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GBIF.org (12 August 2021) GBIF Occurrence Download https://doi.org/10.15468/dl.mddh5f
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- 29 GB Архив Darwin Core
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- {{ 1092 | localNumber}}
- Архив, аннотированный GBIF
- {{ 374 | localNumber}}
- Архив, аннотированный GBIF
- {{ 37 | localNumber}}
Геометрия POLYGON((-72.66357 47.30605,-74.99268 45.82574,-76.35498 44.61863,-77.62939 43.41782,-77.93701 42.32281,-77.05811 41.60394,-74.64111 41.07604,-72.48779 40.67731,-70.81787 40.27617,-69.104 41.66963,-69.71924 43.29,-67.87354 44.14753,-66.7749 44.806,-67.47803 46.40453,-67.52197 47.39537,-72.66357 47.30605))
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"type": "and",
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"type": "within",
"geometry": "POLYGON((-72.66357 47.30605,-74.99268 45.82574,-76.35498 44.61863,-77.62939 43.41782,-77.93701 42.32281,-77.05811 41.60394,-74.64111 41.07604,-72.48779 40.67731,-70.81787 40.27617,-69.104 41.66963,-69.71924 43.29,-67.87354 44.14753,-66.7749 44.806,-67.47803 46.40453,-67.52197 47.39537,-72.66357 47.30605))"
"type": "equals",
"value": "false",
"matchCase": false
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88MEOD – eBird Observation Dataset
1MiNaturalist Research-grade Observations
1MNahant Collection
763kGreat Backyard Bird Count
238kUSGS PWRC - Bird Phenology Program
200kMuseum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University
150kGeographically tagged INSDC sequences
141kInternational Barcode of Life project (iBOL)
128kHawk Migration Association of North America - HawkCount
115kThe New York Botanical Garden Herbarium (NY)
107kUSGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center Seabirds Compendium
104kLyman Entomological Museum (LEMQ)
102kEntomology Division, Yale Peabody Museum
97kPl@ntNet automatically identified occurrences
94kMultistate Aquatic Resources Information System - MARIS - Fish
92kNortheast Fisheries Science Center Bottom Trawl Survey Data
88kMICROBIS database
85kCentre for Biodiversity Genomics - Canadian Specimens
77kLittle Sippewissett Marsh Targeted Locus (Loci)
75kUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection
71kBotany Division, Yale Peabody Museum
69kUniversity of Vermont, Pringle Herbarium
56kThe Second Breeding Bird Atlas of Vermont (2003-2007)
47kUSGS Nonindigenous Aquatic Species database
39kHerbier du Québec (QUE) - Collection de plantes vasculaires
38kNMNH Extant Specimen Records
38kCoastal Sediment Bacterial Community Alterations in Association with Sudden Vegetation Dieback
37kUSGS Great Lakes Science Center Research Vessel Catch Information System Trawl
35kInvertebrate Paleontology Division, Yale Peabody Museum
31kDigital Aerial Baseline Survey of Marine Wildlife in Support of Offshore Wind Energy - OPA 2017
31kECNASAP - East Coast North America Strategic Assessment
31kEffects of Fecal Input, Environmental Conditions, and Environmental Sources on Enterococci Concentrations in an Estuarine Ecosystem
30kOdonata Central
29kInvertebrate Zoology Division, Yale Peabody Museum
29kHerbier Louis-Marie (QFA) - Collection de plantes vasculaires
28kBiogeography of coastal wetland bacterial communities experiencing sudden vegetation dieoff
28kMarie-Victorin Herbarium (MT) - Plantes vasculaires
26kMonarch Watch
24kBiological rejuvenation of iron oxides in bioturbated marine sediments
24kPaleobiology Database
24kThe First Breeding Bird Atlas of Vermont (1976-1981)
23kInsectarium de Montréal (IMQC)
22kRaw sequence reads from soil relic DNA study
20kVertebrate Zoology Division - Herpetology, Yale Peabody Museum
20kReciprocal transplantation experiment of salt marsh sediments Targeted loci
18kUSGS PWRC - Native Bee Inventory and Monitoring Lab (BIML)
17kVertebrate Zoology Division - Ornithology, Yale Peabody Museum
