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57kAmplicon sequencing of Tara Oceans DNA samples corresponding to size fractions for protists.
8kNeptune Deep-Sea Microfossil Occurrence Database
6kSIO Marine Vertebrate Collection
5kNMNH Extant Specimen Records
4k(Table 4) Occurrence and estimated abundance of planktonic foraminifers at DSDP Site 85-573
4k(Table S1) Benthic foraminifera of ODP Holes 199-1218A and 199-1219A
3k(Table 5) Occurrence and estimated abundance of planktonic foraminifers at DSDP Site 85-574
2kEOD – eBird Observation Dataset
2kLACM Vertebrate Collection
2k(Table 6) Occurrence and estimated abundance of planktonic foraminifers at DSDP Site 85-575
2k(Table T1) Benthic foraminfera stratigraphy of ODP Hole 199-1218A and 199-1219A sediments
1kGeographically tagged INSDC sequences
1k(Table T3) Benthic foraminfera stratigraphy of ODP Hole 199-1221C sediments
1kSPC PROCFish/C Fish Observations Kiribati 2004
1k(Appendix D) Stratigraphic occurrence of radiolarian special and species groups in sediments of ODP Hole 199-1220A
1kUF Invertebrate Zoology
1k(Table 6) Distribution of Miocene planktonic foraminifers in sediments of ODP Hole 138-852B
1kPlanktic foraminifera abundance of Hole 9-77B
1k(Appendix B) Stratigraphic occurrence of radiolarian special and species groups in sediments of ODP Hole 199-1218A
1kCAS Ichthyology (ICH)
917(Appendix C) Stratigraphic occurrence of radiolarian special and species groups in sediments of ODP Hole 199-1219A
898Diversity of the Indo-Pacific (DIPnet)
854Bernice P. Bishop Museum
838(Table T2) Benthic foraminfera stratigraphy of ODP Hole 199-1220B sediments
727Polycystine Radiolarians from the water column and the surface sediments of the World Ocean
690MICROBIS database
632Global Malaspina 2010 deep ocean expedition - rRNA pyrotags
612Natural History Museum (London) Collection Specimens
604NOAA Deep Sea Corals Research and Technology Program
578Historical distribution of whales shown by logbook records 1785-1913
538SPC PROCFish/C Invertebrates Observations Kiribati 2004
532CAS Herpetology (HERP)
497TOPP Summary of SSM-derived Telemetry
341Planktic foraminifera abundance of Hole 9-78
338Atlas de las Aves de México: Fase II
323iNaturalist Research-grade Observations
287Actualización de la base de datos de crustáceos y registro de datos de peces del pacífico mexicano de la Colección Biológica de la Secretaría de Marina (Crustáceos)
265Fauna carcinológica de México. Crustáceos estomatópodos y decápodos del Golfo de México. Río Bravo, Tamaulipas a Cabo Catoche, Q.Roo
265SWFSC Marine Mammal Survey, STAR 2003, Cruise 1623
261SWFSC Marine Mammal Survey, STAR 2000, Cruise 1616
256Australian Museum provider for OZCAM
248NMFS Turtle Tracking
243SWFSC Marine Mammal Survey, STAR 1999, Cruise 1614
228Condon Fossil Collection
227Condon Fossil Collection - Oregon Museum of Natural and Cultural History
222Actualización de la base de datos del Atlas Mastozoológico de México
217Range table from benthic foraminifera in ODP Hole 199-1218A
215SWFSC Marine Mammal Survey, STAR 1998, Cruise 1610
204SWFSC Marine Mammal Survey, STAR 2006, Cruise 1631
202CAS Invertebrate Zoology (IZ)
201SWFSC Marine Mammal Survey, MOPS 1987, Cruise 1080
195Fish Collection of Natural History Museum and Institute, Chiba
191SWFSC Marine Mammal Survey, MOPS 1988, Cruise 1165
189SWFSC Marine Mammal Survey, MOPS 1990, Cruise 1370
189(Table 2) Occurrence and estimated abundance of planktonic foraminifers at DSDP Hole 85-571
188SWFSC Marine Mammal Survey, STAR 1998, Cruise 1611
184Range table from benthic foraminifera in ODP Hole 199-1219A
180SWFSC Marine Mammal Survey, MOPS 1989, Cruise 1268
176Planktic foraminifera abundance of Hole 9-79
168The fishes collection (IC) of the Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle (MNHN - Paris)
167CAS Ornithology (ORN)
166SWFSC Marine Mammal Survey, STAR 2003, Cruise 1624
166SWFSC Marine Mammal Survey, STAR 2000, Cruise 1615
160(Table 2) Species composition of agglutinated foraminifers from the abyssal zone of the Pacific Ocean
