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國家或地區 智利
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年 始於 2000 終於 2023
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3MEOD – eBird Observation Dataset
2MBase de datos biogeográfica del Fondo de Investigación Pesquera y de Acuicultura (1999-2019), Subsecretaría de Pesca y Acuicultura
212kPrograma de fotomonitoreo de objetos de conservación y amenazas en el Sistema Nacional de Áreas Silvestres Protegidas del Estado (SNASPE)
182kiNaturalist Research-grade Observations
57kObjetos de conservación del Área Marina Costera Protegida de Múltiples Usos, Pitipalena-Añihue
33kProyecto fortalecimiento y desarrollo de instrumentos para el manejo, prevención y control del Castor (Castor canadensis), una especie exótica invasora en la Patagonia Chilena.
21kARGOS Satellite Tracking of animals
14kPl@ntNet automatically identified occurrences
13kThe Retrospective Analysis of Antarctic Tracking (Standardised) Data from the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research
8kLevantamiento florístico en área del Proyecto GEF Corredores Biológicos de Montaña, Zona Central de Chile
7kEstudio Diagnóstico Levantamiento Biodiversidad Región Arica y Parinacota 2013
6kMonitoreo de carnívoros nativos y exóticos en cordones montañosos de la Región Metropolitana de Santiago y de Valparaíso, Chile.
6kDatos observacionales sobre biodiversidad Ministerio del Medio Ambiente 2015
-, Nature data from around the World
3kLimitación y control de áreas de intervención en zonas con presencia de flora singular. Proyecto Desarrollo Mantoverde (RCA Nº16/2018, MMA)
2kXeno-canto - Bird sounds from around the world
2kEstudio limnológico para sustentar anteproyecto de la norma secundaria de calidad ambiental del Lago Lanalhue, Provincia de Arauco, Región del Biobío
2kPlantas exóticas en ecosistemas de montaña de Chile – LIB-MIREN Non-native plants in mountain ecosystems of Chile – LIB-MIREN
2kCopepodos Chile
2kSeguimiento Limitación y control de áreas de intervención en zonas con presencia de flora singular. Proyecto Desarrollo Mantoverde (RCA Nº16/2018, MMA)
1kLevantamiento de información de especies: Investigación, generación y/o sistematización de Información para la Conservación de la Biodiversidad (2013)
1kOccurrence database of native plants and animals of south-central Chile
1kPl@ntNet observations
1k(Appendix) Dinoflagellate abundance in ODP Site 202-1233
1kRegistros Eulidia yarrellii (estimaciones poblacionales) 2003-2021
1kBiodiversity catalog of Marine Coastal Areas of Indigenous People (MCAIPs / ECMPOs), Chile
1kObservaciones de Especies Silvestres (by Charif Tala)
1kTerrestrial avian occurrences in the context of urbanization of Central Chile
1kSpatially explicit database of tree related microhabitats (TreMs)
946Occurrence database of bryophytes and native animals of southern Chile
900Reef Life Survey: Global reef fish dataset
879(Supplement 1) Most common taxa or groups of coccoliths from ODP Site 1233 (past dataset) covering the last 70 kyr
836Mountain Invasion Research Network (MIREN) survey
685Bulk components and planktonic foraminifera of sediment core GeoB7139-2
671Plan de monitoreo de guanacos. Proyecto Desarrollo Mantoverde (RCA Nº16/2018, MMA)
645Faunal distribution of the most important planktic foraminiferal species in the investigated surface sediment samples from the Chilean continental slope between 23°S and 44°S
583(Table S1) Relative abundances of coccolithophore taxa in surface sediment samples from the Equatorial and Southeastern Pacific
572New records of invasive mammals from the sub-Antarctic Cape Horn Archipelago (Neovison vison)
545Succession of benthic hard-bottom communities abundance at station Errina2012_IS_solar1
448Registros de ocurrencia de Citronella mucronata entre las regiones de Coquimbo y La Araucanía, Chile
426Conservación de material genético de flora singular. Proyecto Desarrollo Mantoverde (RCA Nº16/2018, MMA)
409Vulnerable marine ecosystems in the South Pacific Ocean region
383Base de datos de especies y especímenes de la flora costera del norte de Chile (plan RECOGE)
351Bulk components, concentration and planktonic foraminifera of sediment core GeoB7112-5
349Happywhale - Humpback whale in South Pacific Ocean
312Vachellia caven in Southern South America
311Planetary Biodiversity Inventory Eumycetozoan Databank
310Registros de ocurrencia de Gomortega keule en bosque nativo de las regiones del Maule, de Ñuble y del Biobío , Chile.
