Workshop for analyzing data from a data portal

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14 décembre 2018
MG 1423 (BIFA3_023 workshop analyzing data)
Photo by Muhammad Imam Fadila licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0

To increase data usage, this workshop was held as part of the BIFA project The Biodiversity Theses Database and in collaboration with OWA IPB, one of their student body organizations, to promote using biodiversity data. Using the GBIF data portal, participants were introduced to biodiversity data from GBIF and how to use it for biodiversity research.

During the workshop, participants were shown to how download, sort, and clean data from GBIF for their research needs and were encouraged to develop their own question and hypothesis that could be answered using biodiversity data from GBIF.

As a result, participant's awareness on the existence of biodiversity data mobilization for further use in large-scale research was increased.

Reading Room of Biology Department in Institut Pertanian Bogor (Bogor Institute of Agriculture)
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14 décembre 2018