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GBIF.org (01 February 2022) GBIF Occurrence Download https://doi.org/10.15468/dl.f7th7s
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اتصال بمكتب المساعدة
- الرخصة
- ملف
- 194 GB أرشيف داروين الأساسي
- مجموعات البيانات المعنية
- {{ 3481 | localNumber}}
- أرشيف شروح "جيبف"
- {{ 819 | localNumber}}
- أرشيف شروح "جيبف"
- {{ 88 | localNumber}}
ذو احداثيات true
ذو مشكلة جغرافية مكانية false
IUCN Global Red List Category Least Concern (LC)
حالة التكرار present
السنة بين بداية من 2017 وانتهاء بـ 2022
يجب تطبيق الكل
لتكرار التنزيل على بيانات اليوم باستخدام واجهة برمجة التطبيقات (API)، يمكن استخدام الاستعلام أدناه.
اقرأ المزيد
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"type": "equals",
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"type": "equals",
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"matchCase": false
"type": "equals",
"value": "LC",
"matchCase": false
"type": "equals",
"value": "present",
"matchCase": false
"type": "and",
"predicates": [
"type": "greaterThanOrEquals",
"key": "YEAR",
"value": "2017",
"matchCase": false
"type": "lessThanOrEquals",
"key": "YEAR",
"value": "2022",
"matchCase": false
Download as TSV
454MEOD – eBird Observation Dataset
18MArtportalen (Swedish Species Observation System)
10MObservation.org, Nature data from around the World
8MSouthern African Bird Atlas Project 2
7MDOF - Observations from the Danish Ornithological Society
7MNorwegian Species Observation Service
3MPl@ntNet automatically identified occurrences
3MWaarnemingen.be - Bird occurrences in Flanders and the Brussels Capital Region, Belgium
1MBird Ringing Centre in Sweden (NRM)
1MListe des espèces de la faune sauvage de la base de données naturalistes Faune-France 2018.
918kNSW BioNet Atlas
867kThe Danish Environmental Portal, species and habitats-database "Danmarks Miljøportals Naturdatabase"
732kBirdLife Australia, Birdata
668kAranzadi Ringing Scheme (bird ring-recovery data)
616kEstonian Ornithological Society (BirdLife Estonia)
526kListe des espèces de la faune sauvage de la base de données naturalistes Faune-France 2017.
497kSwiss National Databank of Vascular Plants
406kData collected on citizen science web portal www.ornitho.cat
393kRU-BIRDS.RU, Birds observations database from Russia and neighboring regions. Zoological Museum of M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University.
380kVictorian Biodiversity Atlas
378kKenya Bird Map (Full protocol and Adhoc records)
368kNorwegian Biodiversity Information Centre - Other datasets
362kAnillamiento SEO_Bird ringing
361kLine transect censuses of breeding birds
327kWaarnemingen.be - Non-native animal occurrences in Flanders and the Brussels Capital Region, Belgium
317kWaarnemingen.be - Plant occurrences in Flanders and the Brussels Capital Region, Belgium
307kDragonfly records from the British Dragonfly Society Recording Scheme
296kRinging and recovery database of birds (TIPU)
266kKastikka Floristic Archives (Kastikka Ark)
215kCollections and observation data National Museum of Natural History Luxembourg
200kPl@ntNet observations
199kMICA - Muskrat and coypu occurrences collected by UVW in the Netherlands
198kNigeria Bird Atlas (Full Protocol Submissions)
197kBirdMap Data - GPS tracking of Storks, Cranes and birds of prey, breeding in Northern and Eastern Europe
196kBiodiversitätsdatenbank Salzburg
196kXeno-canto - Bird sounds from around the world
195kFlorabank1 - A grid-based database on vascular plant distribution in the northern part of Belgium (Flanders and the Brussels Capital region)
183kDonnées STOC-EPS
182kWinter Bird Census
135kSwiss National Mammal Databank
130kLajitietokeskus/FinBIF - Notebook, general observations
127kDonnées faune pour le rapportage européen DHFF-DO 2018
125kMonitoring scheme of birds and mammals that are visiting bird feeders during winter
115kOdonata Central
114kNEON breeding landbird point counts
114kBRERC Notable Species records within the last 10 years
106kUK Butterfly Monitoring Scheme (UKBMS)
103kNOAA Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center, Ecosystem Sciences Division, National Coral Reef Monitoring Program: Stratified random surveys (StRS) of reef fish in the U.S. Pacific Islands
101kABV - Common breeding birds in Flanders, Belgium (post 2016)
99kEcological Baseline Studies of the U.S. Outer Continental Shelf Option Year 1
99kSA Fauna (BDBSA)
96kEarth Guardians Weekly Feed
94kBatumi Raptor Count (BRC) - Autumn migration data
92kNational Mammal Atlas Project, online recording
86kIMOS - Animal Tracking Facility - Acoustic Tracking - Quality Controlled Detections (2007 -2021)
86kPrograma de fotomonitoreo de objetos de conservación y amenazas en el Sistema Nacional de Áreas Silvestres Protegidas del Estado (SNASPE)
85kBig Hedgehog Map records
84kWaarnemingen.be - Non-native plant occurrences in Flanders and the Brussels Capital Region, Belgium
83kKenya Bird Map Occurrence Data
80kDonnées ONF faune-flore-fonge
79kSwedish Bird Survey: Fixed routes (Standardrutterna)
74kThe Scottish Squirrel Database
74kObservations.be - Non-native species occurrences in Wallonia, Belgium
72kOccurrence Data of Vascular Plants collected or compiled for the Flora of Bavaria
72kField observations of birds from Suez facilities under BiObserva program.