310Registros de ocurrencia de Pitavia punctata en bosque nativo de las regiones del Maule, de Ñuble, del Biobío y La Araucanía, Chile
294Diversidad potencial de briófitos en el Sistema de Información en Biodiversidad para Aysén (SIB-Aysén), Chile
287Recopilación de datos e información para el Inventario Nacional de Especies de mamíferos marinos nativos de Chile 2016.
284Plan de rescate y relocalización de ejemplares de Eriosyce rodentiophila. Proyecto Desarrollo Mantoverde (RCA Nº16/2018, MMA)
282Occurrence of Eukaryotes in the size fraction >300 micrometres, collected worldwide during the Tara Oceans expedition (2009-2013) using a Bongo net and analysed on a ZooScan imaging platform
273(Appendix C) Total cyst counts, and abundances of Selenopemphix undulata sp. nov. in ODP Site 202-1233
269Diversidad potencial de macroalgas en el Sistema de Información en Biodiversidad para Aysén (SIB-Aysén), Chile
265Registros de ocurrencia de Eucryphia glutinosa en las regiones del Maule, de Ñuble, del Biobío y La Araucanía, Chile
251Diversidad potencial de mamíferos marinos nativos en el Sistema de Información en Biodiversidad para Aysén (SIB-Aysén), Chile
242(Fig. 3) Age and multiproxy studies of sediment core GeoB7186-3
235Succession of benthic hard-bottom communities abundance at station Errina2012_IS_solar2
233High occurrence of jellyfish predation by black-browed and Campbell albatross identified by DNA metabarcoding 2017
219Macaulay Library Audio and Video Collection
217Phytoplankton abundance at several stations in January 2005, Chipana, Chile
182Phytoplankton abundance at several stations in December 2004, Chipana, Chile
171Occurrence of Eukaryotes in the size fraction >300 micrometres, collected worldwide during the Tara Oceans expedition (2009-2013) using a Multinet and analysed on a ZooScan imaging platform
144Datos de ocurrencia de triatominos americanos del Laboratorio de Triatominos del CEPAVE (CONICET-UNLP)
142Succession of benthic hard-bottom communities abundance at station Errina2012_MDD4
121Ocurrencias de visón (Neovison vison) en el Sistema Nacional de Áreas Silvestres Protegidas del Estado de Chile (SNASPE-CONAF)
115Phytoplankton abundance at station Rigel_6_2005-07 in July 2005, Chipana, Chile
110Limitación y control de áreas de intervención de hábitat de fauna terrestre. Proyecto Desarrollo Mantoverde (RCA Nº16/2018, MMA)
103Phytoplankton abundance at station Rigel_4_2005-07 in July 2005, Chipana, Chile
103Phytoplankton abundance at station Rigel_3_2005-07 in July 2005, Chipana, Chile
102Birda - Global Observation Dataset
99Phytoplankton abundance at station Rigel_5_2005-07 in July 2005, Chipana, Chile
86Succession of benthic hard-bottom communities abundance at station Errina2012_MDD7
83Phytoplankton abundance at station Rigel_2_2005-05 in May 2005, Chipana, Chile
81Succession of benthic hard-bottom communities abundance at X-Huinay, Comau Fjord, Chile, in 2012
81Observaciones de insectos polinizadores nativos en un cultivo frutícola en Caleu, Til Til, Región Metropolitana de Santiago, en área del Proyecto GEF Montaña.
