Consolidación y sistematización de las colecciones de referencia de peces y mamíferos marinos del ITESM Campus Guaymas
Vidal Pinzón O, Comisión nacional para el conocimiento y uso de la biodiversidad C (2024). Consolidación y sistematización de las colecciones de referencia de peces y mamíferos marinos del ITESM Campus Guaymas. Comisión nacional para el conocimiento y uso de la biodiversidad. Occurrence dataset accessed via on 2024-12-12.Description
El presente proyecto tuvo como objetivo general 1) el acondicionamiento de instalaciones para las colecciones, se adecuo un lugar para el almacenamiento de la colección de mamíferos marinos. Este lugar tiene 20 m de largo, 6 m de ancho y 2.5 m de alto. Además se acondicionó un cuarto aledaño para el curador de la colección, un área de trabajo especial para llevar a cabo necropcias de cetáceos pequeños y un baño completo para que sea usado por los participantes de dichas necropcias. El trabajo incluyó, entre otros, construcción y acondicionamiento de muros, techos, pisos, mesa de cemento para necropcia e instalación eléctrica. 2) construcción y acondicionamiento de gavetas, se construyeron gavetas en la nueva sección del museo, en las cuales se almacenan los cráneos pequeños y especímenes preservados de mamíferos marinos. 3) reparación de recipientes grandes de madera para el almacenamiento en húmedo de especímenes, se reacondicionaron y se les dio mantenimiento a 4 recipientes grandes de madera resanándolos con fibra de vidrio, los cuales son utilizados para el almacenamiento de organismos grandes preservados en húmedo (alcohol). 4) preparación de formatos para la base de datos.
Reino: 1 Filo: 1 Clase: 3 Orden: 42 Familia: 87 Género: 175 Especie: 267 Epitetoinfraespecifico: 8
Taxonomic Coverages
Animaliarank: kingdom
Chordatarank: phylum
Osteichthyesrank: class
Mammaliarank: class
Chondrichthyesrank: class
Clupeiformesrank: order
Anguilliformesrank: order
Pleuronectiformesrank: order
Cetacearank: order
Batrachoidiformesrank: order
Perciformesrank: order
Scombriformesrank: order
Albuliformesrank: order
Mugiliformesrank: order
Aulopiformesrank: order
Carangiformesrank: order
Torpediniformesrank: order
Myliobatiformesrank: order
Gobiiformesrank: order
Pristiformesrank: order
Labriformesrank: order
Scorpaeniformesrank: order
Carcharhiniformesrank: order
Tetraodontiformesrank: order
Incertae sedisrank: order
Squatiniformesrank: order
Siluriformesrank: order
Blenniiformesrank: order
Spariformesrank: order
Beloniformesrank: order
Acanthuriformesrank: order
Atheriniformesrank: order
Lamniformesrank: order
Kurtiformesrank: order
Syngnathiformesrank: order
Rajiformesrank: order
Lophiiformesrank: order
Elopiformesrank: order
Heterodontiformesrank: order
Istiophoriformesrank: order
Ophidiiformesrank: order
Moroniformesrank: order
Hexanchiformesrank: order
Carnivorarank: order
Argentiniformesrank: order
Orectolobiformesrank: order
Gadiformesrank: order
Engraulidaerank: family
Ophichthidaerank: family
Paralichthyidaerank: family
Phocoenidaerank: family
Batrachoididaerank: family
Haemulidaerank: family
Mullidaerank: family
Gerreidaerank: family
Centropomidaerank: family
Serranidaerank: family
Scombridaerank: family
Bothidaerank: family
Albulidaerank: family
Delphinidaerank: family
Mugilidaerank: family
Synodontidaerank: family
Nematistiidaerank: family
Clupeidaerank: family
Narcinidaerank: family
Urolophidaerank: family
Trichiuridaerank: family
Gobiidaerank: family
Rhinobatidaerank: family
Labridaerank: family
Scorpaenidaerank: family
Triakidaerank: family
Anthiadidaerank: family
Tetraodontidaerank: family
Lutjanidaerank: family
Pomacentridaerank: family
Carangidaerank: family
Squatinidaerank: family
Myliobatidaerank: family
Pleuronectidaerank: family
Ariidaerank: family
Gymnuridaerank: family
Stromateidaerank: family
Labrisomidaerank: family
Muraenidaerank: family
Sparidaerank: family
Hemiramphidaerank: family
Urotrygonidaerank: family
Sciaenidaerank: family
Atherinopsidaerank: family
Lamnidaerank: family
Triglidaerank: family
Eschrichtiidaerank: family
Apogonidaerank: family
Physeteridaerank: family
Balaenopteridaerank: family
Dasyatidaerank: family
Pomacanthidaerank: family
Syngnathidaerank: family
Rajidaerank: family
Polynemidaerank: family
Lophiidaerank: family
Sphyrnidaerank: family
Elopidaerank: family
Heterodontidaerank: family
Carcharhinidaerank: family
Xiphiidaerank: family
Ziphiidaerank: family
Ophidiidaerank: family
Ephippidaerank: family
Hexanchidaerank: family
Blenniidaerank: family
Monacanthidaerank: family
Eleotridaerank: family
Scaridaerank: family
Kyphosidaerank: family
Otariidaerank: family
Nomeidaerank: family
Malacanthidaerank: family
Ogcocephalidaerank: family