67kEstonian Naturalists’ Society
66kVascular plant records verified via iRecord
65kSwiss National Butterflies and Forester Moths Databank
65kSwiss National Amphibia Databank
63kAll taxa records for Leicestershire and Rutland
63kMaritimes Summer Research Vessel Surveys
63kLong term data from the Hanko Bird Observatory (Halias data)
62kObservations Regelink Ecology and Landscape
58kHappywhale - Humpback Whale in North Pacific Ocean
55kObservations naturalistes des Amis de BioObs.
54kLeicestershire and Rutland Environmental Records Centre records 2015-2019
53kWatervogels - Wintering waterbirds in Flanders, Belgium
52kEcological Baseline Studies of the U.S. Outer Continental Shelf Option Year 2
52kDonnées d'occurrences Espèces issues de l'inventaire des ZNIEFF
52kBirds of Northern Eurasia
51kMiscellaneous records held on the Cofnod database
48kEstonian Nature Observations Database
47kSwedish Bird Survey: Winter point count routes (Vinterpunktrutterna)
44k1921 Onwards Swift Screaming Parties, UK
43kPoint counts of breeding terrestrial birds
41keButterfly Surveys
40kDFO Pacific Groundfish Synoptic Trawl Surveys - Queen Charlotte Sound
39kTOV-E Bird monitoring sampling data
38kBRERC species records from all years at full resolution excluding Notable Species within the last 10 years
37kDigital Aerial Baseline Survey of Marine Wildlife in Support of Offshore Wind Energy - OPA 2018
36kObservations floristiques - plateforme SINP régionale SILENE PACA
36kWaarnemingen.be - Butterfly occurrences in Flanders and the Brussels Capital Region, Belgium
36kSEWBReC Birds (South East Wales)
36kSwedish Bird Survey: Summer point count routes (Sommarpunktrutterna)
36kCoordinated Waterbird Counts
35kAbundance of Rocky Reef Fishes, Invertebrates and Algae, Reef Check California (RCCA), 2006 - 2017
34kTaiwan New Year Bird Count
34kFLORUS: miscellaneous records
33kA dataset of bird inventory records at Cloudbridge Nature Reserve, Talamanca Mountains, Costa Rica, between March 2016 and May 2020.
33kDFO Pacific Groundfish Synoptic Trawl Surveys - Hecate Strait
32kObservations faune et flore du Parc national des Écrins
31kSystème d’Information Régional sur la Faune et la Flore - FNE Centre-Val de Loire - Données saisies entre 01-01-2017 et 31-03-2018
30kObservatoire Pelagis boat surveys 2003-2021
30kWildlife inventory in the Azores using camera trapping
30kFauna Atlas N.T.
