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Somatochlora alpestris (Selys, 1840)
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"type": "equals",
"key": "TAXON_KEY",
"value": "1430020",
"matchCase": false
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1kSwiss National Dragonflies Databank
25Norwegian Species Observation Service
23Entomology, Natural History Museum, University of Oslo
23Collection of various insect orders, Natural History Museum, University of Oslo
18Entomological collections, UiB
18Arthropod collection, Tromsø Museum
16Biologiezentrum Linz
6National Survey on Odonata
5Zoology (Museum of Evolution - Uppsala)
4NMNH occurrence DwC-A
3Insekten Sachsen
3BioFresh Pond Data
2Lund Museum of Zoology - Insect collections (MZLU)
2NINA Vanndata øvrige arter
2Données ONF Faune-Flore-Fonge
2Iberian Odonata distribution: data of the BOS Arthropod Collection (Univ. Oviedo, Spain)
2EDIT - ATBI in Mercantour/Alpi Marittime (France/Italy)
2Insect Arthropods (KIDR-IN)
2Ouellet-Robert entomological collection (QMOR)
- observation database
2Données ONF Faune-Flore-FOnge
1iNaturalist Research-grade Observations
1GEO-Hauptveranstaltung im Nationalpark Bayerischer Wald
1Interactive Database of Biodiversity Studies on Terrestrial Arthropod Animals of Korea
1GEO-Hauptveranstaltung (NLP Harz / Hochharz)
1Vom Gipfel ins Moor, Transekt im NSG Allgäuer Hochalpen