Fauna carcinológica de México. Crustáceos estomatópodos y decápodos del Golfo de México. Río Bravo, Tamaulipas a Cabo Catoche, Q.Roo
Arenas Fuentes V, Comisión nacional para el conocimiento y uso de la biodiversidad C (2024). Fauna carcinológica de México. Crustáceos estomatópodos y decápodos del Golfo de México. Río Bravo, Tamaulipas a Cabo Catoche, Q.Roo. Version 1.17. Comisión nacional para el conocimiento y uso de la biodiversidad. Occurrence dataset https://doi.org/10.15468/od48ey accessed via GBIF.org on 2024-12-15.Description
El desarrollo de este proyecto, se esta revisando o determinando a nivel de especie, especimenes del Golfo de México depositados en tres colecciones nacionales y dos extranjeras, aumentando así, el registro de los estomatópodos y decápodos para los 6 estados costeros del Golfo de México, esperando con esto dar a conocer alrededor del 70% de las especies de estos crustáceos que se localizan en la zona costera (marismas, estuarios y manglares), Plataforma Continental (interna, media y externa) y lagunas arrecifales, formando el primer inventario ampliado en México de estos organismos para la parte que nos corresponde del Golfo de México y lo cual se plasmará en una publicación con el título provisional de "Esquillas, camarones, langostas y cangrejos del Golfo de México. Río Bravo, Tamps, a Cabo Catoche, Q.R.", en la que participan carciónologos nacionales y extranjeros. Al mismo tiempo se ha repatriado información sobre organismos que fueron colectados en aguas mexicanas en diferentes campañas desde el siglo pasado y que actualmente se encuentran depositados en colecciones extranjeras.
Reino: 1 Filo: 1 Clase: 1 Orden: 2 Familia: 84 Género: 243 Subgénero: 6 Especie: 596 Epitetoinfraespecifico: 7
Taxonomic Coverages
Animaliarank: kingdom
Arthropodarank: phylum
Malacostracarank: class
Decapodarank: order
Stomatopodarank: order
Pilumnidaerank: family
Xanthidaerank: family
Squillidaerank: family
Upogebiidaerank: family
Diogenidaerank: family
Calappidaerank: family
Gonodactylidaerank: family
Luciferidaerank: family
Sicyoniidaerank: family
Alpheidaerank: family
Porcellanidaerank: family
Mithracidaerank: family
Processidaerank: family
Palaemonidaerank: family
Inachoididaerank: family
Grapsidaerank: family
Trapeziidaerank: family
Portunidaerank: family
Inachidaerank: family
Aristeidaerank: family
Penaeidaerank: family
Dairidaerank: family
Epialtidaerank: family
Panopeidaerank: family
Leucosiidaerank: family
Oziidaerank: family
Ocypodidaerank: family
Munidopsidaerank: family
Paguridaerank: family
Dromiidaerank: family
Ethusidaerank: family
Coenobitidaerank: family
Aethridaerank: family
Lyreididaerank: family
Palinuridaerank: family
Albuneidaerank: family
Hippolytidaerank: family
Callianideidaerank: family
Parthenopidaerank: family
Solenoceridaerank: family
Varunidaerank: family
Thoridaerank: family
Spongicolidaerank: family
Munididaerank: family
Majidaerank: family
Crangonidaerank: family
Ucididaerank: family
Lysmatidaerank: family
Gecarcinidaerank: family
Palicidaerank: family
Eriphiidaerank: family
Domeciidaerank: family
Benthesicymidaerank: family
Nannosquillidaerank: family
Pseudorhombilidaerank: family
Pinnotheridaerank: family
Hemisquillidaerank: family
Pasiphaeidaerank: family
Sesarmidaerank: family
Pseudosquillidaerank: family
Eurysquillidaerank: family
Dynomenidaerank: family
Cryptochiridaerank: family
Nephropidaerank: family
Cancridaerank: family
Scyllaridaerank: family
Raninidaerank: family
Percnidaerank: family
Menippidaerank: family
Euryplacidaerank: family
Ogyrididaerank: family
Hippidaerank: family
Chirostylidaerank: family
Axiidaerank: family
Laomediidaerank: family
Stenopodidaerank: family
Ovalipidaerank: family
Lysiosquillidaerank: family
Lithodidaerank: family
Bathypalaemonellidaerank: family
Geryonidaerank: family
Plagusiidaerank: family
Acidopsidaerank: family
Glyptograpsidaerank: family
Pilumnusrank: genus
Cataleptodiusrank: genus
Squillarank: genus
Upogebiarank: genus
Calcinusrank: genus
Acanthocarpusrank: genus
Mursiarank: genus
Gonodactylusrank: genus
Luciferrank: genus
Sicyoniarank: genus
Alpheusrank: genus
Pisosomarank: genus
Mithraxrank: genus
Processarank: genus
Petrolisthesrank: genus
Periclimenaeusrank: genus
Trizopagurusrank: genus
Microphrysrank: genus
Pachychelesrank: genus
Collodesrank: genus
Synalpheusrank: genus
Geograpsusrank: genus
Trapeziarank: genus
Xanthodiusrank: genus
Pithorank: genus
Portunusrank: genus
Etisusrank: genus
Callinectesrank: genus
Podochelarank: genus
Plesiopenaeusrank: genus
Periclimenesrank: genus
Teleophrysrank: genus
Xiphopenaeusrank: genus
Dairarank: genus
Leptodiusrank: genus
Rochiniarank: genus
Lophoxanthusrank: genus
Croniusrank: genus
Libiniarank: genus
Persephonarank: genus
Pyromaiarank: genus
Oziusrank: genus
Ucarank: genus
Stenorhynchusrank: genus
Paraliomerarank: genus
Munidopsisrank: genus
Harpiliopsisrank: genus
Penaeusrank: genus
Iliacantharank: genus
Pagurusrank: genus
Metapenaeopsisrank: genus
Pachygrapsusrank: genus
Dromiarank: genus
Ethusarank: genus
Coenobitarank: genus
Automaterank: genus
Clibanariusrank: genus
Hepatusrank: genus
Herbstiarank: genus
Macrocoelomarank: genus
Brachycarpusrank: genus
Ocypoderank: genus
Grapsusrank: genus
Panopeusrank: genus
Lysiruderank: genus
Trachypeneusrank: genus
Panulirusrank: genus
Arenaeusrank: genus
Parapenaeusrank: genus
Aristaeomorpharank: genus
Lepidoparank: genus
Latreutesrank: genus
Callianidearank: genus
Leiolambrusrank: genus
Solenocerarank: genus
Epixanthusrank: genus
Megalobrachiumrank: genus
Dardanusrank: genus
Cyclograpsusrank: genus
Thorrank: genus
Microprosthemarank: genus
Cycloesrank: genus
Speocarcinusrank: genus
Neopisosomarank: genus
Heteractaearank: genus
Thoerank: genus
Parthenoperank: genus
Manucomplanusrank: genus
Pleuroncodesrank: genus
