Actualización de la Colección de Microorganismos de importancia acuática
Gómez Gil Rodríguez Sala B, Comisión nacional para el conocimiento y uso de la biodiversidad C (2024). Actualización de la Colección de Microorganismos de importancia acuática. Version 1.16. Comisión nacional para el conocimiento y uso de la biodiversidad. Occurrence dataset accessed via on 2025-01-21.Description
La colección CAIM ya gozó de un proyecto de computarización por parte de la CONABIO (CC007). Durante este proyecto se computarizó la Colección, pero varias de las cepas (261) quedaron incompletas en su identificación. De las 1813 cepas (registros) faltan por identificar 210 (11.6 %) y otros 51 sólo están a nivel de género; además se han adquirido varios nuevos ejemplares. Para poder llevar a cabo la actualización de la base de datos (BIOTICA), uno de los objetivos que no se pudo satisfacer plenamente en la propuesta anterior, es necesario identificar esas cepas. Para cumplir con este objetivo, en la presenta propuesta se realizarán secuenciaciones de genes útiles ("housekeeping") para poder llegar a una identificación correcta de las cepas bacterianas faltantes. Debido a que éstos genes ya se encuentran secuenciados y disponibles en bases de datos públicas (GenBank), los resultados que se ajusten con una similitud muy elevada (superior al 97-98% para el caso del 16S rARN, por ejemplo), será el criterio para identificar la cepa como perteneciente a esa especie. En caso de que el índice de similitud sea menor, se catalogará como potencial nueva especie y sujeta a posterior análisis. Con estos datos, se actualizará la base de datos para reflejar estas nuevas determinaciones y adicionar las bacterias que se han adquirido recientemente.
Reino: 1 Filo: 5 Clase: 4 Orden: 14 Familia: 22 Género: 39 Especie: 120 Epitetoinfraespecifico: 4
Taxonomic Coverages
Prokaryotaerank: kingdom
Proteobacteriarank: phylum
Firmicutesrank: phylum
Bacteroidetesrank: phylum
Tenericutesrank: phylum
Actinobacteriarank: phylum
Gammaproteobacteriarank: class
Bacillirank: class
Alphaproteobacteriarank: class
Flavobacteriiarank: class
Vibrionalesrank: order
Alteromonadalesrank: order
Bacillalesrank: order
Lactobacillalesrank: order
Pseudomonadalesrank: order
Enterobacterialesrank: order
Aeromonadalesrank: order
Rhizobialesrank: order
Oceanospirillalesrank: order
Flavobacterialesrank: order
Caulobacteralesrank: order
Entomoplasmatalesrank: order
Rhodobacteralesrank: order
Actinomycetalesrank: order
Vibrionaceaerank: family
Bacillaceaerank: family
Alteromonadaceaerank: family
Staphylococcaceaerank: family
Shewanellaceaerank: family
Streptococcaceaerank: family
Moraxellaceaerank: family
Enterobacteriaceaerank: family
Enterococcaceaerank: family
Pseudoalteromonadaceaerank: family
Pseudomonadaceaerank: family
Aeromonadaceaerank: family
Brucellaceaerank: family
Oceanospirillaceaerank: family
Flavobacteriaceaerank: family
Halomonadaceaerank: family
Alcanivoracaceaerank: family
Caulobacteraceaerank: family
Micrococcaceaerank: family
Spiroplasmataceaerank: family
Rhodobacteraceaerank: family
Microbacteriaceaerank: family
Vibriorank: genus
Bacillusrank: genus
Marinobacterrank: genus
Photobacteriumrank: genus
Staphylococcusrank: genus
Oceanobacillusrank: genus
Shewanellarank: genus
Streptococcusrank: genus
Listonellarank: genus
Psychrobacterrank: genus
Escherichiarank: genus
Exiguobacteriumrank: genus
Enterococcusrank: genus
Alteromonasrank: genus
Pseudoalteromonasrank: genus
Pseudomonasrank: genus
Grimontiarank: genus
Aeromonasrank: genus
Pantoearank: genus
