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- Acidilobaceae
- Acidilobus Prokofeva et al., 2000
- Acidilobus saccharovorans Prokofeva et al., 2009
- Thermoproteaceae
- Vulcanisaeta Itoh et al., 2002
- Pyrobaculum Huber et al., 1988
- Pyrobaculum aerophilum Völkl et al., 1996
- Thermofilaceae
- Thermofilum Zillig & Gierl, 1983
- Sulfolobaceae
- Sulfolobus Brock et al., 1972
- Sulfolobus solfataricus Zillig et al., 1980
- Metallosphaera Huber et al., 1989
- Metallosphaera sedula Huber et al., 1989
- Pyrodictiaceae
- Hyperthermus Zillig et al., 1991
- Hyperthermus butylicus Zillig et al., 1991
- Geogemma Kashefi, Holmes & Lovley, 2006
- Geogemma pacifica Kashefi, Holmes & Lovley, 2006
- Geogemma indica Kashefi, Holmes & Lovley, 2006
- Pyrolobus Blöchl et al., 1999
- Pyrolobus fumarii Blöchl et al., 1999
- Pyrodictium Stetter et al., 1984
- Pyrodictium occultum Stetter et al., 1984
- Pyrodictium brockii Stetter et al., 1984
- Pyrodictium abyssi Pley & Stetter, 1991
- Desulfurococcaceae
- Stetteria Jochimsen et al., 1998
- Thermodiscus Stetter, 2003
- Thermodiscus maritimus Stetter, 2003
- Sulfophobococcus Hensel et al., 1997
- Staphylothermus Stetter & Fiala, 1986
- Staphylothermus marinus Stetter & Fiala, 1986
- Staphylothermus hellenicus Arab et al., 2000
- Ignisphaera Niederberger et al., 2006
- Ignicoccus Huber et al., 2000
- Ignicoccus pacificus Huber & Stetter, 2000
- Ignicoccus islandicus Huber et al., 2000
- Ignicoccus hospitalis Paper et al., 2007
- Aeropyrum Sako et al., 1996
- Aeropyrum pernix Sako et al., 1996
- Aeropyrum camini Nakagawa et al., 2004
- Astrolonchidae
- Acanthonia Haeckel, 1881
- Acanthonia echinoides (Claparède & Lachmann, 1858) Haeckel, 1881
- Acanthometra echinoides Haeckel, 1862
- Acanthostaurus Haeckel, 1862
- Acanthostaurus pallidus (Claparède & Lachmann, 1858) Haeckel, 1862
- Acanthometra pallida Claparède & Lachmann, 1858
- Acanthostaurus nordgaardi Jørgensen, 1899
- Dictyacanthidae
- Phyllostauridae
- Hexalaspidae
- Lithopteridae
- Diploconidae
- Phractopeltidae
- Dorataspidae
- Acanthometridae
- Acanthometron Haeckel, 1887
- Acanthometron pellucidum Mueller, 1856
- Acanthometron elastricum (Haeckel, 1862)
- Amphilonche Haeckel, 1860
- Amphilonche elongata (Müller, 1858)
- Acanthometra J.Müller, 1856
- Acanthometra pellucida Müller, 1858
- Gigartaconidae
- Conaconidae
- Stauraconidae
- Pseudolithidae
- Astrolithidae
- Amphilithidae
- Acanthocollidae
- Acanthoplegmidae
- Acanthoplegma
- Acanthoplegma krohni
- Acanthochiasmidae
- Acanthochiasma Krohn, 1861
- Acanthochiasma fusiforme Haeckel, 1861
- Collozoum Haeckel, 1862
- Collozoum inerme (J.Müller, 1856)
- Sphaerozoum inerme J.Müller, 1856
- Orosphaeridae
- Oroscena Haeckel, 1887
- Orosphaera Haeckel, 1887
- Heliodiscidae
- Sethodiscus
- Sethodiscus macrococcus Haeckel, 1887
- Heliodiscus Haeckel, 1862
- Heliodiscus echiniscus Haeckel, 1887
- Heliodiscus asteriscus Haeckel, 1887
- Litheliidae
- Tholospira
- Tholospira dendrophora Haeckel, 1887
- Tholospira cervicornis Haeckel, 1887
- Discopyle
- Discopyle elliptica Haeckel, 1887
- Spirema Haeckel, 1881
- Spirema melonia Haeckel, 1887
- Pylospira Haeckel, 1887
- Pylospira octopyle Haeckel, 1887
- Larcospira Haeckel, 1887
- Larcospira quadrangula Haeckel, 1887
- Larcopyle Dreyer, 1889
- Larcopyle buetschlii Dreyer, 1889
- Larcopyle butschlii
- Lithelius Haeckel, 1862
- Lithelius nautiloides Popofsky, 1908
- Lithelius minor Joergensen, 1900
- Larcospira minor (Jörgensen, 1900)
- Tholoniidae
- Tholoma
- Tholoma metallasson Haeckel, 1887
- Cubotholus
- Cubotholus octoceras Haeckel, 1887
- Amphitholus
- Amphitholus acanthometra Haeckel, 1887
- Coccodiscidae
- Panartus
- Spongoliva
- Spongoliva ellipsoides Popofsky, 1912
- Didymocyrtis Vain.
