Philodendron mamei André
- Dataset
- CATE Araceae
- Rank
- Published in
- André, Rev. Hort. 1883: 104 (1883)
- family
- Araceae
- genus
- Philodendron
- species
- Philodendron mamei
Philodendron mamei is presently known only from the eastern slope of the Andes in Ecuador (Napo, Morona-Santiago, Azuay, and Zamora-Chinchipe) at 731–1830 m elevation in Premontane wet forest life zone but is expected to be found in adjacent Peru in Amazonas Department.
Terrestrial; JUVENILE PLANTS with long internodes and narrowly ovate blades up to 27 cm long; ADULT PLANTS: stem repent, short (less than 20 cm long) or up to about 1 m long, covered with old semi-intact cataphyll bases; internodes 2-4 cm long, 1-6 cm diam., faintly reddish to medium green, weakly glossy to semiglossy, faintly ridged; cataphylls 14—25 cm long, averaging 19.5, semiglossy, sparcely short-pale-streaked, red to reddish brown to dark brown at lower nodes, medium green and faintly and sparsely pale-short-lineate at upper nodes, sharply flattened and winged marginally, sharply 2-ribbed, with ribs low or narrow to sharply D-shaped with weakly erect marginal ribs, marcesent, with parts persisting semi-intact; LEAVES: Petioles (16-)35-65(-106) cm long, averaging 60 cm long, 1.2 cm wide midway, 0.4 to 1.5 times longer than the blade, averaging 0.7 times as long as blades, usually obtusely and sharply to weakly flattened near apex, narrowly rounded to broadly convex abaxially winged on lateral margins, the wings usually prominently undulate (especially toward apex), the surface semiglossy to matte, medium to dark olive-green, reddish near base, finely pale-streaked, densely short-lineate-striate or striate to faintly ribbed circumferentially throughout; blades ovate-cordate, 17—60.5 cm long, 9.5 to 56 cm wide, averaging 39 x 30.8 cm, 1 to 1.8 times, averaging 1.33 times longer than wide longer than wide, sometimes slightly inequilateral with one side up to 1 cm wider, thinly coriaceous to subcoriaceous, very bicolorous, matte to weakly glossy or semiglossy, pale yellow-green to dark green, sometimes faintly to heavily mottled with gray to gray-green blotches throughout between major veins above, moderately to much paler and weakly glossy to semiglossy below, mottling persisting after drying; anterior lobe margins convex, 14.5—41 cm long, averaging 27.9 cm, 16.5 to 44.3 cm wide, averaging 29.7 cm, posterior lobe rounded, directed downward and inward, 4.5—25 cm long, averaging 15.1 cm, 4.8—25 cm wide, averaging 15.1 cm; sinus spathulate, 5.5—17 cm deep, averaging 11.2 cm deep; midrib sunken to flattened and concolorous, to slightly paler above, narrowly rounded, convex or bluntly angular and slightly darker, more or less matte, sparsely short-pale-lineate below; primary lateral veins 6 to 8 per side, departing midrib at steep angle then spreading to 40-50° angle, deeply and bluntly quilted-sunken and concolorous, slightly paler above, narrowly rounded to round-raised or convex, matte and slightly darker below; basal veins 6 to 7 per side, 1st free to base, 2nd to 7th fused into a posterior rib; primary lateral and basal veins regularly branching; interprimary veins usually present and conspicuous; posterior rib almost straight, naked to 2.7 to 3.2 cm; minor veins fine, moderately distinct and close below. INFLORESCENCES 1-2 per axil; peduncle green, heavily tinged with violet-purple, coarsely whitish-streaked; spathe erect in flower, the blade red outside, pinkish inside; tube dark purple-violet outside, magenta inside. INFRUCTESCENCE 20.5 cm long, 3.6 cm diam. on tube, dark violet-purple throughout outside. Berries white.
The species occurs in the understory of primary forest, sometimes occurring along stream banks in full shade and in cutover primary forest with persisting epiphytes.
- Homonyms
- Philodendron mamei André
Bibliographic References
- Croat, T. Bernard & Kinslow, P. Personal Communication 4. (2007).