Pericerarank: genus
Pontocarisrank: genus
Ucidesrank: genus
Lysmatarank: genus
Petrochirusrank: genus
Acanthonyxrank: genus
Trachypenaeusrank: genus
Calapparank: genus
Cycloxanthusrank: genus
Gecarcinusrank: genus
Palicusrank: genus
Tozeumarank: genus
Eriphiarank: genus
Munidarank: genus
Domeciarank: genus
Eurypanopeusrank: genus
Schmittiusrank: genus
Benthesicymusrank: genus
Macrobrachiumrank: genus
Edwardsiumrank: genus
Palinurellusrank: genus
Nannosquillarank: genus
Epialtusrank: genus
Pseudorhombilarank: genus
Paractaearank: genus
Porcellanarank: genus
Pinnixarank: genus
Inachoidesrank: genus
Hemisquillarank: genus
Pylopagurusrank: genus
Liomerarank: genus
Leptochelarank: genus
Aratusrank: genus
Pseudosquillarank: genus
Leptalpheusrank: genus
Stenocionopsrank: genus
Salmoneusrank: genus
Anasimusrank: genus
Eurysquillarank: genus
Neogonodactylusrank: genus
Paguristesrank: genus
Dynomenerank: genus
Hypoconcharank: genus
Neopanoperank: genus
Hapalocarcinusrank: genus
Hippolyterank: genus
Platypodiellarank: genus
Euphrosynoplaxrank: genus
Lophopagurusrank: genus
Lophopanopeusrank: genus
Aristeusrank: genus
Rhithropanopeusrank: genus
Nephropsisrank: genus
Euphylaxrank: genus
Goniopsisrank: genus
Myropsisrank: genus
Eucratopsisrank: genus
Hymenopenaeusrank: genus
Cancerrank: genus
Speloeophorusrank: genus
Scyllarusrank: genus
Isochelesrank: genus
Platyactaearank: genus
Symethisrank: genus
Sesarmarank: genus
Chlorodiellarank: genus
Percnonrank: genus
Palaemonrank: genus
Menipperank: genus
Lipaesthesiusrank: genus
Euryplaxrank: genus
Leanderrank: genus
Epialtoidesrank: genus
Evibacusrank: genus
Raninoidesrank: genus
Gnathophyllumrank: genus
Cycloxanthopsrank: genus
Micropanoperank: genus
Xanthorank: genus
Oediplaxrank: genus
Ambidexterrank: genus
Uhliasrank: genus
Peliarank: genus
Planesrank: genus
Glyptoplaxrank: genus
Litopenaeusrank: genus
Ogyridesrank: genus
Mesorhoearank: genus
Pleoticusrank: genus
Pontophilusrank: genus
Hipparank: genus
Uroptychusrank: genus
Eurytiumrank: genus
Randalliarank: genus
Globopilumnusrank: genus
Pomatogebiarank: genus
Hexapanopeusrank: genus
Clastotoechusrank: genus
Iridopagurusrank: genus
Euceramusrank: genus
Spiropagurusrank: genus
Euprognatharank: genus
Notolopasrank: genus
Albunearank: genus
Axiopsisrank: genus
Othoniarank: genus
Pomagnathusrank: genus
Axianassarank: genus
Paradasygyiusrank: genus
Stenopusrank: genus
Armasesrank: genus
Ebaliarank: genus
Pontoniarank: genus
Danielumrank: genus
Hepomadusrank: genus
Hemusrank: genus
Eucinetopsrank: genus
Zaopsrank: genus
Glyptoxanthusrank: genus
Phimochirusrank: genus
Emeritarank: genus
Scyllaridesrank: genus
Dromidiarank: genus
Psathyrocarisrank: genus
Ovalipesrank: genus
Lysiosquillarank: genus
Raniliarank: genus
Paralomisrank: genus
Microcassioperank: genus
Acanthacarisrank: genus
Bathypalaemonellarank: genus
Metoporhaphisrank: genus
Cardisomarank: genus
Benthochasconrank: genus
Panoplaxrank: genus
Paraxanthiasrank: genus
Gastroptychusrank: genus
Tomopagurusrank: genus
Plagusiarank: genus
Polyonyxrank: genus
Maiopsisrank: genus
Tycherank: genus
Acidopsrank: genus
Lissarank: genus
Minyocerusrank: genus
Hepatellarank: genus
Pseudomedaeusrank: genus
Tetraxanthusrank: genus
Arachnopsisrank: genus
Ericerusrank: genus
Leptecesrank: genus
Batrachonotusrank: genus
Euchirograpsusrank: genus
Platychirograpsusrank: genus
Mithraculusrank: subgenus
Leptucarank: subgenus
Melicertusrank: subgenus
Minucarank: subgenus
Trachysalambriarank: subgenus
Platylambrusrank: subgenus
Pilumnus pygmaeusrank: species
Cataleptodius occidentalisrank: species
Squilla empusacommon name: camarón galera, camarón mantis rank: species
Upogebia felderirank: species
Calcinus tibicencommon name: cangrejo ermitaño rank: species
Acanthocarpus alexandrirank: species
Mursia gaudichaudiicommon name: cangrejo cajeta paco rank: species
Gonodactylus stanschicommon name: camarón galera, camarón mantis rank: species
Lucifer typusrank: species
Sicyonia parrirank: species
Alpheus peaseicommon name: camarón chasqueador, camarón pistola rank: species
Pisosoma erosacommon name: cangrejo porcelana rank: species
Mithrax clarionensiscommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Processa vossirank: species
Petrolisthes ortmannicommon name: cangrejo porcelana rank: species
Sicyonia penicillatacommon name: camarón cacahuete, camarón de roca, camarón japonés rank: species
Periclimenaeus perlatusrank: species
Trizopagurus magnificuscommon name: cangrejo ermitaño rank: species
Microphrys bicornutuscommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Pachycheles spinidactyluscommon name: cangrejo porcelana rank: species
Collodes robustuscommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Synalpheus townsendicommon name: camarón chasqueador rank: species
Geograpsus lividusrank: species
Trapezia ferruginearank: species
Mithrax (Mithraculus) forcepscommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Xanthodius cooksonirank: species
Pitho lherminiericommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Portunus spinimanuscommon name: jaiba rank: species
Cataleptodius floridanusrank: species
Pachycheles biocellatuscommon name: cangrejo porcelana rank: species
Alpheus umbocommon name: camarón chasqueador, camarón pistola rank: species
Squilla chydaeacommon name: camarón galera, camarón mantis rank: species
Etisus maculatusrank: species
Petrolisthes quadratuscommon name: cangrejo porcelana rank: species
Callinectes bellicosuscommon name: jaiba, jaiba guerrera rank: species
Portunus vocansrank: species
Alpheus formosuscommon name: camarón chasqueador, camarón pistola rank: species
Podochela riiseicommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Portunus spinicarpuscommon name: jaiba rank: species
Callinectes similiscommon name: jaiba rank: species