Agarivoransrank: genus
Ochrobactrumrank: genus
Marinomonasrank: genus
Acinetobacterrank: genus
Tenacibaculumrank: genus
Enterobacterrank: genus
Halomonasrank: genus
Aliivibriorank: genus
Alcanivoraxrank: genus
Brevundimonasrank: genus
Vagococcusrank: genus
Micrococcusrank: genus
Spiroplasmarank: genus
Yersiniarank: genus
Enterovibriorank: genus
Roseobacterrank: genus
Salmonellarank: genus
Edwardsiellarank: genus
Microbacteriumrank: genus
Salinivibriorank: genus
Vibrio fortisrank: species
Vibrio alginolyticusrank: species
Vibrio harveyirank: species
Bacillus safensisrank: species
Vibrio parahaemolyticusrank: species
Vibrio ponticusrank: species
Vibrio campbelliirank: species
Vibrio mediterraneirank: species
Vibrio rotiferianusrank: species
Staphylococcus saprophyticusrank: species
Oceanobacillus sojaerank: species
Vibrio chagasiirank: species
Streptococcus iniaerank: species
Vibrio owensiirank: species
Vibrio crassostreaerank: species
Photobacterium damselaerank: species
Vibrio inusitatusrank: species
Listonella pelagiarank: species
Vibrio azureusrank: species
Vibrio cyclitrophicusrank: species
Vibrio coralliilyticusrank: species
Vibrio brasiliensisrank: species
Psychrobacter maritimusrank: species
Shewanella balticarank: species
Vibrio communisrank: species
Photobacterium leiognathirank: species
Bacillus tequilensisrank: species
Vibrio orientalisrank: species
Vibrio natriegensrank: species
Bacillus aryabhattairank: species
Psychrobacter marincolarank: species
Photobacterium swingsiirank: species
Vibrio navarrensisrank: species
Vibrio proteolyticusrank: species
Vibrio splendidusrank: species
Vibrio kanaloaerank: species
Vibrio xuiirank: species
Escherichia colirank: species
Vibrio ichthyoenterirank: species
Bacillus infantisrank: species
Vibrio gigantisrank: species
Vibrio tubiashiirank: species
Shewanella xiamenensisrank: species
Oceanobacillus profundusrank: species
Exiguobacterium profundumrank: species
Vibrio sinaloensisrank: species
Staphylococcus gallinarumrank: species
Enterococcus hiraerank: species
Staphylococcus xylosusrank: species
Staphylococcus sciurirank: species
Exiguobacterium mexicanumrank: species
Bacillus thioparansrank: species
Shewanella haliotisrank: species
Vibrio rumoiensisrank: species
Alteromonas macleodiirank: species
Pseudoalteromonas spongiaerank: species
Vibrio alfacsensisrank: species
Photobacterium indicumrank: species
Vibrio halioticolirank: species
Vibrio choleraerank: species
Pseudomonas betelirank: species
Vibrio artabrorumrank: species
Vibrio vulnificusrank: species
Grimontia hollisaerank: species
Pseudomonas otitidisrank: species
Vibrio hepatariusrank: species
Vibrio neptuniusrank: species
Staphylococcus epidermidisrank: species
Pseudomonas aeruginosarank: species
Aeromonas hydrophilarank: species
Pantoea dispersarank: species
Vibrio mimicusrank: species
Agarivorans albusrank: species
Ochrobactrum lupinirank: species
Vibrio nereisrank: species
Marinomonas communisrank: species
Vibrio fluvialisrank: species
Vibrio ordaliirank: species
Pseudomonas taiwanensisrank: species
Staphylococcus arlettaerank: species
Listonella anguillarumrank: species
Acinetobacter baumanniirank: species
Photobacterium lutimarisrank: species
Aeromonas punctatarank: species
Pseudoalteromonas piscicidarank: species
Pseudoalteromonas prydzensisrank: species
Tenacibaculum mesophilumrank: species
Enterobacter cloacaerank: species
Halomonas alimentariarank: species
Bacillus circulansrank: species
Vibrio cincinnatiensisrank: species
Shewanella loihicarank: species
Aliivibrio fischerirank: species
