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225kDutch Foundation for Applied Water Research (STOWA) - Limnodata Neerlandica
91kWorld distribution of the aquatic Oligochaeta
75kInland water macroinvertebrate occurrences in Flanders, Belgium
43kSystème d’évaluation de l’état des Eaux (SEEE) - Invertébrés
43kKiEco Freshwater Ecology: River Macroinvertebrates
31kInternational Barcode of Life project (iBOL)
25kEnvironment Agency England and Wales (2007) freshwater invertebrate species (single species families)
22kNMNH Extant Specimen Records
21kDEMNA-DNE : Occurrences of benthic macroinvertebrates in running waters of Wallonia, Belgium
19kLimnic freshwater benthic invertebrates biogeographical mapping/inventory NTNU University Museum
19kInvertebrates Collection of the Swedish Museum of Natural History
17kCollated IRTU Freshwater Surveys
14kArtportalen (Swedish Species Observation System)
12kFreshwater samples in MZNA-INV-FRW: Macroinvertebrate samples from the water quality monitoring network along the Ebro Basin
11kMonitoring data from the federal state North Rhine-Westphalia (Germany)
9kRiver macroinvertebrate data for 2005 and 2006
7kNational indicator data for river condition in New Zealand
7kNatural History Museum (London) Collection Specimens
6kEstonian Naturalists’ Society
6kGeographically tagged INSDC sequences
5kMarine Nature Conservation Review (MNCR) and associated benthic marine data held and managed by JNCC
5kEnvironment Agency Eiseniella tetraedra Records (England)
4kNational Benthic Inventory
4kNational Earthworm Recording Scheme Records (UK)
4kNatural England Marine Monitoring surveys
4kMonitoring data from the federal state Hesse (Germany)
4kAustralian Museum provider for OZCAM
4kThe Danish Environmental Portal, species and habitats-database "Danmarks Miljøportals Naturdatabase"
4kDASSH Data Archive Centre - Statutory Surveys
3kSuffolk Biodiversity Information Service (SBIS) Dataset
3kflora & fauna(NIBR)
3kSoil Biodiversity Group (NHM) Earthworm Records (UK)
-, Nature data from around the World
3kDepartment of Agriculture Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA) Marine and Fisheries Division Marine Survey Data
3kMDFRC macroinvertebrate survey
3kCanadian Museum of Nature Annelid Collection
3kiNaturalist Research-grade Observations
2kCollection Vermes - ZMB
2kQueen Victoria Museum Art Gallery provider for OZCAM
2kEnvironmental Monitoring database (MOD) DNV
2kSHARK - National zoobenthos monitoring in Sweden since 1971
2kColección de Oligoquetos Acuáticos de la UPV/EHU
2kBentos collection of the Museum of Nature and Human Activities, Hyogo
2kMonitoring data from the federal state Bavaria (Germany)
2kRIVM (NL) - Earthworm Observations in Soil Samples
2kMonitoring data from the federal state Rhineland-Palatinate (Germany)
2kNorwegian Biodiversity Information Centre - Other datasets
2kAM: Freshwater Invertebrates (1900-2005)
2kTerrestrial and limnic invertebrates systematic collection, NTNU University Museum
1kQueensland Museum provider for OZCAM
1kMonitoring data from the federal state Saxony (Germany)
1kLund Museum of Zoology (MZLU)
1kInventaire des sangsues - détermination prélèvements de bureau d'études (qualité de l'eau) - Subvention UMS Patrinat
1kMarine data from Natural Resources Wales (NRW) Technical Support (Research & Monitoring) Contracts, Wales
1kMonitoring data from the federal state Saxony-Anhalt (Germany)
1kClitellata - SMF
1kThe nematodes collection (IN) of the Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle (MNHN - Paris)
1kMonitoring data from the federal state Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania (Germany)
1kA comprehensive checklist of earthworm species and subspecies from Vietnam (Annelida: Clitellata: Oligochaeta: Almidae, Eudrilidae, Glossoscolecidae, Lumbricidae, Megascolecidae, Moniligastridae, Ocnerodrilidae, Octochaetidae)
1kWelsh Invertebrate Database (WID)
1kCentre for Biodiversity Genomics - Canadian Specimens
1kAustralian River Assessment System
1kCawthron Institute freshwater invertebrate data
1kWestern Australian Museum provider for OZCAM
1kRiver Biologists' Database (EPA)
1kBRERC species records from all years at full resolution excluding Notable Species within the last 10 years
1kSpecies data for Scottish waters held and managed by Scottish Natural Heritage, derived from benthic surveys 1993 to 2018
1kMacroinvertebrate abundance in river biotopes across England and Wales
1kMuseum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University
1kNBIS Records to December 2016
