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Наукова назва
- Ricasolia amplissima (Scop.) De Not.
- Ramalina roesleri (Hochst. ex Schaer.) Hue
- Rinodina archaea (Ach.) Arnold, 1881
Геометрія POLYGON((-9.36035 44.71551,-10.59082 42.81152,-11.82129 36.80928,-7.69043 36.17336,-3.38379 35.88905,3.12012 38.13456,9.18457 38.20366,11.7334 37.16032,12.78809 34.74161,17.09473 33.79741, 23.15918 34.23451,30.10254 32.62087,33.2666 32.99024,35.72754 35.03,33.00293 35.53223,28.69629 35.17381,28.34473 36.31513,25.7959 37.50973,24.91699 39.90974,28.78418 40.6473,30.71777 41.17865,36.87012 45.213,38.18848 46.98025,38.71582 47.7541,39.94629 47.93107,40.20996 49.61071,37.0459 50.34546,35.72754 50.40152,33.79395 52.26816,31.68457 51.94426,31.4209 53.27835,32.56348 53.43572,30.98145 54.77535,30.89355 55.52863,28.43262 56.02295,27.20215 57.65716,27.37793 58.30949,27.90527 59.17593,29.66309 59.88894,27.6416 60.58697,31.50879 62.75473,28.78418 69.83962,30.89355 70.28912,29.22363 71.55274,21.75293 71.30079,14.28223 70.14036,11.38184 67.47492,4.87793 63.66576,-5.53711 71.52491,-10.63477 71.69129,-21.5332 67.74276,-28.56445 65.36684,-24.3457 61.35461,-9.36035 44.71551))
Має координати true
Має проблеми з геопросторовою прив'язкою false
Рік Після початку 1980
Рік До закінчення 2021
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Download as TSV
890Norwegian Species Observation Service
355BLS Lichen Database: Scotland 1700-2016
252Lichen herbarium, Oslo (O) UiO
174Données du Parc national des Pyrénées - Observations occasionnelles Parc national des Pyrénées
145Artportalen (Swedish Species Observation System)
118Lichen herbarium TRH, NTNU University Museum
110BLS Lichen Database: Wales 1650-2016
91Lichen herbarium, UiB
84BLS Rare and Threatened Lichen Records: Wales
76Herbario de la Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid (MACB)
75BLS Lichen Database: England 1650-2016
73Lichen field notes, Oslo (O)
66CSIC-Real Jardín Botánico-Colección de Líquenes (MA-Lichen)
63Swiss National Lichens Databank
51BLS Rare and Threatened Lichen Records: England
49Colección de líquenes del Herbario "Jaime Andrés Rodríguez". LEB-Lichen
38FloVegSI - Floristical and fitocenological database of ZRC SAZU
38ARKO gamle edellauvtrær
31Universitat de València, Colecciones de Criptógamas: VAL_Lich
24The Lichen Flora of Serra de São Mamede Natural Park
23Herbario, Departamento de Farmacología, Farmacognosia & Botánica, Facultad de Farmacia, Universidad Complutense, Madrid: MAF-Lich
23Fungal occurrences from the Basque Country and neighbouring areas: ARAN-Fungi
22CEDaR Lichens of Ireland
20Lichen herbarium, NMBU
19HBRG Fungus, Lichen & Lower Plants Dataset
19Lichens at Herbarium Berolinense, Berlin (B)
17Argyll Biological Records Dataset
17Lichen herbarium, UiT Tromsø Museum
16INSDC Sequences
12ATBI Parc national du Mercantour / Parco naturale Alpi Marittime - Jeux de données provenant de l'ATBI Mercantour
12iNaturalist Research-grade Observations
12INPN - Données flore des CBN agrégées par la FCBN
10International Barcode of Life project (iBOL)
9Commissioned surveys and staff surveys and reports for Scottish Wildlife Trust reserves - Verified data
9Données lichens de l'ATBI Parc National du Mercantour / Parco Naturale Alpi Marittime (AFL)
8Miscellaneous records held on the Cofnod database
8CeDoc de Biodiversitat Vegetal: BCN-Lich
8NRW Regional Data: North Wales
8University of Graz, Institute of Plant Sciences - Herbarium GZU
7Herbarium (AMNH)
6Natural History Museum (London) Collection Specimens
5Données ONF faune-flore-fonge
5Herbarium GB, University of Gothenburg
5Données d'occurrences Espèces issues de l'inventaire des ZNIEFF
4Données naturalistes du CEN Auvergne concernant la Faune, la Flore et la Fonge - Données naturalistes flore et fonge du Conservatoire des espaces naturels Auvergne saisies avant le 18 février 2019.
4Herbarium of Umeå University (UME)
4Banco de Datos de la Biodiversidad de la Comunitat Valenciana
3SIM-Fungal occurrences compiled by the Iberian Mycological Society
3CardObs : Observations naturalistes issues de l'outil de saisie et gestion CardObs mis en place par le Service du Patrimoine Naturel (MNHN) / UMS PatriNat (OFB - CNRS - MNHN) - Données naturalistes de Monsieur JOURDE Rémi
3National Trust Species Records
3Arizona State University Lichen Herbarium
3University of Tartu Natural History Museum and Botanical Garden Mycological Collections
3Lund Botanical Museum (LD)
3Natural Resources Wales Regional Data : Mid-Wales
3Fungal Records Database of Britain and Ireland
3Bitunicate ascomycetes (Dothideomycetes and Chaetothyriomycetidae) on bark and wood of selected hosts in Norway
3Fungi (S)
3Réserves Naturelles de France (RNF) - RNF - Données de la Fédération des Réserves Catalanes
2Dorset SSSI Species Records 1952 - 2004 (Natural England)
2Naturalis Biodiversity Center (NL) - Botany
2Institut Botanic de Barcelona (IBB, CSIC-Ajuntament de Barcelona), BC-Lichen
2Saisie naturaliste opportuniste dans SICEN Occitanie - Données opportunistes du CEN Languedoc-Roussillon
2Herbarium Senckenbergianum (FR) - Fungi
2The Collection of Lichenicolous Fungi at the Botanische Staatssammlung München
2Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh Herbarium (E)
2Biodiversitätsdatenbank Nationalpark Hohe Tauern
2Plateforme AUVERGNE-DREAL Auvergne - Enquête participative "Lichens forestiers d'Auvergne et du Massif Central"
2National Trust for Scotland Species Records
1Observations floristiques - plateforme SINP régionale SILENE PACA
1Inventaire de la flore des Landes 2012-2019 - Inventaire de la flore des Landes 2017
1SIM-XII-XIII Jornadas Micológicas El Ilustre Minero
1Nature type mapping for the Norwegian Environment Agency 2018
1Lichens along norwegian rivers
1The Exsiccatal Series "Triebel, Microfungi exsiccati"
1Ireland's BioBlitz
1Kystfuruskoger 2015
1Photographs of higher plants, mosses, fungi, lichens, and algae
1CardObs : Observations naturalistes issues de l'outil de saisie et gestion CardObs mis en place par le Service du Patrimoine Naturel (MNHN) / UMS PatriNat (OFB - CNRS - MNHN) - Données naturalistes de David HAPPE
1Meise Botanic Garden Herbarium (BR)
1Biodiversitätsdatenbank Salzburg
1Biodiversity of the epiphytic lichenic vegetation in the Alentejo Coast (area of Sines)
1La Planète revisitée - Corse 2019-2022 - La Planète Revisitée Corse 2021 : prospections Côte orientale et Cap Corse
1Knoydart Lichens, 1990