Alcanivorax dieseloleirank: species
Bacillus cereusrank: species
Photobacterium gaetbulicolarank: species
Photobacterium jeaniirank: species
Acinetobacter schindlerirank: species
Brevundimonas terraerank: species
Enterococcus gallinarumrank: species
Vagococcus lutraerank: species
Micrococcus yunnanesisrank: species
Vibrio diabolicusrank: species
Aliivibrio logeirank: species
Spiroplasma penaeirank: species
Enterobacter hormaecheirank: species
Yersinia enterocoliticarank: species
Vibrio aestuarianusrank: species
Enterovibrio nigricansrank: species
Vibrio gazogenesrank: species
Vibrio pomeroyirank: species
Vibrio rarusrank: species
Enterovibrio norvegicusrank: species
Edwardsiella tardarank: species
Aeromonas veroniirank: species
Aeromonas jandaeirank: species
Pseudomonas anguillisepticarank: species
Microbacterium paraoxydansrank: species
Pseudomonas mosseliirank: species
Photobacterium angustumrank: species
Photobacterium damselae subsp. damselaerank: infraspecificname
Aeromonas hydrophila subsp. hydrophilarank: infraspecificname
Salmonella enterica subsp. entericarank: infraspecificname
Salinivibrio costicola subsp. vallismortisrank: infraspecificname
Geographic Coverages
Bibliographic Citations
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- Thompson, F. L., Hoste, B., Thompson, C. C., Goris, J., Gomez-Gil, B., Huys, L., De Vos, P. & Swings, J. 2002. Enterovibrio norvegicus gen. nov., sp. nov., isolated from the gut of turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) larvae: a new member of the family Vibrionaceae. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. 52: 2015-2022. -
- Yoon, J. H., Lee, J. K., Kim, O. & Oh, K. 2005. Photobacterium lipolyticum sp. nov., a bacterium with lipolytic activity isolated from the Yellow Sea in Korea. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. 55: 335-339. -
- Thompson, F. L., Thompson, C. C., Naser, S., Hoste, B., Vandemeulebroecke, C., Munn, C., Bourne, D. & Swings, J. 2005. Photobacterium rosenbergii sp. nov. and Enterovibrio coralii sp. nov., vibrios associated with coral bleaching. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. 55: 913-917. -
- Thompson, F. L., Hoste, B., Vandemeulebroecke, C. & Swings, J. 2003. Reclassification of Vibrio hollisae as Grimontia hollisae gen. nov., comb. nov. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. 53: 1615-1617. -
- Shieh, W. Y., Chen, A. & Chiu, H. H. 2000. Vibrio aerogenes sp. nov., a facultatively anaerobic marine bacterium that ferments glucose with gas production. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. 50:321-329. -
- Macian, M. C., Ludwig, W., Schleifer, K. H., Pujalte, M. & Garay, E. 2001. Vibrio agarivorans sp. nov., a novel agarolytic marine bacterium. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. 51: 2031-2036. -
- Denner, E. B., Vybiral, D., Fischer, U. R., Velimirov, B. & Busse, H. J. 2002. Vibrio calviensis sp. nov., a halophilic, facultatively oligotrophic 0.2 microm-filterable marine bacterium. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. 52: 549-553. -
- Ben-Haim, Y., Thompson, F. L., Thompson, C. C., Cnockaert, M. C., Hoste, B. , Swings, J. & Rosenberg, E. 2003. Vibrio coralliilyticus sp. nov., a temperature-dependent pathogen of the coral Pocillopora damicornis. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. 53: 309-315. -
- Faury, N., Saulnier, D., Thompson, F. L., Gay, M. , Swings, J. & Le Roux, F. 2004. Vibrio crassostreae sp. nov., isolated from the haemolymph of oysters (Crassostrea gigas). International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. 54: 2137-2140. -