- Didymocyrtis tetrathalamus (Haeckel) Sanfilippo & Riedel, 1980
- Didymocyrtis tetrathalamus subsp. tetrathalamus
- Ommatartus tetrathalamus subsp. tetrathalamus
- Didymocyrtis tetrathalamus subsp. coronatus (Haeckel, 1887)
- Ommatartus tetrathalamus subsp. coronatus (Haeckel, 1887)
- Panartus tetrathalamus Haeckel, 1887
- Ommatartus tetrathalamus
- Cypassis Haeckel, 1887
- Cypassis irregularis Nigrini, 1968
- Pyloniidae
- Streblacantha
- Streblacantha circumtexta (Joergensen, 1900)
- Pylonium Haeckel, 1882
- Pylolena
- Pylolena armata Haeckel, 1887
- Dipylissa
- Dipylissa bensoni Dumitrica, 1988
- Circodiscus
- Circodiscus microporus (Stoehr) Petrushevskaya & Kozlova, 1972
- Prunopyle Dreyer, 1889
- Tetrapyle Muller, 1858
- Tetrapyle octacantha Mueller, 1858
- Octopyle Haeckel, 1881
- Octopyle stenozona Haeckel, 1887
- Hexapyle Haeckel, 1881
- Hexapyle dodecantha Haeckel, 1887
- Plectacantha
- Plectacantha trichoides Jörgensen, 1905
- Plectacantha oikiskos Joergensen, 1905
- Phorticium Haeckel, 1881
- Phorticium clevei (Joergensen) Petrushevskaya, 1967
- Phorticium pylonium Haeckel, 1887
- Spongodiscidae
- Stylospongia
- Stylospongia huxleyi Haeckel, 1862
- Spongodiscus Ehrenberg, 1854
- Spongodiscus setosus (Dreyer) Petrushevskaya, 1967
- Spongopyle setosa Dreyer, 1889
- Spongodiscus resurgens Ehrenberg, 1854
- Spongodiscus biconcavus Haeckel, 1887
- Spongotrochus
- Spongotrochus glacialis Popofsky, 1908
- Spongopyle Dreyer, 1889
- Spongopyle osculosa Dreyer, 1889
- Stylochlamydium Haeckel, 1887
- Stylochlamydium venustum (Bailey) Haeckel, 1887
- Spongotrochus venustum (Bailey, 1856)
- Stylochlamydium asteriscus Haeckel, 1887
- Porodiscus Haeckel, 1881
- Spongaster Ehrenberg, 1860
- Spongaster pentas Riedel & Sanfilippo, 1970
- Spongaster tetras Ehrenberg, 1860
- Hymeniastrum Ehrenberg, 1847
- Dictyocoryne Ehrenberg, 1860
- Dictyocoryne euclidis
- Hymeniastrum euclidis Haeckel, 1887
- Dictyocoryne truncatum (Ehrenberg) Nigrini & Moore, 1979
- Euchitonia triangulum Seguenza, 1880
- Dictyocoryne profunda Ehrenberg, 1872
- Euchitonia
- Euchitonia elegans-furcata
- Euchitonia furcata Ehrenberg, 1872
- Euchitonia elegans (Ehrenberg) Haeckel, 1887
- Euchitonia arcata
- Amphirhopalum Haeckel, 1881
- Amphirhopalum straussii (Haeckel) Johnson & Nigrini, 1980
- Amphirhopalum ypsilon Haeckel, 1887
- Ommatogramma Ehrenberg, 1860
- Spongocore Haeckel, 1888
- Spongurus Haeckel, 1860
- Spongurus cylindricus Haeckel, 1860
- Spongocore diplocylindrica Haeckel, 1887
- Spongocore cylindrica (Haeckel, 1862)
- Ommatogramma dumitricai Petrushevskaya, 1975
- Spongocore puella Haeckel, 1887
- Spongurus pylomaticus Riedel, 1958
- Spongurus elliptica (Ehrenberg, 1872)
- Myelastrum
- Myelastrum trinibrachium Takahashi, 1991
- Myelastrum quadrifolium Takahashi, 1991
- Stylodictya
- Stylodictya multispina Haeckel, 1860
- Stylodictya tenuispina Joergensen, 1905
- Stylodictya validispina Joergensen, 1905
- Stylodictya aculeata Joergensen, 1905
- Actinommidae
- Dorydruppa
- Tetrapetalon
- Diploplegma
- Heliosoma
- Heliosoma radians Haeckel, 1887
- Xiphosphaera Haeckel, 1882
- Xiphosphaera tessaractis Dreyer, 1913
- Xiphosphaera gaea Haeckel, 1887