29kDigital Aerial Baseline Survey of Marine Wildlife in Support of Offshore Wind Energy - OPA 2017
29kRelevés floristiques du protocole de l'Inventaire National Forestier de l'IGN
29kSEWBReC Vascular Plants (South East Wales)
29kNational Plant Monitoring Scheme - England, Scotland, Wales
29kMaritimes Spring Research Vessel Surveys
27kALA species sightings and OzAtlas
27kMICA - Muskrat and coypu camera trap observations in Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany
26kDFO Pacific Groundfish Synoptic Trawl Surveys - West Coast Vancouver Island
26kLong-term cetacean monitoring in the Azores based on whale watching observations (2009-2020)
25kUK Roadkill Records
25kMerseyside BioBank (unverified)
25kMonitoreos en áreas de compensación por pérdida de biodiversidad relacionadas al Gasoducto Loop San Mateo
25kTetraonid line transect surveys from Norway: Data from Fjellstyrene
24kThe Finnish Nature League's Spring monitoring
24kPrimer monitoreo en áreas de compensación por pérdida de biodiversidad relacionadas al Gasoducto Mamonal-Paiva
24kVIS - Reference freshwater monitoring in Flanders, Belgium (post 2013)
24kMammal Mapper App Sighting Records
24kDutch Vegetation Database
24kSwiss National Dragonflies Databank
23kBird Survey Around Mida Creek
23kSpatially explicit database of tree related microhabitats (TreMs)
23kYorkshire Wildlife Trust - Non-sensitive records from all taxonomic groups
23kTayside Beaver Survey 2017-18
22kSwiss National Mammal Databank: Larger Carnivores Monitoring Program (KORA)
22kFlora Atlas N.T.
22kDonnées faune Indre Nature 2016-2017
21kDonnées de la structure Naturessonne provenant de la base de donnée du SINP Île-de-France CETTIA
21kBiodiversidad asociada al plan de manejo ambiental del embalse de Tominé, Cundinamarca
21kHakai Institute Juvenile Salmon Program
21kBird survey of Budai salt pans in Taiwan
20kDonnées SHOC
20kCanberra Nature Map
19kDonnées Birdlab
19kSwiss National Mollusca Databank
18kDatos de monitoreo asociados al indicador de condición tendencias para arrecifes coralinos - ICTac
18kDigital Aerial Baseline Survey of Marine Wildlife in Support of Offshore Wind Energy - OPA 2016
18kConchological Society of Great Britain & Ireland: non-marine mollusc records
17kDonnées naturalistes de Pierre HUGUENY
17kFish specimens of Kagoshima University Museum
17kFlora y epífitas presentes en el proyecto Minera de Cobre Quebradona, municipio de Jericó
17kInventaire de la flore de Dordogne 2017
17kCoastal birds in the Gulf of Bothnia (Kustfåglar i Bottniska Viken)
16kSA Flora (BDBSA)
16kMSB Mammal Collection (Arctos)
16kVIS - Non-native fish in Flanders, Belgium
15kEulachon migration bottom trawl surveys
15kCEDaR Online Recording
15kNEON Biorepository Mammal Collection (Fecal Samples)
15kLithuanian Lepidoptera and Odonata
14kInventaire de la flore de Gironde 2017
14kMonitoreo de aves acuáticas en hábitats sedimentados de la Laguna de Sonso y determinación de la presencia e incidencia de influenza aviar en humedales continentales y costeros del Valle del Cauca.
14k1921 Onwards Occupied Swift Nests, UK
14kDatos de monitoreo asociados al indicador de condición tendencias para peces arrecifales - ICTac
13kSpecies recordings from the Danish National portal Arter.dk
13kTropicos Specimen Data
13kShropshire Ecological Data Network database
13kIndia Biodiversity Portal publication grade dataset
13kVIS - Estuarine monitoring in Flanders, Belgium (post 2013)
13kSynthèse 10x10km de la faune sauvage des Directives Oiseaux et Habitats-Faune-Flore recensée via les portails gérés par la LPO de 2013 à 2017
13kSeguimiento a la Fauna presente en las Actividades de Mantenimiento realizadas entre la Empresa de Acueducto y Alcantarillado de Bogotá ESP y Aguas de Bogotá SA ESP en los Parques Ecológicos Distritales de Humedal, Bogotá D.C.
13kTanami Pipeline Project Records
12kHatikka.fi observations
12kMerseyside BioBank Active Naturalists (unverified)
12kDonnées naturalistes de CERCOPE (Jean-Louis PRATZ)
12kDonnées du parc national de la Vanoise
12kAbundances and biological traits of fish sampled by electrofishing (except specific abundance indices) on the River Oir since 1988 (France).
12kRecord Pool
11kDanish Mycological Society, fungal records database
11kSLU Aqua Institute of Coastal Research Database for Coastal Fish - KUL
11kNEON Biorepository Mammal Collection (Hair Samples)
11kUSGS Nonindigenous Aquatic Species database
11kDonnées naturalistes de Thomas GAILLARD
11kObservations occasionnelles Parc national des Pyrénées
11kApplication INPN Espèces: Observations naturalistes, participatives et opportunistes, fondées sur des photographies
11kDonnées faune Nature 18 - 2017
11kMonitoreo de supervivencia y estado fitosanitario de la vegetación en el Parque Nacional Natural Serranía de Los Yariguíes para el periodo 2017 a 2019
11kDonnées de l'AFB acquises selon le protocole de pêche partielle par points
11kSwedish Bird Survey: Swedish coastal bird monitoring programme (Nationella kustfågelövervakningen)
11kAves de los Parques Ecológicos Distritales Humedales Bogotá, D.C.