Dactyloscopidaerank: family
Phocidaerank: family
Nettastomatidaerank: family
Pristigasteridaerank: family
Balistidaerank: family
Embiotocidaerank: family
Muraenesocidaerank: family
Achiridaerank: family
Argentinidaerank: family
Alopiidaerank: family
Ginglymostomatidaerank: family
Merlucciidaerank: family
Scyliorhinidaerank: family
Anchoarank: genus
Echiophisrank: genus
Hippoglossinarank: genus
Phocoenarank: genus
Porichthysrank: genus
Pomadasysrank: genus
Pseudupeneusrank: genus
Eugerresrank: genus
Centropomusrank: genus
Paralabraxrank: genus
Scomberomorusrank: genus
Scomberrank: genus
Diplectrumrank: genus
Ophichthusrank: genus
Monolenerank: genus
Albularank: genus
Eucinostomusrank: genus
Xystreurysrank: genus
Delphinusrank: genus
Orthopristisrank: genus
Mugilrank: genus
Synodusrank: genus
Nematistiusrank: genus
Lilerank: genus
Narcinerank: genus
Urolophusrank: genus
Serranusrank: genus
Trichiurusrank: genus
Bollmanniarank: genus
Tursiopsrank: genus
Paralichthysrank: genus
Rhinobatosrank: genus
Decodonrank: genus
Opisthonemarank: genus
Pontinusrank: genus
Mustelusrank: genus
Hemanthiasrank: genus
Sphoeroidesrank: genus
Lutjanusrank: genus
Diapterusrank: genus
Haemulonrank: genus
Stegastesrank: genus
Rypticusrank: genus
Harengularank: genus
Oligoplitesrank: genus
Squatinarank: genus
Myliobatisrank: genus
Pleuronichthysrank: genus
Ariusrank: genus
Scorpaenarank: genus
Trachinotusrank: genus
Gerresrank: genus
Anchoviellarank: genus
Canthigasterrank: genus
Gymnurarank: genus
Peprilusrank: genus
Chloroscombrusrank: genus
Paraclinusrank: genus
Gymnothoraxrank: genus
Xenomedearank: genus
Calamusrank: genus
Cephalopholisrank: genus
Abudefdufrank: genus
Bagrerank: genus
Alphestesrank: genus
Bathygobiusrank: genus
Hyporhamphusrank: genus
Labrisomusrank: genus
Urotrygonrank: genus
Syaciumrank: genus
Bairdiellarank: genus
Ctenogobiusrank: genus
Etropusrank: genus
Anchoviarank: genus
Leuresthesrank: genus
Isurusrank: genus
Prionotusrank: genus
Paranthiasrank: genus
Eschrichtiusrank: genus
Echidnarank: genus
Engyophrysrank: genus
Malacoctenusrank: genus
Apogonrank: genus
Physeterrank: genus
Balaenopterarank: genus
Hemicaranxrank: genus
Selenerank: genus
Myrichthysrank: genus
Dasyatisrank: genus
Holacanthusrank: genus
Syngnathusrank: genus
Rajarank: genus
Auxisrank: genus
Colpichthysrank: genus
Polydactylusrank: genus
Epinephelusrank: genus
Citharichthysrank: genus
Microspathodonrank: genus
Bellatorrank: genus
Lophiodesrank: genus
Sphyrnarank: genus
Elopsrank: genus
Heterodontusrank: genus
Caranxrank: genus
Parequesrank: genus
Carcharhinusrank: genus
Xiphiasrank: genus
Mesoplodonrank: genus
Pomacanthusrank: genus
Cynoscionrank: genus
Xenistiusrank: genus
Brotularank: genus
Halichoeresrank: genus
Cyclopsettarank: genus
Chaetodipterusrank: genus
Notorynchusrank: genus
Micropogoniasrank: genus
Rhizoprionodonrank: genus
Ophioblenniusrank: genus
Chromisrank: genus
Selarrank: genus
Zapteryxrank: genus
Scorpaenodesrank: genus
Muraenarank: genus
Etrumeusrank: genus
Aluterusrank: genus
Dormitatorrank: genus
Cathoropsrank: genus
Nicholsinarank: genus
Girellarank: genus
Hippocampusrank: genus
Zalophusrank: genus
Pseudogrammarank: genus
Psenesrank: genus
Diplobatisrank: genus
Caulolatilusrank: genus
Zalieutesrank: genus
Exerpesrank: genus
Globicephalarank: genus
Stenellarank: genus
Hypsoblenniusrank: genus
Dactylagnusrank: genus
Mycteropercarank: genus
Miroungarank: genus
Dorosomarank: genus
Hoplunnisrank: genus
Microlepidotusrank: genus
Alectisrank: genus
Neoopisthopterusrank: genus
Balistesrank: genus
Cetengraulisrank: genus
Hypsopsettarank: genus
Engraulisrank: genus
Pseudorcarank: genus
Doryrhamphusrank: genus
Zalembiusrank: genus
Cynoponticusrank: genus
Rhinopterarank: genus
Hermosillarank: genus
Bothusrank: genus
Achirusrank: genus
Argentinarank: genus
Perissiasrank: genus
Alopiasrank: genus
Gnathanodonrank: genus
Bodianusrank: genus
Kogiarank: genus
Menticirrhusrank: genus
Ginglymostomarank: genus
Merlucciusrank: genus
Galeusrank: genus
Myrophisrank: genus
Pliosteostomarank: genus
Ariopsisrank: genus
Gobiosomarank: genus
Anchoa walkericommon name: anchovia; sardina; Walker's anchovy, anchoa persistente rank: species
Echiophis brunneuscommon name: anguila culebra, tieso colmillón rank: species
Hippoglossina bollmanicommon name: spotted flounder; lenguado pintado, lenguado pintado rank: species
Phocoena sinuscommon name: vaquita, cochito, vaquita, vaquita de mar rank: species
Porichthys analiscommon name: saddled toadfish; toadfish; pez sapo, sapo de luto rank: species
Pomadasys leuciscuscommon name: burrito; ronco; roncacho; roncador, ronco ruco rank: species
Anchoa curtacommon name: anchoa; pelada; short anchovy, anchoa chaparra rank: species