1kNorwegian Species Observation Service
988Macroinvertebrate abundance data from the littoral zone of a number of large New Zealand lakes
951Scottish river macro-invertebrate records from 2007 collected by SEPA
936Museums Victoria provider for OZCAM
926Invertebrate Zoology Division, Yale Peabody Museum
921Importancia de las lombrices de tierra (Oligochaeta) en el monitoreo de áreas prioritarias de conservación del centro, este y sureste de México
899Invertebrate specimens of Toyama Science Museum
888Collection Oligochaeta - ZIM Hamburg
863Wetland Invertebrate and Environmental Data 2010 Sampling Events
821Macrobenthos monitoring at long-term monitoring stations in the Belgian part of the North Sea from 2001 on
814Invertebrates (Type Specimens) of the Swedish Museum of Natural History
784Biodiversidad de Veracruz: Oligochaeta. Annelida
767Macrobenthos monitoring in function of aggregate extraction activities in the Belgian part of the North Sea
747Marine benthic dataset (version 1) commissioned by UKOOA
745Azorean Biodiversity Portal
735LERN Records
725Colección de Zoología Invertebrados - Otros invertebrados
723SEWBReC Worms (South East Wales)
712Earthworm Research Group (UCLan) Earthworm Records (UK)
701Macrobenthos monitoring in function of dredge disposal monitoring in the Belgian part of the North Sea
699Merseyside BioBank (unverified)
697Rotherham Biological Records Centre - Non-sensitive Records from all taxonomic groups
671The fauna of annelid worms (Oligochaeta, Hirudinea) of the Naroch lakes system (Belarus)
662National River Water Quality Network Database (Macro-invertebrates) 1990-2008
660Banco de Datos de la Biodiversidad de la Comunitat Valenciana
656Museu Paraense Emilio Goeldi - Annelida Collection
655Données naturalistes de Benoit LECAPLAIN
620Auburn University Museum of Natural History Invertebrates
607Inventario de sanguijuelas (Annelida: Clitellata Hirudinea) de México, con énfasis en las especies del centro de México
590Native Species Surveys Across Wales (1978 to 2006)
560Biologiezentrum Linz
546Field Museum of Natural History (Zoology) Invertebrate Collection
544Colección Zoológica de la Universidad del Tolima (CZUT) - Macroinvertebrados
521National Trust Species Records
496The Environmental Sample Collection of the Arthropoda Varia Section at the Zoologische Staatssammlung München
495Victorian Biodiversity Atlas
486Leicestershire and Rutland Environmental Records Centre records pre 2000
465South Australian Museum Australia provider for OZCAM
456Sustainable Rivers Audit
446Collections and observation data National Museum of Natural History Luxembourg
436Database of animal species of the laboratory of analysis and expertise of biotic resources (Ivan Franko Zhytomyr State University, Ukraine)
434Efectos del Cambio Ambiental en las comunidades de organismos de los ríos mediterráneos
420Shropshire Ecological Data Network database
419Forest Research Earthworm Records (UK)
412National River Water Quality Network Database (Macro-invertebrates) 2009-2018
404Marine Records from Pembrokeshire Marine Species Atlas
383Invertebrate Site Register - England (1738-2005).
371TestWat - Macroinvertebrates and macrophytes of freshwater bodies in Flanders, Belgium
354UAM Insect Collection (Arctos)
348CréBeo Earthworm Database 2006-2007
342Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona: MCNB-ZG
341PlutoF platform reference-based occurrences
329Soil invertebrates occurrences in European North-East of Russia
327Marine Offshore Seabed Survey data held by JNCC
312Benthic Macroinvertebrate Diversity in the middle Doce river basin, Brazil
312Dr Mary Gillham Archive Project
306Earth Guardians Weekly Feed
304RNF - Données de la Fédération des Réserves Catalanes
302New data on species diversity of Annelida (Oligochaeta, Hirudinea) in the Kharbey lakes system, Bolshezemelskaya tundra (Russia)
298NINA Vanndata øvrige arter
284NRW Regional Data: South East Wales Non-sensitive species
281Marine Nature Conservation Review (MNCR) and associated benthic marine data held and managed by English Nature
276BioFresh Pond Data
269Proyecto para compatibilizar el inventario de biota edáfica BGBD con el Sistema Nacional de Información sobre Biodiversidad
265Taxa occurrence (presence/absence) and composition of benthic macroinvertebrates from trawl surveys (2003-2017) conducted on Lake Victoria, Uganda
264Royal BC Museum - Invertebrates Collection
259Monitoring data from the federal state Berlin (Germany)
244Data from Defra Family Organisations supplied to Staffordshire Ecological Record