10kBiodiversity4all Research-Grade Observations
10kNew Zealand Freshwater Fish Database (extended)
10kNew Zealand Freshwater Fish Database
10kInventaire de la flore des Landes 2017
9kNational Finnish butterfly monitoring scheme (NAFI) (NAFI)
9kSLU Aqua Institute of Freshwater Research Swedish Electrofishing Registry - SERS
9kVertebrate Zoology Division - Herpetology, Yale Peabody Museum
9kPuerto Rico Long-Term Coral Reef Monitoring Program Database Compilation
9kEnvironment Agency Rare and Protected Species Records
9kWider Countryside Butterfly Scheme (WCBS)
9kAcoustic monitoring data of avian species inside and outside the evacuation zone of the Fukushima Daiichi power plant accident
9kInventaire de la flore de Dordogne 2018
9kArgyll Biological Records Dataset
9kCatch data from New Zealand research trawls since 2008
8kCarnet en Ligne
8kSeasearch Marine Surveys in England
8kSheffield and Rotherham Wildlife Trust - Records
8kDonnées naturalistes de SWIFT Olivier
8kSurvey of bumblebees in central Alberta - 2018
8kKalsnava Arboretum Dendrological Collection
8kNational Trust for Scotland Species Records
8kButterflies of Ireland
8kDonnées naturalistes d'Olivier ESCUDER
8kInventaire de la flore du PNRLG 2017 (Landes)
8kNational Dormouse Database (NDD)
8kPacific Multispecies Small Mesh Bottom Trawl Survey
8kXerces Society - Bumble Bee Watch
8kDonnées du naturaliste ducourneau philippe provenant de la base de donnée du SINP Île-de-France CETTIA
7kBiodiversidad asociada al gasoducto Paiva-Caracolí
7kTetraonid line transect surveys from Norway: Data from Statskog
7kRegistros biológicos asociados al monitoreo de la diversidad de aves en paisajes ganaderos 2013-2019
7kINSDC Sequences
7kSwiss National Bat Databank: Regional Coordination Eastern Switzerland (KOF)
7kRegistros de especies priorizadas de mamíferos de Colombia, recopilados a partir de la información de fototrampeo
7kWDC Shorewatch Sightings
7kPhenology and biological traits of migrating salmon (Salmo salar) sampled by trapping in the Scorff river (France).
7kDonnées du/de la naturaliste Bottinelli Julien provenant de la base de donnée du SINP Île-de-France CETTIA
7kThe Taiwan Roadkill Observation Network Data Set.
7kInventaire botanique et étude ethnobotanique des espèces végétales du Jardin Botanique de l'Institut de Recherche Agronomique de Guinée (BID-AF2015-0066-REG)
7kBiodiversidad asociada al Estudio de Impacto Ambiental para la Modificación del Área de Perforación Exploratoria Medina Occidental
7kInventaire de la flore de Lot-et-Garonne 2018
7kNEON Biorepository Mammal Collection (Ear Tissue)
7kRB - Rio de Janeiro Botanical Garden Herbarium Collection
7kMonitoreo de biodiversidad del Valle del Cerrejón
7kInventaire de la flore de Lot-et-Garonne 2017
7kDonnées de l'AFB acquises selon le protocole de pêche complète à un ou plusieurs passages
7kFauna y flora asociada a la Central Hidroeléctrica Playas
7kObservatoire Pelagis - Reseau National Echouage (French stranding network) strandings 1934-2020
7kSwiss National Bat Databank: Regional Coordination Western Switzerland (CCO)
6kLöydös Open Finnish Observation Database
6kFloristic diversity of potential exploitable ranches in the Zou and Collines departments of Benin
6kBirds ringed by Revtangen Bird Observatory 1936-2018, Southwest Norway
6kFloristic diversity of the protected areas of Mont Kouffé and Wari Maro in the north of Benin
6kDonnées Faune ANEPE Caudalis 2017
6kObservatoire Pelagis aerial surveys 2002-2021
6kSwiss National Grasshoppers Databank
6kDragonfly Ireland 2019 to 2024
6kCorncrake national surveys - raw data
6kBird survey with mapping at the permanent sample plots in the Prioksko-Terrasnyi Biosphere Reserve
6kDMNS Bird Collection (Arctos)
6kComptages Wetlands, dénombrements des Oiseaux d'eau à la mi-janvier en France métropolitaine
6kDonnées naturalistes flore et fonge du Conservatoire des espaces naturels Auvergne saisies avant le 18 février 2019.