17kCUMV Fish Collection
15kIllinois Natural History Survey Insect Collection
15kNEFSC Right Whale Aerial Survey
15kUniversity of New Hamsphire Collection of Insects and other Arthropods
15kOuellet-Robert Entomological Collection (QMOR) - Specimens
15kCanadian Museum of Nature Bird Collection
14kCercle des mycologues de Montréal Fungarium (CMMF)
14kMaritimes Spring Research Vessel Surveys
13kMohonk Preserve Vernal Pool Amphibian Breeding Ecology Monitoring from 1931 to Present
13kCarnegie Museum of Natural History Herbarium
13kUS East Coast Salt Marshes Targeted Locus (Loci)
13kCarabidae of Vermont and New Hampshire
12kField Museum of Natural History (Zoology) Insect, Arachnid and Myriapod Collection
12kOntario Breeding Bird Atlas 2001-2005
12kPIROP Northwest Atlantic 1965-1992
12kNYSM Mammals
11kSalt Marsh Sediments Raw sequence reads
11kUniversity of Michigan Herbarium
10kCanadian Museum of Nature Herbarium
10kTropicos Specimen Data
10kVermont Bumble Bee Atlas 2012 - 2014
9kUniversity of Vermont, Pringle Herbarium, North American bryophytes
9kC.A. Triplehorn Insect Collection (OSUC), Ohio State University
8kDigital Aerial Baseline Survey of Marine Wildlife in Support of Offshore Wind Energy - OPA 2018
8kMicrobial associations in temperate marine copepods from the Gulf of Maine
8kCUMV Bird Collection
8kAtlantic Reference Centre Museum of Canadian Atlantic Organisms - Invertebrates and Fishes Data
8kField Museum of Natural History (Botany) Seed Plant Collection
8kNortheast Area Monitoring and Assessment Program Near Shore Trawl Survey (NEAMAP)
8kPl@ntNet observations
8kBacterial Biomarkers of Marcellus Shale Activity in Pennsylvania
8kDigital Aerial Baseline Survey of Marine Wildlife in Support of Offshore Wind Energy - OPA 2016
7kMacaulay Library Audio and Video Collection
7kUniversity of Alberta E. H. Strickland Entomological Museum (UASM)
7kMSB Mammal Collection (Arctos)
7kNaGISA Project
7kSAR amplicon from community incubated with various nanophytoplankton in microcosm
6kME harbor and gray seals time series
6kNYSM Birds
6kTexas A&M University Insect Collection
6kMarsh Monitoring Program - Birds
5kUniversity of Michigan Museum of Zoology, Division of Insects
5kUniversity of South Florida Herbarium (USF)
5kVectorBase (Bioinformatics Resource for Invertebrate Vectors of Human Pathogens)
5kDuke University Herbarium Bryophyte Collection
4kE. C. Smith Herbarium (ACAD)
4kCanadian Museum of Nature Amphibian and Reptile Collection
4kCUMV Mammal Collection
4kRoss A. Layberry Observations
4kNarragansett Bay, RI Sediments Targeted Locus (Loci)
4kNMNH Paleobiology Specimen Records
4kBorror Lab of Bioacoustics (BLB), Ohio State University
4kNational Benthic Inventory
4kWild Bee Specimens from Blueberry and Raspberry Farms in the Champlain Valley, Vermont, USA
4kUniversity of Michigan Museum of Zoology, Division of Fishes
4kSnow Entomological Museum Collection
4kXeno-canto - Bird sounds from around the world
4kBLM CETAP OPP Sightings
4kA global database for the distributions of crop wild relatives
3kVertebrate Zoology Division - Ichthyology, Yale Peabody Museum
3kField Museum of Natural History (Botany) Bryophyte Collection
3kCanadian Museum of Nature Fish Collection
3kCUMV Amphibian and Reptile Collection
3kCollection entomologique de l'Université Laval (ULQC)
3kLyman Entomological Museum
3kThe Lepidopterists' Society Season Summary
3kPatterns of widespread decline in North American bumble bees
3kIchthyology Collection - Royal Ontario Museum
3kHerbier Louis-Marie (QFA) - Collection de bryophytes
3kBell Museum lichens
3kUF Invertebrate Zoology
3kMarie-Victorin Herbarium (MT) - Bryophytes
3kUniversity of Minnesota Insect Collection
3kVertebrate Zoology Division - Mammalogy, Yale Peabody Museum
3kGlobal Lacustrine Diatoms
3kCM Herps Collection
2kMVZ Bird Collection (Arctos)
2kCanadian Museum of Nature Mollusc Collection