231Jeux de données provenant de l'ATBI Mercantour
229Earthworms of mole burrows in the forest zone of Western Siberia
227NaGISA Project
225Macrobenthos and Phytoplankton monitoring in the Belgian coastal zone in the context of the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD)
211Biodiverskripsi: Biodiversity Theses Database
206Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia" (MACN). Invertebrates National Collection (MACNIn)
197Carnet B Lorraine
194CAS Invertebrate Zoology (IZ)
192CNHE/Coleccion Nacional de Helmintos
192Annotated checklist of earthworm species described by András Zicsi (Clitellata: Megadrili)
187IZIKO: Marine Invertebrate Collection (1900-2011)
185Actualización y depuración de las bases de datos de la Colección Nacional de Helmintos: P085 y Q028
184Données naturalistes de PARPET Jean-François
178University of Alberta Freshwater Invertebrate Collection (UAFIC)
176Deer Creek Riparian Restoration Ecological Monitoring
170SER Species-based Surveys
167Recovery of the medicinal leech Hirudo medicinalis in Scotland - Phase II
167Recovery of the medicinal leech Hirudo medicinalis in Scotland - Phase II
165Diversidad bentónica del ambiente intermareal e infralitoral somero de Progreso, Yucatán
155UAM Insect Observations (Arctos)
154Données des réserves naturelles nationales gérées par la Ligue pour la protection des oiseaux (LPO)
149Subtidal macrobenthos monitoring in function of a foreshore suppletion at the Belgian coast, period 2013-2016
149Kenai National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska (KNWR) Insect specimens (Arctos)
147NHMO DNA Bank Other groups collection
143Bernice P. Bishop Museum
139Macrobenthos monitoring in function of the Water Framework Directive in the period 2007-2009
136Monitoreo Ambiental del Proyecto La Colosa
133Marine invertebrate collection NTNU University Museum
132Ireland's BioBlitz
131Données bibliographique de la base BOMBINA
130Endemic earthworms (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae) of the Balkan Peninsula: a review
120Rapid Assessment Program (RAP) Biodiversity Survey Database
117Ifremer BIOCEAN database (Deep Sea Benthic Fauna)
114NCSM Non-molluscan Invertebrates Collection
114Données d'occurrences Espèces issues de l'inventaire des ZNIEFF
110Invertebrates excl. Entomology at the Natural History Museum of Denmark
107University of Georgia Collection of Arthropods
105Observations naturalistes des Amis de BioObs.
105New Zealand Arthropod Collection (NZAC)
103Zoologische Staatssammlung Muenchen - International Barcode of Life (iBOL) - Barcode of Life Project Specimen Data
102Valoración de los grupos funcionales de taxones de insectos en suelos del ecosistema palmero en la subregión palmera Norte, desarrollado en el marco del Proyecto Gef- Colombia Paisaje Palmero Biodiverso – PPB
100NIWA Invertebrate Collection
100National Earthworm Recording Scheme Records (Channel Islands)
97Recent Invertebrates Specimens
97Bob Merritt dataset of Nottinghamshire invertebrates
95Occurrences in SinBIOTA
94Harold W. Manter Laboratory of Parasitology Collection
94Marine Invertebrate voucher specimens at the Florida Biodiversity Collection, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
93Miscellaneous records held on the Cofnod database
91Bringing Reedbeds to Life Invertebrate Survey of three key reedbed sites in England in 2009, 2010
90Species Soil Macrofauna 2008
87Five new records and an annotated checklist of the leeches (Annelida: Hirudinida) of Iran
86Checklist of the earthworms (Oligochaeta) of Kerala, a constituent of Western Ghats biodiversity hotspot, India
85Gwaii Haanas Invertebrates (OBIS Canada)
83Morphological and molecular evidence reveal a new species of the earthworm genus Pontodrilus Perrier, 1874 (Clitellata, Megascolecidae) from Thailand and Peninsular Malaysia
80UMZC Zoological Specimens
77IndOBIS, Indian Ocean Node of OBIS
76Fauna and flora inventories (terrestrial and limnetic) from the South of Belgium
76Global checklist of species of Grania (Clitellata: Enchytraeidae) with remarks on their geographic distribution
73Auburn University Museum of Natural History Mollusks
71Marine Intertidal Phase 1 Species Dataset from the Countryside Council for Wales 1996-2005
71FBIP: Temporal and spatial variation in macro-invertebrate diversity in Kruger national Park rivers
71National Trust for Scotland Species Records
68Records of protected animal, plant and fungi species in Ukraine
67Natural Resources Wales Regional Data : Mid-Wales
