment. Samples were collected with a kick net packed in plastic bags, fixed with 10 ml of 40% formaldehyde solution, labeled and stored in polystyrene boxes. In the laboratory the collected material was washed, and the organisms retained in descending mesh screens (meshes of 2, 1, 0.5 and 0.250 mm). The organisms were screened using a stereoscopic microscope. Taxonomic identifications were made whenever possible up to the level of family, gender and / or species, based on the following literatures: Wiggins (1977), McCafferty (1981), Merrit & Cummins (1984), Dominguez et al. (1992) and Nieser & Melo (1997), Costa (1997) and Mugnai (2010).
Taxonomic Coverages
Specimens are identified at the lowest possible taxonomic level as possible, mostly at family levels. Some taxa were identified until genus or species level.
Molluscarank: phylum
Annelidarank: phylum
Arthropodarank: phylum
Platyhelminthesrank: phylum
Crustacearank: subphylum
Insectarank: class
Bivalviarank: class
Gastropodarank: class
Clitellatarank: class
Malacostracarank: class
Ostracodarank: class
Arachinidarank: class
Hirudinearank: subclass
Oligochaetarank: subclass
Aeshnidaerank: family
Anomalopsychidaerank: family
Araneidarank: family
Baetidaerank: family
Belostomatidaerank: family
Brachycentridaerank: family
Caenidaerank: family
Calamoceratidaerank: family
Calopterygidaerank: family
Ceratopogonidaerank: family
Chaoboridaerank: family
Chironomidaerank: family
Coenagrionidaerank: family
Corduliidaerank: family
Corixidaerank: family
Corydalidaerank: family
Culicidaerank: family
Curculionidaerank: family
Dixidaerank: family
Dolichopodidaerank: family
Dryopidaerank: family
Dytiscidaerank: family
Elmidaerank: family
Empididaerank: family
Ephemeridaerank: family
Gelastocoridaerank: family
Gerridaerank: family
Glossosomatidaerank: family
Gomphidaerank: family
Gripopterygidaerank: family
Gryllidaerank: family
Gyrinidaerank: family
Haliplidaerank: family
Hebridaerank: family
Helicopsychidaerank: family
Hydrobiosidaerank: family
Hydrobiosidaerank: family
Hydrophilidaerank: family
Hydropsychidaerank: family
Hydroptilidaerank: family
Isotomidaerank: family
Lampyridaerank: family
Leptoceridaerank: family
Leptohyphidaerank: family
Leptophlebiidaerank: family
Lestidaerank: family
Libellulidaerank: family
Limnephilidaerank: family
Limnichidaerank: family
Odontoceridaerank: family
Perlidaerank: family
Pleidaerank: family
Polycentropodidaerank: family
Polymirtacyidaerank: family
Protoneuridaerank: family
Psephenidaerank: family
Psychodidaerank: family
Pyralidaerank: family
Scarabaeidaerank: family
Sciomyzidaerank: family
Simuliidaerank: family
Staphylinidaerank: family
Stratiomydaerank: family
Syrphidaerank: family
Tabanidaerank: family
Tipulidaerank: family
Tridactlidaerank: family
Veliidaerank: family
Palaemonidaerank: family
Ampullaridaerank: family
Ancylidaerank: family
Corbiculidaerank: family
Hydrobiidaerank: family
Hyriidaerank: family
Physidaerank: family
Planorbidaerank: family
Sphaeriidaerank: family
Thiaridaerank: family
Geographic Coverages
Middle Stretch of the Rio Doce Basin - MG (Brazil)
Bibliographic Citations
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originatorUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
Av. Pres. Antônio Carlos, 6627
Belo Horizonte
Minas Gerais
Telephone: +55 (31) 34092591
Diego Pujoni
metadata author
position: Post Doc
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
Av. Pres. Antônio Carlos, 6627
Belo Horizonte
Minas Gerais
Telephone: + 55 31 98866-5113
Gabriel Aguila
metadata author
position: Estagiário - IC
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
Av. Pres. Antônio Carlos, 6627
Belo Horizonte
Minas Gerais
Telephone: +55 31 99241-7738
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
Av. Pres. Antônio Carlos, 6627
Belo Horizonte
Minas Gerais
Telephone: +55 (31) 34092591
administrative point of contact
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
Av. Pres. Antônio Carlos, 6627
Belo Horizonte
Minas Gerais
Telephone: +55 (31) 34092591
Maria Marques
administrative point of contact
position: Professor Titular
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
Av. Pres. Antônio Carlos, 6627
Belo Horizonte
Minas Gerais
Telephone: +55 (31) 34092591