147Foraminifera species abundances from tow TT007_6-MOC12
145Happywhale - Humpback Whale in North Pacific Ocean
144SWFSC Marine Mammal Survey, MOPS 1990, Cruise 1369
140Nannofossil abundance of Hole 8-71
140Nannofossil abundance of Hole 8-71
139SWFSC Marine Mammal Survey, MOPS 1986, Cruise 0989
139Planktic foraminifera abundance of Hole 16-160
138LACM Malacology
127Abyssal fauna of the UK-1 polymetallic nodule exploration area, Clarion-Clipperton Zone, central Pacific Ocean: Mollusca
124SWFSC Marine Mammal Survey, MOPS 1986, Cruise 0990
122International Barcode of Life project (iBOL)
120(Appendix A) Planktonic foraminifera abundances in ODP Site 138-852B
119Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University
115Canadian Museum of Nature Fish Collection
113Range table from planktonic foraminifers in ODP Hole 138-852B
111Senckenberg - CeDAMar Resource
111Megafauna of the UKSRL exploration contract area and eastern Clarion-Clipperton Zone in the Pacific Ocean: Echinodermata
110SWFSC Marine Mammal Survey, MOPS 1989, Cruise 1267
109SWFSC Marine Mammal Survey, STAR 2006, Cruise 1630
109SWFSC Marine Mammal Survey, MOPS 1987, Cruise 1081
108Nannofossil abundance of Hole 85-573B
108Tropicos Specimen Data
104Nannofossil abundance of Hole 85-574
103Foraminifera species abundances from tow TT011_5-MOC63
102Foraminifera species abundances from tow TT007_8-MOC15
101Foraminifera species abundances from tow TT011_7-MOC66
101Megafauna of the UKSRL exploration contract area and eastern Clarion-Clipperton Zone in the Pacific Ocean: Echinodermata
99Foraminifera species abundances from tow TT007_10-MOC20
96Foraminifera species abundances from tow TT011_9-MOC69
95Museums Victoria provider for OZCAM
95Foraminifera species abundances from tow TT011_6-MOC65
95Nannofossil abundance of Hole 9-77B
95Nannofossil abundance of Hole 85-573
93Megafauna of the UKSRL exploration contract area and eastern Clarion-Clipperton Zone in the Pacific Ocean: Annelida, Arthropoda, Bryozoa, Chordata, Ctenophora, Mollusca
90SIO Benthic Invertebrate Collection
89SWFSC Marine Mammal Survey, MOPS 1988, Cruise 1164
89Macaulay Library Audio and Video Collection
86Field Museum of Natural History (Zoology) Invertebrate Collection
86Nannofossil abundance of Hole 8-72
85Foraminifera species abundances from tow TT011_4-MOC62
84Ichthyology Collection - Royal Ontario Museum
84(Appendix A2) Relative abundance of key planktonic foraminifera in Oligocene sediments of ODP Site 199-1218 in the equatorial Pacific
82SWFSC Marine Mammal Survey, STAR 1999, Cruise 1613
80Distribución y aspectos taxonómicos de los corales pétreos (Anthozoa: Scleractinia) del Pacífico mexicano
80SDNHM Herpetology Collection
80Range table from benthic foraminifera in ODP Hole 199-1220B
80The crustaceans collection (IU) of the Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle (MNHN - Paris)
78UWFC Ichthyology Collection
77(Table 1) Distribution of planktonic foraminifera shells of different species in deposits from DSDP Hole 33-315A
75SWFSC Marine Mammal Survey, STAR 1998, Cruise 1612
74Planktic foraminifera abundance of Hole 16-159
71Foraminifera species abundances from tow TT007_7-MOC13
69AMNH Bird Collection
68Planktic foraminifera abundance of Hole 9-79A
67Planktic foraminifera abundance of Hole 9-77A
66Foraminifera species abundances from tow TT007_3-MOC6
65University of Michigan Herbarium
63The echinoderm collection (IE) of the Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle (MNHN - Paris)
63NMNH Paleobiology Specimen Records
62Foraminifera species abundances from tow TT007_5-MOC9
60Planktic foraminifera abundance of Hole 33-315A
60Australian National Insect Collection
59Range table from benthic foraminifera in ODP Hole 199-1220A
58Foraminifera species abundances from tow TT007_4-MOC7
58Range table from nannofossils in ODP Hole 199-1217A
58Field Museum of Natural History (Zoology) Fish Collection
56University of Hawaii Insect Museum
56Riqueza específica y biogeografía de los corales hermatípicos de la sección sur del Golfo de California y las Islas Revillagigedo