661778-1998 Ivor Rees North Wales Marine Fauna Ad-hoc sightings shore and ship-based surveys
64UF Invertebrate Zoology
62Marine Species Records from Skomer Marine Conservation Zone (MCZ) Marine Monitoring Programme
60Tasmanian Natural Values Atlas
60Diversity Myriapoda & Lumbricidae 2008/2009
59Invertebrate Common Standards Monitoring and ISIS Test Data
57Invertebrate surveys of various ponds in Scotland between 2010 and 2015
55All taxa records for Leicestershire and Rutland
55European Molecular Biology Laboratory Australian Mirror
51KUBI Invertebrate Zoology Collection
51Stackpole National Nature Reserve Species Inventory and Ad-hoc Sightings from Across Pembrokeshire
50Checklist of earthworm species (Oligochaeta) of the North Eastern Region of India
50Stoke-on-Trent Environmental Survey results (1982-1984)
49OEH Atlas of NSW Wildlife
48Records of protected animals species in Ukraine
48Porcupine Marine Natural History Society Dataset
47Diversity, distribution and abundance of macro-invertebrates in areas with different pollution levels in Lake Victoria
46Leicestershire and Rutland Environmental Records Centre records 2000-2009
46Colección de Referencia de Macroinvertebrados Bentónicos del Museo de Ciencias de la Universidad El Bosque
45Soil Invertebrates Surveys from the Chronicle of Nature of the Prioksko-Terrasnyi Biosphere Reserve
43NatureServe Network Species Occurrence Data
43EDIT - ATBI in Mercantour/Alpi Marittime (France/Italy)
43Kenai National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska (KNWR) Invertebrate specimens (Arctos)
43HBRG Other Invertebrates Dataset
42Contribution to the knowledge of the earthworm fauna of Turkey with description of three new species (Clitellata: Megadrili)
42Gloucestershire Historic Wildlife Sightings prior to 1st Jan 2000
42Threatened species occurrences, Denmark 1991-2015
41Atlantic Reference Centre Museum of Canadian Atlantic Organisms - Invertebrates and Fishes Data
41Three new widely distributed and polymorphic species of Amynthas earthworms (Oligochaeta, Clitellata, Megascolecidae) from South China
41Invertebrates compiled by W.Block
40Invertebrate data from Selected Grazing Marshes
40NRW Regional Data: all taxa (excluding sensitive species), West Wales
40Insect - Earthworm (KIDR-IN)
39Isle of Man historical wildlife records 1990 to 1994
38Hatikka Observation Database
37UAM Invertebrate Collection (Arctos)
36Base de données faune - DREAL Centre-Val de Loire. Polygones
36Caracterización de flora, edafofauna epígea, anfibios y aves del Complejo Páramos Chilí - Barragán, Tolima
35DNA barcoding of the Italian anecic Octodrilus species in rural (vineyard) and forested areas with description of Octodrilus zicsiniello sp. nov. (Clitellata, Megadrili)
35Four new Amynthas and Metaphire earthworm species from nine provinces in southern China
35Macrobenthos monitoring at long-term monitoring stations in the Belgian part of the North Sea between 1979 and 1999
35Leicestershire and Rutland Environmental Records Centre records 2010-2014
34Plymouth sound dataset. Soft sediment macrobenthos from the Plymouth Sound from 1995
34Invertebrate records from sites that are mainly across Scotland
34Earthworms population in old-growth taiga forests of Pechoro-Ilych State Nature Reserve
33Consultancy Contract Surveys - Marine Species Records
33An annotated checklist of earthworms of Greece (Clitellata: Megadrili)
33WTSWW Data: All Taxa (West Wales)
32Estonian University of Life Sciences Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Entomological Collection
32Natural history museum data on Canadian Arctic marine benthos
31Ontario BioBlitz Species Records
311915-2016 Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs (Defra), Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) Collation of invasive non-indigenous species
31Biodiversidad asociada al gasoducto Paiva-Caracolí
31Macrobenthos and Meiobenthos Tuktoyaktuk Harbor and Mason Bay 1985-1988 NOGAP
30Port Phillip Bay Environmental Study Data 1992-1996 - benthic records
30Interrelation of Proctodrilus species (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae) with lessivage and layering in European soil profiles
30Miscellaneous records held by BIS
30Endofauna abundance in 2006-10 from an experiment in the Wadden Sea of List, Sylt
30Southern Ocean oligochaete occurrence data - a literature-based compilation
30Tab. 6: Relative Abundanz einzelner Arten der Endofauna
29The First Comprehensive Description of the Biodiversity and Biogeography of Antarctic and Sub-Antarctic Intertidal Communities