2kVermont Bark and Ambrosia Beetle Records - Vermont Department of Forest, Parks and Recreation
2kNorthern Gulf of St. Lawrence Fishes
2kField Museum of Natural History (Botany) Lichen Collection
2kNHMO Bird collection
2kObservation.org, Nature data from around the World
2kCMC Cincinnati Museum Center Invertebrate Paleontology
2kMaritimes Summer Research Vessel Surveys
2kFrost Entomological Museum
2kPlanetary Biodiversity Inventory Eumycetozoan Databank
2kField Museum of Natural History (Botany) Fungi Collection
2kCleveland Museum of Natural History
2kUniversity of Tennessee Bryophyte Herbarium
2kR. L. McGregor Herbarium Vascular Plants Collection
2kNEON Biorepository Carabid Collection (Pinned Vouchers)
2kUniversity of Michigan Museum of Zoology, Division of Mammals
2kUniversity of Tennessee Fungal Herbarium
2kUniversity of Vermont, Pringle Herbarium, North American lichens
2kNBMB Herps
2kHarvard University Herbaria: All Records
2kUniversity of British Columbia Herbarium (UBC) - Vascular Plant Collection
2kVermont Buprestidae Survey
2kHerbier Louis-Marie (QFA) - Collection de lichens
2kThe vascular plants collection (P) at the Herbarium of the Muséum national d'Histoire Naturelle (MNHN - Paris)
2kCanadian Museum of Nature Mammal Collection
2kThe CPR Survey
2kMcGill University Herbarium Database
2kAMNH Bird Collection
2kWFVZ Bird Collections
2kUniversity of Michigan Museum of Zoology, Division of Mollusks
2kDuke University Herbarium Lichen Collection
2kUniversity of Michigan Museum of Zoology, Division of Reptiles & Amphibians
2kMarsh Monitoring Program - Amphibians
1kOhio State Acarology Laboratory (OSAL), Ohio State University
1kCAS Entomology (ENT)
1kThe Albert J. Cook Arthropod Research Collection
1kDFO Maritimes Region Cetacean Sightings
1kUniversity of Arizona Insect Collection
1kDelaware Museum of Natural History – Mollusks
1kEPA - National Lakes Assessment - Zooplankton - 2007
1kAllied Humpback Whale Catalogue, 1976 - 2003
1kVAG Mine Pit Pond Metagenome
1kBrown University
1kContinuous Plankton Recorder Dataset (SAHFOS)
1kDuke Harbor Porpoise Tracking
1kBumble bees and Large Carpenter bees in the UVM Zadock Thompson Zoological Collection
1kOpportunistic marine mammal sightings from commercial whale watching vessels, Montauk, New York 1981-1994
1kSouthern Maine Community College Gulf of Maine Invertebrate Data
1kOrnithology Collection Passeriformes - Royal Ontario Museum
1kCanadian Museum of Nature Crustacea Collection
1kRecords of Hawk Moths (Sphingidae) from Vermont, USA
1kStuart M. Fullerton Collection of Arthropods (UCFC), University of Central Florida
1kEssig Museum of Entomology
1kC.P. Gillette Museum of Arthropod Diversity
1kKUBI Mammalogy Collection
1kLeif Richardson Vermont Bee Specimens
1kUniversity of Michigan Museum of Zoology, Division of Birds
1kHappywhale - Humpback Whale in North Atlantic Ocean
1kHappywhale - Humpback Whale in North Atlantic Ocean
1kUniversity of Vermont, Pringle Herbarium, Macrofungi
1kLund Botanical Museum (LD)
1kTexas Tech University - Invertebrate Zoology
1kBrigham Young University Arthropod Museum
1kCAS Herpetology (HERP)
1kUniversity of British Columbia Herbarium (UBC) - Bryophytes Collection
1kPaleobotany Division, Yale Peabody Museum
1kBLM CETAP AIR Sightings
1kRoyal Ontario Museum: Entomology
1kMVZ Herp Collection (Arctos)
1kVermont Orthoptera Records from Historic Dot Maps
1kArizona State University Lichen Herbarium
1kNCSM Herpetology Collection
1kBiodiversity Research and Teaching Collections - TCWC Vertebrates
1kVermont Bee Records Collected by John Ascher
1kUniversity of Delaware Insect Research Collection
1kField Museum of Natural History (Botany) Pteridophyte Collection
1kMEL AVH data
1kUniversity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Herbarium
1kDMNH Birds
1kBrown University Herbarium
1kCanadian National Collection (CNC) of Insects, Arachnids and Nematodes
