Country report data sources

GBIF CountryReport detail

In 2015, the GBIF Secretariat began producing annual ‘country reports’, like this one from Denmark (, at the request of the Governing Board.

After two years in this format, the Secretariat needs to reevaluate them in order to reduce the labour-intensive requirements for producing the reports. In the meantime, the table below highlights the source and availability of the data, content and graphics used in the reports.

Element Source Notes
Page 1
Access and usage
Figure 1 (global statistic) Slide #10, GBIF slide update Bar chart
Literature search results Filters: peer-reviewed=yes , relevance=GBIF_used + year=xxxx, if desired
National research stats
Annual total Literature search results Filters: peer-reviewed=yes , relevance=GBIF_used , year=2017 , countryOfResearcher=XX
All-time total Literature search results Filter: peer-reviewed=yes , relevance=GBIF_used , countryOfResearcher=XX
Data availability
National data availability by kingdom Dynamic total on each 'About (country)' page Annual snapshot data not yet available
Data mobilization
National data mobilization New data published by country, 2017 Top ten appear in slide #7 GBIF slide update
  Total data published by country, 2017 Dynamic real-time total
Figure 2 1st chart under 'Publishing trends'
Page 2
User sessions & percentage of total Combined Google Analytics data from old and new sites, by country, 2017 Full access to GBIF Google Analytics reports always available upon email request to
Table 1 Google Analytics
Figure 3 Google Analytics
Table 2 Google Analytics
Page 3
Download stats Country download requests & percentage of all downloads
Figure 4 Monthly download snapshots: not yet available
Most recent articles Literature page results Default sort order, Filter: peer-reviewed=yes , topic=GBIF_used , country=XX
Page 4
National data availability by selected taxa Filter each by 'Country or area'
+ Mammals
Bony fish
Flowering plants
Sac fungi
Snapshot not yet available
Figure 5 1st chart under 'Number of occurrence records'
Figure 6 1st chart under 'Species counts'
Page 5
Figure 7 2nd chart under 'Completeness and precision: Taxonomic precision'
Figure 8 3rd chart under 'Completeness and precision: Taxonomic precision'
Figure 9 2nd chart under 'Completeness and precision: Geographic precision'
Figure 10 3rd chart under 'Completeness and precision: Geographic precision'
Page 6
Figure 11 2nd chart under 'Completeness and precision: Completeness'
Figure 12 3rd chart under 'Completeness and precision: Completeness'
Most recent (occurrence) datasets from country GBIF Registry API:
Newest registered publishers from country Publisher search result by country
Page 7
Figure 13 Chart under 'Data sharing with country of origin'
National data publishing
Countries and areas covered by data from country top-line summary
Published occurrences top-line summary
Occurrence datasets Dataset search result Filter: type=occurrence , publishing_country=XX
Top contributors of data about country Scrolling summary of 'xx Countries and Areas' at left below map
Largest datasets contributing to data about country Scrolling summary of 'Datasets' at right below map
Page 8
Access and usage [Combined Google Analytics data from old and new sites, by country, 2017]
Data availability Slide #2, GBIF slide update 965,329,783 species occurrences in 30,712 datasets from 1,143 data-publishing institutions
Data mobilization New data published by country, 2017 Annual snapshots: not yet available