Pseudupeneus grandisquamiscommon name: chivo rojo; red goatfish; bigscale goatfish; salmonet, chivo escamudo rank: species
Eugerres axillariscommon name: mojarra china; mojarra rayada, mojarra malacapa, mojarra mojarra malacapa rank: species
Centropomus robalitocommon name: little snook; robalito, robalo aleta amarilla rank: species
Paralabrax auroguttatuscommon name: extranjero; goldspoted sand bass; lucero, cabrilla extranjera rank: species
Scomberomorus concolorcommon name: escombro; cero; sierra; gulf sierra, sierra golfina rank: species
Scomber japonicuscommon name: cachorreta; macarela del Pacífico; american mackerel, macarela estonino, macarela estornino rank: species
Diplectrum labarumcommon name: extranjero; camotillo; sand perch, serrano espinudo rank: species
Pomadasys panamensiscommon name: burro; ronco; roncacho; mojarron;grunt, roncacho mapache rank: species
Diplectrum macropomacommon name: camotillo; extranjero; pez ardilla; sandia, serrano mexicano rank: species
Monolene asaedaicommon name: lenguado manco, lenguado carbón rank: species
Eucinostomus dowiicommon name: mojarra cantileña; dow's mojarra, mojarra manchita rank: species
Xystreurys liolepiscommon name: fantail sol; lenguado cola de abanico; sol, lenguado cola de abanico rank: species
Orthopristis reddingicommon name: roncacho; burrito; bronzestriped grunt, burrito rayado rank: species
Delphinus delphiscommon name: delfín común, delfín común, delfín común de rostro corto, delfín común de rostro largo rank: species
Mugil curemacommon name: lisa; lisa blanca; lebrancha; blue-back mullet, lisa blanca rank: species
Synodus luciocepscommon name: chile; California lizardfish, chile lucio rank: species
Nematistius pectoraliscommon name: roosterfish; papagallo; pez gallo, papagallo, papagayo rank: species
Lile stoliferacommon name: sardinita; Pacific piquitinga, sardinita rayada rank: species
Anchoa ischanacommon name: anchoa; anchovy; slender anchovy, anchoa chicotera rank: species
Narcine brasiliensiscommon name: raja eléctrica; torpedo; lesser electric ray, raya eléctrica torpedo rank: species
Urolophus maculatuscommon name: raya manchada; spotted round stingray, raya redonda de Cortés rank: species
Eucinostomus curranicommon name: mojarra cantileña; mojarra aleta de bandera, mojarra mojarra tricolor, mojarra tricolor rank: species
Diplectrum pacificumcommon name: cabaicucho; guavina; extranjero; horqueta; ardilla, serrano cabaicucho rank: species
Serranus psittacinuscommon name: serrano; barred serrano, serrano guaseta rank: species
Trichiurus nitenscommon name: Pacific cutlassfish; cinta; pez sable; largened hairt, sable del Pacífico rank: species
Tursiops truncatuscommon name: delfín nariz de botella, delfín mular, delfín nariz de botella, tonina, tursión rank: species
Paralichthys aestuariuscommon name: gulf flounder; Cortez halibut, lenguado de Cortés rank: species
Rhinobatos productuscommon name: nothern guitarfish; pez guitarra; pez diablo, guitarra viola rank: species
Decodon melasmacommon name: blackspot wrasse, viejita manchada rank: species
Opisthonema libertatecommon name: machete; sardina crinuda; Pacific thread herring, sardina crinuda rank: species
Pontinus furcirhinuscommon name: pez escorpión, lapón rojo rank: species
Hippoglossina tetrophthalmuscommon name: fourspot sole; lenguado cuatrojos, lenguado cuatrojos rank: species
Synodus evermannicommon name: chile; lizardfish; sharpnose lizarfish, chile cadena rank: species
Mustelus henleicommon name: brown smooth-hound; musola parda, cazón hilacho rank: species
Hemanthias peruanuscommon name: cabrilla rosa; splittail bass; rose threadfin bass, cabrilla doblecola rank: species
Sphoeroides annulatuscommon name: tambor; bullseye puffer; pez globo; botete diana, botete diana rank: species
Lutjanus novemfasciatuscommon name: dog snapper; pargo negro; pargo prieto, pargo prieto rank: species
Diapterus peruvianuscommon name: peruvian mojarra; mojarra china; mojarra peineta rank: species
Mugil cephaluscommon name: lisa cabezuda; common mullet; machuto; céfalo, lisa rayada, pardete rank: species
Haemulon flaviguttatumcommon name: burrito; burro; mojarrón; cortez grunt; burro de corte, burro de Cortés, ronco de Cortés rank: species
Stegastes rectifraenumcommon name: pescado azul; pez azul de Cortes; Cortez damselfish, jaqueta de Cortés rank: species
Serranus huascariicommon name: extranjero, serrano bandera rank: species
Porichthys mimeticuscommon name: toadfish; pez sapo, sapo mimético rank: species
Rypticus nigripinniscommon name: jabonero; jabonero negro; negrillo; blackfin soapfish, jabonero doble punteado rank: species