80Succession of benthic hard-bottom communities abundance at Liliguapi, Paso Comau, Chile, in 2012
78Phytoplankton abundance at station Rigel_2_2005-07 in July 2005, Chipana, Chile
77Registros de murciélagos nativos en viñedos orgánicos en la Región Metropolitana de Santiago, en el área del Proyecto GEF Montaña
76Succession of benthic hard-bottom communities abundance at Liliguapi, Paso Comau, Chile, in 2011
74Phytoplankton abundance at station Rigel_3_2005-05 in May 2005, Chipana, Chile
73TOPP Summary of SSM-derived Telemetry
73Succession of benthic hard-bottom communities abundance at X-Huinay, Comau Fjord, Chile, in 2011
73Phytoplankton abundance at station Rigel_5_2005-05 in May 2005, Chipana, Chile
71Phytoplankton abundance at station Rigel_3_2005-02 in Febraury 2005, Chipana, Chile
71Phytoplankton abundance at station Rigel_1_2005-07 in July 2005, Chipana, Chile
68Propagación de especies leñosas y herbáceas en categoría de conservación. Proyecto Desarrollo Mantoverde (RCA Nº16/2018, MMA)
68Phytoplankton abundance at station Rigel_2_2005-02 in Febraury 2005, Chipana, Chile
68Succession of benthic hard-bottom communities abundance at station Errina2012_AG
65Phytoplankton abundance at station Rigel_1_2005-05 in May 2005, Chipana, Chile
63Phytoplankton abundance at station Rigel_1_2005-02 in Febraury 2005, Chipana, Chile
61Succession of benthic hard-bottom communities abundance at station Errina2012_IS_solar3
59Succession of benthic hard-bottom communities abundance at Liliguapi, Paso Comau, Chile, in 2010
56(Appendix B) Dinoflagellate cysts in Southeast Pacific Ocean surface sediments
54Phytoplankton abundance at station Rigel_2_2005-04 in April 2005, Chipana, Chile
54Phytoplankton abundance at station Rigel_3_2005-04 in April 2005, Chipana, Chile
54Records of Halicarcinus planatus at sub-Antarctic regions
53Succession of benthic hard-bottom communities abundance at X-Huinay, Comau Fjord, Chile, in 2010
53Phytoplankton abundance at station Rigel_2_2005-08 in August 2005, Chipana, Chile
53Succession of benthic hard-bottom communities abundance at station Errina2012_MDD3
50Phytoplankton abundance at station Rigel_5_2005-04 in April 2005, Chipana, Chile
48Phytoplankton abundance at station Rigel_5_2005-02 in Febraury 2005, Chipana, Chile
48Phytoplankton abundance at station Rigel_4_2005-08 in August 2005, Chipana, Chile
48Phytoplankton abundance at station Rigel_6_2005-08 in August 2005, Chipana, Chile
47Phytoplankton abundance at station Rigel_1_2005-04 in April 2005, Chipana, Chile
47Phytoplankton abundance at station Rigel_6_2005-05 in May 2005, Chipana, Chile
47The Belgica 121 expedition to the Western Antarctic Peninsula: a high resolution biodiversity census
45Phytoplankton abundance at station Rigel_5_2005-08 in August 2005, Chipana, Chile
44Phytoplankton abundance at station Rigel_6_2005-02 in Febraury 2005, Chipana, Chile
43Phytoplankton abundance at station Rigel_4_2005-05 in May 2005, Chipana, Chile
42Phytoplankton abundance at station Rigel_4_2005-02 in Febraury 2005, Chipana, Chile
42Phytoplankton abundance at station Rigel_4_2005-04 in April 2005, Chipana, Chile
40Phytoplankton abundance at station Rigel_1_2005-03 in March 2005, Chipana, Chile
38Borror Lab of Bioacoustics (BLB), Ohio State University
37Phytoplankton abundance at station Rigel_6_2005-04 in April 2005, Chipana, Chile
35Phytoplankton abundance at station Rigel_3_2005-08 in August 2005, Chipana, Chile
34Benthic hard-bottom communities abundance at X-Huinay, Comau Fjord, Chile, in 2012
34Harmful Algal Event Database (HAEDAT)