- Hedlund, B. P. & Staley, J. T. 2001. Vibrio cyclotrophicus sp. nov., a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH)-degrading marine bacterium. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. 51: 61-66. -
- Thompson, F. L., Thompson, C. C., Hoste, B., Vandemeulebroecke, C., Gullian, M. & Swings, J. 2003. Vibrio fortis sp. nov. and Vibrio hepatarius sp. nov., isolated from aquatic animals and the marine environment. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. 53: 1495-1501. -
- Sawabe, T., Hayashi, K., Moriwaki, J., Thompson, F. L., Swings, J., Potin, P., Christen, R. & Ezura, Y. 2004. Vibrio gallicus sp. nov., isolated from the gut of the French abalone Haliotis tuberculata. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. 54: 843-846. -
- Gomez-Gil, B., Thompson, F. L., García-Gasca, A., Roque, A., Swings, J. & Thompson, C. C. 2004. Vibrio hispanicus sp. nov., isolated from Artemia sp. and sea water in Spain. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. 54: 261-265. -
- Thompson, F. L., Thompson, C. C., Li, Y., Gomez-Gil, B., Vandenberghe, J., Hoste, B. & Swings, J. 2003. Vibrio kanaloae sp. nov., Vibrio pomeroyi sp. nov. and Vibrio chagasii sp. nov., from sea water and marine animals. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. 53: 753-759. -
- Macián, M. C., Ludwig, W. , Aznar, R., Grimont, P. A., Schleifer, K. H., Garay, E. & Pujalte, M. 2001. Vibrio lentus sp. nov., isolated from Mediterranean oysters. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. 51: 1449-1456. -
- Thompson, F. L., Li, Y., Gomez-Gil, B., Thompson, C. C., Hoste, B., Vandemeulebroecke, C., Rupp, G., Pereira, A., De Bem, P., Sorgeloos, P. & Swings, J. 2003. Vibrio neptunius sp. nov., Vibrio brasiliensis sp. nov. and Vibrio xuii sp. nov., isolated from the marine aquaculture environment (bivalves, fish, rotifers and shrimps). International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. 53: 245-252. -
- Gomez-Gil, B., Thompson, F. L., Thompson, C. C. & Swings, J. 2003. Vibrio pacinii sp. nov., from cultured aquatic organisms. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. 53: 1569-1573. -
- Gomez-Gil, B., Thompson, F. L., Thompson, C. C. & Swings, J. 2003. Vibrio rotiferianus sp. nov., isolated from cultures of the rotifer Brachionus plicatilis. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. 53: 239-243. -
- Shieh, W. Y., Chen, Y. W., Chaw, S. M. & Chiu, H. H. 2003. Vibrio ruber sp. nov., a red, facultatively anaerobic, marine bacterium isolated from sea water. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. 53: 479-484. -
- Kushmaro, A., Banin, E., Loya, Y., Stackebrandt, E. & Rosenberg, E. 2001. Vibrio shiloi sp. nov., the causative agent of bleaching of the coral Oculina patagonica. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. 51: 1383-1388. -
- Hayashi, K., Moriwaki, J., Sawabe, T., Thompson, F. L., Swings, J., Christen, R. & Ezura, Y. 2003. Vibrio superstes sp. nov., isolated from the gut of Australian abalones Haliotis laevigata and Haliotis rubra. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. 53: 1813-1817. -
- Thompson, F. L., Hoste, B., Vandemeulebroecke, C., Engelbeen, K. & Denys, R. 2002. Vibrio trachuri Iwamoto et al. 1995 is junior synonym of Vibrio harveyi (Johnson and Shunk 1936) Baumann et al. 1981. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. 52: 973-976. -
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