Harengula thrissinacommon name: sardina; sardina rayada; sardina de ley; arenque, sardinita plumilla rank: species
Oligoplites altuscommon name: jurel; monda; small mouthed; cacana; quiebra cuchillos, piña bocona, zapatero sierrita rank: species
Squatina californicacommon name: Pacific angelshark; pez ángel del Pacífico, angelote del Pacífico rank: species
Ophichthus triserialiscommon name: morena; Pacific snake eel; anguila moteada, tieso del Pacífico rank: species
Myliobatis californicuscommon name: bat ray; raya murciélago; raya de California, tecolote rank: species
Pleuronichthys ocellatuscommon name: gulf turbot, platija ocelada rank: species
Arius platypogoncommon name: slender-spined catfish; bagre cominate, bagre cominate rank: species
Scorpaena sonoraecommon name: escorpion; scorpion; Sonora scorpiofish, escorpión de Sonora rank: species
Trachinotus kennedyicommon name: palometa, pámpano gitano, pámpano plateado rank: species
Lutjanus argentiventriscommon name: yellow snapper; amarillo snapper; pargo amarillo, pargo amarillo rank: species
Anchoa exiguacommon name: slender anchovy, anchoa fina rank: species
Gerres cinereuscommon name: mojarra de casta; mojarra plateada; mojarra blanca, mojarra blanca, mojarra trompetera rank: species
Canthigaster punctatissimacommon name: spotted sharpnose puffer; botete bonito, botete bonito rank: species
Gymnura marmoratacommon name: marbled butterfly ray, raya mariposa, raya mariposa californiana rank: species
Peprilus mediuscommon name: palometa; falso pámpano; harvestfish, palometa rank: species
Chloroscombrus orquetacommon name: orqueta; xurel castilla; palometa de hebra; pampano, casabe del Pacífico, horqueta del Pacífico rank: species
Scomberomorus sierracommon name: cero; escombro; serrucho; sierra mackerel; cero, sierra del Pacífico rank: species
Anchoa hellericommon name: anchoa; anchoveta; gulf anchovy; anchovy, anchoa del Golfo rank: species
Peprilus snydericommon name: palometa; falso pámpano; california pompano, palometa salema rank: species
Paraclinus sinicommon name: flapscale blenny, trambollito frondoso rank: species
Haemulon scudderiicommon name: mojarra prieta; mojarra grunt, burro pecoso rank: species
Gymnothorax castaneuscommon name: morena verde; panamic green moray; morena, morena verde panámica rank: species
Eucinostomus graciliscommon name: slender mojarra, mojarra charrita rank: species
Xenomedea rhodopygacommon name: redrump blenny, trambollito nalga roja rank: species
Calamus brachysomuscommon name: Pacific porgy, pluma marotilla rank: species
Anchoa mundeoloidescommon name: anchoveta; anchoa; norther gulf anchovy, anchoa golfina rank: species
Cephalopholis panamensiscommon name: cabrilla rivera; enjambre; Panamá graysby, cabrilla enjambre rank: species
Abudefduf troscheliicommon name: mulegina; chopa; pintano; panamic sergeant major, petaca banderita rank: species
Bagre panamensiscommon name: chihuil sea catfish; chihuil; bagre; bagre de altamar, bagre chihuil rank: species
Alphestes immaculatuscommon name: Pacific mutton hamlet; guaseta del Pacífico, guaseta Pacífico, hamlet guaseta del Pacífico rank: species
Mustelus lunulatuscommon name: sicklefin smooth-hound; musola segadora, cazón segador rank: species
Mugil hospescommon name: lisita; hospe mullet, lisa hospe rank: species
Bathygobius ramosuscommon name: panamic frillfin, mapo panámico rank: species
Paralichthys woolmanicommon name: speckled flounder; lenguado huarache, lenguado huarache rank: species
Rhinobatos leucorhynchuscommon name: white-snouted guitarfish; fiddlefish; pez guitarra, guitarra trompa blanca rank: species
Hyporhamphus unifasciatuscommon name: halfbeak; pajarito, agujeta blanca rank: species
Labrisomus xanticommon name: largemouth blenny, chalapo rank: species
Urotrygon aspiduracommon name: raya de espina redonda, raya redonda panámica rank: species
Synodus scitulicepscommon name: lizardfish; chile, chile arpón rank: species
Syacium ovalecommon name: lenguado, lenguado ovalado rank: species
Bairdiella icistiacommon name: roncador; corvineta; bairdiella, corvineta ronco, ronco roncacho rank: species
Ctenogobius sagittulacommon name: gobio aguzado rank: species
Centropomus mediuscommon name: bigeye snook; blackfin snook; róbalo de aleta prieta, robalo aleta prieta, robalo de aleta prieta rank: species
Scorpaena mystescommon name: escorpion; lapon; pez piedra; peje piedra, escorpión roquero rank: species
Pomadasys elongatuscommon name: burrito; roncacho; grunt, ronco alargado rank: species
Etropus peruvianuscommon name: lenguado zapatilla rank: species
Anchovia macrolepidotacommon name: sardina bocona; anchoveta; bigscale anchovy; anchovy, anchoveta escamuda rank: species