- Xiphatractus
- Xiphatractus pluto Haeckel, 1887
- Trilobatum
- Trilobatum acuferum Popofsky, 1912
- Thecosphaera Haeckel, 1882
- Thecosphaera radians Hollande, 1960
- Thecosphaera japonica Nakaseko, 1971
- Thecosphaera inermis (Haeckel) Haeckel, 1887
- Stylosphaera Ehrenberg, 1846
- Stylosphaera lithatractus Haeckel, 1887
- Stylosphaera melpomene Haeckel, 1887
- Stylacontarium
- Stylacontarium bispiculum Popofsky, 1912
- Stigmosphaera Haeckel, 1887
- Stigmosphaera cruciata Hollande & Enjumet, 1960
- Spongosphaera Ehrenberg, 1847
- Spongosphaera streptacantha Haeckel, 1860
- Spongosphaera polycantha
- Spongosphaera helioides Haeckel, 1862
- Echinomma
- Hexacontium Haeckel, 1881
- Hexacontium armatum-hostile
- Hexacontium hostile Cleve, 1900
- Hexacontium armatum Cleve
- Hexacontium axotrias Haeckel, 1887
- Hexacontium hystricina (Haeckel) Takahashi, 1991
- Hexacontium heracliti (Haeckel) Nishimura & Yamauchi, 1984
- Hexacontium aristarchi (Haeckel) Boltovskoy & Riedel, 1980
- Hexalonche aristarchi Haeckel, 1887
- Hexacontium gigantheum Cortese & Bjorklund, 1998
- Hexacontium melpomene (Haeckel) Van de Paverd, 1995
- Hexacontium arachnoidale Hollande, 1960
- Hexacontium laevigatum Haeckel, 1887
- Hexacontium enthacanthum Joergensen, 1900
- Hexacontium pachydermum Joergensen, 1900
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32kMarine metagenomes Metagenome
16kAmplicon sequencing of Tara Oceans DNA samples corresponding to size fractions for protists.
16kNeptune Deep-Sea Microfossil Occurrence Database
7k(Appendix A) Radiolarian abundances in sediment core MD96-2086
5kPolycystine Radiolarians from the water column and the surface sediments of the World Ocean
2kCatálogo taxonómico y biogeográfico de los radiolarios (orden Polycystina) de la región central y sur del Golfo de California
1kPaleobiology Database
1kRadiolaria specimens from the Norwegian Sea and Arctic Ocean
1kQuaternary radiolarians from offshore eastern New Zealand, ODP Leg 181, Site 1123, relative abundances
1kEMOSE (2017) Inter-Comparison of Marine Plankton Metagenome Analysis Methods
1kCalifornia Current Cruise CCE-P1408 Process Cruise #6
1kRelative abundance of radiolaria in surface sediments
1kRadiolaria specimens from Korsfjorden Nov 1969 - May 1971
638(Appendix D) Stratigraphic occurrence of radiolarian special and species groups in sediments of ODP Hole 199-1220A
623Protist Diversity in the East China Sea
622MICROBIS database
609Red Sea microbial plankton Raw sequence reads
607(Appendix B) Stratigraphic occurrence of radiolarian special and species groups in sediments of ODP Hole 199-1218A
582Exploring Fronts With Multiple Robots Schmidt Ocean Institute Cruise to the Pacific Ocean in 2018
540(Appendix C) Stratigraphic occurrence of radiolarian special and species groups in sediments of ODP Hole 199-1219A
531Main components of radiolarian assemblage at Site 177-1092
520Marine metagenomes from the bioGEOTRACES project
366Geographically tagged INSDC sequences
357Temporal sampling of marine metagenomes from Station ALOHA and BATS
332Amplicon sequencing of Tara Oceans RNA samples corresponding to size fractions for protists.
