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Lamium hybridum Vill.
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7kArtportalen (Swedish Species Observation System)
3kFinnish Floristic Database (Finnish Museum of Natural History Collections)
3kINPN - Données flore des CBN agrégées par la FCBN
2kFlora von Deutschland (Phanerogamen)
-, Nature data from around the World
2kFlorabank1 - A grid-based database on vascular plant distribution in the northern part of Belgium (Flanders and the Brussels Capital region)
1kAtlas Flora Danica
1kEstonian Naturalists’ Society
1kFlore du Bassin parisien (CBNBP)
719Observations du Conservatoire botanique national du Bassin parisien.
710Other BSBI Scottish data up to 2015
679Dutch Vegetation Database
591FloraCAT: Banco de datos de los cormófitos de Cataluña
571Suffolk Biodiversity Information Service (SBIS) Dataset
505Finnish Floristic Database (Literature Sources)
501LERN Records
474Phanerogamic Botanical Collections (S)
- - Plant occurrences in Flanders and the Brussels Capital Region, Belgium
461Lund Botanical Museum (LD)
427Vascular Plant Herbarium, Oslo (O) UiO
391Swiss National Databank of Vascular Plants
377Naturalis Biodiversity Center (NL) - Botany
377EDP Baixo Sabor: Construction and Reservoir Filling Phases – Vascular Flora and Habitats: species from prioritary conservation habitats - [2010-2014]
266Norwegian Species Observation Service
224CSIC-Real Jardín Botánico-Anthos. Sistema de Información de las Plantas de España
202Flore Franco-Belge
193The vascular plants collection (P) at the Herbarium of the Muséum national d'Histoire Naturelle (MNHN - Paris)
186Observations floristiques - plateforme SINP régionale SILENE PACA
185Welsh BSBI data (ex-VPDB dataset) at hectad resolution
181Flora of Worcestershire
178Flore d'Ille-et-Vilaine
166Observations floristiques issues de la base de données du Conservatoire botanique national alpin
164Belgian IFBL Flora Checklists (1939-1971)
156Scottish SNH-funded BSBI records
148Vascular Plants, Field notes, Oslo (O)
137Oskarshamn herbarium (OHN)
134Finnish Floristic Database (Åbo Akademi University Collections)
126Observations floristiques floutées issues de la base de données flore du Conservatoire botanique national alpin
126Meise Botanic Garden Herbarium (BR)
117Finnish Floristic Database (University of Turku Collections)
103CSIC-Real Jardín Botánico-Colección de Plantas Vasculares (MA)
86Phytochorologie des départements français
85RECORD Vascular Plant Data
81Hertfordshire Flora Survey Records 1987-2005
73Banco de Datos de la Biodiversidad de la Comunitat Valenciana
66SEWBReC Vascular Plants (South East Wales)
62TAXA - Flore et habitats naturels de Franche-Comté
61Vascular Plant Herbarium, UiB
58Estonian University of Life Sciences Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Vascular Plant Herbarium
58Sistema de Información de la vegetación Ibérica y Macaronésica
57The Danish Environmental Portal, species and habitats-database "Danmarks Miljøportals Naturdatabase"
57Herbario de Plantas Vasculares de la Universidad de Salamanca: SALA
52Estonian Museum of Natural History Department of Botany
48DIBA-Parc del Montnegre i el Corredor
48Shropshire Ecological Data Network database
48Données d'occurrences Espèces issues de l'inventaire des ZNIEFF
45CeDoc de Biodiversitat Vegetal: BCN-Cormophyta
44Botany (UPS)
44Inventaire permanent de la flore du massif armoricain
43Herbarium of Jyväskylä University Museum
42Herbario HSS Finca La Orden-Valdesequera (CICYTEX). Gobierno de Extremadura
38Hatikka Observation Database
37Isle of Man wildlife records from 01/01/2000 to 13/02/2017
36Herbarium specimens of Université de Montpellier 2, Institut de Botanique (MPU))
33Colección de plantas vasculares del herbario de la Universitat de València (VAL)
33Carnet en Ligne
32DIBA-Parc Natural del Montseny
30Base de datos de plantas vasculares del País Vasco: ARAN-EH
30Vascular plant herbarium TRH, NTNU University Museum
30Inventaire de la flore de Dordogne 2016
26Leicestershire and Rutland Environmental Records Centre records 2015-2019
22Rotherham Biological Records Centre - Non-sensitive Records from all taxonomic groups
21NMNH Extant Specimen Records
21Vascular plant herbarium, Tromsø Museum
20National Trust Species Records
20Herbarium of Umeå University (UME)
19BRERC species records from all years at full resolution excluding Notable Species within the last 10 years
18Inventaire de la flore de Dordogne 2015
17Miscellaneous records held on the Cofnod database
17All taxa records for Leicestershire and Rutland
16University of Tartu Natural History Museum and Botanical Garden Botanical Collections
16Finnish Floristic Database (Small Collections)
16Carnet B Centre - lot 2012
16Flora-On: occurrence data of the flora of mainland Portugal
15Herbarium Universitatis Daugavpiliensis
14Herbarium of Vascular Plants Collection of the University of Extremadura (Spain)
14Plant Specimens of Kurashiki Museum of Natural History
14Merseyside BioBank (verified)
14Nijmegen Natural History Museum (NL) - Herbarium
13Données ONF faune-flore-fonge
13Données acquises dans le cadre de l'activité du bureau d'étude BIOTOPE (1994 - 2013)
13Catálogo Florístico Histórico de Navarra. Gobierno de Navarra
13Oklahoma Vascular Plants Database Provider
13Collections and observation data National Museum of Natural History Luxembourg
13North Merseyside Local Species Data (DEFRA Grant 23169)
12Colección de plantas vasculares del Herbario "Jaime Andrés Rodríguez". LEB
12Institut Botanic de Barcelona (IBB-CSIC-ICUB), BC-Plantae
11Vascular plant herbarium (KMN) UiA
11Plant Specimens of The Shimane Nature Museum of Mt. Sanbe
11Flore de Franche-Comté
10Online Atlas of Vascular Plants 2012-2020
10SANT Herbarium vascular plants collection
10Occurrence Data of Vascular Plants collected or compiled for the Flora of Bavaria
10Herbario de la Universidad de Sevilla
10VIT Herbarium - Vascular Plants (The Natural History Museum of Alava)
9Colección de plantas vasculares del Herbario de la Universidad de Granada.