Paralabrax maculatofasciatuscommon name: spotted cabrilla; cabrilla de roca, cabrilla de roca rank: species
Lutjanus guttatuscommon name: spotted rose snapper; pargo lunarejo; pargo flamenco, pargo lunarejo, snapper pargo lunarejo rank: species
Leuresthes sardinacommon name: gulf grunion, pejerrey sardina rank: species
Isurus oxyrinchuscommon name: mako; mackerel shark; shortfin mako; marrajo dientudo, mako, tiburón alecrín, tiburón mako rank: species
Prionotus stephanophryscommon name: black fin gurnard; lumptail searobin, vaca voladora rank: species
Eucinostomus entomelascommon name: mojarra blanca, mojarra mancha negra rank: species
Centropomus viridiscommon name: white snook; róbalo blanco, robalo plateado rank: species
Oligoplites refulgenscommon name: quiebra cuchillos; monda; lejabin; slender, piña flaca, zapatero raspa balsa rank: species
Paranthias colonuscommon name: Pacific creole fish; indio; rabirrubia de lo alto, sandía rank: species
Eschrichtius robustuscommon name: ballena gris rank: species
Echidna nocturnacommon name: palenose moray, morena pecosa rank: species
Engyophrys sanctilaurentiicommon name: speckletail flounder; lenguado cola manchada, lenguado colimanchada rank: species
Scorpaena russulacommon name: escorpion; lapon; scorpionfish; sculpin, escorpión sapo rank: species
Malacoctenus gigascommon name: sonora blenny, trambollo de Sonora rank: species
Trachinotus rhodopuscommon name: pampanito; vieja; gafftopsail pompano, pámpano fino rank: species
Apogon retrosellacommon name: barspot cardinalfish; cardenal, cardenal de Cortés rank: species
Haemulon sexfasciatumcommon name: mojarra almejera; gray bar grunt; burro almejero, burro almejero rank: species
Physeter macrocephaluscommon name: cachalote rank: species
Balaenoptera edenicommon name: ballena de Bryde, ballena de Bryde, rorcual tropical rank: species
Diplectrum sciuruscommon name: guavina, serrano ardilla rank: species
Selene peruvianacommon name: jorobado; corcovado; chavelita; espejo, jorobado espejo, jorobado papelillo rank: species
Pomadasys nitiduscommon name: burrito; ronco; grunt, ronco brillante rank: species
Myrichthys tigrinuscommon name: anguila; vibora; culebra; tiger snake eel, tieso tigre rank: species
Dasyatis breviscommon name: raya; rat-tailed ray; kite-shaped ray, raya látigo redonda rank: species
Holacanthus passercommon name: pez angel rey; king angelfish; ángel real, ángel real rank: species
Hemicaranx zelotescommon name: jack, casabe chumbo, jurelito chocho rank: species
Syngnathus auliscuscommon name: barred pipefish, pez pipa anillado rank: species
Auxis thazardcommon name: atun; frigate mackerel, melva rank: species
Colpichthys regiscommon name: false grunion, pejerrey charal rank: species
Synodus sechuraecommon name: lizardfish; sand lizardfish; chile, chile iguana rank: species
Delphinus capensiscommon name: delfín común, delfín común, delfín común de rostro corto, delfín común de rostro largo rank: species
Polydactylus approximanscommon name: blue bobo; ratón; bobo blanco; bobo azul, barbudo seis barbas, bobo barbudo seis barbas rank: species
Epinephelus acanthistiuscommon name: cabrilla; baqueta; gulf coney, baqueta rank: species
Prionotus ruscariuscommon name: bristly searobin; cabro áspero, vaca rasposa rank: species
Haemulon steindachnericommon name: roncador rayado; latin grunt, burro latino rank: species
Porichthys ephippiatuscommon name: toadfish; pez sapo, sapo ensillado rank: species
Citharichthys fragiliscommon name: gulf sanddab, lenguado flaco rank: species
Arius fuerthiicommon name: congo sea catfish; congo baboso rank: species
Microspathodon dorsaliscommon name: chopa; castañuela gigante; giant damselfish; midnight, castañuela gigante, jaqueta gigante rank: species
Citharichthys gilberticommon name: lenguado tapadero; lenguado boca grande, lenguado tapadera rank: species
Bellator gymnostethuscommon name: gulf gurnard; vaquita; short-spine searobin, vaca enana rank: species
Lophiodes caulinariscommon name: Pacific goosefish; rape, rape de rabo manchado, rape rabo rank: species
Etropus crossotuscommon name: fringed flounder; lenguado ribete, lenguado ribete rank: species
Sphyrna lewinicommon name: scalloped hammerhead; cornuda común, cornuda común rank: species
Elops affiniscommon name: machete; chiro; bonefish; matajuela real; sábalo, machete del Pacífico rank: species
Heterodontus mexicanuscommon name: mexican hornshark; mexican bullhead shark, tiburón perro rank: species
Caranx hipposcommon name: toro; cavalla; yellow caranx; torito; jurel; jiguagua, jurel común rank: species
Pareques violacommon name: rock croaker, payasito gungo rank: species