29Colección Macroinvertebrados Acuáticos Universidad Católica de Oriente
29Estonian Nature Observations Database
28Additions to Andiorrhinus (Turedrilus) (Rhinodrilidae, Clitellata) from Eastern Amazonia
28Bay of Fundy Species List
28ALA species sightings and OzAtlas
28Marine invertabrate(ECHINODERMATA) specimen database of Osaka Museum of Natural History
28NMNH Paleobiology Specimen Records
27New species and records of earthworms (Annelida, Oligochaeta) in plantain cropping systems in Colombia's coffee-growing region
27Checklist of earthworms (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae) from Serbia: a review
27Abundance of macroinvertebrates in sites with varying degradation levels in Lake Wamala
26Meiobenthos of target sites of Crimea in 2009/2010
26Field Museum of Natural History (Geology) Fossil Invertebrates Collection
26Programme CARTHAM: Inventaire biologique dans le cadre de Natura 2000 en Mer
26SER Site-based Surveys
26Benthic communities and environmental parameters in three Mediterranean ports (Sardinia, Crete, Tunisia)
26La Planète Revisitée, massif du Mitaraka, mission principale (février-mars 2015)
26VIP topsoil data jointsampling soilfauna, 2008
25Merseyside BioBank Active Naturalists (unverified)
25Données Faune de l'Agence des Espaces Verts (AEV) d'Ile de France
25Invertebrates (except insects), Outer Hebrides
24Nine new species of the " aeruginosus " - group in Amynthas (Clitellata: Megascolecidae) from Nam Et-Phouley National protected Area, Laos
24Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute Marine Surveys
24New species of Andiorrhinus Cognetti, 1908 (Oligochaeta: Rhinodrilidae) from Venezuela and Brazil
24Microzooplankton measured on water bottle samples during BAFFIN cruise BAF89/3
24FBIP:Invertebrates community dynamics in temporary wetland ecosystems
24ZMMU MSU, White Sea Branch
24From Corsica to Britain: new outdoor records of Ocnerodrilidae (Annelida: Clitellata) in western Europe
23A neotype for Pontoscolex corethrurus (Müller, 1857) (Clitellata)
22iRecord Surveys
22Benthic macrofauna abundance and biomass in surface sediment during cruise PLG95A
22Polychaeta and Oligochaeta of the Auckland and Campbell Islands, New Zealand, 1941-1945
22Three new enchytraeid species (Enchytraeidae, Annelida) from mountain soils of Korea and ten species new for the country
21Four new earthworms of the genus Amynthas (Oligochaeta: Megascolecidae) from Mount Emei, Sichuan Province, China
21Helmintos parásitos de peces del sureste de México
21Observations faune et flore du Parc national des Écrins
20Meiofaunal abundance in sediments obtained during RRS Discovery cruise D297
20Caracterización de flora, edafofauna epígea, anfibios y aves del complejo de Páramos de Sotará, Cauca
20Colección Entomológica del Programa de Biología - Universidad de Caldas (CEBUC)
19Colección Limnológica Universidad de Antioquia
19Meiofaunal abundance in sediments obtained during Belgica cruise BG06/13, Gollum Channels and Whittard Canyon
19Nonindigenous Aquatic Species (NAS) Database Non-freshwater Specimens
19SIO Benthic Invertebrate Collection
18Carnarvon Basin Wetland Invertebrate Survey
18Vermont Records of Crayfish Worms (Branchiobdellidans) and Associated Crayfish Hosts
18Carnarvon Basin (Aquatic Projects) - Invertebrates
18Estructura Ecológica de la Subregión Norte de Caldas, Contrato para actividades científicas y tecnológicas No. 222-2018 entre Corpocaldas y WCS
18CEDaR Online Recording
18Bibliographique de la faune, la flore et la fonge de France métropolitaine et outre-mer
17Ross Sea Biodiversity Survey 2004 (BioRoss)
17Inventory and BioBlitz Records from rare Charitable Research Reserve
17NE Scotland other invertebrate records 1800-2010
17NW pacific deep-sea benthos distribution and abundance (Beneficial Project)
17Fife Nature Records Centre combined dataset
17USGS Nonindigenous Aquatic Species database
16Commissioned surveys and staff surveys and reports for Scottish Wildlife Trust reserves - Unassessed data
16Benthic macroinvertebrate taxa occurrences and composition associated with a cage aquaculture farm on Lake Victoria, Uganda
16Macrobenthos in surface sediments off Sylt collected during HEINCKE cruise HE241
16Survey and monitoring records for Scottish Wildlife Trust reserves from reserve convenors and Trust volunteers - Unassessed data
16New species-group taxa of Glossoscolex (Clitellata: Glossoscolecidae) from Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