9Inventaire de la flore de Dordogne 2017
9Auckland Museum Botany Collection
9Natural History Museum Rotterdam - Specimens
9Données naturalistes d'Olivier ESCUDER
9Estonian Nature Observations Database
8International Barcode of Life project (iBOL)
8Inventaire de la flore de Dordogne 2018
8Tallinn Botanic Garden
8Herbarium (ICEL)
8Jardín Botánico de Córdoba: Herbarium COA
8Herbarium specimens of Jardins botaniques and Conservatoire Botanique of Nancy (NCY)
7RHS monitoring of native and naturalised plants and animals at its gardens and surrounding areas
7Herbario de la Facultad de Farmacia de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid (MAF)
7Botany Division, Yale Peabody Museum
7Herbario de la Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid (MACB)
7Herbarium of Taiwan Forestry Research Institute
6Plant specimens of Toyota City Nature Sanctuary
6NRW Regional Data: all taxa (excluding sensitive species), West Wales
6Natural History Museum (London) Collection Specimens
6Vascular Plant Collection - University of Washington Herbarium (WTU)
6Vascular Plant Specimen database of Kanagawa Prefectural Museum of Natural History
6Herbarium specimens of the Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle of Aix-en-Provence (AIX)
6All observations extracted from the Flora of Northumberland and Durham 1831
6Plant specimens of Toyota City Nature Sanctuary (from non-museum circle)
5Manx Biological Recording Partnership VERIFIED Isle of Man records between 14/02/2017 and 05/09/2019
5Leicestershire and Rutland Environmental Records Centre records 2000-2009
5UAM Herbarium (ALA), Vascular Plant Collection (Arctos)
5Natural History Museum, Vienna - Herbarium W
5Herbario ABH (Universidad de Alicante)
5Données naturalistes de Pierre DUFRENE
5Seed collection – dead seeds for evaluation and observation purposes
5Leicestershire and Rutland Environmental Records Centre records pre 2000
5The New York Botanical Garden Herbarium (NY)
5Leicestershire and Rutland Environmental Records Centre records 2010-2014
5RNF - Données de la Fédération des Réserves Catalanes
4NBIS Records to December 2016
4Isle of Man historical wildlife records 1995 to 1999
4Inventaire de la flore de Lot-et-Garonne 2015
4Tropicos Specimen Data
4Données Herbiers de l'Université de Strasbourg
4Herbarium (AMNH)
4Vascular plant specimens of National Museum of Nature and Science (TNS)
4Plant specimens in the Museum of Nature and Human Activities, Hyogo Prefecture, Japan
4Plant specimens depodited in Osaka Museum of Natural History, Japan
4Herbarium of University of Coimbra (COI )
4Données acquises via le réseau du Conservatoire botanique national du Bassin parisien
4Carnegie Museum of Natural History Herbarium
3University of British Columbia Herbarium (UBC) - Vascular Plant Collection
3Manchester Museum, University of Manchester, Botany Collection
3Collection botanique Le Grand A. (BOUM)
3Universidad de Oviedo. Departamento de Biología de Organismos y Sistemas: FCO
3Universidad de Oviedo. Departamento de Biología de Organismos y Sistemas: FCO-Briof
3Inventaire de la flore de Gironde 2015
3Agnes Marion Ayre Herbarium (NFLD)
3RNF - Données de l'association Vivarmor Nature
3BRERC Notable Species records within the last 10 years
2Merseyside BioBank (unverified)
2Modernisation des ZNIEFF du PnrL
2Données naturalistes de Cyril EPICOCO
2Données faune, flore et fonge du Conservatoire des espaces naturels de Picardie
2Inventaire de la flore de Gironde 2017
2UTEP Plants (Arctos)
2Isle of Man Historical Wildlife Records pre-1990
2MBM - Herbário do Museu Botânico Municipal
2HO AVH data
2A common plants survey of vascular plants in South Northumberland and Durham, United Kingdom
2Données Vigie-Flore
2Données de la flore d’Alsace (SBA)
2Ireland's BioBlitz
2Herbarium Hamburgense
2Vascular Plants Collection of Sagamihara City Museum
2inatura - Erlebnis Naturschau Dornbirn
2MPM Milwaukee Public Museum Herbarium
2Herbario de la Universidad Pública de Navarra, Pamplona: UPNA-H
