NEFSC North Atlantic Marine Mammal and Turtle Aerial Abundance Survey 2007
Josephson, B. and D. Palka. 2018. NEFSC North Atlantic Marine Mammal and Turtle Aerial Abundance Survey 2007. Data downloaded from OBIS-SEAMAP ( on yyyy-mm-dd. accessed via on 2025-01-05.Description
Original provider: NOAA Northeast Fisheries Science Center (NEFSC) Dataset credits: NOAA Northeast Fisheries Science Center (NEFSC) Abstract: During 30 July to 29 August 2007, the Northeast Fisheries Science Center conducted an abundance survey using an airplane and ship in waters from Cape Hatteras, North Carolina to the Bay of Fundy, from the coast line to beyond the 2000 m depth contour. The shipboard survey (using the R/V Henry Bigelow) was concentrated in the coastal waters in the Gulf of Maine, and the aerial survey (using the NOAA Twin Otter) covered the rest of the area. The aerial results are reported in this document; while the shipboard results are reported in a companion paper. The primary objective for the aerial survey is to determine the spatial distribution and abundance of cetaceans and sea turtles in the study region. The airplane flew at 600 feet above the water surface at about 110 knots and the circle-back (Hiby) data collection methods were used, where circles were performed on groups of cetaceans and turtles that had 5 or less animals per group. There were about 8,900 km of on-effort track lines that were conducted in Beaufort 3 or less and will be used in the abundance estimates. On these track lines, there were 15 species of identifiable cetaceans, 4 turtle species detected. There were 98 circle-backs performed on 20 species/species groups that can be used to estimate g(0) for these species. The abundance estimates using these data are underway. Purpose: The primary objective is to determine the spatial distribution and abundance of cetaceans and sea turtles in the study region. The aerial survey was coordinated with a shipboard survey. Each platform covered separate regions, except for two small areas which were surveyed simultaneously by both platforms on the same day on the same track lines. Supplemental information: Perpendicular distance to the animal is not publicly available.Purpose
The primary objective is to determine the spatial distribution and abundance of cetaceans and sea turtles in the study region. The aerial survey was coordinated with a shipboard survey. Each platform covered separate regions, except for two small areas which were surveyed simultaneously by both platforms on the same day on the same track lines.
Sampling Description
Study Extent
NAMethod steps
- NA
Additional info
marine, harvested by iOBISTaxonomic Coverages
Scientific names are based on the Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS).
Cetorhinus maximuscommon name: basking shark rank: species
Mesoplodoncommon name: beaked whales rank: genus
Prionace glaucacommon name: blue shark rank: species
Tursiops truncatuscommon name: Common Bottlenose Dolphin rank: species
Delphinus delphiscommon name: Short-beaked Common Dolphin rank: species
Rhinoptera bonasuscommon name: cownose ray rank: species
Balaenopteridaecommon name: rorquals rank: family
Balaenoptera physaluscommon name: Fin Whale rank: species
Grampus griseuscommon name: Risso's Dolphin rank: species
Chelonia mydascommon name: Green Sea Turtle rank: species
Phocoena phocoenacommon name: Harbor Porpoise rank: species
Phoca vitulinacommon name: Harbor Seal rank: species
Sphyrnacommon name: bonnethead sharks rank: genus
Megaptera novaeangliaecommon name: Humpback Whale rank: species
Dermochelys coriaceacommon name: Leatherback Sea Turtle rank: species
Caretta carettacommon name: Loggerhead Sea Turtle rank: species
Manta birostriscommon name: Atlantic manta rank: species
Balaenoptera acutorostratacommon name: Minke Whale rank: species
Hyperoodon ampullatuscommon name: Northern bottlenose whale rank: species
Mola molacommon name: ocean sunfish rank: species
Globicephala melascommon name: Long-finned Pilot Whale rank: species
Lepidochelys kempiicommon name: Kemp's Ridley rank: species
Eubalaena glacialiscommon name: North Atlantic Right Whale rank: species
Balaenoptera borealiscommon name: Sei Whale rank: species
Physeter macrocephaluscommon name: Sperm Whale rank: species
Stenella coeruleoalbacommon name: Striped Dolphin rank: species
Alopias vulpinusrank: species
Delphinidaecommon name: dolphins rank: family
Elasmobranchiicommon name: cartilaginous fishes rank: subclass
Phocidaecommon name: earless seals rank: family
Elasmobranchiicommon name: cartilaginous fishes rank: subclass
Chelonioidearank: superfamily
Cetaceacommon name: cetaceans rank: order
Lagenorhynchuscommon name: white-beaked dolphins rank: genus
Geographic Coverages
North Atlantic
Bibliographic Citations
Beth Josephsonoriginator
position: Primary contact
NOAA Fisheries
Debi Palka
position: Secondary contact
NOAA Northeast Fisheries Science Center
metadata author
Marine Geospatial Ecology Lab, Duke University
A328 LSRC building
Marine Geospatial Ecology Lab, Duke University
A328 LSRC building
Beth Josephson
position: Primary contact
NOAA Fisheries
Debi Palka
position: Secondary contact
NOAA Northeast Fisheries Science Center
Beth Josephson
administrative point of contact
position: Primary contact
NOAA Fisheries