55Nannofossil abundance of Hole 8-72A
55Planktic foraminifera abundance of Hole 16-161
54SWFSC juvenile loggerhead sea turtle tracking 2002-2005
53Foraminifera species abundances from tow TT007_2-MOC4
53Benthic foraminifera and phytodetritus species in sediments from DSDP Site 85-573
53Nannofossil abundance of Hole 9-77B
53SD - SD Herbarium, San Diego Natural History Museum
52Benthic foraminifera and phytodetritus species in sediments from DSDP Site 85-574
50Queensland Museum provider for OZCAM
49New species of Cirratulidae (Annelida, Polychaeta) from abyssal depths of the Clarion-Clipperton Fracture Zone, North Equatorial Pacific Ocean
49Foraminifera species abundances from tow TT007_9-MOC18
48Crustacean collection of the National Museum of Nature and Science
47KUBI Ornithology Collection
46Vulnerable marine ecosystems in the South Pacific Ocean region
42Catálogo de autoridades taxonómicas de Cyanoprocaryota marinos bentónicos de México
42Microplankton counts and carbon biomass at station TT012_5-CTD85
42Sarcodine counts and carbon biomass at station TT008_5-PMOC2
42Sarcodine counts and carbon biomass at station TT008_5-PMOC6
42Nannofossil abundance of Hole 8-72A
42WFVZ Bird Collections
41Foraminifera species abundances from tow TT011_8-MOC68
41Cowan Tetrapod Collection - Birds
41Actualización del catálogo de los Equinodermos Recientes de México (Fase III)
40Foraminifera species abundances from tow TT011_3-MOC60
38Microplankton counts and carbon biomass at station TT008_5-CTD25
36Sarcodine counts and carbon biomass at station TT012_5-PMOC5
36Sarcodine counts and carbon biomass at station TT012_5-PMOC8
36Actualización de la base de datos de crustáceos y registro de datos de peces del pacífico mexicano de la Colección Biológica de la Secretaría de Marina (Peces)
35Ifremer BIOCEAN database (Deep Sea Benthic Fauna)
34Abyssal fauna of the UK-1 polymetallic nodule exploration claim, Clarion-Clipperton Zone, central Pacific Ocean: Echinodermata
34Microplankton counts and carbon biomass at station TT012_5-CTD10
34Nannofossil abundance of Hole 9-78
33Nannofossil abundance of Hole 8-72
33University of Alberta E. H. Strickland Entomological Museum (UASM)
32Abyssal fauna of the UK-1 polymetallic nodule exploration claim, Clarion-Clipperton Zone, central Pacific Ocean: Echinodermata
32Microplankton counts and carbon biomass at station TT012_5-CTD59
30Microplankton counts and carbon biomass at station TT008_5-CTD42
30Sarcodine counts and carbon biomass at station TT012_5-PMOC7
30Sarcodine counts and carbon biomass at station TT012_5-TM69
30Formación de una base de datos y elaboración de un atlas de la herpetofauna de México (Anfibiosreptiles)
28Microplankton counts and carbon biomass at station TT008_5-CTD18
28Microplankton counts and carbon biomass at station TT008_5-CTD5
28Microplankton counts and carbon biomass at station TT008_5-CTD61
27Nannofossil abundance of Hole 9-79
27Vertebrate Zoology Division - Ichthyology, Yale Peabody Museum
26Microplankton counts and carbon biomass at station TT012_5-CTD35
26Ocean Genome Legacy Collection
25Naturalis Biodiversity Center (NL) - Mollusca
24Abundance, biovolume and biomass of heterotrophic dinoflagellates at station TT008_5-CTD18
24Abundance, biovolume and biomass of heterotrophic dinoflagellates at station TT008_5-CTD5
24Abundance, biovolume and biomass of heterotrophic dinoflagellates at station TT012_4-CTD8
24Abundance, biovolume and biomass of heterotrophic dinoflagellates at station TT012_5-CTD10
24Abundance, biovolume and biomass of heterotrophic dinoflagellates at station TT012_5-CTD20
24Abundance, biovolume and biomass of heterotrophic dinoflagellates at station TT012_5-CTD35
24Abundance, biovolume and biomass of heterotrophic dinoflagellates at station TT012_5-CTD45
24Abundance, biovolume and biomass of heterotrophic dinoflagellates at station TT012_5-CTD85
24Sarcodine counts and carbon biomass at station TT008_5-PMOC3
24Sarcodine counts and carbon biomass at station TT012_5-TM31