Petrolisthes edwardsiicommon name: cangrejo porcelana rank: species
Calcinus californiensiscommon name: cangrejo ermitaño rank: species
Plesiopenaeus edwarsianusrank: species
Periclimenes americanusrank: species
Xanthodius sternberghirank: species
Teleophrys cristulipescommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Trapezia digitalisrank: species
Xiphopenaeus kroyericommon name: camarón 7 barbas, camarón barbón, camarón botalón rank: species
Daira americanarank: species
Sicyonia typicacommon name: camarón de roca rank: species
Leptodius parvulusrank: species
Lophoxanthus lamellipesrank: species
Alpheus canaliscommon name: camarón chasqueador, camarón pistola rank: species
Gonodactylus zacaecommon name: camarón galera, camarón mantis rank: species
Cronius rubercommon name: jaiba, jaiba pecosa rank: species
Libinia emarginatacommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Persephona crinitarank: species
Petrolisthes haigaecommon name: cangrejo porcelana rank: species
Pyromaia arachnacommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Ozius perlatusrank: species
Alpheus paracrinituscommon name: camarón chasqueador, camarón pistola rank: species
Synalpheus nobiliicommon name: camarón chasqueador rank: species
Uca (Leptuca) spinicarpusrank: species
Stenorhynchus seticorniscommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Lucifer faxonirank: species
Gonodactylus oerstediicommon name: camarón galera, camarón mantis rank: species
Paraliomera longimanarank: species
Munidopsis sigsbeirank: species
Harpiliopsis depressusrank: species
Penaeus brevirostriscommon name: camarón cristal, camarón rojo, camarón rosado rank: species
Iliacantha liodactylusrank: species
Mithrax denticulatuscommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Pagurus smithicommon name: cangrejo ermitaño rank: species
Metapenaeopsis goodeirank: species
Pachygrapsus minutusrank: species
Dromia erythropusrank: species
Alpheus bahamensiscommon name: camarón chasqueador, camarón pistola rank: species
Ethusa steyaertirank: species
Synalpheus mcclendonicommon name: camarón chasqueador rank: species
Coenobita clypeatuscommon name: cangrejo ermitaño rank: species
Automate gardinericommon name: camarón chasqueador rank: species
Portunus aspercommon name: jaiba rank: species
Callinectes exasperatuscommon name: jaiba, jaiba rugosa rank: species
Clibanarius antillensiscommon name: cangrejo ermitaño rank: species
Pachycheles monilifercommon name: cangrejo porcelana rank: species
Penaeus (Melicertus) aztecusrank: species
Hepatus lineatuscommon name: cangrejo cajeta moteada rank: species
Alpheus saxidomuscommon name: camarón chasqueador, camarón pistola rank: species
Herbstia camptacanthacommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Synalpheus charoncommon name: camarón chasqueador rank: species
Mithrax (Mithraculus) coryphecommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Macrocoeloma camptocerumcommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Mithrax (Mithraculus) rubercommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Portunus brevimanuscommon name: jaiba rank: species
Brachycarpus biunguiculatusrank: species
Portunus iridescenscommon name: jaiba rank: species
Petrolisthes galathinuscommon name: cangrejo porcelana rank: species
Pachygrapsus transversuscommon name: cangrejo saltador rank: species
Ocypode quadratarank: species
Mithrax verrucosuscommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Grapsus grapsuscommon name: cangrejo abuete negro rank: species
Panopeus mirafloresensisrank: species
Lysirude nitidusrank: species
Uca (Minuca) rapaxrank: species
Trachypeneus (Trachysalambria) brevisuturaecommon name: camarón fijador liso rank: species
Hepatus kossmannicommon name: cangrejo cajeta habana rank: species
Petrolisthes crenulatuscommon name: cangrejo porcelana rank: species
Automate dolichognathacommon name: camarón chasqueador rank: species
Panulirus penicillatuscommon name: langosta roja rank: species
Panopeus simpsonirank: species
Arenaeus cribrariuscommon name: jaiba rank: species
Petrolisthes hianscommon name: cangrejo porcelana rank: species
Synalpheus minuscommon name: camarón chasqueador rank: species
Synalpheus biunguiculatuscommon name: camarón chasqueador rank: species
Parapenaeus politusrank: species
Clibanarius tricolorcommon name: cangrejo ermitaño rank: species
Aristaeomorpha foliacearank: species
Lepidopa benedictirank: species
Latreutes fucorumrank: species
Coenobita compressuscommon name: cangrejo ermitaño rank: species
Callianidea laevicaudarank: species
Pachygrapsus gracilisrank: species
Squilla bigelowicommon name: camarón galera, camarón mantis rank: species
Leiolambrus nitidusrank: species
Alpheus bouviericommon name: camarón chasqueador, camarón pistola rank: species
Solenocera vioscairank: species
Collodes leptochelescommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Mithrax armatuscommon name: cangrejo araña, cangrejo araña porteña rank: species
Squilla mantoideacommon name: camarón galera, camarón mantis rank: species
Epixanthus tenuidactylusrank: species
Megalobrachium garthicommon name: cangrejo porcelana rank: species
Pitho picteticommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Dardanus sinistripescommon name: cangrejo ermitaño rank: species
Alpheus cristulifronscommon name: camarón chasqueador, camarón pistola rank: species
Cyclograpsus integerrank: species
Thor manningirank: species
Thor algicolarank: species
Microprosthema semilaeverank: species
Petrolisthes jugosuscommon name: cangrejo porcelana rank: species
Cycloes bairdiirank: species
Alpheus sulcatuscommon name: camarón chasqueador, camarón pistola rank: species
Speocarcinus lobatusrank: species
Neopisosoma angustifronscommon name: cangrejo porcelana rank: species