16Three new species of earthworms belonging to the genera Amynthas and Metaphire (Oligochaeta: Megascolecidae) from Yunnanı China
16CLICNAT Base de données naturaliste picarde gérée par Picardie Nature
16Zoobenthos data from the Southern Beaufort Sea, 1971-1975
16Four new earthworm species of the genus Amynthas Kinberg (Oligochaeta: Megascolecidae) from the island of Hainan and Guangdong Province, China
15Isle of Man wildlife records from 01/01/2000 to 13/02/2017
15Naturalis Biodiversity Center (NL) - Museum collection digitized at storage unit level
15Three new species of Holoscolex (Clitellata, Glossoscolecidae) from the Gurupi Biological Reserve, last forest remnant of the Belém Endemism Area, Eastern Amazon
15Paleobiology Database
15Estonian Museum of Natural History Department of Zoology
14New enchytraeid species from Mount Hallasan (Jeju Island, Korea) (Enchytraeidae, Oligochaeta)
13Northern Ireland Environment Agency (NIEA) Collated Species Records
13Macro-invertebrados de la cuenca alta y media del río Bita, Vichada (Colombia)
13The first data on species diversity of leeches (Hirudinea) in the Irtysh River Basin, East Kazakhstan
13Seasearch Marine Surveys in England
13Epi-endofauna abundance in 2007-03 from an experiment in the Wadden Sea off List, Sylt
13Données naturalistes de CERCOPE (Jean-Louis PRATZ)
12Brecknock Wildlife Trust (Now WTSWW Brecknockhire) records held by BIS
12Asian pheretimoid earthworms in North America north of Mexico: An illustrated key to the genera Amynthas, Metaphire, Pithemera, and Polypheretima (Clitellata: Megascolecidae)
12Marine biological observation data from coastal and offshore surveys around New Zealand
12Yorkshire Wildlife Trust - Non-sensitive records from all taxonomic groups
12GEO-Hauptveranstaltung in "Wildtierland"
12Priest Pot species list, Cumbria, Britain
12NRW Regional Data: North Wales
12Three new species of earthworms (Oligochaeta: Megascolecidae) from Yunnan Province, China
12New earthworm species of the genus Amynthas from Hainan Island, China (Megascolecidae, Clitellata)
11Canadian Museum of Nature Parasite Collection
11More new Diplotrema earthworm species from southern Mexico (Annelida, Crassiclitellata, Acanthodrilidae, Acanthodrilinae)
11Argyll Biological Records Dataset
11Annelida collection of National Museum of Nature and Science
11Four species of Tubifex Lamarck (Annelida: Oligochaeta: Naididae) from Tibet, China
11Marine Invertebrata specimen database of Osaka Museum of Natutal History
11French Mediterranean islands as a refuge of relic earthworm species: Cataladrilus porquerollensis sp. nov. and Scherotheca portcrosana sp. nov. (Crassiclitellata, Lumbricidae)
11Collections of Bioclass, school #179, Moscow
11New species of Dichogaster Beddard, 1888 (Clitellata: Benhamiidae) with additional records of earthworms from Guadeloupe (French West Indies)
10Données naturalistes de Xavier JAPIOT
10New species of Glossoscolex and Fimoscolex earthworms (Oligochaeta: Glossoscolecidae) from Embrapa Forestry, Paraná, Brazil
10Irish Lagoon Surveys 2016 - 2017
10RHS monitoring of native and naturalised plants and animals at its gardens and surrounding areas
10Macroinvertebrados y perifiton pertenecientes a cuatro regiones de Colombia
10Caracterización de organismos asociados a microplásticos en las playas de Santa Marta
10Données du naturaliste Thibedore Laurent provenant de la base de donnée du SINP Île-de-France CETTIA
10Walldorf-Wiesloch: "Natur über den Gleisen"
10Leicestershire and Rutland Environmental Records Centre records 2015-2019
9Zoology (Museum of Evolution - Uppsala)
9Catch data from New Zealand research trawls since 2008
9An annotated checklist of the earthworm fauna of Turkey (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae)
9The interstitial subsoil fauna of the medium beach level at Sarso Beach, Red Sea (Table 3)
9Données naturalistes de Julien BIRARD [Inventaire Eclair 18 juin]
9Seasearch Marine Surveys in Scotland
9Données naturalistes de Franck NOEL
8Données faune, flore et fonge du Conservatoire des espaces naturels de Picardie
8Two new species of Fridericia (Annelida: Enchytraeidae) from Hungarian caves
8Biodiversity4all Research-Grade Observations
8Schulgelände Kranich-Gymnasium (Salzgitter)
- - Non-native animal occurrences in Flanders and the Brussels Capital Region, Belgium
8Manx Biological Recording Partnership UNVERIFIED Isle of Man records between 14/02/2017 and 05/09/2019
8New Polypheretima and Pithemera (Oligochaeta: Megascolecidae) species from the Mt. Malindang Range, Mindanao Island, Philippines