24Sarcodine counts and carbon biomass at station TT012_5-TM47
24Sarcodine counts and carbon biomass at station TT012_5-TM9
24Sarcodine counts and carbon biomass at station TT012_4-CTD6
24(Table 3) Cell number of the main taxonomic groups of phytoplankton and their percentage in total number of phytoplankton in the water column in the northern subtropical Pacific
24The New York Botanical Garden Herbarium (NY)
22Sarcodine counts and carbon biomass at station TT008_5-PMOC5
22Vertebrate Zoology Division - Ornithology, Yale Peabody Museum
22(Table 9) Abundance of silicoflagellates and ebridians in selected samples from ODP Hole 138-852B
22University of Michigan Museum of Zoology, Division of Birds
21Pacific Turtle Tracks: Grupo Tortuguero (aggregated per 1-degree cell)
21Abundance, biovolume and biomass of heterotrophic dinoflagellates at station TT008_5-CTD42
21Abundance, biovolume and biomass of heterotrophic dinoflagellates at station TT008_5-CTD61
21Abundance, biovolume and biomass of heterotrophic dinoflagellates at station TT012_5-CTD59
21Cyanobacteria, phototrophic and heterotrophic pico-nanoplankton at station TT008_5-CTD18
20PIROP Northwest Atlantic 1965-1992
20Canadian Museum of Nature Mammal Collection
19Digitalización y sistematización de las colecciones biológicas del INECOL (Herbario)
19Naturalis Biodiversity Center (NL) - Porifera
18Apoyo a las colecciones biológicas de la Facultad de Ciencias de la UNAM: Fase 1 (Aves)
18Abundance and carbon biomass of phytoplankton at station TT008_5-CTD44
18Abundance, biovolume and biomass of heterotrophic dinoflagellates at station TT007_1-CTD8
18Abundance, biovolume and biomass of heterotrophic dinoflagellates at station TT007_2-CTD20
18Abundance, biovolume and biomass of heterotrophic dinoflagellates at station TT007_3-CTD37
18Abundance, biovolume and biomass of heterotrophic dinoflagellates at station TT007_4-CTD45
18Abundance, biovolume and biomass of heterotrophic dinoflagellates at station TT007_5-CTD56
18Abundance, biovolume and biomass of heterotrophic dinoflagellates at station TT007_6-CTD67
18Abundance, biovolume and biomass of heterotrophic dinoflagellates at station TT007_7-CTD82
18Abundance, biovolume and biomass of heterotrophic dinoflagellates at station TT007_8-CTD102
18Abundance, biovolume and biomass of heterotrophic dinoflagellates at station TT007_9-CTD113
18Abundance, biovolume and biomass of heterotrophic dinoflagellates at station TT011_1-CTD1
18Abundance, biovolume and biomass of heterotrophic dinoflagellates at station TT011_10-CTD121
18Abundance, biovolume and biomass of heterotrophic dinoflagellates at station TT011_2-CTD16
18Abundance, biovolume and biomass of heterotrophic dinoflagellates at station TT011_3-CTD39
18Abundance, biovolume and biomass of heterotrophic dinoflagellates at station TT011_4-CTD43
18Abundance, biovolume and biomass of heterotrophic dinoflagellates at station TT011_5-CTD58
18Abundance, biovolume and biomass of heterotrophic dinoflagellates at station TT011_7-CTD84
18Abundance, biovolume and biomass of heterotrophic dinoflagellates at station TT011_8-CTD93
18Abundance, biovolume and biomass of heterotrophic dinoflagellates at station TT011_9-CTD108
18Sarcodine counts and carbon biomass at station TT008_4-PMOC1
18Sarcodine counts and carbon biomass at station TT008_6-PMOC7
18Sarcodine counts and carbon biomass at station TT012_5-TM28
18Sarcodine counts and carbon biomass at station TT007_10-CTD123
18Sarcodine counts and carbon biomass at station TT007_3-CTD29
18Sarcodine counts and carbon biomass at station TT007_4-CTD39
18Sarcodine counts and carbon biomass at station TT007_5-CTD53
18Sarcodine counts and carbon biomass at station TT007_7-CTD76
18Sarcodine counts and carbon biomass at station TT007_8-CTD99
18Sarcodine counts and carbon biomass at station TT007_9-CTD108
18Sarcodine counts and carbon biomass at station TT011_1-CTD4
18Sarcodine counts and carbon biomass at station TT011_2-CTD21
18Sarcodine counts and carbon biomass at station TT011_3-CTD33