31Earth Guardians Weekly Feed
29Phytoplankton abundance at station Rigel_2_2005-03 in March 2005, Chipana, Chile
28Diversidad potencial del Reino Fungi (macrohongos y líquenes) en el Sistema de Información en Biodiversidad para Aysén (SIB-Aysén), Chile
26Phytoplankton abundance at station Rigel_5_2005-03 in March 2005, Chipana, Chile
26Xeno-canto - Soundscapes from around the world
23Phytoplankton abundance at station Rigel_6_2005-03 in March 2005, Chipana, Chile
22Phytoplankton abundance at station Rigel_3_2005-03 in March 2005, Chipana, Chile
19Microplankton data off Chipana Bay, 2006, Chile
19Microplankton data off Mejillones, 2006, Chile
19Nanoplankton data off Chipana Bay, summer 2006, Chile
17Taxon occurrence data for the FungalRoot database
16Registros de ocurrencia de Nothofagus glauca entre la región de Valparaíso y Biobío
16Datos de ocurrencia de triatominos presentes en Argentina del Laboratorio de Triatominos del CEPAVE (CONICET-UNLP)
15Diveboard - Scuba diving citizen science observations
14Benthic hard-bottom communities abundance at Liliguapi, Paso Comau, Chile, in 2010
14Phytoplankton abundance at station Rigel_4_2005-03 in March 2005, Chipana, Chile
14Benthic hard-bottom communities abundance at Liliguapi, Paso Comau, Chile, in 2012
14NMNH Extant Specimen Records (USNM, US)
13Succession of benthic hard-bottom communities abundance at station Errina2012_CS
13Registros de presencia asociados al estudio de rango de hogar de zorros (especie Lycalopex griseus). Proyecto Desarrollo Mantoverde (RCA Nº16/2018, MMA)
11Sizing Ocean Giants
10Eventos de monitoreo de flora altoandina en sitio GLORIA- Andes (CH – MEA), ubicado en el Parque Nacional Río Clarillo, Chile.
9Happywhale - Peale's Dolphin in South Pacific Ocean
9Cetacean distribution in the South Atlantic and South Pacific Ocean (AR-OBIS)
8Distribution ashore and breeding places of southern elephant seals
7Peru Cabezonas (aggregated per 1-degree cell)
6Acoustic detections in Northeast and South Atlantic
6Happywhale - Southern right whale in South Pacific Ocean
6Happywhale - Black Dolphin in South Pacific Ocean
5Benthic hard-bottom communities abundance at X-Huinay, Comau Fjord, Chile, in 2010
5Benthic hard-bottom communities abundance at Liliguapi, Paso Comau, Chile, in 2011
5Happywhale - Commerson's Dolphin in South Pacific Ocean
4Migration and foraging ecology of Greater Shearwater (aggregated per 1-degree cell)
4University of Vienna, Institute for Botany - Herbarium WU
4Happywhale - Dusky Dolphin in South Atlantic Ocean
4UK Royal Navy Marine Mammal Observations
4Mean values of fractionated primary production and protozoan abundance from the photic layer collected at 50 m depth in Mejillones Bay
3Registros de Batrachyla taeniata (Amphibia) región del Maule, Chile
3Biodiversity4all Research-Grade Observations
3Sightings of marine mammals carried out during oceanographic surveys in the Argentine continental shelf
3Carnet en Ligne
3Study of the Biology of Sea Turtles in Brazil through Satellite Telemetry (aggregated per 1-degree cell)
3Estonian Naturalists’ Society
2Biogeographic distribution of Antarctic and sub-Antarctic Mysida
2Happywhale - Humpback Whale in South Atlantic Ocean
1Happywhale - False Killer Whale in South Atlantic Ocean
1British Antarctic Survey Argos satellite tracking data
1Happywhale - Long-finned Pilot Whale in South Atlantic Ocean
1Happywhale - Southern Elephant Seal in South Pacific Ocean
1Happywhale - Black Dolphin in South Atlantic Ocean
1Meise Botanic Garden Herbarium (BR)
1Happywhale - Southern Right Whale Dolphin in South Pacific Ocean