Carcharhinus porosuscommon name: smalltail shark; tiburón poroso; caribbean sharpnose, cazón poroso, tiburón poroso rank: species
Xiphias gladiuscommon name: swordfish; pez espada, pez espada rank: species
Urotrygon rogersicommon name: lined round stingray; thorny stingray, raya redonda de púas rank: species
Mesoplodon peruvianuscommon name: ballena picuda, ballena picuda pigmea, ballena picuda tropical, mesoplodonte pigmeo, zifio pigmeo rank: species
Caranx melampyguscommon name: ulua; spotted jack; bluefin trevally; blue ulua, jurel aleta azul, jurel de aleta azul rank: species
Pomacanthus zonipectuscommon name: mojarra piedrera; gallina negra; zopilote; ángel; muñe, ángel de Cortés rank: species
Cynoscion reticulatuscommon name: corvina; corvina rayada; trucha de mar; weak fish, corvina rayada rank: species
Sphoeroides sechuraecommon name: botete peruano rank: species
Xenistius californiensiscommon name: salema rank: species
Prionotus albirostriscommon name: whitesnout gurnard; vaquita; seaborin; cabrilla, vaca cariblanca rank: species
Gymnothorax panamensiscommon name: morena; panamic moray; masked moray, morena mapache rank: species
Labrisomus multiporosuscommon name: porehead blenny, trambollo cabeza porosa rank: species
Brotula clarkaecommon name: lengua de vaca; brotula; Clark's brotula, brotula lengua, lengua rosada rank: species
Halichoeres chierchiaecommon name: cocinero; senorita herida; wounded wrasse, señorita herida rank: species
Cyclopsetta panamensiscommon name: southern flounder; lenguado sureño; lenguado bocado, lenguado panámico rank: species
Bellator loxiascommon name: vaquita; chevron searobin; barred searobin; cabrilla, vaca angelita rank: species
Urolophus hallericommon name: round stingray; Pacific little round stingray, raya redonda común, redonda común rank: species
Chaetodipterus zonatuscommon name: chambo; Pacific spadefish; peluquero, chambo rank: species
Notorynchus cepedianuscommon name: broadnose sevengill shark; cowshark; cañabota gata, tiburón pinto rank: species
Cyclopsetta quernacommon name: toothed flounder; lenguado dentón; bocado de dios, lenguado dientón rank: species
Micropogonias altipinniscommon name: berrugata; gurrubata; bocadulce; croaker, chano sureño rank: species
Citharichthys platophryscommon name: small sanddab; lenguado enano; lenguado zingua, lenguado frentón rank: species
Rhinobatos glaucostigmacommon name: slaty-spotted guitarfish; pez guitarra; pez diablo, guitarra punteada rank: species
Cynoscion xanthuluscommon name: corvina de aletas amarillas; yellowmouth corvina, corvina boquinaranja rank: species
Rhizoprionodon longuriocommon name: Pacific sharpnose shark; cazón picudo Pacífico, cazón bironche rank: species
Chromis atrilobatacommon name: castañuela; castañeta; herrero; castaneda; scissortail, castañeta cola de tijera rank: species
Synodus lacertinuscommon name: chile; lizardfish; reef lizardfish, chile lagarto rank: species
Selar crumenophthalmuscommon name: ojotón; chicharo; charrito; jigua; bigeye scod; redrod, charrito ojón, chicharro ojón rank: species
Zapteryx exasperatacommon name: rough-skinned guitarfish; pez guitarra, guitarra rayada rank: species
Citharichthys stigmaeuscommon name: lenguado, lenguado pecoso rank: species
Scorpaenodes xyriscommon name: rainbow scorpionfish, escorpión arcoiris rank: species
Raja inornatacommon name: raya, raya de California rank: species
Epinephelus analoguscommon name: cabrilla; cabrilla pinta; mero moteado, cabrilla pinta rank: species
Muraena lentiginosacommon name: jewel moray; morena pinta; morena; anguila pinta, morena pinta rank: species
Bellator xenismacommon name: shovelnose gurnard; vaquita; splitnose searobin; cabr, vaca doble hocico rank: species
Balaenoptera physaluscommon name: ballena de aleta, ballena boba, ballena de aleta, rorcual común, rorcual de aleta rank: species
Opisthonema medirastrecommon name: arenque de hebra; sardina crinuda, sardina crinuda machete rank: species
Etrumeus terescommon name: red-eye round herring; sardina redonda; sardina, sardina japonesa rank: species
Aluterus scriptuscommon name: scrawled filefish; unicorn filefish; lija trompa; oli, lija trompa rank: species
Sphoeroides lobatuscommon name: tamborin; tambor; pez globo; longnose puffer; tambor, botete verrugoso rank: species
Diapterus aureoluscommon name: golden mojarra; mojarra dorada; mojarra, mojarra palometa rank: species
Lutjanus perucommon name: Pacific red snapper; pargo gringo; huachinango, huachinango del Pacífico rank: species
Cathorops multiradiatuscommon name: chihuil; bagre marino rank: species
Prionotus horrenscommon name: vaquita; common searobin; cabro común; horrible gurna, vaca polla rank: species