332Red Sea Zooplankton Raw sequence reads
321(Appendix A) Radiolarian abundances in ODP Hole 175-1084A
256Protists community in the southern East China Sea
252Diversity, Ecology and Biogeochemistry of cyst-forming acantharia (Radiolaria) in the oceans
240Abundance of radiolaria in surface sediment, Sea of Okhotsk
224Radiolaria assemblage in sediment core GIK23071
209Radiolaria assemblage in sediment core GIK23414-6
207University of California Museum of Paleontology
185JODC Dataset
180uncultured marine picoeukaryote strain:Peuk_V4_NWP1 Raw sequence reads
172Microbial communities in the ocean Raw sequence reads
171SOLA Raw sequence reads
169NMNH Paleobiology Specimen Records
141Polymetallic nodule field Targeted loci environmental
140Radiolaria assemblage in sediment core GIK23411-5
138Radiolaria assemblage in sediment core GIK23259-2
137Microbial community structure and dynamics in the oxygen minimum zone of the Northeast subarctic Pacific Ocean
131Siliceous microfossil occurrence, Site 177-1092
119Extracellular DNA marine sediment Targeted Locus (Loci)
118sediment metagenome Raw sequence reads
117Microbial Processes and Biodiversity: OCEAN
109CaCO3, biogenic opal, TOC, and microfossil observations of sediment core MR06-04_PC23A
105(Table 1) Occurrence and abundance of late Early Cretaceous radiolarians at DSDP Hole 62-463
104marine sediment metagenome Targeted Locus (Loci)
103Uncultured eukaryotes Targeted Locus (Loci)
99Depth dependent (0-5,000 m) and seasonal variability in archaeal community structure in the subarctic and subtropical western North Pacific.
98Metagenomic approach for studying picoeukaryotes in a extreme oligotrophic marginal sea (South Adriatic Sea) during winter mixed conditions
97marine sediment metagenome Metagenome
95The New York Botanical Garden Herbarium (NY)
90Marine Water Column Samples Targeted loci environmental
90Japan Collection of Microorganisms, RIKEN BioResource Center
89Radiolaria assemblage in sediment core GIK23424-3
88Radiolaria assemblage in sediment core GIK17722
81Diet analysis of Japanese sardine and Pacific round herring larvae
81CARBOM cruise 2013 flow cytometry sorted phytoplankton
79Natural History Museum (London) Collection Specimens
76ARMS Jeddah sample Raw sequence reads
74uncultured marine picoeukaryote strain:Peuk_V4_NWP2 Raw sequence reads
72Pelagic Microbiome: viruses to protists. 16S and 18S data from oceanic samples collected at the chlorophyll maximum.
69Marine metagenome ICM_GPS
69Eukaryotic protists Metagenome
65Hydrate Ridge, OR - Deep sea cold seep ecosystem Targeted Locus (Loci)
61DSMZ Prokarya Collection Catalogue
58Development and validation of a multi-trophic metabarcoding biotic index for benthic organic enrichment biomonitoring using a salmon farm case-study.
54marine metagenome Raw sequence reads
53Temporal variation in pesticide biodegradation
52marine sediment metagenome Metagenome
49Kherson State University herbarium (KHER), Department of Botany
48Archives of the Arctic Seas Zooplankton
47Structure and function of picoplankton and virus communities along zonal gradients in the South Pacific Ocean
44Eucaryotic microbial communities structure in the headwater watchment of Dongjiang River in the south of China
44Temporal dynamics of eukaryotic microbial diversity at a coastal Pacific site
44A long-standing complex tropical dipole shapes marine microbial biogeography
42Microzooplankton (larger protists and small copepods) abundance measured on concentrated water bottle samples at station PS65/593-9
41Queensland Marine Sediment
41Microzooplankton (larger protists and small copepods) abundance measured on concentrated water bottle samples at station PS65/587-14
40(Table 1) Distribution of benthic foraminifera on sediment core PS2837
40The Indigo Project: a global citizen science Ocean survey
37Abundance of radiolaria at station LV28-55-2
37Abundance of radiolaria at station UT99-4-2
37Submarine Ligurian Canyons Water Prokaryotic and Protist Communities
37Nahant Collection
36Condon Fossil Collection - Oregon Museum of Natural and Cultural History
36Biota occurrence data from plankton surveys around New Zealand