18Sarcodine counts and carbon biomass at station TT011_4-CTD46
18Sarcodine counts and carbon biomass at station TT011_5-CTD64
18Sarcodine counts and carbon biomass at station TT011_6-CTD71
18Sarcodine counts and carbon biomass at station TT011_8-CTD96
18Sarcodine counts and carbon biomass at station TT011_9-CTD115
18Cyanobacteria, phototrophic and heterotrophic pico-nanoplankton at station TT007_10-CTD124
18Base de datos de aves mexicanas del Natural History Museum, Tring, Inglaterra
18Planktic foraminifera abundance of Hole 16-161A
17Abyssal fauna of the UK-1 polymetallic nodule exploration area, Clarion-Clipperton Zone, central Pacific Ocean: Cnidaria
17Foraminifera species abundances from tow TT011_2-MOC57
17Cyanobacteria, phototrophic and heterotrophic pico-nanoplankton at station TT007_8-CTD102
17Nannofossil abundance of Hole 9-79A
17Abyssal fauna of the UK-1 polymetallic nodule exploration area, Clarion-Clipperton Zone, central Pacific Ocean: Cnidaria
17Lund Botanical Museum (LD)
16Abundance and carbon biomass of phytoplankton at station TT007_1-CTD14
16Abundance and carbon biomass of phytoplankton at station TT007_10-CTD130
16Abundance and carbon biomass of phytoplankton at station TT007_2-CTD26
16Abundance and carbon biomass of phytoplankton at station TT007_4-CTD48
16Abundance and carbon biomass of phytoplankton at station TT007_5-CTD51
16Abundance and carbon biomass of phytoplankton at station TT007_6-CTD73
16Abundance and carbon biomass of phytoplankton at station TT007_7-CTD88
16Abundance and carbon biomass of phytoplankton at station TT007_8-CTD102
16Abundance and carbon biomass of phytoplankton at station TT007_9-CTD113
16Abundance and carbon biomass of phytoplankton at station TT008_5-CTD11
16Abundance and carbon biomass of phytoplankton at station TT008_5-CTD39
16Abundance and carbon biomass of phytoplankton at station TT008_5-CTD50
16Abundance and carbon biomass of phytoplankton at station TT012_5-CTD13
16Abundance and carbon biomass of phytoplankton at station TT012_5-CTD56
16Cyanobacteria, phototrophic and heterotrophic pico-nanoplankton at station TT007_6-CTD67
16Cyanobacteria, phototrophic and heterotrophic pico-nanoplankton at station TT012_5-CTD45
16CNAV/Coleccion Nacional de Aves
16Hexacorallians of the world
15Biodiversity Research and Teaching Collections - TCWC Marine Invertebrates
15Abundance and carbon biomass of phytoplankton at station TT008_5-CTD22
15Abundance, biovolume and biomass of heterotrophic dinoflagellates at station TT007_10-CTD124
15Abundance, biovolume and biomass of heterotrophic dinoflagellates at station TT011_6-CTD68
15Cyanobacteria, phototrophic and heterotrophic pico-nanoplankton at station TT007_1-CTD8
15Cyanobacteria, phototrophic and heterotrophic pico-nanoplankton at station TT007_5-CTD56
15Cyanobacteria, phototrophic and heterotrophic pico-nanoplankton at station TT012_5-CTD85
15Western Australian Museum provider for OZCAM
15Ants on Kiritimati Island Atoll in March 2013
14Abundance and carbon biomass of phytoplankton at station TT007_3-CTD30
14Abundance and carbon biomass of phytoplankton at station TT012_5-CTD38
14Abundance and carbon biomass of phytoplankton at station TT012_5-CTD88
14(Appendix A3) Paragloborotalia morphometric and coiling data from Oligocene sediments of ODP Site 199-1218 in the equatorial Pacific
13Computarización de la Colección Nacional de Crustáceos del Instituto de Biología, UNAM y elaboración de su catálogo
13Cyanobacteria, phototrophic and heterotrophic pico-nanoplankton at station TT008_5-CTD42
13Harold W. Manter Laboratory of Parasitology Collection
13Range table from nannofossils in ODP Hole 199-1217B
13Harold W. Manter Laboratory of Parasitology Collection (HWML) Parasite Collection (Arctos)
13Lista patrón de los tiburones, rayas y quimeras (Chondrichthyes, Elasmobranchii, Holocephali) de México
12Reevaluación taxonómica de las especies de algas coralinas (Corallinales; Rhodophyta) que forman mantos de rodolitos en el Golfo de California, México
12Abundance and carbon biomass of phytoplankton at station TT012_5-CTD63