Alpheus malleatorcommon name: camarón chasqueador, camarón pistola rank: species
Heteractaea lunatarank: species
Thoe puellacommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Parthenope (Platylambrus) serratarank: species
Manucomplanus corallinusrank: species
Petrolisthes tiburonensiscommon name: cangrejo porcelana rank: species
Pleuroncodes planipesrank: species
Alpheus armillatuscommon name: camarón chasqueador, camarón pistola rank: species
Pericera triangulatacommon name: cangrejo araña, cangrejo araña terciopelo rank: species
Alpheus lottinicommon name: camarón chasqueador, camarón pistola rank: species
Callinectes ornatuscommon name: jaiba rank: species
Calcinus exploratorcommon name: cangrejo ermitaño rank: species
Ozius reticulatusrank: species
Pontocaris caribbaeusrank: species
Ucides cordatusrank: species
Pagurus brevidactyluscommon name: cangrejo ermitaño rank: species
Lysmata trisetacearank: species
Synalpheus rathbunaecommon name: camarón chasqueador rank: species
Petrochirus californiensiscommon name: cangrejo ermitaño rank: species
Acanthonyx petiveriicommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Trachypenaeus similisrank: species
Calappa flammearank: species
Uca (Leptuca) subcylindricarank: species
Alpheus normannicommon name: camarón chasqueador, camarón pistola rank: species
Synalpheus fritzmuellericommon name: camarón chasqueador rank: species
Xanthodius stimpsonirank: species
Cycloxanthus californiensisrank: species
Megalobrachium festaicommon name: cangrejo porcelana rank: species
Calappa sulcatarank: species
Processa bermudensisrank: species
Gecarcinus quadratuscommon name: cangrejo moro de manchas blancas rank: species
Synalpheus pandioniscommon name: camarón chasqueador rank: species
Alpheus longinquuscommon name: camarón chasqueador, camarón pistola rank: species
Sicyonia ingentiscommon name: camarón de piedra del Pacífico, camarón de roca rank: species
Podochela sidneyicommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Palicus gracilisrank: species
Tozeuma carolinenserank: species
Iliacantha hancockirank: species
Gonodactylus bredinicommon name: camarón galera, camarón mantis rank: species
Eriphia gonagrarank: species
Dardanus fucosuscommon name: cangrejo ermitaño rank: species
Portunus ordwayicommon name: jaiba rank: species
Microphrys platysomacommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Petrolisthes lewisicommon name: cangrejo porcelana rank: species
Munida longipesrank: species
Domecia hispidarank: species
Mithrax (Mithraculus) cinctimanuscommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Squilla hancockicommon name: camarón galera, camarón mantis rank: species
Microphrys interruptuscommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Eurypanopeus abbreviatusrank: species
Callinectes larvatuscommon name: jaiba rank: species
Schmittius polituscommon name: camarón galera, camarón mantis rank: species
Benthesicymus bartlettirank: species
Alpheus webstericommon name: camarón chasqueador, camarón pistola rank: species
Macrobrachium acanthuruscommon name: acamaya, camarón cauque, camarón de agua dulce, camarón de río, camarón popotillo, langostino rank: species
Squilla panamensiscommon name: camarón galera, camarón mantis rank: species
Petrolisthes graciliscommon name: cangrejo porcelana rank: species
Edwardsium lobipesrank: species
Thor dobkinirank: species
Gecarcinus planatuscommon name: cangrejo moro rojo rank: species
Portunus gibbesiicommon name: jaiba rank: species
Squilla tiburonensiscommon name: camarón galera, camarón mantis rank: species
Palinurellus gundlachirank: species
Nannosquilla candidensiscommon name: camarón galera, camarón mantis rank: species
Munidopsis spinoculatarank: species
Epialtus dilatatuscommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Megalobrachium soriatumcommon name: cangrejo porcelana rank: species
Panopeus occidentalisrank: species
Penaeus setiferusrank: species
Alpheus hebescommon name: camarón chasqueador, camarón pistola rank: species
Clibanarius panamensiscommon name: cangrejo ermitaño rank: species
Pseudorhombila ometlantirank: species
Squilla biformiscommon name: camarón galera, camarón mantis rank: species
Thor floridanusrank: species
Pilumnus sayirank: species
Paractaea sulcatarank: species
Porcellana cancrisocialiscommon name: cangrejo porcelana rank: species
Pinnixa cristatarank: species
Porcellana sayanacommon name: cangrejo porcelana rank: species
Ethusa latarank: species
Macrocoeloma trispinosumcommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Megalobrachium sinuimanuscommon name: cangrejo porcelana rank: species
Calappa convexacommon name: cangrejo cajeta bola rank: species
Inachoides magdalenensiscommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Sicyonia brevirostriscommon name: camarón de piedra, camarón de roca rank: species
Munidopsis robustarank: species
Pilumnus lacteusrank: species
Penaeus duorarumrank: species
Palicus obesusrank: species
Uca (Minuca) burgersirank: species
Pylopagurus guatemocicommon name: cangrejo ermitaño rank: species
Pachycheles panamensiscommon name: cangrejo porcelana rank: species
Sicyonia disdorsaliscommon name: camarón aquillado, camarón de roca rank: species
Liomera cinctimanarank: species
Leptochela serratorbitarank: species
Trachypenaeus pacificuscommon name: camarón cebra rank: species
Aratus pisoniicommon name: cangrejo de mangle rank: species
Pagurus bullisicommon name: cangrejo ermitaño rank: species
Pseudosquilla adiastaltacommon name: camarón galera, camarón mantis rank: species
Leptalpheus mexicanuscommon name: camarón chasqueador rank: species
Stenocionops spinimanuscommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Salmoneus ortmannicommon name: camarón chasqueador rank: species