36Southern Ocean microorganisms Targeted Locus (Loci)
35Asia-Pacific Dataset
35Abundance of radiolaria at station UT99-16-1
35Condon Fossil Collection
35Environmental eukaryotes Metagenome
34Impacts of crude oil and chemical dispersant exposure on marine microbial biofilm formation and steel corrosion
33Biological Resource Center, Department of Biotechnology, National Institute of Technology and Evaluation
33Microzooplankton (larger protists and small copepods) abundance measured on concentrated water bottle samples at station PS65/514-18
33Microzooplankton (larger protists and small copepods) abundance measured on concentrated water bottle samples at station PS65/543-5
33Abundance of radiolaria at station UT99-23-2
33Microfossil abundance of Hole 21-206
33California Current System Long Term Ecological Research P1604 (CCS_LTER_P1604) Targeted loci environmental
32Abundance of radiolaria at station LV28-64-2
32Abundance of radiolaria at station UT99-22-1
32Radiolaria assemblage in sediment core GIK23400-3
31rDNA amplicon sequencing of Western North Atlantic microbial community
31Microzooplankton (larger protists and small copepods) abundance measured on concentrated water bottle samples at station PS65/509-16
31Microzooplankton (larger protists and small copepods) abundance measured on concentrated water bottle samples at station PS65/553-11
31Abundance of radiolaria at station LV28-14-2
31Abundance of radiolaria at station LV28-42-1
31Abundance of radiolaria at station UT99-15-2
31Eukaryotic natural population from Northern Baffin Bay - Raw sequence reads
31Biological data from the Soviet Antarctic Expedition (1955-1958)
30Microzooplankton (larger protists and small copepods) abundance measured on concentrated water bottle samples at station PS65/546-19
30Abundance of radiolaria at station LV28-29-1
30Abundance of radiolaria at station LV28-66-1
30Abundance of radiolaria at station UT99-21-2
30(Table 3) Distribution of benthic foraminifera and radiolaria in DSDP Hole 90-594
30Water and Sediment samples Targeted loci environmental
29White sea picoplankton Metagenome
29Abundance of radiolaria at station LV28-41-2
29Abundance of radiolaria at station UT99-20-1
28Loihi Seamount Targeted loci environmental
28Microzooplankton (larger protists and small copepods) abundance measured on concentrated water bottle samples at station PS65/511-12
28Large protozoan and small metazoan abundance measured on concentrated water bottle samples at station PS65/590-1
28Abundance of radiolaria at station UT99-5-1
28Abundance of radiolaria at station LV28-3-3
28Gulf Oil Spill underwater oil plume samples Targeted Locus (Loci)
27Deep-sea post-eruption "snowblower" microbial blooms raw sequence reads
27Abundance of radiolaria at station LV28-4-1
27Abundance of radiolaria at station LV28-40-2
27Abundance of radiolaria at station LV28-44-1
26Microzooplankton (larger protists and small copepods) abundance measured on concentrated water bottle samples at station PS65/424-22
26Abundance of radiolaria at station UT99-13-2
26Environmental zooplankton Targeted Locus (Loci)
25Microzooplankton (larger protists and small copepods) abundance measured on concentrated water bottle samples at station PS65/508-22
25Microzooplankton (larger protists and small copepods) abundance measured on concentrated water bottle samples at station PS65/580-12
25Abundance of radiolaria at station LV28-43-2
25Structuring effect of environmental variables on protistan diversity patterns in two anoxic marine basins
24Pelagic Gulf of Mexico Targeted loci environmental
24Community structure of Archaea in the western North Pacific and the Arctic Ocean
23Meise Botanic Garden Herbarium (BR)
22Yarwun Port Curtis Sediment Bacterial 16S rRNA (V6) 454 sequence
22Equatorial Pacific Ocean Targeted loci environmental
21seawater metagenome Metagenome
21Guaymas Basin and Sonora Margin sediment Targeted loci
21Microzooplankton (larger protists and small copepods) abundance measured on concentrated water bottle samples at station PS65/427-6
21Microzooplankton (larger protists and small copepods) abundance measured on concentrated water bottle samples at station PS65/544-6