1kMammalogy Collection - Royal Ontario Museum
1kBLM CETAP SHIP Sightings
1kMystic Aquarium's marine mammal and sea turtle stranding data 1976-2011
1kNEON Biorepository Mosquito Collection (Pinned Vouchers)
1kBrassicaceae of Canada
1kUWBM Ornithology Collection
1kField Museum of Natural History (Zoology) Bird Collection
1kOcean Genome Legacy Collection
1kRoyal Ontario Museum Green Plant Herbarium (TRT)
1kCHAS Malacology Collection (Arctos)
1kNew York State Museum Entomology Collection
1kNBM birds
1kCanadian Lakes Loon Survey
1kIntermountain Herbarium (Vascular plants & algae)
1kAuckland Museum Botany Collection
993Ohio State University Fish Division (OSUM)
992Bee Biology and Systematics Laboratory
974Bees in the UVM Zadock Thompson Zoological Collection
962NEON Biorepository Invertebrate Bycatch Collection (Archive Pooling)
962UCR - University of California, Riverside Herbarium - Vascular Plants
951Anaerobic Photosynthetic Consortia 16s rRNA profiling
938University of Florida Herbarium (FLAS)
919Ornithology Collection Non Passeriformes - Royal Ontario Museum
913Ohio State University Tetrapod Division - Bird Collection (OSUM)
912UMNH Mammals Collection (Arctos)
887New Mexico State Collection of Arthropods
868UF Florida Museum of Natural History Mammals
864NEON Biorepository Mammal Collection (Hair Samples)
852University of Vermont, Pringle Herbarium, Algae Collection
838CHAS Entomology Collection (Arctos)
832IAC - Herbário do Instituto Agronômico de Campinas
828NEON Biorepository Mammal Collection (Fecal Samples)
814MVZ Mammal Collection (Arctos)
813Ville de Trois-Rivières - Bioblitz 2012
806LACM Vertebrate Collection
798SUI Vertebrate Collection
786Standardized Bumble bee (Bombus) Surveys Conducted in Vermont in 2016
786University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
778CAS Botany (BOT)
767NEON Biorepository Carabid Collection (Archive Pooling)
765Marine metagenome ICM_JRV
763Bryoquel : Spécimens de bryophytes de l'herbier de la Société Québécoise de Bryologie
762UTEP Plants (Arctos)
754NEFSC 1995 AJ9501 (Part II)
748Arizona State University Hasbrouck Insect Collection
745Peter Hall Observations
739UF FLMNH Ichthyology
730Satellite tracking of rehabilitated juvenile loggerhead, green, and Kemp's ridley turtles in the northeastern USA
724MSB Amphibian and Reptile Collection (Arctos)
712Duke University Herbarium Algae Collection
710KUBI Herpetology Collection
697Entomology Collection at the Natural History Museum of Utah
695Ontario Breeding Bird Atlas 1981-1985
684SBMNH Vertebrate Zoology
681Xerces Society - Bumble Bee Watch
648A Method for Studying Protistan Diversity Using Massively Parallel Sequencing of V9 Hypervariable Regions of Small-Subunit Ribosomal RNA Genes
644NEON Biorepository Mammal Collection (Ear Tissue)
643NEON Biorepository Mammal Collection (Blood Samples)
635LSU Shirley C. Tucker Herbarium at Louisiana State University - Lichens
632Taxon occurrence data for the FungalRoot database
629University of Colorado, Museum of Natural History Herbarium Lichen Collection
608Collection d'insectes du Québec (CIQ)
605Bacterial and fungal diversity in Ashumet Pond, MA (USA), and prevalence of manganese-oxidizing isolates
599NCSM Ichthyology Collection
599Mississippi Entomological Museum
598Paleontological Research Institution Collections
569NEON Biorepository Carabid Collection (Trap Sorting)
567Phragmites of Canada
539University of South Carolina, A. C. Moore Herbarium
537Harbor Porpoise Survey 1992 (AJ92-01)
536University of Colorado, Museum of Natural History Herbarium Bryophyte Collection
535NEON Biorepository Carabid Collection (DNA Extracts)
533University of Vermont Zadock Thompson Zoological Collection-Invertebrates
532NOAA Deep Sea Corals Research and Technology Program
525World distribution of the aquatic Oligochaeta
502SBBG - Clifton Smith Herbarium, Santa Barbara Botanic Garden