6kBiodiversidad asociada al proyecto Línea de Transmisión de Energía Segundo Circuito San Lorenzo - Calizas a 110 kV, Antioquia
6kFungal atlas
6kAgri-Food and Biosciences Institute Marine Surveys
6kNEON Biorepository Mammal Collection (Blood Samples)
6kUSGS PWRC - Native Bee Inventory and Monitoring Lab (BIML)
6kBird tracking - GPS tracking of Western Marsh Harriers breeding near the Belgium-Netherlands border
6kGreat crested newt presence records determined from Class Licence return documents (2013-2018)
6kSEAPOP - Last observation per locality in winter season
6kEyre Peninsula's Bird Monitoring Program
5kAbundances and biological traits of the juveniles salmon sampled in the survey of Salmon abundance Indices in the Scorff river (France)
5kHappywhale - Humpback Whale in Southern Ocean
5kMICA - Muskrat occurrences collected by VMM in Flanders, Belgium
5kSLU Aqua Institute of Freshwater Research National register of survey test-fishing - NORS
5kLínea base general de aves para el valle medio del Magdalena - VMM
5kEvaluation et conservation des espèces forestières de la forêt de Lama (Bénin)
5kDFO Pacific Inside South Hard Bottom Longline Surveys
5kInventaire de la flore de Gironde 2018
5kDonnées de la structure CERF (Centre d'Etude de Rambouillet et de sa Forêt) provenant de la base de donnée du SINP Île-de-France CETTIA
5kPlant spicies from Mono Delta transboundary biosphere reserve
5kMammal records for Europe via the iMammalia app
5kHappywhale - Humpback Whale in South Pacific Ocean
5kAtlas of Life in the Coastal Wilderness
5kOrthoptera and Allied Insects of the British Isles data from iRecord
5kBiodiversitätsdatenbank Nationalpark Hohe Tauern
5kNatagriwal ; Observations made from operations within Natura 2000 habitats and other semi-natural areas
5kSEWBReC Mammals (South East Wales)
5kHibernation Survey
5kRaptors of the World
5kFloristic diversity of protected areas in the north of Benin
4kBee, wasp and ant (Hymenoptera: Aculeata) records verified via iRecord
4kAggregated occurrence records of invasive European frog-bit (Hydrocharis morsus-ranae L.) across North America
4kAustralian National Wildlife Collection provider for OZCAM
4kWaarnemingen.be - Orthoptera occurrences in Flanders and the Brussels Capital Region, Belgium
4kDonnées naturalistes de Monsieur Le Cesne Maxime
4kCensus of plant species in Benin as part of several research projects
4kInventaire de la flore des Pyrénées-Atlantiques 2017
4kDFO Pacific Inside North Hard Bottom Longline Surveys
4kFrogWatch SA
4kAves de tres Macro Hábitats en la región de la Mojana, Sucre, Colombia
4kInventaire de la flore des Pyrénées-Atlantiques 2018
4kiRecord Surveys
4kObservaciones de Aves asociadas a investigaciones de la Univerisdad ICESI en el periodo 2014-2019
4kNMNH Material Samples (USNM)
4kFlora al interior del Área 1 del Banco de Hábitat del Meta de Terrasos
4kHappywhale - Humpback Whale in North Atlantic Ocean
4kHappywhale - Humpback Whale in North Atlantic Ocean
4kRegistros de fauna asociados al proyecto: Conservación de félidos silvestres del Putumayo
4kIchtyofauna of main rivers and floodplain lakes in Ukraine
4kSistema de Monitoreo de Arrecifes Coralinos - SIMAC: Abundancia de peces arrecifales
4kInventaire de la flore du PNRLG 2018 (Landes)
4kDEMNA-DNE : Exotic plant occurrences in Wallonia
4kRecords of protected animal, plant and fungi species in Ukraine
4kA grid database on vascular plant distribution in the Meshchersky National Park, Ryazan Oblast, Russia
4kNational Trust Species Records
4kBase associative de la FNE Ain pour les observations de faune-vertébrés
4kRoost Count
4kVIS - Fishes in inland waters in Flanders, Belgium
4kInvazivke - Invasive Alien Species in Slovenia
3kTrawl Catch and Species Abundance from the 2020 Gulf of Alaska International Year of the Salmon Expedition
3kAves migratorias boreales y australes en un bosque secundario con algún grado de intervención (Jardín Botánico) y en una zona periurbana (Campus Barcelona, Unillanos) de piedemonte, Villavicencio, Meta.