21Microzooplankton (larger protists and small copepods) abundance measured on concentrated water bottle samples at station PS65/570-14
21Abundance of radiolaria at station UT99-24-1
20Abundance of radiolaria at station LV28-7-1
20Abundance of radiolaria at station UT99-19-2
20IndOBIS, Indian Ocean Node of OBIS
20(Table 1) Eocene benthic foraminiferal community of DSDP Hole 95-612
20Comparative 16S analysis of hydrothermal vent samples from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR)
19Diet analysis of Pacific Bluefin Tuna larvae
19BLS Lichen Database: Scotland 1700-2016
18sediment metagenome Raw sequence reads
18Temporal evolution of zooplankton, surface observations, in the Northwestern Mediterranean Sea, Villefranche-sur-mer 1898-1917
18Botany (UPS)
17BIOWIDE eDNA Fungi dataset
17Marine (Aarhus) and freshwater (Lake Constance) sediment Raw sequence reads
17Diversity and abundance of Bathyarchaeota (MCG) in South China Sea sediments and the implication of its ecological roles
16International Barcode of Life project (iBOL)
16Herbicide-incubated GBR lagoon microbiomes Targeted loci environmental
16Large protozoan and small metazoan abundance measured on concentrated water bottle samples at station PS65/593-14
16uncultured eukaryote Raw sequence reads
16Diversity and population structure of Marine Group A in the oxygen minimum zone of the Northeast subarctic Pacific Ocean
16Marine sediment metagenome ICM_GMS
16Sediment Metagenome Raw sequence reads
15Oxygen minimal zone Targeted loci environmental
15Arabian sea sediment samples with protist reads Metagenome
14Fungal Biodiversity Centre (CBS) - Fungi strains
14Abundance, diversity and distribution of Legionellales in wet environments in Sweden
13The Collection of Lichenicolous Fungi at the Botanische Staatssammlung München
12Microbial eukaryote community structure during early phytoplankton blooms in the naturally iron-fertilized Kerguelen area (Southern Ocean) Targeted Locus (Loci)
12Mariana and Kermadec Trench sediment 16S rRNA gene sequencing
12Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh Herbarium (E)
11Gulf of Mexico open ocean Targeted Locus (Loci)
11Invertebrates Collection of the Swedish Museum of Natural History
11(Table 1) Distribution of microfossils in the Barrow Group of ODP Hole 122-762C
11Sediment Metagenome
11Mediterranean mud volcano flow Targeted loci
10envinronment Metagenome
9Sea ice and seawater Raw sequence reads
9Natural History Museum, University of Tartu
9Zooplankton communities in the coastal water of northeastern Hokkaido
9Microbial communities in the phycosphere environment
8Marine sediment metagenome ICM_DSE
8Microbial community of Red Sea (16S amplicon) Targeted Locus (Loci)
8iNaturalist Research-grade Observations
8Nutrient addition mesocosm experiment Targeted Locus (Loci)
8BLS Lichen Database: England 1650-2016
8Aarhus Bay Station M5 sediment metagenome sequencing
8The fossil collection (F) of the Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle (MNHN - Paris)
7Arctic microbiome along Svalbard Cross Shelf transects
7Invertebrate Zoology Division, Yale Peabody Museum
7IFO Bacteria database
7Hydrothermal Deposit Targeted Locus (Loci)
7blocking PCR amplification of metazoan DNA for protistan diversity
6Hot springs Metagenome
6Large protozoa abundance measured on concentrated water bottle samples at station PS58/043-4
6Large protozoa abundance measured on concentrated water bottle samples at station PS58/045-9
6Large protozoa abundance measured on concentrated water bottle samples at station PS58/049-5
6Large protozoa abundance measured on concentrated water bottle samples at station PS58/091-3
6Large protozoan and small metazoan abundance measured on concentrated water bottle samples at station PS65/593-18
6Marine sediment metagenome ICM_CRS
6Composition and genetic diversity of picoeukaryotes in subtropical coastal waters as revealed by 454 sequencing-by-synthesis
6Evaluation of filtration and DNA extraction methods for environmental DNA biodiversity assessments across multiple trophic levels.