Sicyonia dorsaliscommon name: camarón de roca rank: species
Alpheus pacificuscommon name: camarón chasqueador, camarón pistola rank: species
Stenorhynchus debiliscommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Pagurus rotundimanuscommon name: cangrejo ermitaño rank: species
Callinectes bocourticommon name: jaiba rank: species
Anasimus latuscommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Eurysquilla veleroniscommon name: camarón galera, camarón mantis rank: species
Neogonodactylus toruscommon name: camarón galera, camarón mantis rank: species
Paguristes oxyophthalmuscommon name: cangrejo ermitaño rank: species
Mithrax (Mithraculus) sculptuscommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Petrolisthes tonsoriuscommon name: cangrejo porcelana rank: species
Petrolisthes agassiziicommon name: cangrejo porcelana rank: species
Dynomene ursularank: species
Hypoconcha panamensisrank: species
Mithrax acuticorniscommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Neopanope petersenirank: species
Hapalocarcinus marsupialisrank: species
Hippolyte curacaoensisrank: species
Metapenaeopsis smithirank: species
Alpheus panamensiscommon name: camarón chasqueador, camarón pistola rank: species
Eriphia squamatarank: species
Munidopsis alaminosrank: species
Paguristes praedatorcommon name: cangrejo ermitaño rank: species
Alpheus nuttingicommon name: camarón chasqueador, camarón pistola rank: species
Pachycheles calculosuscommon name: cangrejo porcelana rank: species
Platypodiella rotundatarank: species
Euphrosynoplax campechiensisrank: species
Petrochirus diogenescommon name: cangrejo ermitaño rank: species
Mithrax pygmaeuscommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Munidopsis simplexrank: species
Ocypode occidentalisrank: species
Podochela lobifronscommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Petrolisthes armatuscommon name: cangrejo porcelana rank: species
Lophopanopeus maculatusrank: species
Hemisquilla ensigeracommon name: camarón galera, camarón mantis rank: species
Pilumnus floridanusrank: species
Pyromaia tuberculatacommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Hepatus pudibundusrank: species
Plesiopenaeus armatusrank: species
Clibanarius cubensiscommon name: cangrejo ermitaño rank: species
Aristeus antillensisrank: species
Upogebia coralliforarank: species
Panopeus harttiirank: species
Calappa gallusrank: species
Rhithropanopeus harrisiirank: species
Nephropsis aculeatarank: species
Euphylax robustuscommon name: jaiba, jaiba robusta rank: species
Munida validarank: species
Gecarcinus lateralisrank: species
Platypodiella spectabilisrank: species
Uca (Minuca) margueritarank: species
Goniopsis cruentatarank: species
Myropsis quinquespinosarank: species
Eucratopsis crassimanusrank: species
Portunus acuminatuscommon name: jaiba rank: species
Hymenopenaeus debilisrank: species
Cancer gracilisrank: species
Speloeophorus pontiferrank: species
Petrolisthes polymituscommon name: cangrejo porcelana rank: species
Pitho aculeatacommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Leiolambrus punctatissimusrank: species
Alpheus floridanuscommon name: camarón chasqueador, camarón pistola rank: species
Scyllarus chaceicommon name: langosta zapatera rank: species
Isocheles wurdemannicommon name: cangrejo ermitaño rank: species
Mithrax orcutticommon name: cangrejo araña, cangrejo araña porteña rank: species
Platyactaea setigerarank: species
Synalpheus hemphillicommon name: camarón chasqueador rank: species
Alpheus thomasicommon name: camarón chasqueador, camarón pistola rank: species
Alpheus heterochaeliscommon name: camarón chasqueador, camarón pistola rank: species
Petrolisthes nobiliicommon name: cangrejo porcelana rank: species
Pachycheles pilosuscommon name: cangrejo porcelana rank: species
Symethis variolosarank: species
Sesarma curacaoenserank: species
Upogebia thistleirank: species
Chlorodiella longimanarank: species
Percnon gibbesirank: species
Palaemon rittericommon name: camarón de mareas rank: species
Mithrax hispiduscommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Hepatus epheliticusrank: species
Menippe obtusarank: species
Callinectes rathbunaecommon name: jaiba rank: species
Portunus ancepscommon name: jaiba rank: species
Panopeus lacustrisrank: species
Munida irisrank: species
Panulirus argusrank: species
Petrolisthes marginatuscommon name: cangrejo porcelana rank: species
Lipaesthesius leeanusrank: species
Uca (Leptuca) panacearank: species
Euryplax nitidarank: species
Leander tenuicornisrank: species
Solenocera floreacommon name: camarón chupador, camarón picaflor rank: species
Macrocoeloma diplacanthumcommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Upogebia vasquezirank: species
Podochela casoaecommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Macrobrachium jelskiicommon name: acamaya, camarón cauque, camarón de agua dulce, camarón de río, camarón popotillo, langostino rank: species
Epialtoides paradigmuscommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Parthenope exilipesrank: species
Evibacus princepscommon name: langosta cigarra chata rank: species
Pagurus miamensiscommon name: cangrejo ermitaño rank: species
Raninoides benedictirank: species
Alpheus amblyonyxcommon name: camarón chasqueador, camarón pistola rank: species
Xiphopenaeus rivetirank: species
Calappa saussureicommon name: cangrejo cajeta bola pequeña rank: species
Gnathophyllum americanumrank: species
Cycloxanthops vittatusrank: species
Micropanope areolatarank: species
Ethusa microphthalmarank: species
Dardanus insigniscommon name: cangrejo ermitaño rank: species
Micropanope lobifronsrank: species
Panopeus purpureusrank: species
Herbstia tumidacommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Xantho denticulatusrank: species