8Ben Lui NNR invertebrate records compiled from SNH files
7International Polar Year and Census of Antarctic Marine Life Ross Sea voyage (TAN0802) biodiversity data
7Biodiversity Research and Teaching Collections - TCWC Marine Invertebrates
7Peces, ictioplancton y helmintos parásitos en la Bahía de Chetumal (Santuario del Manatí)
7Riedkanal Bötzingen
7New species of aquatic oligochaetes (Annelida: Clitellata) from tufa barriers in Croatia
7Brasilisia n. gen. and Arraia n. gen., two new genera of Ocnerodrilidae (Annelida, Clitellata, Oligochaeta) from Eastern Amazonia, Brazil
7Abundance of benthic infauna in surface sediments from the North Sea sampled with TYRO in 1986
7Erlengraben/Lipp-Tal (Östringen)
7Artenvielfalt auf der Weide - GEO-Hauptveranstaltung in Crawinkel
7Caracterización de fauna y flora para el establecimiento de límites funcionales de humedales en tres ventanas piloto: Ciénaga de la Virgen, Ciénaga Zapatosa y Complejo de humedales Paz de Ariporo - Hato Corozal
7Macroinvertebrados acuáticos presentes en la ciénaga de montaño, Carmen del Darién, 2020
7TWIC Biodiversity Field Trip Data (1995-present)
7Macroinvertebrados acuáticos asociados a las sabanas inundables de las cuencas de los ríos Bita, Manacacías y Cravo Sur - SULU II
6Evaluación de la efectividad de las métricas derivadas de los invertebrados acuáticos para establecer la integridad ecológica de ríos de páramo: caso de estudio del Parque Chingaza
6Montgomeryshire Wildlife Trust records held by BIS
6Biosphärenpark Wienerwald - Wiener Steinhofgründe
6Two new earthworm species of the genus Amynthas (Oligochaeta: Megascolecidae) from central Taiwan, with comments on some recent species assignments in Amynthas and Metaphire
66. Tag der Artenvielfalt Hockenheim Thema: Wald 12.-14.6.2009
6Von Elf bis Elf" Der Botanische Garten Wuppertal
6Liether Park (LMS), 6c
6Benthic communities and environmental parameters in Amvrakikos Wetlands: Mazoma, Tsopeli,Tsoukalio, Rodia and Logarou lagoons (September 2010 – July 2011)
6Verified marine records from Indicia-based surveys
6Inventaires "Mares" Parc naturel régional de Lorraine
6First record of the earthworm genus Pheretima Kinberg, 1867 sensu stricto in Vietnam, with description of a new species (Annelida: Clitellata: Megascolecidae)
6Survey data of tidal flats on the Monitoring sites 1000 project, BDCJ
6Biodiversitätsdatenbank Salzburg
6Environment Agency Rare and Protected Species Records
6Bell Museum mollusks
5Marine sites, habitats and species data collected during the BioMar survey of Ireland.
5Staffordshire Wildlife Trust Nature Reserves Inventory
5SA Fauna (BDBSA)
5Marine sites, habitats and species data collected during the BioMar survey of Ireland.
5Schulgelände Paul-Gerhardt-Schule-Dassel
5Brenz (Heidenheim)
5Lahnufer in Villmar
5Naturalis Biodiversity Center (NL) - Micropaleontology
5(Table 2, 3) Macro- and meiofaunal specimens abundance, organic carbon content and analysis of coarse clasts of box core samples from the North Pacific Ocean
5(Table 3) Macro- and meiofaunal species abundance in box core samples from the North Pacific Ocean
5Vampire in the darkness: a new genus and species of land leech exclusively bloodsucking cave-dwelling bats from China (Hirudinda: Arhynchobdellida: Haemadipsidae)
5Galathea II, Danish Deep Sea Expedition 1950-52
5Nivå Bay species list, Zealand, Denmark
5Werremündung im Schwarzatal
5A new Scandinavian Chamaedrilus species (Clitellata: Enchytraeidae), with additional notes on others
5Annelida specimens of Ryukyu University Museum (Fujukan)
5Inventaire des sangsues - détermination des échantillons de l'enquête participative - Subvention UMS Patrinat
5Distribution of non-lumbricid earthworms (Clitellata: Acanthodrilidae, Criodrilidae, Megascolecidae and Ocnerodrilidae) on the Balkans and Anatolia with first record of Amynthas morrisi (Beddard, 1892) from Turkey
5Three new earthworm species of the tokioensis - group in the genus Amynthas (Oligochaeta: Megascolecidae) from Guangxi Province, China
5Macroinvertebrados acuáticos en la quebrada Piedra Candela, en la altillanura plana del Meta
4First record of Limnatis paluda (Hirudinida, Arhynchobdellida, Praobdellidae) from Kazakhstan, with comments on genetic diversity of Limnatis leeches
4Local BioBlitz Challenge 2013
4Recursos hidrobiológicos de sistemas cársticos en el municipio de El Peñón, Santander - Proyecto Colombia BIO
4Données naturalistes faune du Conservatoire des espaces naturels Auvergne saisies avant le 18 février 2019.