12Sarcodine counts and carbon biomass at station TT007_2-TM2
12Sarcodine counts and carbon biomass at station TT011_10-CTD123
12Nannofossil abundance of Hole 9-79
12Tern Island Albatrosses - 1999
12Paleobiology Database
12Sistematización del Herbario Nacional Forestal Biól Luciano Vela Gálvez
11Population-level morphological variation of Anisotremus interruptus (Gill, 1862) (Perciformes: Haemulidae) in the Tropical Eastern Pacific, with the description of two new species
11SDNHM Birds Collection
11Invertebrate Zoology Division, Yale Peabody Museum
10The molluscs collection (IM) of the Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle (MNHN - Paris)
10TRAS LA RUTA DE LAS TORTUGAS GOLFINAS EN LOS CABOS, BCS 2009-2018 !! (aggregated per 1-degree cell)
10Cyanobacteria, phototrophic and heterotrophic pico-nanoplankton at station TT011_8-CTD93
10CNIN/Tipos Lepidoptera
10University of Michigan Museum of Zoology, Division of Reptiles & Amphibians
10Etapa final de la captura y catalogación del Herbario del Instituto de Ecología, A. C., Centro Regional del Bajío
10Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia" (MACN). Ornithology National Collection (MACNOr)
10Inventario de los crustáceos decápodos asociados al ecosistema coralino de Pocillopora en el Pacífico tropical mexicano
9Australian National Wildlife Collection provider for OZCAM
9Fish collection of National Museum of Nature and Science
9Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew - Herbarium Specimens
8(Table 10) Abundance of silicoflagellates and ebridians in selected samples from ODP Hole 138-854B
8Catálogo de autoridad taxonómica para macroalgas, fanerógamas marinas y mangles del Pacífico Mexicano/Golfo de California
8Inventario de ofiuroideos del Pacífico mexicano
8La familia Asteraceae en México. Fase VI
8SBMNH Vertebrate Zoology
8Oregon State Ichthyology Collection
8CU Invertebrate Paleontology
7Xeno-canto - Bird sounds from around the world
7UCR - University of California, Riverside Herbarium - Vascular Plants
7South Australian Museum Australia provider for OZCAM
6Field Museum of Natural History (Zoology) Mammal Collection
6UMNH Birds Collection (Arctos)
6Microplankton counts and carbon biomass at station TT007_3-CTD29
6Microplankton counts and carbon biomass at station TT007_9-CTD108
6Microplankton counts and carbon biomass at station TT011_6-CTD71
6Northern Territory Museum and Art Gallery provider for OZCAM
6Invertebrate Paleontology Division, Yale Peabody Museum
6Biodiversity Research and Teaching Collections - TCWC Vertebrates
6Anguillosyllis (Annelida: Syllidae) from multiple deep-water locations in the northern and southern hemispheres
5Apoyo a las colecciones biológicas de la Facultad de Ciencias de la UNAM: Fase 1 (MZFC_FCMM)
5Occurrence records of southern African aquatic biodiversity
5Invertebrates excl. Entomology at the Natural History Museum of Denmark
5Nannofossil abundance of Hole 9-77A
5Xanthichthys greenei , a new species of triggerfish ( Balistidae ) from the Line Islands
5Catálogo sistemático de las superfamilias Mimallonoidea y Bombycoidea de México
5New species and records of deep-water Orbiniidae (Annelida, Polychaeta) from the Eastern Pacific continental slope, abyssal Pacific Ocean, and the South China Sea
5Atlas de coleópteros Scarabaeoidea de México
5NHMD Invertebrate Zoology Collection
4Satellite Tracking of three species of sea turtles on Bonaire (aggregated per 1-degree cell)
4NIWA Invertebrate Collection
4Microplankton counts and carbon biomass at station TT007_10-CTD123
4Microplankton counts and carbon biomass at station TT007_7-CTD76
4Microplankton counts and carbon biomass at station TT008_4-TM3
4Microplankton counts and carbon biomass at station TT008_6-CTD64
4Microplankton counts and carbon biomass at station TT011_10-CTD123
4Microplankton counts and carbon biomass at station TT011_2-CTD21
4Microplankton counts and carbon biomass at station TT011_3-CTD33
4Microplankton counts and carbon biomass at station TT011_4-CTD46