6Metabarcoding surveys of the Arctic marine environment
6Archaea Collection in BCRC
6Antarctic Snow Algae 2014/15 16S and 18S Illumina Seq of snow algae communities around Ryder Bay, Antarctica
6Invertebrates (Type Specimens) of the Swedish Museum of Natural History
5Archaeal diversity of Loki's Castle black smokers at the Arctic Mid-Ocean Ridge
5Paläontologie Marburg
5archaeal community in Haima cold seep in SCS
5Microbial communities associated with Eurasian watermilfoil, water and sediment
5Large protozoa abundance measured on concentrated water bottle samples at station PS58/038-7
5Large protozoa abundance measured on concentrated water bottle samples at station PS58/088-7
5Large protozoan and small metazoan abundance measured on concentrated water bottle samples at station PS65/587-16
5ATCC Bacteria Collection Catalog
5Microbial communities in marine surface water
5Biodiverskripsi: Biodiversity Theses Database
5Microbial diversity in shallow water hydrothermal sediments of Gueishan Island, Taiwan
4ETNP Targeted Locus (Loci)
4Marine metagenome ICM_DOF
4CMC Cincinnati Museum Center Invertebrate Paleontology
4Diversity of Microbial Eukaryotes in Sea Waters From Fildes Peninsula,King George Island, Antarctica
4BLS Lichen Database: England churchyards 1650-2016
4Large protozoa abundance measured on concentrated water bottle samples at station PS58/009-6
4Large protozoa abundance measured on concentrated water bottle samples at station PS58/011-3
4Large protozoa abundance measured on concentrated water bottle samples at station PS58/012-4
4Large protozoa abundance measured on concentrated water bottle samples at station PS58/048-5
4Large protozoa abundance measured on concentrated water bottle samples at station PS58/092-6
4Large protozoa abundance measured on concentrated water bottle samples at station PS58/107-6
4Seawater metagenome Targeted loci environmental
4Marine protists Metagenome
4Invertebrate Paleontology Division, Yale Peabody Museum
4marine metagenome Raw sequence reads
4Northern Gulf of Mexico Hypoxia can Alter Sediment Communities of Nitrifying Archaea
4BLS Mapping Scheme dataset, 1750-2009
4Eukaryote diversity assessment of sediments of the Western English Channel
4Marine metagenome ICM_JRV
4ARK26/3_Station212 Targeted Locus (Loci)
4Microbial indicators of anthropogenic marine pollution identified by 16S and 18S metagenomic library analysis
4Transitional subsurface-to-surface microbial diversity in a terrestrial serpentinizing seep (Manleluag, Pangasinan, the Philippines)
4Microbial processes in iron-rich sediments of Lake Towuti, Indonesia: Disentangling the methane and iron cycles
4Fungi (S)
3Marine metagenome ICM_AWP
3Deep Subsurface Basalts Targeted Locus (Loci)
3Canadian Museum of Nature Herbarium
3marine sediment metagenome Targeted loci environmental
3Microbial eukaryotes in an Arctic under-ice spring bloom north of Svalbard.
3Fungus Collections at Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde Karlsruhe (Herbarium KR)
3Naturalis Biodiversity Center (NL) - Micropaleontology
3Lichen specimens of National Museum of Nature and Science (TNS)
3Danish Mycological Society, fungal records database
3Biologiezentrum Linz
316S rDNA amplicon of Bacteria and Archaea Metagenome
3Microbial Biogeography and Potential Ecological Function Deep Indian Ocean Ridge
3PREsediment Targeted Locus (Loci)
3Eukaryotic diversity in Central Park
3(Table 2) Eocene benthic foraminiferal community of DSDP Holes 95-613 and 11-108
3North Sea plastic incubation and reference communities, raw sequence reads
3Marine sample from an Antarctic Bay Raw sequence reads
2Marine metagenome ICM_LCR
2Amundsen Gulf Overwintering Eukaryote Community
2Ascomycetes of Russian Fennoscandia
2Comparative study in validity of three regions of 18S-rRNA for eukaryote amplicon sequence analyses
2International Collection of Microorganisms from Plants (ICMP)
2Microbiome profiling Schlöppnerbrunnen peat cores from different depths
2Global Ocean Sampling Expedition
2Steiermärkisches Landesmuseum Joanneum - Herbarium GJO
2Large protozoa abundance measured on concentrated water bottle samples at station PS58/014-6
2Large protozoa abundance measured on concentrated water bottle samples at station PS58/042-5
2Large protozoa abundance measured on concentrated water bottle samples at station PS58/046-5
2Large protozoa abundance measured on concentrated water bottle samples at station PS58/090-2
2Large protozoa abundance measured on concentrated water bottle samples at station PS58/108-3
2Diversity of archaeal and bacterial 16S rRNA gene in marine sediment in Aarhus Bay
2Shotgun Metagenomic Sequencing of the Arctic Ocean during Winter-Spring Transition
2IBF Monitoring of Lichens
2CeDoc de Biodiversitat Vegetal: BCN-Lich
2CSIC-Real Jardín Botánico-Colección de Líquenes (MA-Lichen)
2Pond sediments Metagenome