501University of Alberta Vascular Plant Herbarium (ALTA-VP)
501NCSM Mollusk Collection
500Earth Guardians Weekly Feed
495USFWS Bee surveys - Sandbar WMA, VT 2018
490Canadian Museum of Nature Parasite Collection
485CHAS Ornithology (Arctos)
475MVSC; The James C. Parks Herbarium at Millersville University
462Ross A. Layberry, Collection
456KUBI Ornithology Collection
449LSUM Bernard Lowy Mycological Herbarium at Louisiana State University - Fungi
449Bell Museum plants
447Harold W. Manter Laboratory of Parasitology Collection (HWML) Parasite Collection (Arctos)
443KUBI Invertebrate Paleontology Collection
438Vermont Freshwater Mussel Atlas 1995
434Field Museum of Natural History (Zoology) Fish Collection
431BRFC Black Rock Forest Consortium Herbarium
431Arizona State University Vascular Plant Herbarium
426Australian Museum provider for OZCAM
418AMAPPS Northeast Aerial Cruise Summer 2016
416Herpetology Collection - Royal Ontario Museum
412TTU Mammals Collection
411University of Guelph Insect Collection (DEBU)
411Kathryn Kalmbach Herbarium
400Harold W. Manter Laboratory of Parasitology Collection
400PSM Vertebrates Collection
399Naturalis Biodiversity Center (NL) - Botany
395CHSC - CSU Chico, Chico State Herbarium - Vascular Plants
387Fungi of parks, forests and reserves of New Jersey, 2018
387Historic Lady Beetle (Coccinellidae) Records from Vermont, USA
382CAS Ichthyology (ICH)
379Canadian National Collection of Insects
377NEON Biorepository Mammal Collection (DNA Extracts)
376Mohonk Preserve Riparian Invasive Vegetation Species Sampling
375Herbarium GB, University of Gothenburg
374Characterizing bumble bee (Bombus) communities in the United States and assessing a conservation monitoring method
374R. L. McGregor Herbarium Lichen Collection
369Bombus of Canada
367Station de Biologie des Laurentides de l'Université de Montréal - Collection Ornithologique
363Field Museum of Natural History (Zoology) Mammal Collection
363CAS Ornithology (ORN)
361Natural History Museum (London) Collection Specimens
358RSA - California Botanic Garden Herbarium
357LSU Shirley C. Tucker Herbarium at Louisiana State University - Bryophytes
351MVZ Egg and Nest Collection (Arctos)
344Michael Veit Vermont Bee Speciemens
343Angelo State Natural History Collections (ASNHC) Mammal specimens (Arctos)
343Wisconsin Insect Research Collection
342Rutgers University, Chrysler Herbarium - Bryophyte Collection
338Recent Invertebrates Specimens
335Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden (FTG)
330UCLA Donald R. Dickey Bird and Mammal Collection
327University of Texas, Biodiversity Center, Entomology Collection (UTIC)
323Australian Antarctic Division Herbarium
322University of Tennessee Vascular Herbarium
322DMNS Bird Collection (Arctos)
321UAIC Ichthyological Collection
319Geneva Herbarium – De Candolle's Prodromus (G-DC)
316Centre for Biodiversity Genomics (BIOUG) - Marine Invertebrates
309Rutgers University, Chrysler Herbarium - Lichen Collection
308NEON Biorepository Herptile Voucher Collection (Ground Beetle Sampling Bycatch Trap Sorting)
300Hexacorallians of the world
292SDNHM Birds Collection
291Native Bee Baseline and Effects Monitoring on the Green Mountain National Forest 2015
288Denver Museum of Nature & Science - Entomology
282SFV - California State University, Northridge
282Middlebury College Bee Collection
278Naturalis Biodiversity Center (NL) - Aves
277NEON Biorepository Mosquito Collection (Bulk Identified)
275Middlebury College Bumble Bee Collection
273UVM Pollinators in Solar Installations Study
269University of Wyoming Museum of Vertebrates (UWYMV) Mammal Collection (Arctos)
262E. C. Smith Herbarium (ACAD) - Nova Scotia Museum of Natural History
254NEFSC Twin Otter Aerial Survey 2008
252Sperm morphology of 264 songbird species
250Distribución potencial de las especies de anfibios y reptiles en categoría de riesgo de México