Collodes tenuirostriscommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Munida forcepsrank: species
Oediplax granulatarank: species
Penaeus brasiliensisrank: species
Neopisosoma dohenyicommon name: cangrejo porcelana rank: species
Raninoides louisianensisrank: species
Gnathophyllum panamenserank: species
Mithrax sinensiscommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Automate evermannicommon name: camarón chasqueador rank: species
Ambidexter symmetricusrank: species
Penaeus californiensiscommon name: camarón café, camarón patiamarillo rank: species
Uca (Leptuca) speciosarank: species
Uhlias limbatusrank: species
Pelia pacificacommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Eurypanopeus planissimusrank: species
Raninoides laevisrank: species
Sicyonia aliaffiniscommon name: camarón cáscara dura, camarón de roca rank: species
Pagurus gladiuscommon name: cangrejo ermitaño rank: species
Sesarma aequatorialerank: species
Planes cyaneusrank: species
Synalpheus longicarpuscommon name: camarón chasqueador rank: species
Macrobrachium tenellumcommon name: acamaya, camarón cauque, camarón cauque occidental, camarón de agua dulce, camarón de río, camarón popotillo, langostino rank: species
Glyptoplax smithiirank: species
Munida microphthalmarank: species
Lysmata galapagensisrank: species
Petrolisthes glassellicommon name: cangrejo porcelana rank: species
Alpheus felgenhauericommon name: camarón chasqueador, camarón pistola rank: species
Sicyonia burkenroadicommon name: camarón de roca rank: species
Pagurus marshicommon name: cangrejo ermitaño rank: species
Megalobrachium erosumcommon name: cangrejo porcelana rank: species
Litopenaeus setiferusrank: species
Alpheus hyeyoungaecommon name: camarón chasqueador, camarón pistola rank: species
Ogyrides alphaerostrisrank: species
Micropanope politarank: species
Iliacantha subglobosarank: species
Mesorhoea belliirank: species
Podochela mexicanacommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Pyromaia cuspidatacommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Pitho sexdentatacommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Euphylax doviicommon name: jaiba, jaiba marciana rank: species
Pleoticus robustusrank: species
Pontophilus gracilisrank: species
Paguristes digueticommon name: cangrejo ermitaño rank: species
Platyactaea doviirank: species
Periclimenes rathbunaerank: species
Hippa pacificarank: species
Uroptychus nitidusrank: species
Porcellana sigsbeianacommon name: cangrejo porcelana rank: species
Pseudosquilla ciliatacommon name: camarón galera, camarón mantis rank: species
Eurytium albidigitumrank: species
Periclimenaeus bredinirank: species
Cancer anthonyirank: species
Randallia ornatarank: species
Globopilumnus xantusiirank: species
Persephona mediterranearank: species
Portunus sebaecommon name: jaiba rank: species
Pomatogebia operculatarank: species
Micropanope spinipesrank: species
Synalpheus scaphoceriscommon name: camarón chasqueador rank: species
Alpheus cylindricuscommon name: camarón chasqueador, camarón pistola rank: species
Hexapanopeus rubicundusrank: species
Panulirus interruptuscommon name: langosta mexicana rank: species
Persephona subovatarank: species
Clastotoechus vanderhorsticommon name: cangrejo porcelana rank: species
Munida angulatarank: species
Podochela ziesenhenneicommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Menippe nodifronsrank: species
Paguristes bakericommon name: cangrejo ermitaño rank: species
Squilla rugosacommon name: camarón galera, camarón mantis rank: species
Callinectes arcuatuscommon name: jaiba, jaiba cuata rank: species
Macrobrachium olfersiicommon name: acamaya, camarón cauque, camarón de agua dulce, camarón de río, camarón popotillo, langostino rank: species
Neogonodactylus bredinicommon name: camarón galera, camarón mantis rank: species
Uca (Leptuca) latimanusrank: species
Panulirus guttatusrank: species
Benthesicymus iridescensrank: species
Synalpheus apioceroscommon name: camarón chasqueador rank: species
Hexapanopeus angustifronsrank: species
Euceramus transversilineatuscommon name: cangrejo porcelana rank: species
Spiropagurus occidentaliscommon name: cangrejo ermitaño rank: species
Euprognatha bifidacommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Panulirus inflatuscommon name: langosta azul rank: species
Notolopas mexicanuscommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Libinia rhomboideacommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Collodes tumiduscommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Hippolyte obliquimanusrank: species
Albunea lucasiarank: species
Axiopsis oxypleuracommon name: langosta de lodo rank: species
Othonia nicholsicommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Ozius verreauxiicommon name: cangrejo de piedra perforado rank: species
Libinia semizonalecommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Sicyonia disedwardsicommon name: camarón de roca, camarón japonés, camarón tiro al blanco rank: species
Pomagnathus corallinuscommon name: camarón chasqueador rank: species
Portunus sayicommon name: jaiba rank: species
Axianassa minerirank: species
Clibanarius vittatuscommon name: cangrejo ermitaño rank: species
Paradasygyius depressuscommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Stenopus hispidusrank: species
Callinectes sapiduscommon name: jaiba rank: species
Parthenope hyponcarank: species
Paguristes ulreyicommon name: cangrejo ermitaño rank: species
Epialtus crenulatuscommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Raninoides lamarckirank: species
Paguristes puncticepscommon name: cangrejo ermitaño rank: species
Armases cinereumrank: species
Petrolisthes polituscommon name: cangrejo porcelana rank: species
Portunus depressifronscommon name: jaiba rank: species