Epinephelus niphoblescommon name: sowy gruper; star-studded grouper; mero manchado, baqueta ploma rank: species
Nicholsina denticulatacommon name: loosetooth parrotfish; pococho de mar, pococho beriquete rank: species
Girella simplicidenscommon name: chopita azul; chopa gris; ojo azul; gulf opaleye, chopa ojo azul, chopa ópalo rank: species
Hippocampus ingenscommon name: caballito de mar; Pacific seahorse, caballito del Pacífico rank: species
Zalophus californianuscommon name: lobo marino, león marino de California, lobo marino californiano, lobo marino de California rank: species
Pseudogramma thaumasiacommon name: blackspot bass, bass jaboncillo, jaboncillo ocelado rank: species
Psenes siocommon name: nomeido, derivante dos espinas rank: species
Diplobatis ommatacommon name: bullseye torpedo; raya electrica ocelada, eléctrica diana, raya eléctrica diana rank: species
Caranx sexfasciatuscommon name: bigeye trevally; Indo-Pacific horse-eye jack; jurel, jurel voráz rank: species
Caulolatilus affiniscommon name: Pacific golden-eyed tilefish; blanquillo; conejo, conejo, tilefish conejo rank: species
Urotrygon munduscommon name: shorfin round stingray; raya de espina; raya áspera, raya redonda áspera rank: species
Labrisomus striatuscommon name: green blenny, trambollo listado rank: species
Zalieutes elatercommon name: spotted batfish; pez murciélago; roundel batfish, murciélago biocelado, pez murciélago ocelado rank: species
Stegastes flavilatuscommon name: pescado azul de dos colores; pez de dos colores; bea, jaqueta de dos colores rank: species
Stenella longirostriscommon name: delfín tornillo rank: species
Hypsoblennius gentiliscommon name: bay blenny, borracho de bahía rank: species
Dactylagnus munduscommon name: miraestrellas, miraestrellas gigante rank: species
Mycteroperca rosaceacommon name: leopard grouper; golden grouper; cabrilla sardinera, cabrilla sardinera rank: species
Mirounga angustirostriscommon name: elefante marino, elefante marino, elefante marino norteño rank: species
Raja cortezensiscommon name: raya, raya de Cortés rank: species
Dorosoma petenensecommon name: threadfin shad, sardina maya rank: species
Hoplunnis pacificacommon name: duckbill eel, serpentina plateada rank: species
Mycteroperca jordanicommon name: cabrilla de astillero; gulf grouper; baya; mero; garlo, baya rank: species
Microlepidotus inornatuscommon name: jopaton; rayadillo; wavyline grunt, ronco rayadillo, ronco rayadito rank: species
Gymnothorax equatorialiscommon name: shark-tooth moray; equatorial moray, morena cola pintada rank: species
Pomadasys macracanthuscommon name: burro, roncacho gordo rank: species
Raja stellulatacommon name: raya, raya estrellada rank: species
Haemulon maculicaudacommon name: roncador rayado; spottail grunt, burrito rasposo, burro rasposo rank: species
Gymnothorax doviicommon name: fine spotted moray; morena pintita, morena pintita rank: species
Pleuronichthys verticaliscommon name: hornyhead turbot, platija cornuda rank: species
Alectis ciliariscommon name: pampano de hebra; pámpano; tread ponpano, sunfish, pámpano de hebra rank: species
Neoopisthopterus tropicuscommon name: tropical longfin herring; sardina chata; arenque, herring sardinela pelada, sardinela pelada rank: species
Syacium latifronscommon name: beach flounder; lenguado playero, lenguado playero rank: species
Balistes polylepiscommon name: finescale triggerfish; pez puerco; cochito, cochi rank: species
Lutjanus aratuscommon name: mullet snapper; pargo raicero, pargo raicero rank: species
Pomadasys bayanuscommon name: burrito, roncacho boquimorada rank: species
Cetengraulis mysticetuscommon name: boqueron; sardina bocona; anchoveta, anchoveta bocona, bocona rank: species
Hypsopsetta guttulatacommon name: diamond flounder; diamond turbot, platija diamante rank: species
Citharichthys gordaecommon name: lenguado, lenguado escondido rank: species
Engraulis mordaxcommon name: californian anchoveta, anchoveta norteña rank: species
Pseudorca crassidenscommon name: pseudoorca, orca bastarda, orca falsa rank: species
Pomadasys axillariscommon name: burro; burro blanco; roncador; grunt, ronco callana rank: species
Caranx caballuscommon name: jurel verde; cocinero; cocinero dorado; jurel, jurel bonito rank: species
Orthopristis chalceuscommon name: burrito; corcovado; grunt, burrito corcovado rank: species
Zalembius rosaceuscommon name: pink surfperch, mojarra rosada rank: species
Cynoponticus conicepscommon name: conehead eel, congrio espantoso rank: species
Raja velezicommon name: raya, raya chillona rank: species
Hermosilla azureacommon name: chopa blanca; chopa bonita; zebraperch, chopa azul, chopa bonita rank: species