248NEFSC 1999 aj9902
247Denver Museum of Nature & Science - Arachnology
241Rutgers University, Chrysler Herbarium
241Intermountain Herbarium (fungi, not lichens), Utah State University
238Duke University, Herbarium Fungal Collection
235NEON Biorepository Terrestrial Plant Collection (Belowground Biomass [Standard Sampling])
234Diveboard - Scuba diving citizen science observations
231Natural History Museum Rotterdam - Specimens
229New Brunswick Museum Collection
228Institut Botanic de Barcelona (IBB, CSIC-Ajuntament de Barcelona), BC-Plantae
228Maritimes Fall Research Vessel Surveys
227Bishop's University Insect Collection (BUIC)
227Queensland Museum provider for OZCAM
225NEON Biorepository Mammal Collection (Vouchers [Standard Sampling])
223Bryophyte herbarium TRH, NTNU University Museum
220AMAPPS Northeast Aerial Cruise Spring 2019
220Lichen herbarium, UiB
219Canadian Museum of Nature Annelid Collection
214University of Tennessee Lichen Herbarium
214UWBM Mammalogy Collection (Arctos)
213UConn Mammals
210NCSM Mammalogy Collection
209University of Kentucky Insect Collection
207Natural History Museum, Vienna - Herbarium W
205Bark and Ambrosia Beetles of Vermont from Thomas H. Atkinson
204FHSM Mammals Collection
202A Distribution and Taxonomic Reference Dataset of Geranium (Geraniaceae) in the New World
200Insectarium René-Martineau (IRM)
200Digitalización y Sistematización de las Colecciones Biológicas Nacionales del Instituto de Biología, UNAM (Plantas vasculares)
194New species and records of Orbiniidae (Annelida, Polychaeta) from continental shelf and slope depths of the Western North Atlantic Ocean
193SDNHM Herpetology Collection
192United States National Plant Germplasm System Collection
191LSUMZ Mammals Collection
191UCM Amphibian and Reptile Collection (Arctos)
190Herbarium (UNA)
189Standardized Bumble bee (Bombus) Surveys Conducted in Vermont in 2019
188University of Georgia Collection of Arthropods
186Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh Living Plant Collections (E)
185R. M. Bohart Museum of Entomology
185AMAPPS Northeast Aerial Cruise Spring 2017
181Michigan State University Herbarium Lichens
181UPCB - Herbário do Departamento de Botânica
177UTEP Insects (Arctos)
176CDA - California Department of Food and Agriculture
176Lewis Creek fish surveys 2016
175Visual sightings from Song of the Whale 1993-2013
174YoNAH Encounter
169NEON Biorepository Invertebrate Bycatch Collection (Trap Sorting)
162Bruce Bennett Herbarium (BABY)
162CSIC-Real Jardín Botánico-Colección de Plantas Vasculares (MA)
162Survey of saproxylic fungi across parks of New Jersey
161AMAPPS Northeast Aerial Cruise Summer 2011
158NEFSC Aerial Circle-Back Abundance Survey 2006
156CANB AVH data
154AMAPPS Northeast Aerial Cruise Winter 2017
152Non-vertebrate Paleontology, Jackson School Museum of Earth History, University of Texas at Austin
152CWS: Waterbird colony database (Atlantic region)
151Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences Bird collection
146VMNH Invertebrate Paleontology
146University of British Columbia - Spencer Entomological Collection (UBCZ)
144Royal BC Museum - Herbarium (V)
144Desert Botanical Garden Herbarium
144Lepidoptera collection of Hannu Saarenmaa
139UVM Milkweed Pollinator Project
138MSU Mammalogy, Ornithology and Vertebrate Paleontology Collections
138DMNS Egg Collection (Arctos)
136Museum of Southwestern Biology, Division of Arthropods
135AMAPPS Northeast Aerial Cruise Summer 2010
134Mycoblitz 2017 - IRBV et Cercle des Mycologues de Montréal
133The Erysiphales Collection at the Botanische Staatssammlung München
133CMNH Birds Collection
131NEFSC Harbor Porpoise 1991
129Invertebrates Collection of the Swedish Museum of Natural History
127NBM Unionoids
124University of Tartu Natural History Museum and Botanical Garden Mycological Collections
123Hinesburg Town Forest Insect Surveys 2012