3kUniversity of Texas, Biodiversity Center, Ichthyology Collection (TNHCi)
3kDistribution of Marmota bobak in Luhansk region (Ukraine) according to remote probing of the Earth.
3kSwiss National Fungi Databank
3kDFO Pacific Groundfish Synoptic Trawl Surveys - West Coast Haida Gwaii
3kDénombrement des oiseaux d'eau du Sénégal de 2016 à 2018
3kField Museum of Natural History (Action) Birds Sightings
3kWikiplantbase #Toscana
3kProyecto fauna y sistemas productivos en el área de influencia de la Central Hidroeléctrica Sogamoso - Santander
3kMSB Fish Collection (Arctos)
3kMuskrat captures in Flanders, Belgium
3kMeetnetten.be - Population counts for dragonflies in Flanders, Belgium
3kDEMNA-DNE : Exotic animal occurrences in Wallonia, Belgium
3kNBMP Sunset-Sunrise Survey
3kFife Nature Records Centre combined dataset 2018/19
3kInventaire de la flore des Pyrénées-Atlantiques 2017 - Littoral
3kFish of Ukraine in poaching gears
3kDonnées du naturaliste Christian Letourneau
3kLizard Island Research Station
3kBiodiversity Research and Teaching Collections - TCWC Vertebrates
3kMuestreo de la vegetación para la formulación y actualización de Planes de Manejo Ambiental en la jurisdicción de CORPOGUAVIO
3kUniversity of Florida Herpetology
3kRecords of protected animals species in Ukraine
3kWikiplantbase #Italia
3kLiving with Mammals survey
3kSwedish Butterfly Monitoring Scheme (SeBMS)
3kWaarnemingen.be - Fish occurrences in Flanders and the Brussels Capital Region, Belgium
3kBiodiversidad asociada al Estudio de Impacto Ambiental para la modificación de la licencia ambiental del campo de producción Rubiales
3kVleermuiskasten.nl - Bats in bat boxes in The Netherlands and Belgium
3kMuseum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University
3kSuivi des aires marines protégées de Moorea - Peuplements de poissons
3kDonnées du naturaliste Piolain Julien provenant de la base de donnée du SINP Île-de-France CETTIA
3kVegetation assessment and forest dynamic study of various areas in Gabon from 2000 to 2018
3kCorncrake national surveys - territory centres
3kOther Mammal Data from National Dormouse Monitoring Programme (NDMP)
3kFauna presente en el proyecto Minera de Cobre Quebradona, municipio de Jericó
3kLöydös Open Invasive Species Observations
3kWikiplantbase #Emilia-Romagna
3kKUBI Herpetology Collection
3kInventaire de la flore de Charente-Maritime 2017
3kIrish Butterfly Monitoring Scheme
3kNMNH Extant Specimen Records (USNM, US)
3kSeasearch Marine Surveys in Scotland
3kAustralian Museum provider for OZCAM
3kInventaire de la flore des Landes 2018
3kField Survey
3kDonnées naturalistes de Pierre DUFRENE
3kRecoveries of birds ringed by Revtangen Bird Observatory (Southwest Norway), 1936-2018
3kMelbourne Water Frog Census
3kFauna y Flora asociada al aprovechamiento de una concesión minera en el municipio de Armero, Tolima
3kDonnées naturalistes faune du Conservatoire des espaces naturels Auvergne saisies avant le 18 février 2019.
3kCanto de los andes Chingaza- patrones de actividad vocal diaria y anual en aves de montaña
3kMerseyside BioBank (verified)
3kMammal Records (West Wales)
3kWikiplantbase #Liguria
3kNHMO Bird collection
3kSonidos de murciélagos en 10 remanentes de Bosque seco Tropical de la subregión centro norte del Valle del Cauca
3kBaikalsky State Nature Biosphere Reserve and its buffer zone: floristic data
3kHerbarium Berolinense, Berlin (B)
3kPhenology and biological traits of migrating salmon (Salmo salar) sampled by trapping in the survey in the Oir river (France)
3kReef Life Survey: Cryptic Fish
3kVertebrate Zoology Division - Ichthyology, Yale Peabody Museum
2kLínea base general de plantas para el valle medio del Magdalena - VMM
2kDistribution of Spalax microphthalmus in Luhansk region (Ukraine) according to remote probing of the Earth.