Bothus constellatuscommon name: starry flounder; lenguado; platija; lefteye flounder, lenguado hoja rank: species
Cathorops steindachnericommon name: chihuil; bagre marino rank: species
Balaenoptera acutorostratacommon name: ballena minke, ballena menor, ballena minke, rorcual enano, rorcual menor, rorcual picudo rank: species
Achirus mazatlanuscommon name: mexican sole; hairy sole; lenguado listado; huarache, sole tepalcate, tepalcate rank: species
Bothus leopardinuscommon name: leopard flounder; lenguado leopardo, lenguado leopardo del Pacífico rank: species
Argentina sialiscommon name: Pacific argentine, argentina del Pacífico rank: species
Perissias taeniopteruscommon name: flag flounder; lenguado abanderado; lenguado empluma, lengua bandera, lenguado bandera rank: species
Rypticus bicolorcommon name: jabonero de Cortes; cortez soapfish; pez jabón, jabonero moteado rank: species
Peprilus ovatuscommon name: palometa, palometa de Cortés rank: species
Trachinotus paitensiscommon name: pámpano; paloma; palometa; paloma pompano, pámpano paloma rank: species
Alopias superciliosuscommon name: bigeye thresher; brown thresher; zorro ojón, tiburón zorro ojón rank: species
Carcharhinus falciformiscommon name: silky shark; tiburón jaquetón, tiburón piloto, tiburón prieto, tiburón tabasqueño rank: species
Gnathanodon speciosuscommon name: pompano rayado; mojarra dorada; banderia, jurel arenoso, jurel dorado rank: species
Bodianus diplotaeniacommon name: mexican hogfish; vieja, vieja mexicana rank: species
Kogia brevicepscommon name: cachalote pigmeo rank: species
Alopias pelagicuscommon name: pelagic thresher; green thresher; zorro pelágico, zorro pelágico rank: species
Apogon pacificuscommon name: cardenal; pink cardinalfish, cardenal morro listado rank: species
Caranx vinctuscommon name: cocinera; cocinero; jurelito; striped jack; striped tr, cocinero rank: species
Ginglymostoma cirratumcommon name: nurse shark; gata nodriza, tiburón gata rank: species
Halichoeres dispiluscommon name: cocinero; señorita camaleon; doncella; san pedrano, señorita camaleón rank: species
Merluccius angustimanuscommon name: Panama hake; merluza panameña; merluza; dwarf hake, merluza del Pacífico Norte, merluza norteña rank: species
Galeus piperatuscommon name: peppered catshark; pejegato pimienta, pejegato pimiento rank: species
Stenella attenuatacommon name: delfín manchado, delfín manchado pantropical, delfín manchado tropical, delfín moteado pantropical rank: species
Rhinoptera steindachnericommon name: hawray; Pacific cownose ray; golden ray; raya gavilan, gavilán dorado, manta gavilán rank: species
Myrophis vafercommon name: anguila de estero; estero worm eel; morena, tieso lombriz rank: species
Opisthonema bullericommon name: sardina crinuda; slender thread herring, sardina crinuda azul rank: species
Pliosteostoma lutipinniscommon name: sardina machete; yellowfin herring, arenquilla aleta amarilla rank: species
Ariopsis seemannicommon name: seemann's catfish; tete sea catfish; cuminate negro rank: species
Gobiosoma chiquitacommon name: sonora goby, gobio chiquito rank: species
Oligoplites saurus subsp. inornatuscommon name: zapatero; monda; chaqueta de cuero; leather jacket, piña sietecueros, zapatero sietecueros rank: infraspecificname
Malacoctenus hubbsi subsp. hubbsicommon name: redside blenny, trambollo rojo rank: infraspecificname
Ophioblennius steindachneri subsp. steindachnericommon name: panamic fanged blenny rank: infraspecificname
Malacoctenus tetranemus subsp. multipunctatuscommon name: throatspotted blenny rank: infraspecificname
Dormitator latifrons subsp. mexicanuscommon name: popoyote; puyeque; guavina; Pacific fat sleeper, puyeki rank: infraspecificname
Exerpes asper subsp. aspercommon name: sargassum blenny, trambollo sargacero rank: infraspecificname
Doryrhamphus excisus subsp. excisuscommon name: pez pipa chico; fantail pipefish rank: infraspecificname
Anchoa nasus subsp. nasocommon name: anchoa; colorado; bocona; rubia del mar rank: infraspecificname
Geographic Coverages
Bibliographic Citations
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Omar Vidal Pinzónoriginator
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Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de MonterreyUnidad GuaymasCentro de Conservación y Aprovechamiento de los Recursos NaturalesDepartamento de Ciencias Marinas
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CONABIO Comisión nacional para el conocimiento y uso de la biodiversidad
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Telephone: 50045000
Patricia Ramos Rivera
administrative point of contact
position: Dirección General de Sistemas
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Telephone: 50045000