120Towson University - MidAtlantic - Ailanthus altissima - 2011
120Aspilanta new genus (Heliozelidae) specimen data
120Collembola of Vermont
115MSB Fish Collection (Arctos)
115Iowa State University Fishes Collection
114Mount Hope Bay bacteria Targeted Locus (Loci)
114UAM Herbarium (ALA), Vascular Plant Collection (Arctos)
114Ohio State University Tetrapod Division - Mammal Collection (OSUM)
113NCSM Herbarium Collection
113NEFSC Aerial Survey - Experimental 2002
112Vermont Lady Beetle (Coccinellidae) Specimens in the Vermont Forest, Parks and Recreation Insect Collection
112AMAPPS Northeast Shipboard Cruise Spring 2014
111NEFSC Aerial Circle-Back Abundance Survey 2004
109H.A. Stephens Herbarium
109NEON Biorepository Terrestrial Plant Collection (Belowground Biomass [Megapit])
108Provincial Museum of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada. Birds (Aves)
108The cryptogamy collection (PC) at the Herbarium of the Muséum national d'Histoire Naturelle (MNHN - Paris)
107University of British Columbia Herbarium (UBC) - Lichen Collection
107NEFSC North Atlantic Marine Mammal and Turtle Aerial Abundance Survey 2007
104UCM Bird Collection (Arctos)
103Computarización del Herbario ENCB, IPN. Fase IV. Base de datos de la familia Pinaceae y de distintas familias de la clase Magnoliopsida depositadas en el Herbario de la Escuela Nacional de Ciencias Biológicas, IPN
103UAZ Mammals
102Auburn University Museum of Natural History Entomology
101USBombus, contemporary survey data of North American bumble bees (Hymenoptera, Apidae, Bombus) distributed in the United States
100Appalachian State University, I. W. Carpenter, Jr. Herbarium
100Canadian Museum of Nature General Invertebrate Collection
99Copepod crustaceans identified by Prof. Arthur G. Humes
99Nonindigenous Aquatic Species (NAS) Database Non-freshwater Specimens
99The Ichthyology Collection at the Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde Stuttgart
97AMAPPS Northeast Aerial Cruise Fall 2019
97NEON Biorepository Herptile Voucher Collection (Ground Beetle Sampling Bycatch Archive Pooling)
97University of Nebraska State Museum Herpetology Collection
96Living Collection of the Gothenburg Botanical Garden
95Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Insect Collection
95Fungus Collections at Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde Karlsruhe (Herbarium KR)
94Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences Mollusc collection
93NEON Biorepository Terrestrial Plant Collection (Herbarium Vouchers)
89CSIC-Real Jardín Botánico-Colección de Musgos (MA-Musci)
88FBIP:ELM: Malacology Collections
88SP-Fungi - Maria Eneyda Pacheco Kauffmann Fidalgo
87Records of Giant Silkmoths (Saturniinae) from Vermont Collections and 2002-2007
87Bell Museum fishes
86Invertebrates excl. Entomology at the Natural History Museum of Denmark
86NHMD Invertebrate Zoology Collection
84NEFSC Aerial Survey - Summer 1995
84Global diversity and distributions of symbiotic copepod crustaceans living on echinoderms
84LSU Shirley C. Tucker Herbarium at Louisiana State University - Vascular Plants
84DMNS Marine Invertebrate Collection (Arctos)
84Royal Ontario Museum Fungarium (TRTC)
82South Dakota State University, The Severin-McDaniel Insect Research Collection
82HO AVH data
82AMAPPS Northeast Aerial Cruise Fall 2012
82DFO Quebec Region MLI museum collection
81Intermountain Herbarium (Bryophytes), Utah State University
81NOAA Southeast Fisheries Science Center (SEFSC) Fisheries Log Book System (FLS) Commercial Pelagic Logbook Data
80Estonian University of Life Sciences Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Entomological Collection
80CAS Mammalogy (MAM)
80Review of the rove beetle species of the subtribe Gyrophaenina Kraatz (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) from New Brunswick, Canada: new species, provincial records and bionomic information