4Microplankton counts and carbon biomass at station TT011_8-CTD96
4Microplankton counts and carbon biomass at station TT011_9-CTD115
4CAS Entomology Type (TYPE)
4UCLA Donald R. Dickey Bird and Mammal Collection
4Planktic foraminifera abundance of Hole 54-423
4Distribución potencial de pargos en el Pacífico mexicano
4Actualización y sistematización de la colección de referencia de invertebrados de la Estación Mazatlán-UNAM
4SDNHM Mammology Collection
4SBBG - Clifton Smith Herbarium, Santa Barbara Botanic Garden
4Inventario de algas, corales pétreos, moluscos, crustáceos decápodos, equinodermos y peces de las islas de Revillagigedo, Colima, México
4Ornithology Collection Passeriformes - Royal Ontario Museum
3Puntos de presencia en Baja California (Botany)
3Ornithology Collection Non Passeriformes - Royal Ontario Museum
3The reptiles and amphibians collection (RA) of the Muséum national d'Histoire Naturelle (MNHN - Paris)
3Peru Leatherback Tracking Project (aggregated per 1-degree cell)
3Nannofossil abundance of Hole 9-77A
3Nannofossil abundance of Hole 9-79A
3CM Herps Collection
3Computarización de la Colección Nacional de insectos Dr. Alfredo Barrera Marín del Museo de Historia Natural de la Ciudad de México (Coleoptera)
3Naturalis Biodiversity Center (NL) - Aves
3Planktic foraminifera abundance of Hole 54-420
3MEXU/Colección de Plantas Acuáticas
3Collection Cnidaria SMF
3Apoyo a las colecciones biológicas de la Facultad de Ciencias de la UNAM: Fase 1 (Collembola)
3Three new species of free-living marine nematodes (Nematoda: Enoplida) from the Clarion-Clipperton Fracture Zone (CCFZ), North Pacific
3Invertebrates (Type Specimens) of the Swedish Museum of Natural History
3Geneva Herbarium – General Collection (G)
2NSW AVH data
2Canadian Museum of Nature Mollusc Collection
2Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences Bird collection
2Malezas introducidas en México
2KUBI Ichthyology Tissue Collection
2Essig Museum of Entomology
2Microplankton counts and carbon biomass at station TT007_5-CTD53
2Microplankton counts and carbon biomass at station TT007_8-CTD99
2Microplankton counts and carbon biomass at station TT011_1-CTD4
2Microplankton counts and carbon biomass at station TT011_5-CTD64
2Revision of Hesione Savigny in Lamarck, 1818 (Annelida, Errantia, Hesionidae)
2Two new species of the similis-subgroup of Triconia Böttger- Schnack, 1999 (Copepoda, Oncaeidae) and a redescription of T. denticula Wi, Shin & Soh, 2011 from the northeastern equatorial Pacific
2Computarización de la Colección Nacional de insectos Dr. Alfredo Barrera Marín del Museo de Historia Natural de la Ciudad de México (Lepidoptera)
2Provincial Museum of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada. Birds (Aves)
2New Mexico State Collection of Arthropods
2DSMZ Prokarya Collection Catalogue
2Computarización y actualización de la curación de la Colección de Lepidóptera del Museo de Zoología "Alfonso L. Herrera" y su base de datos MARIPOSA. FASE I
2Planktic foraminifera abundance of Hole 54-419
2Planktic foraminifera abundance of Hole 54-422
2Two new species of Sympagella (Porifera: Hexactinellida: Rossellidae) collected from the Clarion-Clipperton Zone, East Pacific
2AMNH Mammal Collections
2RSA - California Botanic Garden Herbarium
2MVZ Egg and Nest Collection (Arctos)
2The vascular plants collection (P) at the Herbarium of the Muséum national d'Histoire Naturelle (MNHN - Paris)
2Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh Herbarium (E)
2DMNH Birds
2Two new species of paratanaoid tanaidaceans of the family incertae sedis (Crustacea: Peracarida) from polymetallic nodule fields in the eastern Clarion-Clipperton Fracture Zone
2Wood Stork Tracking (aggregated per 1-degree cell)
2California State University, Long Beach Fishes
2Allan Herbarium (CHR)
2Borror Lab of Bioacoustics (BLB), Ohio State University
1Kirkegaardia (Polychaeta, Cirratulidae), new name for Monticellina Laubier, preoccupied in the Rhabdocoela, together with new records and descriptions of eight previously known and sixteen new species from the Atlantic, Pacific, and Southern Oceans
