Polygonum buxiforme Small
- Dataset
- Novelties in the genus Polygonum (Polygonaceae) in Turkey
- Rank
- kingdom
- Plantae
- phylum
- Tracheophyta
- class
- Magnoliopsida
- order
- Caryophyllales
- family
- Polygonaceae
- genus
- Polygonum
- species
- Polygonum buxiforme
Description: ― Annuals. Stems 10 – 20 cm long, prostrate, striate. Ochrea 4 – 5 mm long, a few veined at tube; usually unlobed, lanceolate to elliptic, or sometimes a few lobed but never filiform. All leaves of same type and shape, 4 – 8 × 0.8 – 1.5 mm; veined at the lower side, only main vein in upper side; obtuse at apex. Petioles 0.3 – 2.0 mm long. Flowers 1 – 2 in the axil or 3 – 4 at the top. Tepal 2.0 – 2.5 × 1.5 – 1.8 mm; branched vein present, pink or whitish; tube part up to 1 / 3 of the lobes; lobes imbricate; the outer tepal base has a small protrusion. Stamens (5 –) 7 – 8, the filaments strongly dilated at base. Achenes dull, with the punctate surface. Styles 3, stigma short. Achenes bright brown, trigonous, threefaced 2.0 – 2.2 × 1.3 – 1.5 mm. Wintertime achenes present, somewhat like-pears and up to 2.5 mm long.
Note: ― It is a noticeable species with its small protrusions on the tepal base (Table 2). It is only known from shore around the islands in the Marmara Sea of Turkey.
Examined specimens: ― TURKEY. İstanbul: Adalar, Kınalıada, above part, near shore, 1 m, 3 November 2019, Keskin 7881 MUFE!); Adalar, Burgazada, shore, 0 m, 16 November 2019, Keskin 7883 (MUFE!).
Lectotype (designated by Costea & Tardif, 2003: 988). U. S. A. Cumberland Gap, Lee County (Virginia), 27 July 1892, 1500 feet, Small s. n. (NY 00323754!). (http: // sweetgum. nybg. org / science / vh / specimen – details /? irn = 547585).
Vernacular name: ― Polygonum is called “ Madımak ” in Turkish. The authors propose “ Keseli madımak ” as a vernacular name for P. buxiforme according to the guidelines of Menemen et al. (2016).