1st Workshop: Data cleaning using OpenRefine (in Spanish only)

CESP2021-007 添加到日历
9 - 10 十二月 2021
19:00 - 21:30 CET

Two sessions in consecutive days, of 2.5 hs each. The workshop will be held in Spanish.

During December 9 and 10, the first workshop of the series on Biodiversity Data Quality will be held. This series is part of the CESP2021-007 project whose main objective is to increase the availability of high-quality biodiversity data from the Spanish-speaking community through the GBIF network.

The workshop will be dictated by Paula Zermoglio (VertNet) and Camila Plata (SiB Colombia). It will have a theoretical part, where a general description of the OpenRefine program will be given. Next, a demonstration and practice section will be developed, with the basic and advanced functions for cleaning biodiversity data in OpenRefine.

Day 1: Basic functions of OpenRefine

Day 2: Advanced features with OpenRefine

Zoom and YouTube
2021年12月9日 19:00 - 2021年12月10日 21:30