BID engagement meeting for Latin America and the Caribbean

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11 грудня 2024 р.
15:00 - 16:30 CET
Ghost Glass Frog (Sachatamia ilex)
Ghost glass frog (Sachatamia ilex) observed in Ecuador. Photo 2021 by Ross Maynard via iNaturalist Research-grade Observations, licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0.

The Biodiversity Information for Development programme (BID) is entering a new phase (August 2024–July 2029) that will include actions in the Latin America and Caribbean region, such as capacity development workshops and calls for project proposals, aimed at standardizing and publishing biodiversity data via GBIF. The programme seeks to support and enhance a strong regional community of practice engaged in the sharing and reuse of biodiversity data, supporting scientific research, and mainstreaming biodiversity information into decision-making.

Meeting goals

The BID engagement meeting for Latin America and the Caribbean will convene representatives from biodiversity data-holding institutions, the biodiversity research community, CBD regional support centres, and other initiatives dedicated to collecting, sharing and use of biodiversity data in the region.

The aims of these meetings are to:

  • Discuss approaches to strengthening the community with those currently engaged in activities related to open biodiversity data.
  • Identify key regional capacity and information needs to inform the development of the upcoming BID call for data mobilization proposals in the region.
  • Identify opportunities for synergies between existing and upcoming regional initiatives and the BID programme, such as supporting or participating in related training efforts, encouraging data sharing through regional programmes, and identifying potential data flows to enhance the use of data mobilized through BID.
  • Encourage broad participation in the calls for proposals, including applicants, reviewers, mentors, trainers, and partners.

For any further information on the agenda contact our regional support team for Latin America and Caribbean Anabela Plos and Leonardo Buitrago, or Sanja Novakovikj, GBIF programme administrator for Community and Capacity.

 This programme is funded by the European Union.

11 грудня 2024 р. 15:00 - 16:30