Ebalia cariosarank: species
Pontonia margaritarank: species
Synalpheus brooksicommon name: camarón chasqueador rank: species
Porcellana hancockicommon name: cangrejo porcelana rank: species
Pilumnus spinosissimusrank: species
Mithrax pleuracanthuscommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Danielum ixbauchacrank: species
Alpheus schmitticommon name: camarón chasqueador, camarón pistola rank: species
Hepomadus tenerrank: species
Uhlias ellipticusrank: species
Processa fimbriatarank: species
Portunus ventraliscommon name: jaiba rank: species
Panopeus obesusrank: species
Uca majorrank: species
Eurytium limosumrank: species
Porcellana magdalenensiscommon name: cangrejo porcelana rank: species
Processa wheelerirank: species
Hemus cristulipesrank: species
Neogonodactylus oerstediicommon name: camarón galera, camarón mantis rank: species
Synalpheus anasimuscommon name: camarón chasqueador rank: species
Teleophrys tumiduscommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Epialtus bituberculatuscommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Eucinetops rubellulacommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Munidopsis erinacearank: species
Macrocoeloma concavumcommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Zaops ostreusrank: species
Uca (Leptuca) leptodactylusrank: species
Persephona edwardsiirank: species
Glyptoxanthus felipensisrank: species
Synalpheus agelascommon name: camarón chasqueador rank: species
Munidopsis abbreviatarank: species
Periclimenaeus caraibicusrank: species
Munida milesrank: species
Munida irrasarank: species
Pseudosquilla veleroniscommon name: camarón galera, camarón mantis rank: species
Macrobrachium americanumcommon name: acamaya, camarón cauque, camarón de agua dulce, camarón de río, camarón popotillo, langostino rank: species
Phimochirus roseuscommon name: cangrejo ermitaño rank: species
Munidopsis politarank: species
Hippolyte nicholsonirank: species
Emerita benedictirank: species
Micropanope pusillarank: species
Scyllarides nodifercommon name: langosta zapatera rank: species
Dromidia larraburreirank: species
Psathyrocaris infirmarank: species
Ovalipes floridanusrank: species
Munidopsis longimanusrank: species
Paguristes limonensiscommon name: cangrejo ermitaño rank: species
Euphrosynoplax clausarank: species
Axiopsis hirsutimanacommon name: langosta de lodo rank: species
Periclimenes longicaudatusrank: species
Lysiosquilla glabriusculacommon name: camarón galera, camarón mantis rank: species
Ethusa americanarank: species
Eurypanopeus planusrank: species
Emerita talpoidarank: species
Ranilia constrictarank: species
Porcellana paguriconvivacommon name: cangrejo porcelana rank: species
Nannosquilla schmitticommon name: camarón galera, camarón mantis rank: species
Hypoconcha spinosissimarank: species
Lysmata intermediarank: species
Paralomis cubensisrank: species
Sicyonia pictacommon name: camarón cacahuete pequeña, camarón de roca rank: species
Hippolyte williamsirank: species
Armases ricordirank: species
Microcassiope granulimanarank: species
Acanthacaris caecarank: species
Libinia setosacommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Goniopsis pulchracommon name: cangrejo caraña de mangle, cangrejo rojo rank: species
Bathypalaemonella serratipalmarank: species
Panulirus graciliscommon name: langosta barbona rank: species
Metoporhaphis calcaratacommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Eurypanopeus confragosusrank: species
Panopeus bermudensisrank: species
Hexapanopeus orcuttirank: species
Cardisoma crassumcommon name: cangrejo moro sin boca rank: species
Hemus analoguscommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Benthochascon schmittirank: species
Panoplax depressarank: species
Micropanope nitidarank: species
Pilumnus gemmatusrank: species
Paraxanthias insculptusrank: species
Gastroptychus spiniferrank: species
Petrolisthes sanfelipensiscommon name: cangrejo porcelana rank: species
Sicyonia laevigatacommon name: camarón conchiduro intermareal, camarón de roca rank: species
Podochela hemphillicommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Sicyonia martinicommon name: camarón de roca, camarón de roca martín rank: species
Pseudosquilla bigelowicommon name: camarón galera, camarón mantis rank: species
Tomopagurus cokericommon name: cangrejo ermitaño rank: species
Hippa strigillatarank: species
Polyonyx quadriungulatuscommon name: cangrejo porcelana rank: species
Maiopsis panamensiscommon name: camarón araña gigante, cangrejo araña, cangrejo araña panamensis rank: species
Tyche emarginatacommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Glyptoxanthus erosusrank: species
Lysmata wurdemannirank: species
Processa hemphillirank: species
Synalpheus brevicarpuscommon name: camarón chasqueador rank: species
Acidops fimbriatusrank: species
Stenopus scutellatusrank: species
Hypoconcha arcuatarank: species
Pseudorhombila guinotaerank: species
Lissa tuberosacommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Trachypenaeus fuscinacommon name: camarón pinto rank: species
Munidopsis nitidarank: species
Minyocerus kirkicommon name: cangrejo porcelana rank: species
Pilumnus marshirank: species
Uca (Minuca) thayerirank: species
Phimochirus holthuisicommon name: cangrejo ermitaño rank: species
Macrocoeloma maccullochaecommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Paguristes sericeuscommon name: cangrejo ermitaño rank: species
Automate rectifronscommon name: camarón chasqueador rank: species
Percnon abbreviatumrank: species
Latreutes parvulusrank: species
Hepatella amicarank: species
Pseudomedaeus agassizirank: species
Parthenope fraterculusrank: species
Tetraxanthus rathbunaerank: species
