Diversity, distribution and abundance of macro-invertebrates in areas with different pollution levels in Lake Victoria
Pibire W G, Pabire W G (2022). Diversity, distribution and abundance of macro-invertebrates in areas with different pollution levels in Lake Victoria. Version 1.2. National Fisheries Resources Research Institute. Occurrence dataset https://doi.org/10.15468/j8qbhw accessed via GBIF.org on 2024-12-12.Description
A dataset of macroinvertebrate taxa collected in sites with varying levels of pollution in Lake Victoria, UgandaSampling Description
Study Extent
Sampling of the sites was conducted in 2011, 2012 and 2013.Sampling
At each sampling station, a ponar grab of 238 cm2 open jaw area was used to pick 3 hauls of sediment. Triplicate samples from each station were either individually concentrated or concentrated as a composite sample using a filtering bag of 400 µm mesh of nitex webbing. The concentrated samples were placed in sample containers, preserved in 5% formalin solution, labeled and taken to the laboratory for analysis. In the laboratory, the samples from each container were individually rinsed in water to wash away formalin and placed on a white flat-bottomed tray. Some water was added to spread the sample and all the benthic macro-invertebrates were sorted out using a pair of forceps. The organisms were classified and identified under a dissecting microscope (at 25X eye piece and 4X or 16X objectives) where detailed structures were required. Taxonomic identification keys: Merritt and Cummins (1997), Pennak (1978), and Mandahl-Barth (1954) were used in identification of the invertebrates. Individual members of each taxon were enumerated.Quality Control
The samples were immediately processed in the field and treated with formalin to keep the organisms of interest intact and prevent them from rotting. To avoid loss of organisms during sample processing, appropriate mesh sizes during sieving. Appropriate taxonomic keys were used.Method steps
- Collection of the macroinvertebrates In the field, sediment samples were collected using a Ponar grab with an open jaw surface area of 238 cm2. At each site, three sediment samples were obtained. The three samples were mixed and concentrated to form one composite sample for each site.
- Preserving the samples The composite sample for each site was separately preserved in 5% formalin to maintain the organisms in good condition prior to analysis in the laboratory.
- Identification of macroinvertebrates In the laboratory, formalin was rinsed off from each sample and placed in white flat-bottomed trays. Using pairs of forceps, all benthic macro invertebrates were sorted from the sediment and the individual taxa identified to the lowest possible taxonomic level using appropriate identification keys and a dissecting binocular microscope at 4x 25 magnification.
Taxonomic Coverages
Freshwater macroinvertebrates
Ablabesmyiarank: genus
Baetidaerank: family
Bellamya unicolorrank: species
Biomphalariarank: genus
Bulinusrank: genus
Byssanodonta parasiticarank: species
Caelaturarank: genus
Caelatura hauttecoeurirank: species
Caelatura moncetirank: species
Caenisrank: genus
Caridina niloticarank: species
Ceratopogonidearank: family
Chaoborusrank: genus
Chironomidaerank: family
Chironomusrank: genus
Clinotanypusrank: genus
Cloeonrank: genus
Conchostracarank: genus
Corbicula africanarank: species
Corixidaerank: family
Cryptochironomusrank: genus
Economusrank: genus
Ephemeridaerank: family
Gabbia humerosarank: species
Gomphidaerank: family
Hirudinearank: class
Lentorbis junodirank: species
Leptoceridaerank: family
Leptophlebidaerank: family
Libellulidaerank: family
Melanoides tuberculatarank: species
Mutera bourguignatrank: species
Oligochaetarank: class
Ostracodarank: class
Pisidium victoriaerank: species
Povilla adustarank: species
Procladiusrank: genus
Segmentorbisrank: genus
Sphaeriumrank: genus
Tanypusrank: genus
Tanytarsusrank: genus
Geographic Coverages
Lake Victoria, Uganda
Bibliographic Citations
- Mendahl-Barth, G. (1954). The Freshwater Mollusks of Uganda and Adjacent Territories. Annls Mus. r. Congo Belge, 8°, Zoology, 32: 1–206. -
- Merritt, R. W., & Cummins, K. W. (1997). An introduction to the aquatic insects of North America (3rd ed.). Dubuque: Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co. 720 Pg. -
- Pennak, R.W. (1953). Fresh-water Invertebrates of the United States. John Wiley & Sons, New York. 769pg. -
Willy Gandhi Pibireoriginator
position: Research technician
National Fisheries Resources Research Institute
Willy Gandhi Pabire
metadata author
position: Research technician
National Fisheries Resources Research Institute
Laban Musinguzi
National Fisheries Resources Research Institute
email: labanmusinguzi@firi.go.ug
Laban Musinguzi
administrative point of contact
position: Research officer
National Fisheries Resources Research Institute
Vianny Natugonza
administrative point of contact
position: Research officer
National Fisheries Resources Research Institute
Willy Gandhi Pabire
administrative point of contact
position: Research technician
National Fisheries Resources Research Institute