2kMoscow University Herbarium (MW)
2kGlobal Raptor Impact Network (GRIN) data on raptor observations in Kenya for the period 2013-2021
2kHappywhale - Humpback Whale in South Atlantic Ocean
2kSpecies of plants, fungi and animals from separate territories of Podesinnia
2kDiveboard - Scuba diving citizen science observations
2kQuantitative and Semi-quantitative survey of the vegetation of Seychelles through stand scale plots
2kInventario multitaxonómico: PN El Potosí y RB Sierra del Abra Tanchipa (San Luis Potosí)
2kUAM Mammal Collection (Arctos)
2kDonnées naturalistes de Xavier JAPIOT
2kInventaire et dénombrement des oiseaux du Parc Naturel Communautaire de la Vallée du Sitatunga (Sud Bénin)
2kSightings Map of Invasive Plants in Portugal
2kAbondances et caractéristiques biologiques des juvéniles de saumons échantillonnés lors des indices d'abondance du saumon dans la rivière Scorff (France)
2kDonnées naturalistes de Cédric JACQUIER
2kDigitization of Species of Odonata (Damselflies and Dragonflies) of Southern, Nigeria
2kAbundancia, estructura y productividad de frutos de la especie "chamba" (Campomanesia lineatifolia) en los municipios Berbeo y San Eduardo, Boyacá
2kInventarios de fauna y flora en los DRMIs Embalse Peñol - Guatapé y Cuenca Alta del Río Guatapé, Las Camelias y el área a declarar Cuenca de San Pedro
2kDataset of butterfly monitoring in Sierra Nevada (Spain)
2kBugbase, Lepidopterological Society
2kFish occurrence in Kama River basin
2kHUEFS - Herbario da Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana
2kDepartment of Agriculture Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA) Marine and Fisheries Division Marine Survey Data
2kLong-Term Monitoring Network Vegetation Quadrats
2kThe New York Botanical Garden Herbarium (NY)
2kHerbario Amazónico Colombiano
2kVertebrados de los humedales de La Mojana, Colombia
2kCommissioned surveys and staff surveys and reports for Scottish Wildlife Trust reserves - Verified data
2kSuivi Temporel des Libellules (STELI)
2kFlora of the departments of Atacora and Donga in Benin
2kInventaire et dénombrement des oiseaux du Parc Naturel Communautaire de la Vallée du Sitatunga (Sud Bénin)
2kNCSM Herpetology Collection
2kAnálisis de Integridad Biológica para el Distrito Regional de Manejo Integrado RUT Nativos.Convenio CVC- Univalle 108 de 2017
2kNeoWild Brownsberg Nature Park Camera trap Monitoring 2016-2017
2kAtlas of the dragonflies and damselflies of West and Central Asia
2kRelevés of Main Vegetation Types of the Prioksko-Terrasnyi Biosphere Reserve (2019-2020)
2k1994-2020 Capercaillie Cold Searches Data, Scotland
2kUniversity of Tartu Natural History Museum and Botanical Garden Zooloogical Collections
2kJeu de données de la Société limousine d'Etude des Mollusques
2kUAM Insect Collection (Arctos)
2kTaiwan Wild Bird Federation Bird Records Database
2kDiversity and distribution of multipurpose species in Benin
2kUF FLMNH Ichthyology
2kColeção Zoológica de Referência da Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul - Amphibia (ZUFMS-AMP)
2kMeetnetten.be - Transects for dragonflies in Flanders, Belgium
2kConservación y monitoreo de anfibios en riesgo de extinción en Chiapas
2kBV Insectarium Virtual
2kBiodiversidad asociada al proyecto de aprovechamiento de recursos minerales Queresas y Porvenir en el municipio de Planeta Rica
2kInventaire des espèces végétales dans la forêt naturelle et les jachères de la Lama
2kFloristic Databases of Mecklenburg-Pomerania - Higher Plants
2kCaracterización florística de las Sabanas del Yarí en el municipio de La Macarena, Meta
2kDonnées de la structure Seine-et-Marne Environnement provenant de la base de donnée du SINP Île-de-France CETTIA
2kWCPS Bird Survey Project
2kDMNS Mammal Collection (Arctos)
2kRegistros de flora y fauna asociados al estudio de diagnóstico para la declaratoria del Área de Recreación Humedal El Trianón – La Heliodora
2kSistema de Monitoreo de Arrecifes Coralinos - SIMAC: Salud Coralina