Stenorhynchus yangicommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Arachnopsis filipescommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Pilumnus townsendicommon name: cangrejo peludo rank: species
Mithrax tuberculatuscommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Ericerus latimanuscommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Pseudosquilla marmoratacommon name: camarón galera, camarón mantis rank: species
Lepteces ornatuscommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Pachycheles sonorensiscommon name: cangrejo porcelana rank: species
Mithrax sonorensiscommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Pilumnus dasypodusrank: species
Ebalia stimpsonirank: species
Pericera contiguarank: species
Batrachonotus nicholsicommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Armases americanumrank: species
Euchirograpsus americanusrank: species
Platychirograpsus spectabilisrank: species
Alpheus ridleyicommon name: camarón chasqueador, camarón pistola rank: species
Pisosoma smithicommon name: cangrejo porcelana rank: species
Synalpheus fritzmuelleri subsp. elongatuscommon name: camarón chasqueador rank: infraspecificname
Hemisquilla ensigera subsp. californiensiscommon name: camarón galera, camarón mantis rank: infraspecificname
Synalpheus apioceros subsp. sanjoseicommon name: camarón chasqueador rank: infraspecificname
Synalpheus minus subsp. bahiensiscommon name: camarón chasqueador rank: infraspecificname
Macrocoeloma trispinosum subsp. trispinosumrank: infraspecificname
Uca (Leptuca) crenulata subsp. crenulatarank: infraspecificname
Plagusia depressa subsp. tuberculatarank: infraspecificname
Geographic Coverages
Bibliographic Citations
- Rathbun, Mary J. 1893. Descriptions of new genera and species of Crabs from the West Coast of North America and the Sandwich Islands. In: Scientific Results of Explorations by the U. S. ....... Proceedings of the United States National Museum. 933. (16). 223-260. -
- Rathbun, Mary J. 1898. The brachyura collected by the U. S. Fish. comission steamer Albatros on the voyage from Norfolk, Virginia, to San Francisco, California, 1887-1888. Proceedings of the United States National Museum. 1162. (21). 250-294. -
- Smith, S. I. 1870. Notes on American Crustacea No. I. Ocypodoidea. Transactions of the Connecticut Academy Arts and Sciences. (2). 113-176. -
- Ríos, R. & Carvacho, A. 1982. Caridean shrimps of the Gulf of California. III. Leptalpheus mexicanus, new species (Crustacea, Decapoda, Alpheidae). Journal of Crustacean Biology. 2. (3). 306-313. -
- Schmitt, W. L. 1924. The Macrura and Anomura collected by the Williams Galapagos Expeditin, 1923. Zoologica. 15. (5). 161-171. -
- Smith, S. I. 1869. Descriptions of a new genus and two new species of Scyllaridae and a new species of Aethra from North America. American Journal of Science. (48). 118-121. -
- Wicksten, Mary K. 1987. A New Species of Hippolytid Shrimp from the West Coast of Mexico. Bulletin Southern California Academy of Sciences. 1. (86). 27-33. -
- Williams, Austin B. 1986. Mud Shrimps, Upogebia, from the Eastern Pacific (Thalassinoidea:Upogebiidae). San Diego Society of Natural History. 14. 1-60. -
- Streets, T. H. 1871. Descriptions of five new Species of Crustacea from Mexico. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. 225-227. -
- Rathbun, Mary J. 1893. Scientific results of explorations by the U.S. Fish Commission Steamer Albatross. XXIV. Descriptions of new genera and species of crabs from the west coast of North. Proceedings of the United States National Museum. 993. (16). 223-260. -
- Rathbun, Mary J. 1910. The Stalk-eyed Crustacea of Peru and the Adjacent Coast. Proceedings of the United States National Museum. 1766. (38). 531-620. -
- Rathbun, Mary J. 1923. The brachyura crabs collected by the U.S. Fisheries Steamer "ALBATROSS" in 1911, chiefly on the west coast of Mexico. Bulletin American Museum of Natural History. 20. (48). 619-637. -
- Miers, E. J. 1877. On a Collection of Crustacea, Decapoda and Isopoda, Chiefly from South America, with Descriptions of New Genera and Species. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London. 653-679. -
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- Manning, Raymond B. & Chace, Fenner A. 1971. Shrimps of the Family Processidae from the Northwestern Atlantic Ocean (Crustacea: Decapoda: Caridea). Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 89. 1-41. -
- Chace, Fenner A. 1972. The shrimps of the Smithsonian-Bredin Caribbean Expeditions with a summary of the West Indian shallow-water species (Crustacea: Decapoda: Natantia). Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 98. 1-179. -
- Manning, Raymond B. 1969. Stomatopod Crustacea of the Western Atlantic. Studies in Tropical Oceanography. 8. 1-380. -
- Williams, Austin B. 1966. The Western Atlantic swimming crabs Callinectes ornatus, C. danae, and new related species (Decapoda, Portunidae). Tulane Studies in Zoology. 3. (13). 83-93. -
- Benedict, J. E. 1901. The Anomuran Collection Made by the Fish Hawk Expedition to Porto Rico. United States Fish Commission Bulletin. 2. (20). 129-148. -
- Schmitt, W. L. 1924. Report on the Macrura, Anomura and Stomatopoda, collected by the Barbados-Antigua Expedition from the University of Iowa in 1918. University of Iowa Studies in Natural History. 4. (10). 65-99. -
- Man, J. G. de. 1896. Bericht über die von Herrn Schiffscapitän Storm zu Atjeh, an den westlichen Küsten von Malakka, Borneo und Celebes sowie in der Java-See gesammelten Decapoden und Stomatopoden. Zool. Anz. 506. 1-296. -
- Gray, J. E. 1831. Description of the species of Porcellana in the collection of the British Museum. Zoological Miscellany. 1. 14-16. -
- Boone, L. 1930. New Decapod and Isopod Crustaceans from Gonave Bay, Haiti. Zoologica. 4. (12). 41-53. -
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