2uncultured prokaryote Targeted loci environmental
2Studies on archaeal communities from freshwater sediments based on 16S rRNA gene biomarker
2Microbial community structures of chimney in DODO and Solitaire hydrothermal fields
2marine metagenome Targeted Locus (Loci)
2Marine sediment metagenome raw sequence reads
2Prince Edward Island marine metgenome Raw sequence reads
2Tartu Botanical Garden Root and Leaf Endophytes
2Protistan plankton diversity along salt gradient
2Protistan communities of the upper Arctic Ocean (18S SSU-rRNA Targeted Locus)
2Microbial communities in estuarine sediments
2Australian Museum provider for OZCAM
2soil bacteria and fungi Targeted loci environmental
2Duke University Herbarium Lichen Collection
2Biological rejuvenation of iron oxides in bioturbated marine sediments
2Metazoan sequencing
2Microbial diversity associated with copepods in the North Atlantic subtropical gyre
2A Method for Studying Protistan Diversity Using Massively Parallel Sequencing of V9 Hypervariable Regions of Small-Subunit Ribosomal RNA Genes
2Bacterial community diverisity
1Effect of size fractionation and DNA extraction on the diversity and composition of prokaryotic and eukaryotic plankton community
1Active microbial eukaryotes amidst a marine subsurface RNA paleome
1Bacterial 16s Amplicon Sequencing of the Atlantic Ocean
11778-1998 Ivor Rees North Wales Marine Fauna Ad-hoc sightings shore and ship-based surveys
1University of Vienna, Institute for Botany - Herbarium WU
1Qinghai Lake sediments Metagenome
1Non-vertebrate Paleontology, Jackson School Museum of Earth History, University of Texas at Austin
1MiSeq 16S rRNA gene (prokaryotic 16S rRNA gene) sequences of 16 SCS sediments
1deep marine subsurface Raw sequence reads
1Comparison of marine sediments from the Beguela upwelling zone
1Artportalen (Swedish Species Observation System)
1Naturalis Biodiversity Center (NL) - Paleontology Invertebrates
1Groundwater microbiome
1Sediment surface microbial community changes due to phytoplankton addition
1Coastal Marine Environment Targeted loci environmental
1Saltern microbial community diversity
1National Trust Species Records
1Biogeography of coastal wetland bacterial communities experiencing sudden vegetation dieoff
1Marine sediment metagenome ICM_CFU
1Marine phytoplankton Metagenome
1Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia" (MACN). Invertebrates National Collection (MACNIn)
1Microbial Community Diversity Response to a Changing Arctic Ocean
1Large protozoa abundance measured on concentrated water bottle samples at station PS58/041-5
1Large protozoa abundance measured on concentrated water bottle samples at station PS58/061-3
1Large protozoan and small metazoan abundance measured on concentrated water bottle samples at station PS65/591-11
1Large protozoan and small metazoan abundance measured on concentrated water bottle samples at station PS65/593-17
1SMNS Palaeontological collection - Invertebrates (Jurassic and Cretaceous)
1Microbial diversity in benthic stream sediment
1marine metagenome Raw sequence reads
1Lichen herbarium, Oslo (O)
1VAG Mine Pit Pond Metagenome
1North Pacific Subtropical Gyre Microbial Community
1TalTech fossil collections
1Fe3+ and Mn4+ - induced changes in microbial communities of boreal lake sediments
1CECT Spanish Type Culture Collection(Bacteria)
1Japan Collection of Microorganisms(Bacteria)
1Marine Sediment from the Berkeley Bay Targeted Locus (Loci)
1Microfossil abundance of Hole 21-206C
1Banco de Datos de la Biodiversidad de la Comunitat Valenciana
1marine sediment metagenome Raw sequence reads
1Magdalen Island Spatio Temporal (MIST) Raw sequence reads
1Bayside Harbour, NS, Canada (plankton SSU library 454 sequencing)
1Lund Botanical Museum (LD)
1Fungal Records Database of Britain and Ireland
1Protists tag sequencing of 18S rRNA HV 9
1Time course change of microbial community in tsunami sediment caused by the Great East Japan Earthquake
1Metagenome analysis of picoeukaryotes from surface seawater
1sediment metagenome Raw sequence reads
1Surface ocean Targeted Locus (Loci)
1Marine subseafloor sediment Targeted Locus (Loci)
1sediment metagenome Raw sequence reads
1Naturalis Biodiversity Center (NL) - Mollusca
1Variation in freshwater stream sediment community 16S rRNA profiles along an urbanization gradient
1Vertical stratification of microbial communities in the Red Sea revealed by 16S rDNA pyrosequencing
1marine sediment metagenome Raw sequence reads
1Nitrate-storing microorganisms in sediments of the Bornholm Basin
1Standard filtration practices significantly distort planktonic microbial diversity estimates
1Zoological Museum Amsterdam, University of Amsterdam (NL) - Protozoa
1Ecosystem biomonitoring with eDNA: metabarcoding across the tree of life in a tropical marine environment
1Bacterial Biomarkers of Marcellus Shale Activity in Pennsylvania