4Meiofaunal abundance in sediments obtained during RRS Charles Darwin cruise CD179
4Description of a new Central African earthworm, Petroscolex centenarius gen et sp. nov. (Crassiclitellata, Eudrilidae), celebrating the 100 th birthday of Pietro Omodeo
4Römertal (Steinpleis)
4Sudeniederung (Amt Neuhaus)
4Tag der Artenvielfalt am Bruckenwasen
4Macroinvertebrates of Lake Wamala, 2012-2013
4Macroinvertebrados del Área Serranía De Los Churumbelos Auka Was asociados a la calidad del agua
4Application INPN Espèces: Observations naturalistes, participatives et opportunistes, fondées sur des photographies
4"Schule am Inselsee" Güstrow
4Four new earthworm species of Kazimierzus Plisko, 2006 (Clitellata, Kazimierzidae)
4Macrobenthos in surface sediments off Sylt collected during HEINCKE cruise HE218
4Macrobenthos in surface sediments off Sylt collected during HEINCKE cruise HE278
4Abundance of benthic infauna in surface sediments from the North Sea sampled during LITTORINA cruise LI1986/1
4Collection Soil Aninmals
4Seasearch Marine Surveys in Wales
4Danielsberg (Mölltal, Kärnten)
4Hamberger Brücke / Würmtal (Pforzheim)
4Umgebung der Gesamtschule Hamburg-Winterhude
4GEO-Hauptveranstaltung Bodden (Vilm)
4Umgebung der Gesamtschule Winterhude (Hamburg)
4New earthworm species of Righiodrilus (Clitellata, Glossoscolecidae) from eastern Amazonia
4Preliminary taxonomical investigation of soil enchytraeids (Clitellata, Enchytraeidae) from south region of Tibet, China
4National Wetland Inventory (NV)
4Caracterización biológica en la Serranía de San Lucas 2015
4FBIP:IZIKO-UCT:Historical Invertebrates (1930-1980)
4Sheffield and Rotherham Wildlife Trust - Records
4On Kincaidiana Altman, 1936 and Guestphalinus Michaelsen, 1933 (Annelida, Clitellata, Lumbriculidae), with the descriptions of three new species
4The Ecology and Biogeography of Heard Island Marine Benthos 1987/88
4RNF - LPO Rhône-Alpes
4Atlas of Life in the Coastal Wilderness
4Desarrollo de estudios ambientales dentro de las investigaciones para el futuro aprovechamiento hidroeléctrico del río Nare
4New species of the earthworm genus Zapatadrilus (Clitellata, Acanthodrilidae) from northern Mexico
3Macro-invertebrates of Lake Wamala, 1999-2003
3Two new Mesenchytraeus species (Annelida: Clitellata: Enchytraeidae) from Changbai Mountain, China
3Long Term Time-Series Data on Aquatic Macro-invertebrates Monitoring by Okavango Research Institute, Botswana
3Macroalgae of the Balleny Islands and western Ross Sea, Southern Ocean
3Aquatic microdrile Oligochaeta (Annelida, Clitellata): New nominal taxa and combinations since 1984
3Caracterización bionómica de zonas de dragado y de afección de obras en la Ría de Ferrol
3Bioblitz 2014 Kalvebod Fælled, Denmark
3Two new Cambodian semi-aquatic earthworms in the genus Glyphidrilus Horst, 1889 (Oligochaeta, Almidae), based on morphological and molecular data
3Three new species of Kynotus from the Central Highlands of Madagascar (Clitellata, Megadrili)
3Achaeta becki sp. nov. (Oligochaeta: Enchytraeidae) from Amazonian forest soils
3Truppenübungsplatz Panzerkaserne Böblingen
3verschiedene Kleingewässer um Oldenburg/Holstein
3Wirbach-Taubental (Bad Blankenburg)