Bird survey with mapping at the permanent sample plots in the Prioksko-Terrasnyi Biosphere Reserve
Pedenko A, Demyanetc S, Buyvolov Y (2020). Bird survey with mapping at the permanent sample plots in the Prioksko-Terrasnyi Biosphere Reserve. Version 1.4. Prioksko-Terrasnyi Biosphere Reserve. Sampling event dataset accessed via on 2025-03-07.Description
The data set includes data on the territorial distribution, species composition, nesting and behaviors of birds during the breeding season in permanent sample plots (areas for the bird census). All bird observations are marked on a map in WGS 84 coordinates determined using a mobile device with OS Android. Surveys were conducted from 2018 to 2020 in season of the birds nesting between end of April and the middle of July. The permanent sample plots are located in typical forest habitats of the strict nature reserve (category IUCN Ia) – Core area Prioiksko-Terrasnyi Biosphere Reserve. There are 3 sample plots in different type of forest: pine forest (sample plot 35, square 45 ha), oakwood (sample plot 41, square 25 ha), and mixed forest (sample plot 18, square 40 ha). During survey, 66 species of birds were recorded in total. Each census is a map of the distribution of birds on the site on the day of visit. The collected data make it possible to create a map of the distribution of the individual territories of birds on permanent areas in different years.
Набор данных включает данные о территориальном распределении, видовом составе, гнездовании и поведении птиц в период размножения на постоянных пробных площадках (площадки для учета птиц). Все наблюдения за птицами отмечены на карте в координатах WGS 84, определенных при помощи мобильного устройства c OC Андроид. Исследования проводились с 2018 по 2020 год в сезон гнездования птиц с конца апреля по середину июля. Постоянные пробные участки расположены в типичных лесных местообитаниях природного заповедника (категория IUCN Ia) – ядра Приокско-Террасного биосферного резервата. Обследование проведено на 3-х пробных площадях в различных типах спелого леса (возраст 70-120 лет): сосновый лес (plot 35, площадь 35 га), дубовый лес (plot 41, площадь 25 га) и смешанный лес (plot 18, площадь 40 га). Всего в ходе обследований было зафиксировано 66 видов птиц. Каждый учет представляет собой карту распределения птиц на площадке в день учета. Собранные данные позволяют составить карту распределения мест гнездования птиц на постоянных площадях в разные годы.
Sampling Description
Study Extent
The permanent sampling plots was provided with 50x50 m grid system of orientation marks and were situated only in old-growth (700-120 years old) stands. Totally they covered 100 ha. Each permanent sampling plot was surveyed during the breeding season with 4 visits in 2018 and 11-15 visits in 2019-2020. A day on the plot for one visit, the researcher spent 6-8 hours mapping the locations of birds. A total of 97 censuses (sample events) were conducted, and for each census, it is possible generate a map of the distribution of birds on the localities of occurrence on the day of census. The data set includes 7173 registrations of 16394 individuals of birds belonging to 66 species. On average, there are 56 occurrences (128 individuals) per 25 ha plot.Sampling
A survey of birds was carried out based on the methodology of Manual for Integrated Monitoring. (ICP IM methodology (1998), section 7.24 Optional subprogramme BB: Inventory of birds. Finnish Environment Institute, ICP IM Programme Centre, Helsinki, Finland). URL The methodology was refined using the technology of mapping natural objects using the NextGIS software line NextGIS ( and cloud service Web GIS Bird census were carried out on 3 permanent sampling plots: 25 ha (550×450 m), 35 ha (700×500 m), 40 ha (800×500 m). Each sampling plot was surveyed during the breeding season with 4 visits in 2018 and 11-15 visits in 2019-2020. A day on the plot for one visit the researcher spent 6-8 hours mapping the locations of birds. The method of survey involves the use of a field mobile device with satellite navigator block (used Oukitel wp2), the line of NextGIS programs ( ) and GIS cloud service Control
Using the NextGIS software, you can enter a list of species according to GBIF Backbone Taxonomy. The date, time, and geographical coordinates of the objects are entered into the table automatically, which eliminates accidental errors. Data from a one visit of plot can be compared with data from the previous visit when the corresponding layer is visualized with data from the previous census. Using the NextGIS Mobile program, you can link encountered birds to forest map "in the field", which facilitates mapping of birds.Method steps
- Preparing a data collection project The open source program NextGIS Mobile must be pre-installed on your smartphone ( ). Using the NextGIS Formbuilder ( ) desktop program, you can create an accounting form that records the type of bird, the number of individuals, geographical coordinates, and the time of the bird's meeting. The registration form also includes related data that are important for calculating the number of birds per area and identifying nesting sites: sex and life stage of the bird, singing males, nesting pairs, bird behavior indicating nesting, and the presence of chicks. The boundaries of the plots, grid squares, and routes of the meter's passage were determined using a specially developed script called " Set of squares generator" This program creates a grid of squares (polygons) divided into a grid with 50 x 50 m2 meshes (so-called territory mapping method), each can be used as an inventory point and their traversal transects for a sampling plot. Only the outer borders of the sampling plots and the bird accounted routes were marked on the ground.
- Field data collection Bird censuses are carried out in the first half of the day in weather without strong wind and without wet precipitation. As a rule, the time of censuses are from 4 to 12 o'clock local time (UTC 0+2). The column eventDate in dataset shows the date and time UTC 0. The date and time of the meeting, as well as the locality of the bird, are recorded automatically from your mobile device. Plots were checked by proceeding along marked lines “by shuttle”, 50 m apart. At each occurrence of the bird the coordinates of its location and related data were noted using the Oukitel wp2 field smartphone with the pre installed open source program NextGIS Mobile ( Coordinates of individual bird's occurrences are not presented in the dataset due to some restrictions of Sampling Event data format. Identification of all birds was carried out both visually and by voice. The mapping also collected related data that are important for calculating the number of birds per area and identifying nesting sites: the sex and age of the bird, noted singing males, nesting pairs, bird behavior indicating nesting, and the presence of chicks.
- View and get the results of field data collection After field data collecting, in order to view the results, or get them in the desired form, NextGIS Web — Web GIS is used ( ), which allows you to upload, view (on the map and in the form of attribute data tables), edit and upload data for analysis and processing using a regular browser. Further work with the data is performed in the NextGIS QGIS or any other GIS program. Tables with survey data can be easily converted to the Darwin Core standard.
Taxonomic Coverages
Avescommon name: Birds | Птицы rank: class
Geographic Coverages
Bibliographic Citations
Anastasia Pedenkooriginator
position: Researcher
Prioksko-Terrasny Biosphere Reserve
Danki Serpukhov District
Moscow Region
Sofia Demyanetc
position: PhD student
A.N. Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution
33 Leninsky prospect
Yury Buyvolov
metadata author
position: Deputy director in science
Prioksko-Terrasny Biosphere Reserve
Danki Serpukhov District
Moscow Region
Maxim Shashkov
position: Reseacher
Institute of Mathematical Problems of Biology RAS – the Branch of Keldysh Institute of AppliedMathematics of Russian Academy of Sciences
1, Vitkevicha str. Pushchino
Moscow Region
Natalya Ivanova
position: Reseacher
Institute of Mathematical Problems of Biology RAS
1, Vitkevicha str. Pushchino
Moscow Region
Yury Buyvolov
administrative point of contact
position: Deputy director in science
Prioksko-Terrasny Biosphere Reserve
Danki Serpukhov District
Moscow Region