2kPhytocenoteca of the laboratory of ecosystem theory (Plants)
2kMonitoreo de aves por medio de puntos de conteo en el Santuario de Flora y Fauna Galeras en 2017
2kNatural History Museum (London) Collection Specimens
2kWildNet - Queensland Wildlife Data
2kWaterbird counts, Luomus dataset
2kObservations floristiques floutées issues de la base de données flore du Conservatoire botanique national alpin
2kMiscellaneous records held by BIS
2kDonnées du/de la naturaliste Grosso Eric provenant de la base de donnée du SINP Île-de-France CETTIA
2kFrogwatch ACT and Region
2kCollections of Bioclass, school #179, Moscow
2kSeagrass density surveys on the Central Coast of British Columbia
2kAmphibian and reptile records for Great Britain 2016-2019
2kMSB Bird Collection (Arctos)
2kMaterials to the mammal atlas of Ukraine
2kCEN - Herbário da Embrapa Recursos Genéticos e Biotecnologia
2kSwiss National Apoidea Databank
2kINNS records held by BIS in Powys and Brecon Beacons National Park
2kNEON Biorepository Mammal Collection (Vouchers [Standard Sampling])
2kMasaryk University - Herbarium BRNU
2kIrish Whale and Dolphin Group
2kOccurrence of the birds of the Middle Volga Region (South-East of the European part of Russia)
2kPlant species inventory in Lama forest in southern Benin by CERF and SOS Biodiversity
2kSwiss National Fish Databank
2kPoint count data of Birds of Arabuko-Sokoke Forest (2017)
2kDonnées de mortalité de la faune par collision avec les véhicules sur le réseau routier de la DIR Centre-Est
1kDonnées de la structure Département 77 provenant de la base de donnée du SINP Île-de-France CETTIA
1kData on macrophyte diversity in rivers and streams of the Vologda Region and several other regions of Russia
1kInternational Barcode of Life project (iBOL)
1k"Flora of Russia" on iNaturalist: a trusted backlog
1kInventaires et sciences participatives de l'ABT de l'Est Cantal
1kInsekten Sachsen
1kDonnées de la structure Ville de Paris provenant de la base de donnée du SINP Île-de-France CETTIA
1kDonnées de la structure ANVL (Association des Naturalistes de la Vallée du Loing et du Massif de Fontainebleau) provenant de la base de donnée du SINP Île-de-France CETTIA
1kAvifauna of airports and solid waste landfills in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, Russia
1kFURB - Herbário Dr. Roberto Miguel Klein
1kMBM - Herbário do Museu Botânico Municipal
1kÖsterreichische Mykologische Gesellschaft - Austrian Mycological Society
1kSeasearch Marine Surveys in Ireland
1kInvasive species - American bullfrog (Lithobates catesbeianus) in Flanders, Belgium
1kDonnées acquises via le réseau du Conservatoire botanique national du Bassin parisien
1kAtlas of amphibians and reptiles in Finland
1kDatos de monitoreo de la estructura de los manglares de la Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta (Magdalena)
1kFaune-Réunion - export oiseaux 31/12/2017
1kCaracterización ecológica Lisama 2018 y 2020 - Muestreos Aves
1kSEWBReC Dragonflies and Damselflies (South East Wales)
1kIchthyofauna of the Desna River and its tributaries
1kDonnées des réserves naturelles nationales gérées par la Ligue pour la protection des oiseaux (LPO)
1kCommunity Foundation for Ireland Records
1kInventaire de la flore de Charente-Maritime 2018
1kCABI Africa Invasive and Alien Species data
1kBiodiversidad asociada al Estudio de Impacto Ambiental del campo de producción Cumanday
1kSistema de Monitoreo de Arrecifes Coralinos - SIMAC: Estructura Coralina
1kAmphibians and Reptiles census in the Western Siberia (2010-2020 years of research)
1kInventario multitaxonómico (plantas, crustáceos y vertebrados) del APFF Meseta de Cacaxtla, Sinaloa, México
1kBiodiversidad asociada al gasoducto Loop San Mateo-Mamonal
1kDonnées du naturaliste MIGUET Pierre provenant de la base de donnée du SINP Île-de-France CETTIA
1kDonnées d'observateurs divers (observateurs transmettant un nombre de données peu élevé) saisies dans Cettia-idf
1kProyecto COL88611 para la conservación y uso sostenible de ecosistemas secos