2MGC Herbarium of University of Malaga (Spain): MGC-Cormof dataset
2National Plant Monitoring Scheme - England, Scotland, Wales
2Données naturalistes de Damien AVRIL
2Herbarium specimens, Harmas J.H. Fabre (FABR - Sérignan-du-Comtat) of the Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle (MNHN - Paris)
2Flora d'Andorra
2Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh Herbarium (E)
2Données naturalistes de Thomas GAILLARD
2Inventaire de la flore des Pyrénées-Atlantiques 2018
2Inventaire de la flore de Charente-Maritime 2018
2Biowide Species data
2NRW Regional Data: South East Wales Non-sensitive species
2University of Vermont, Pringle Herbarium
2Vascular plant field notes, NTNU University Museum
2Instituto de Botánica Darwinion
2University of Graz, Institute of Plant Sciences - Herbarium GZU
2Herbarium specimens of Limoges university (LIMO)
2Vascular Plant Records up to 2010
1Données naturalistes flore et fonge du Conservatoire des espaces naturels Auvergne saisies avant le 18 février 2019.
1Dorset SSSI Species Records 1952 - 2004 (Natural England)
1Vascular Plants, Field notes, Agder naturmuseum (KMN)
1Canadian Museum of Nature Herbarium
1Herbarium Horti Botanici Pisani (PI), Sistema Museale di Ateneo, Università di Pisa
1University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Herbarium
1Isle of Man historical wildlife records 1990 to 1994
1Inventaire de la flore de Charente-Maritime 2016
1City of Edinburgh Natural Heritage Service - Historical Records
1Inventaire de la flore de Lot-et-Garonne 2018
1Inventaire de la flore de la Vienne 2013
1Données naturalistes d'Aurélien CABARET
1Herbario Museo de La Salle Bogotá (BOG)
1Collection botanique Jaubert et Saul (BOUM)
1Inventaire de la flore de Lot-et-Garonne 2014
1RB - Rio de Janeiro Botanical Garden Herbarium Collection
1RNF - Données du Conservatoire d'espaces naturel Limousin
1Wikiplantbase #Toscana
1Herbarium specimens of Association des Naturalistes de la Vallée du Loing (ANVL)
1Données de la base Ecosphère
1Sammlung altes Gartenherbar Herbarium Hamburgense HBG
1OAC-BIO Herbarium
1Herbier Durrieu (TL 109)
1Herbarium Specimens of Museum of Nature and Human Activities, Hyogo Pref., Japan
1Herbário João de Carvalho e Vasconcellos, I.S.A./U.L.
1Botanical Museum, Copenhagen. Database of type specimens
1Flore de l'Ain
1Clémence Lortet herbarium
1Commissioned surveys and staff surveys and reports for Scottish Wildlife Trust reserves - Verified data
1Flore du Limousin
1Herbarium of Namur
1Gunma Museum of Natural History, Vascular Plant Specimen
1Jardín Botánico Atlántico, Gijón: JBAG
1Herbarium Senckenbergianum (FR)
1Herbario de Universidad de Murcia: MUB
1SD - SD Herbarium, San Diego Natural History Museum
1Vascular Herbarium, NMBU
1Inventaire de la flore de Lot-et-Garonne 2017
1Survey and monitoring records for Scottish Wildlife Trust reserves from reserve convenors and Trust volunteers - Verified data
1CHSC - CSU Chico, Chico State Herbarium - Vascular Plants
1Inventaire de la flore des Deux-Sèvres 2013
1Herbario del Jardín Botánico-Histórico La Concepción: HBC
1Inventaire de la flore des Deux-Sèvres 2015
1Biodiversitätsdatenbank Salzburg
1PAMP-tracheo: Vascular plants in Ribera Occidental de Navarra (Spain). PhD project, L. Garde
1Observations occasionnelles Parc national des Pyrénées
1PlutoF platform reference-based occurrences
1Données naturalistes de Sébastien LESNE
1Herbier E. P. Larchevêque (BOUM)
1Institut Menorquí d'Estudis. Colección Histórica de Rodríguez Femenías, Herbarium Generale Minoricae: HGM-Femenias
1RNF - Données du Conservatoire d'espaces naturel Centre
1Carnet B Lorraine
1Herbarium specimens of CBNA (GAP)
1A grid-based database on vascular plant distribution in Udomlya District of Tver Oblast, Russia
1Wikiplantbase #Sardegna
1Geneva Herbarium – General Collection (G)
1Herbarium GB, University of Gothenburg
1Atlas des plantes vasculaires de Lorraine
1Données naturalistes de GAULTIER Cyrille