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Наукова назва Ascidiacea
Геометрія POLYGON ((180 -82,-40 -82,127 -82,-180 -82,180 -57,150 -57,150 -57,150 -45,-20 -45,-40 -45,-40 -57,180 -57,180 -82))
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Download as TSV
2kNMNH Extant Specimen Records (USNM, US)
632NIWA Invertebrate Collection
324Australian Museum provider for OZCAM
291International Barcode of Life project (iBOL)
204Biological observations from the Discovery Investigations 1925-1952
186International Polar Year and Census of Antarctic Marine Life Ross Sea voyage (TAN0802) biodiversity data
111Senckenberg - CeDAMar Resource
107Auburn University Museum of Natural History Invertebrates
103Abundances of benthic invertebrate species in the CEAMARC region 2007/08
100Mega benthos in surface sediments sampled during POLARSTERN cruise ANT-XXIII/8
95Référentiel taxonomique national (TAXREF) - Inventaire des Collectivités d'outre-mer et de la métropole (ICOM_15) issu des données biogéographiques de TAXREF v15
95Référentiel taxonomique national (TAXREF) - Inventaire des Collectivités d'outre-mer et de la métropole (ICOM_16) issu des données biogéographiques de TAXREF v16
86Weddell Sea macrozoobenthos EASIZ I
64Invertebrate Zoology Division, Yale Peabody Museum
63Museums Victoria provider for OZCAM
59South Australian Museum Adelaide provider for OZCAM
57Ross Sea Biodiversity Survey 2004 (BioRoss)
51Crustacea collection (Cru) at UiO NHM, Oslo
42Biological data from the Soviet Antarctic Expedition (1955-1958)
39Stable isotope data from marine sediment and invertebrates from Davis Station 2009/10
28South American Antarctic Marine Biodiversity Literature
27Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia" (MACN). Invertebrates National Collection (MACNIn)
23COMARGIS: Information System on Continental Margin Ecosystems
15Vulnerable Marine Ecosystem Indicator Taxa recorded by submarine as evidence of the presence of Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems, Antarctic Peninsula - data
14Natural History Museum (London) Collection Specimens
13Queensland Museum provider for OZCAM
11iNaturalist Research-grade Observations
11SIO Benthic Invertebrate Collection
9Argentina–Chile National Geographic Pristine Seas Expedition To The Antarctic Peninsula - Deep Sea Cam Data
9The First Comprehensive Description of the Biodiversity and Biogeography of Antarctic and Sub-Antarctic Intertidal Communities
8Biological records from the U.S Antarctic Service Expedition, 1939-41
6CAS Invertebrate Zoology (IZ)
6Alabama Museum of Natural History Invertebrate Zoology (Arctos)
6Marine Invertebrate from Argentina, Uruguay and Chile
5IZIKO: Marine Invertebrate Collection (1900-2011)
5FBIP:IZIKO-UCT:Historical Invertebrates (1930-1980)
4Epipelagic mesozooplankton distribution and abundance in Southern Ocean Atlantic sector and the North Atlantic and Arctic 1996-2013
4The tunicates collection (IT) of the Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle (MNHN - Paris)
4The Belgica 121 expedition to the Western Antarctic Peninsula: a high resolution biodiversity census
3Type locality distributions from the World Register of Marine Species
3Colección de Fauna Marina del Centro Oceanográfico de Málaga (IEO-CSIC): CFM-IEOMA
3Marine fauna survey of the Vestfold Hills and Rauer Island, 1981-82
3(Table II) Abundance of epibenthic phyla and classes during RSS James Clark Ross cruise JR144
2UF Invertebrate Zoology
2INSDC Sequences
1Australian Institute of Marine Science - Bioresources Library
1Invertebrados Bentónicos de la II y III Expedición Colombia a la Antártica (CCO)
1Antarctic Marine Species Sequence Data
1Western Australian Museum provider for OZCAM
1Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History - Invertebrate Zoology
1Evidence of a Vulnerable Marine Ecosystem documented via tourist submarine off Cape Well-Met, Vega Island, Eastern Antarctic Peninsula (Subarea 48.1) - data
1Abyssal ascidians (Chordata, Tunicata) from the Weddell Sea, Antarctica, including a new Styela species and stomach content identifications
1Fatty acid profiles of marine consumer from the Southern Hemisphere (1990-2018)
1eDNA samples from the surface ocean to the seafloor collected by RV Investigator voyage IN2017_V01 - Linking Modern and Paleo-Genetics at the Sabrina Coast East Antarctica (2017)
1Invertebrates (Type Specimens) of the Swedish Museum of Natural History