Taraxacum adamovicii Stepanek & Kirschner 2022
- Dataset
- Taraxacum sect. Erythrocarpa in Europe in the Alps and eastwards: A revision of a precursor group of relicts
- Rank
- Published in
- Štěpánek, Jan, Kirschner, Jan (2022): Taraxacum sect. Erythrocarpa in Europe in the Alps and eastwards: A revision of a precursor group of relicts. Phytotaxa 536 (1): 7-52, DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.536.1.2
- kingdom
- Plantae
- phylum
- Tracheophyta
- class
- Magnoliopsida
- order
- Asterales
- family
- Asteraceae
- genus
- Taraxacum
- species
- Taraxacum adamovicii
Diagnosis: — Plantae parvae insignes foliis canescenti-viridibus, phyllariis exterioribus involucralibus imbricatis numerosis, late ovatis vel ovatis, stigmatibus ± saturate luteis vel melleo-luteis, necnon acheniis rubro-brunneis, pyramide brevi; species affines, T. pudilii, forma foliorum et antheris polline carentibus, T. jailae stigmatibus obscurioribus et phyllariis exterioribus angustioribus, T. greuteri & T. aquilinum, achenii colore, et T. janchenii, species similissima, phyllariis exterioribus paucioribus et pyramide longiore bene dignoscendae. Plants small but not slender, usually 4 – 10 cm tall. Root single-headed or with several heads; plant base with a well developed dark brown tunic, whitish arachnoid among petiole bases. Leaves numerous, variously erect-patent, greyish green, not spotted, almost glabrous, only sparsely hairy on mid-vein, narrowly elliptical to oblanceolate, usually 4 – 9 cm long, 1 – 2.5 cm wide, pinnatisect; terminal segment not dominant, broadly triangular or triangular, sometimes ± helmet-shaped, usually 7 – 10 mm long, 8 – 13 mm wide, acute, distal margin ± straight to subconvex, entire, proximal margin subconcave to subsigmoid or ± straight, entire, with a single little tooth at the very base, basal lobules ± patent to subrecurved; lateral segments (3) 4 (5) pairs, deltoid-triangular to narrowly triangular, usually subrecurved, usually 5 – 12 mm long, 4 – 8 mm wide at base, acute, sometimes ± elongated to form a lingulate tip, distal margin subconvex to subsigmoid, entire or with rare minute teeth, proximal margin ± straight to subconcave, entire or with a single bigger tooth at base, sometimes also with a few minute teeth, all teeth raised; interlobes relatively short, 1 – 3 mm long, 2 – 3 mm wide (the width measured without teeth), often with a large tooth or lobule and some minute teeth, margin often raised, surface and margin not coloured; petiole pale greenish, 1 – 2 cm long, broadly winged in outer leaves, winged in middle ones and narrowly so in later, inner leaves. Scapes usually suffused purple, some of them often almost wholly pale greenish, densely arachnoid-tomentose, later slightly glabrescent, equalling or overtopping leaves. Capitulum 2.5 – 3 cm wide, ± yellow. Involucre robust, ± olivaceous-green, usually 8 – 10 mm wide and broadly rounded to truncate at base. Outer phyllaries conspicuous, numerous, 16 – 20, ± loosely appressed, imbricate, ovate to broadly ovate, usually 5 – 6 (– 7) mm long, 3.5 – 4.5 mm wide, ± light olivaceous-green, proximally much paler, distally darker, suffused brownish purple in distal 1 / 2, with an olivaceous middle strip ca. 2 – 3 mm wide, with a subgradual transition into a pale border, margin whitish-membranous, ca. 0.1 mm wide, densely and long ciliate (hairs to 1 mm long), apex subcorniculate; inner phyllaries 12 – 14 mm long, width not variable. Outer ligules flat, conspicuously striped red-purple outside, apical teeth black-purple, inner ligule teeth smoky greyish. Stigmas light, honey-yellow to slightly pale brownish yellow when dry, with a hyaline pubescence outside. Pollen present, pollen grains variable in size. Achenes red brown to dark red-brown, 4.5 – 5.5 mm long, 0.9 – 1.0 mm wide, body with numerous erect-patent spinules to 0.25 mm long in upper 1 / 3, otherwise ± tuberculate, ± gradually narrowing into a thin cylindrical cone 0.8 – 0.9 mm long, with a few minute spinules in proximal 1 / 2; beak ca. 8 mm long; pappus dirty white, ca. 5.5 mm long. — Agamosperm. Diagnostic notes: — Taraxacum adamovicii belongs to the group characterized by a pale (yellowish-) greenish basic colour of outer phyllaries, ovate to broadly ovate shape and imbricate arrangement of outer phyllaries and a relatively short cone (Fig. 26). From T. pudilii, it differs in polliniferous anthers and the leaf shape, from T. aquilinum and T. greuteri by a very different achene colour, from T. jailae in ± yellow stigmas and broader outer phyllaries, and from T. janchenii, with which it shares yellow stigmas and, to a certain extent, also the general habit, in a shorter cone and a diffrent leaf shape.
Distribution and habitat: — So far as the material goes, T. adamovicii is confined to the summit limestone rocks and adjacent stony slopes of Mt. Athos, Greece (Fig. 4). We consider it as a stenoendemic species. Its IUCN conservation status is estimated as EN. Specimens examined: — GREECE: “ Plantae balcanicae exsiccatae, in alpinis mt. Athos ”, 5 Jun 1905, L. Adamović [under the name T. hoppeanum] (LE, no. det. 3540).
Type: — GREECE. Graecia, paeninsula Athos, mons Athos (2033 m), calcareis in cacumine et in clivis petrosis inter summum et ecclesiam Panaghia [Athos Peninsula, Mt. Athos, summit limestones and stony slopes between the summit and the Panaghia Church], ca. 2000 m, 40 ° 09 ‘ 29 “ N, 24 ° 19 ‘ 38 “ E, 23 May 2011, K. Sutorý (BRNM 735357, no. det. 33703, holotype). Etymology: — Named after an important Serbian botanist, Lujo Adamović (1864 – 1935), also a collector of this species.