1MVZ Herp Collection (Arctos)
1Buck Island Turtles (aggregated per 1-degree cell)
1Tern Island Albatrosses - 1998
1UTEP Plants (Arctos)
1Two new species of Photonectes with blue luminous tissue on body, and a re-examination of P. mirabilis (Teleostei: Stomiidae)
1Royal BC Museum - Invertebrates Collection
1Flora de las playas y dunas costeras de México
1RB - Rio de Janeiro Botanical Garden Herbarium Collection
1NCSM Ornithology Collection
1MEL AVH data
1Millepora platyphylla (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa) range extended back to the Eastern Pacific, thanks to a new record from Clipperton Atoll
1Iniciativa Carey del Pacifico Oriental - ICAPO - Eastern Pacific Hawksbill Initiative (aggregated per 1-degree cell)
1Hope - Hawksbill Hope & Marymount University (aggregated per 1-degree cell)
1Invertebrates Collection of the Swedish Museum of Natural History
1A new species of the genus Phymorhynchus (Neogastropoda: Raphitomidae) from a hydrothermal vent in the Manus Back-Arc Basin
1University of Michigan Museum of Zoology, Division of Fishes
1DMNS Marine Invertebrate Collection (Arctos)
1Whimbrel Tracking in the Americas (aggregated per 1-degree cell)
1University of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection
1Polychaeta Orbiniidae from Antarctica, the Southern Ocean, the Abyssal Pacific Ocean, and off South America
1Pelagic ostracods of the new subtribe Conchoeciina (Ostracoda, Crustacea) from the North Pacific
1Computarización de la base de datos de la colección ictiológica de la Universidad Michoacana
1Collection Crustacea - ZMB
1Computarización de la Colección Nacional de Peces del Instituto de Biología UNAM
1University of Michigan Museum of Zoology, Division of Mollusks
1Actualización y depuración de las bases de datos de la Colección Nacional de Helmintos: P085 y Q028
1University of Tennessee Lichen Herbarium
1Field Museum of Natural History (Botany) Fungi Collection
1Collection Anatomie Histologie - SMF
1ARGOS Satellite Tracking of animals
1Atlantic Reference Centre Museum of Canadian Atlantic Organisms - Invertebrates and Fishes Data
1Auckland Museum Botany Collection
1CNPE/Coleccion Nacional de Peces
1Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences Mammal collection
1Planktic foraminifera abundance of Hole 8-71
1Planktic foraminifera abundance of Hole 54-420A
1Planktic foraminifera abundance of Hole 54-421
1Planktic foraminifera abundance of Hole 54-428
1Field Museum of Natural History (Botany) Seed Plant Collection
1Bell Museum fishes
1Collection Pisces SMF
1Ohio State Acarology Laboratory (OSAL), Ohio State University
1Database of Native Plants in Taiwan
1Biological observations from the Dana Expedition Reports
1Natural History Museum Rotterdam - Specimens
1Formación de una base de datos y elaboración de un atlas de la herpetofauna de México (Anfibiosreptiles_catálogo)
1The cnidarians collection (IK) of the Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle (MNHN - Paris)
1DMNS Egg Collection (Arctos)
1New species and records of Scissurellidae and Anatomidae from the Americas (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Vetigastropoda)
1Plant Resources Center
1Revision of Leocrates Kinberg, 1866 and Leocratides Ehlers, 1908 (Annelida, Errantia, Hesionidae)
1Cayman Islands 2005: Green Turtles (aggregated per 1-degree cell)
1Las monocotiledóneas mexicanas, una sinopsis florística. Parte II
1Spatial and temporal characteristics of whale shark and manta aggregations in the Western Caribbean & Gulf of Mexico (aggregated per 1-degree cell)
1Cowan Tetrapod Collection - Herpetology
1World distribution of the aquatic Oligochaeta
1MVZ Bird Collection (Arctos)
1FBIP: SeaKeys - iziko_cartilaginous_fish
1K herbarium - Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew - Amostras Brasileiras Repatriadas - Herbário Virtual REFLORA
1UF FLMNH Ichthyology
1CHAS Oology Collection (Arctos)
1Georgia Loggerhead Tracking Project 2005 (aggregated per 1-degree cell)